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Der Riese

"The Giant is rising. Face the might of the Nazi Zombies in their heartland. This is where it all began. This is where the master plan took shape. Is this where it all ends?" Der Riese description Der Riese is the fourth map in the Nazi Zombie campaign. It is takes features from the multiplayer map Nightfire. It is the first map where zombies can climb o er areas and !ump down from an area towards the characters. It introduces the "ack#$#"unch machine% which for a large fee% upgrades weapons to ha e increased ammo capacity% more power% etc. It is the second map where the power is re&uired to be switched on. Der Riese is the third map where "erk#a#cola machines are included% and the second where perk machines do not spawn randomly. Der Riese is the second map to contain hellhounds% which spawn with the zombies at later le els. It is the first map to ha e teleporters% the 'onkey bomb% the bowie knife% and the fly trap. It is the second map where the identity of the characters are known% and the second to ad ance the plot. It is the second to ha e a small ob!ecti e% which is turning on the power and connecting the three teleporters to the mainframe to access the "ack#a#"unch machine. Der Riese also features the new "(arpenter" power#up% which boards up all opened windows in the le el. In Der Riese% the creation of the zombies and hellhounds is e)plained. Dr. 'a)is was testing zombies for the go ernment pro!ect christened "Der Riese" or "*he +iant". *he problem was that they would always go berserk and try to kill him% resulting in their deaths. ,e was also testing teleporters by sending zombies through them% but they ne er reappeared at the mainframe. $ll of these e)periments were done with his assistant% -dward. .hen he used his daughter /amantha0s dog% 1luffy% as a teleporter test sub!ect% he accidentally created the first hellhound. *he dog was teleported% but like the rest of the sub!ects didn0t reappear at the mainframe. It did howe er reappear in a ball of electricity and mutated into a hellhound. .hen /amantha came running in and started &uestioning her dad about her dog% -dward left the room. -dward then betrayed him by locking him and his daughter in the room with the hellhound% which then killed them. $nd then another Radio message shows how after 'a)is and /amantha are killed by 1luffy% -dward let loose the Zombies on the 1actory% as on another radio message you can hear screams and the sounds of Zombies 'oaning and 2elling and $ttacking. ,ow more hellhounds were created is shown in another radio message. In it% 'a)is talks to his daughter about 1luffy0s pregnancy% which makes it possible that 1luffy became a hellhound while pregnant. 3ne of the characters% Dr. Richtofen% has ob iously been to Der Riese before and probably worked there. ,e knows about connecting the teleporters and about Dr. 'a)is. It has been decided that he is -dward. In another radio message in Der Riese% Dr. 'a)is is contacting higher command. ,e states that he needs more 445 for his e)periments and that the "Ne ada 6ase" has some. *he "Ne ada 6ase" is ob iously $rea 54% which is what one of the groups of numbers was the coordinates of in the message in /hi No Numa. *his makes $rea 54 a possible future le el% but because it would ha e players fight against zombies in $merica% it is unlikely.

Radio Messages
*hese radio messages seem to be recordings of e)periments that were performed at Der Riese. 1i e people can be heard within these messages7 Doctor 'a)is% -dward% /amantha% and two unknown men7 although another person named /ophia is mentioned in one of the messages. 1or a ideo of the radio messages% see e)ternal link. 'essages 8#9 will broadcast in order no matter where the player acti ates them because of the story they tell% but the others are radio specific. :*he player can hear message 8 from the location of message ;% but he<she can0t hear message = from the location of message >.?

Message 1
*he 'essage 4 radio can be found in the spawning room% beside a barrel on the right hand side of the descending stairs. It is a smaller hand#held radio% and Dr. 'a)is can be heard. Static. Dr. 'a)is@ Stand up. Zombie Groans. Dr. 'a)is@ Stand up Zombie Groans. Dr. 'a)is@ Good. !ook at me. "Snaps Fingers# $%er &ere Good. Now walk forward . Zombie Groans and shuffling footsteps are heard. Dr. 'a)is@ '(cellent. Further. )eep coming. Zombie groans* footsteps stop Dr. 'a)is@ It+s all right. Sta, there. Zombie groans* footsteps resume* onl, faster Dr. 'a)is@ -alm down. I order ,ou... Zombie attacks. Dr. 'a)is@ )ill it Gunfire. Zombie dies. Dr. 'a)is@ .ring me another.


Message 2
*he 'essage 8 radio can be found on a shelf at the stairs in the teleporter room behind the initial mystery bo) spawn point. It is a larger black radio that when acti ated plays the following@ Dr. 'a)is@ Initiating test number /* sub0ect is within the test chamber* acti%ate power. 1ower is acti%ated -dward@ $h* oh m, God Dr. 'a)is@ Get a hold ,ourself and clean that up Test number / unsuccessful* test sub0ect has been reduced to the same state as pre%ious sub0ects* clean up the test chamber and re2calibrate the s,stem !et+s do it again. -dward@ 3es* 4octor Static

Message 3
*he 'essage ; radio can be on a tilted#o er filing cabinet in the room abo e the main cremation o en. !oud static. 4og barks. Dr. 'a)is@ 'dward* tie the damn thing down. 5e can+t ha%e it running around during the test. 4og whimpers. -dward@ It+s tied down now* 4octor 6a(is. Dr. 'a)is@ Initiating test number 7. Sub0ect is within the test chamber. 8cti%ate power. 1ower is acti%ated. -dward@ Searching for %itals. No readings 4octor. 8nd* the sub0ect... has disappeared. 4octor 6a(is* we+%e done it Dr. 'a)is@ 4on+t be foolish Test number fi%e is unsuccessful. Sub0ect has %anished* ,es* but has not reappeared at the mainframe. 9ecalibrate the damn s,stem no2 Static.

*he final word in this message is presumed to be now but static cuts the w off.

Message 4
*he message 9 radio can be found in an empty cremation o en under *eleporter Z#$. It is on the right side ground floor when looking at the teleporter from the doorway. Static. Dr. 'a)is@ Initiating test number si(. Sub0ect is within test chamber. 8cti%ate power. 1ower is acti%ated. Dr. 'a)is@ 4amn it* 'dward 4id ,ou set up the de%ice correctl,? -dward@ 3es 4octor. 8s per ,our specifications. Dr. 'a)is@ If ,ou had done it to m, specifications then it would ha%e worked* wouldn+t it? 8s usual ,our incompetence has... 5hat? -dward@ 4o ,ou hear that* 4octor? Dr. 'a)is@ :uiet* ,ou fool. Test number si( is a failure* but the e(periment has caused some kind of electrical force to energize within the chamber. 5ell* open the door. -dward@ 4octor* I don+t think... Dr. 'a)is@ $pen the door now 4oor opens. 4og growls. /amantha@ 4add,* what are ,ou doing with Fluff,? Dr. 'a)is@ 4amn it* Samantha. I told ,ou ne%er to come in here. 'dward* get her out of here. -dward@ 3es 4octor. Samantha screams. /amantha@ 5hat+s wrong with her? 4add,* what did ,ou do? Fluff, Dr. 'a)is@ -ome back here. Samantha. Stop her 'as,. -ome here Samantha. Good girl hone,. Gentl, Samantha. That+s not Fluff, an,more. 5e must get out of here. 4oor closes. Dr. 'a)is@ 5hat? 'dward what are ,ou doing? $pen the door. 'dward. $pen this door now.

/amantha@ 4ad. I+m scared. Dr. 'a)is@ 4amn ,ou. Sta, b, me* Samantha. -dward@ Goodb,e* 4octor 6a(is. 1ower is acti%ated. 'dward laughs. Static. *his message allows the hearing of the creation of the ,ellhounds and e)plains why they appear in balls of electricity. *his shows the :presumed? deaths of 'a)is and /amantha. *his shows that /amantha is the girl that giggles when the teddy bear spawns% talks when a 'onkey 6omb is thrown :which was another one of her toys? into the furnace% and talks when the fly trap is acti ated% among other e ents. *he laugh -dward makes is ery similar to Richtofen0s% which is why it is speculated that Rictofen is -dward% e)plaining why Rictofen0s first name is ne er heard and why -dward0s last name is ne er heard either. It is also possible -dward and Richtofen both worked together to betray 'a)is and steal his research because there is a hidden note that says "-dward% It0s time to kill Dr. 'a)is."

Message 5
*his message can be found in the underground passageway off of the *eleporter Room Z#( behind the mystery bo). Static. Dr. 'a)is@ Sophia* this letter is to go to the 9eichstag &igh -ommand immediatel,. Gentlemen* it is with the utmost urgenc, that I draw ,our attention to the lack of funding being in0ected into The Giant pro0ect. 5hile I belie%e we are close to realizing the ultimate plan* we still ha%e se%eral ,ears of de%elopment before it is read,. It would be foll, to cut our e(penditure so earl, in our de%elopment. 8s ,ou know* earl, tests on the 4G2; ha%e easil, outperformed e(pectations and we full, anticipate mass producing the 5underwaffe within the ne(t few ,ears. 5ork on the matter transferer has howe%er come to a standstill. 5e simpl, do not ha%e enough 'lement <<7 to continue the e(periments. The test sub0ects ha%e sur%i%ed teleportation but are currentl, unresponsi%e to commands and cannot be controlled. If we are to o%ercome this obstacle we need to increase the fre=uenc, and size of the e(periment. To this end* I suggest we not onl, find not onl, a regular suppl, of <<7* but that we also find a larger conduit to channel the energ,. $ur operati%es in 8merica ha%e informed us that the >S ha%e a large suppl, of the element at the Ne%ada base* so time is of the essence if we are to sta, ahead of them. This cannot be done if ,ou cut the budget* nor can it be done if ,ou insist on pressuring us into action before we are read,. I am of course a%ailable for discussion of the matter but in the meantime* I will continue with the work here and tr, to win this damned war. Signed etc. etc. 4octor 6a(is Static. *his message shows that the Zombies originated from the teleportation tests. .hile it is possible that zombies were the initial test sub!ects% a zombie being "unresponsi e to commands and uncontrollable" would be of no surprise% while% say% a soldier

de eloping those attributes would be &uite notable. *he message also makes mention of $rea 54% although not directly% stating that they ha e a large amount of -lement 445. *his links to the co#ordinates of the base during the message of /hi No Numa. $lso in the /hi No Numa message is a reference to a Doctor 'a)% who may be Doctor 'a)is. /hi No Numa is most probably where 'a)is gained his supply of 445.

Message 6
*his message can be found across from the *renchgun spawn :outside teleporter Z# $?% abo e a door located to the right of the 'ystery 6o). It is a hand#held radio. /tatic. Dr. 'a)is@ Now* ,ou must be %er, diligent with her Samantha. $wning a dog is a great responsibilit,. /amantha@ 3es* father. $h* I lo%e her. Dr. 'a)is@ 3ou must feed her e%er, da,* and walk her* and be %er, careful when ,ou pla, with her. 3ou know she+s going to ha%e puppies. /amantha@ 9eall,? -an I keep the puppies too father? Dr. 'a)is@ 5e+ll see Samantha. $ne step at a time. Static *his message e)plains the origins of 1luffy% and that the other ,ellhounds are 1luffy0s children.

Message 7
*his message can be found near the bridge% as the player enters% go to the room Z#6% look at the left tank% the one with feet% and look down to the ladder% crouch% and press A% s&uare% or 1. Static. 'an 4@ .ut I+m all out of hope "cocks weapon#* 8uf 5iedersehen "goodb,e in German#* m, friend. Turns on teleporter* an alarm starts to blare. 0$ repeating message on the ".$. system@ 5arning* the shield is now acti%e* destro, the designated materials and report to the barracks* this is not a drill.? 'an 4@ 4ammit 2 I can+t find m, pills...the, are coming* I must do what I must do* "to himself# God forgi%e us all

chair scraping* choking noises can be heard* people can be heard all talking at once* some screaming* a zombie howl pierces the screaming. Gunshots are heard. Static.

"DammitB I can0t find my pills." *his phrase is refering to the the pills handed out to e eryone at Der Reise. *he pills are cyanide pills% meant to kill the person taking them. *he man in this recording is a scientist. *he player can find a body in the big canister the radio is stuck on. *he members of group C;5 were asked to take the pills if the zombies were to attack. .hen he says "I can0t find my pills"% the player can hear what sounds the scraping of a chair and the choking noises :possibly meaning that he hung himself?. *he player can see a hanging body when he<she walks on the balcony where the mystery bo) spawns if it is mo ed. *he player can see the legs dangling assuming that he hung himself although there is a body in the canister and the radio is ne)t to the canister. *his message e)plains what action was taken against the zombie outbreak% and also e)plains why all the scientists at Der Riese are dead.

Message 8
*his message is found in the game files% but the location of the radio in the map itself has not been found. :$lthough the message has been found in a hidden field manual page.? Static. 'a)is@ Gentlemen* allow me to take this opportunit, to welcome ,ou group nine three fi%e. This is a prestigious moment in the histor, of our race. 3ou represent the future of technological ad%ancement. 3ou are the pioneers of human disco%er,. In ,our hands lies the destin, of mankind. In our hands is a great power and with that power comes a price. 3ou ha%e %olunteered to be part of this great e(periment and with that decision comes the responsibilit, of absolute secrec,. No one is to know what ,ou do* where ,ou work* what our research has disco%ered* or what our purpose will be. 3ou will ha%e no further contact with ,our go%ernments or ,our families. 3our decision to full, dedicate ,our li%es to Group @/7 is absolute. In ,our lockers ,ou will find ,our field ops manual which will direct ,ou should our manifest get compromised. 5e cannot afford to let this power fall into the wrong hands and therefore the field ops manual should be considered ,our bible. 6ake ,our preparations now. 8 new dawn is beginning for mankind.

The Map
Starting Room/Mainframe

Der Riese is set in a secret Nazi 1actory in +ermany . It has se eral rooms within it. *he starting room is !ust outside the factory itself. *here are four barricades against the Zombies. *wo at either side of the mainframe% one to the side of the power generator% and one down a staircase. *here are two doors that lea e the starting room and lead to the right<left factory rooms. In This room: 1ack2a2punch 6achine 2 7AAA points per use* locked until power is turned on and all / teleporters are linked.+ Gewehr 43 - 600 points Kar98k - 200 points 6ainframe 2 used to connect teleporters* all teleporters lead here 9adio 2 .eside a barrel under a ledge near the entrance to the staircase barricade Right a!tor" Room $fter opening the door on the right there is a door to the right hallway. *here is a railing abo e in which the Zombies can !ump down from. *here are also two barricades in which Zombies can break through. *here is also a door that will open when the electricity is turned on% connecting this room to the mystery bo) spawning room. *here is a locked door leading to the right hallway. In This room: 4ouble .arreled Shotgun 2 <;AA points Right #a$$%a" &#angar' $fter opening the door in the right factory room% players come in here. In here there is a staircase leading to a bo) barricade. *wo barricades are in here. In This room: Thompson 2 <;AA points 6,ster, .o( Spawns at the far wall ad0acent to the furnace. 6onke, bomb 2 in the furnace* onl, there after fl, trap is acti%ated (eft a!tor" Room $fter opening the door on the left% there are two barricades and a door leading to the left hallway. *here is also a door that will open when the electricity is turned on% connecting this room to the mystery bo) spawning room. In This room: 6<8< -arbine 2 BAA points Fl, Trap Tedd, .ear 2 In a window up high onl, there if the fl, trap is acti%ated (eft #a$$%a" &)nima$ Testing (a*'

$fter opening the door in the left factory room% the player will come to this hallway. It contains the trench gun and three barricades. *here is a staircase leading to a bo) barricade and another locked door leading to *eleporter $. In This room: Trench Gun 2 <7AA points 6,ster, .o( Spawns across from Trench Gun Tedd, .ear with Cuggernog and -2/AAA .<atche72 In a cage near to the right of the Trench Gun onl, there if the fl, trap is acti%ated Spinal cord 2 two of them are sitting across from each other on a desk and on top of some shel%es 9adio 2 8bo%e door to the right of the m,ster, bo( spawn Te$eporter ) Room &+enerator room' In the Deft ,allway is a locked door% this door leads to this room. It contains the first of three teleporters. *here is also two barricades in here. In This room: 61DA 2 <AAA points 6,ster, .o( Spawns in front of the teleporter 9adio 2 $n the lower le%el in the furnace near the right staircase Te$eporter , Room &-hemi!a$ testing room' $fter opening the locked door in the Right 6alcony% the player:s? will enter a room containing yet another *eleporter. It contains 8 barricades which zombies can access. In This room: T,pe <AA 2 <AAA points 6,ster, .o( Spawns in the doorwa, to the left if facing teleporter. Spinal -ord 2 on a desk beside the barricade in the side room 9adio 2 8cti%ated b, hitting the +use+ button when aiming at one of the ladders of the contained with a bod, floating in it M"ster" ,o. Spa%ning Room/-o/rt"ard $fter opening either bo) barricade in either hallway% the player appears on a balcony and a section !ust outside the factory. If the player !umps off the roof% they will come across the mystery bo)% sitting ne)t to the power generator. *here are doors leading to *eleporter Room ( and *eleporter Room 6. .hen the power is turned on% a bridge folds down connecting the two balconies and the room connects with the left and right factory rooms. *here are many barricades in this area. In This Room: (eft ,a$!on": Cugger2Nog 2 ;7AA points .ouncing .etties 2 <AAA points Right ,a$!on": 4ouble Tap 9oot .eer 2 ;AAA points

9adio 2 $n a tipped filing cabinet left of the door to Z2. Main -o/rt"ard: 1ower Switch is behind the Generator 6,ster, .o( Spawn+s in front of Generator 0/ter area &0/tside a!tor"': FGD; 2 <7AA points Speed -ola 2 /AAA points Te$eporter - Room &Main fa!tor" area' $fter opening the door in the 'ystery 6o) spawning room% it leads to a building in the factory. Inside the building% the final *eleporter lies. *here is also a set of stairs where a barricade is blocking Zombies approaching from a ca e. *here is a balcony outside and is used to fire down on Zombies approaching the building. *he balcony is also a good spot to hold out at% as all zombies can come in from one direction and the height offers the players a good iew on how many zombies are mo ing in. there is a glich in this room it works best with *.3 people one person stands against the back wall in the tunnel nad the other person lies down and craws up to the first piller :nearest to the hole in the floor by the &uick re i e? abo e them and then stands up if done right all the zombies should go to the teleportor. the person ne)t to the piller cant get attacked form anywhere but the window in the room. the person in the tunnal steps off the wall and all the zombies should go to them if you they get too close when you step back on the wall they still attack. In This room: :uick 9e%i%e 2 <7AA points STG2DD 2 <;AA points .owie )nife 2 /AAA points 6,ster, .o( Spawns at the end of the catwalk abo%e .owie )nife 9adio 2 two of them are in here* one on a shelf in front of the staircase and another one at the end of the underground alle,

*his is the third map using electricity% but the second which re&uires it to be switched on. It is necessary to switch on the electricity so that the teleporters can be linked so that the "ack#a#"unch 'achine can be used. It is also necessary for opening the doors in the right and left factory rooms% lowering the bridge connecting the right and left hallways% and powering the "erk#a#(ola machines.

Dinking the teleporters re&uires the player to approach it and hold the action button. $fter doing this a timer will appear% starting at ;E seconds% counting down. .ithin this time the player must return to the original room :spawn room? and link it to the mainframe. 3nly by linking all three teleporters to the mainframe can the "ack#$# "unch machine be used. - ery time a teleporter is linked% the door opens a little more. It costs 45EE to teleport% and teleporting can only be accomplished by going from one

node to the mainframe% ne er ice ersa or to another node. /ometimes% the demonic girl announcer will say "uh#oh" and no power#up will be dropped. It is then possible for a ,ellhound to appear after the teleporter is used. $fter hea y use of the teleporters% groups of up to eight ,ellhounds can appear at once after each teleport% either along with or replacing a power#up drop. *his becomes more likely as the rounds progress% and can e en happen while the teleporters are being linked. If the player goes outside of the map% a large black rectangular bo) can be seen. If reaching the inside% the same swirl that appears when the player teleports appears. It is here that the player is sent instead of directly to the mainframe. *here are four of these rooms% one for each player. If someone went inside of these bo)es% and someone were to teleport% the person teleporting would see the person inside the bo). It is also &uite possible the player is sent here in with collision off :so the player won0t fall?% as the weapon is put away.

,ellhounds walk about the map% limping or in a wolf hunting fashion until they spot players% at which point they ignite and attack. *he 'onkey 6omb does not work on ,ellhounds. $fter round 45% ,ellhounds will spawn with the with the zombies.$fter hea y use of the teleporters% ,ellhounds appear and attack. $t first% one ,ellhound may appear instead of a power#up. *hen% clusters of up to eight ,ellhounds begin to appear% and will continue to appear after e ery subse&uent teleport. It is possible for both a power#up and a &uartet of hounds to spawn after a teleport. .hen the dogs are walking% they are in ulnerable to all weapons% e)cluding the .underwaffe% or the electro#shock barriers. ,itting a dog with anything else will cause it to start sprinting. $ dog0s health will not increase after round 8E or so. *hey will a$%a"s be killed by two 6owie Fnife hits :one on the first two wa es?% or a single magazine of a non upgraded *hompson. ,ellhounds can be killed in a ma)imum chain of 9. *he ,ellhounds of Der Riese are somewhat easier than the ,ellhounds of /hi No Numa since they start out limping so that the players can get a good shot on them before they start charging.

$ll the original pick#ups appear in this map% along with a new one% (arpenter. Insta# Fill and Double "oints both last for ;E seconds.
6a( 8mmo :$ bandolier? ## +i es all players full ammo for all guns. Note@ *his will not refill the players curent magazine. Nuke :$ nuclear bomb? ## Fills all of the zombies on the map. :$lso gi es 9EE points to each player? Note that there is a delay between getting the Nuke% and the zombies dying. Insta2)ill :$ skull? ## 'akes all of the zombies a one hit kill with any weapon. *he player will recei e 44E points per kill :4EE and 4E% separately?. If the player knifes the zombie% and the zombie would of died from the knife if insta#kill were not acti e% then the player recei es 4;E points from the kill. 4ouble 1oints :$ "A8"? ## Doubles all points gi en to all players when killing a zombie or rebuilding a barrier. -arpenter :$ hammer? which rebuilds all windows in the map. :$lso gi es 8EE points to each player% if any windows were fi)ed?

$fter teleporting a random pick#up is sometimes dropped% or 4#9 ,ellhounds are spawned :as the round number increases% the likelihood of nothing% or dogs spawning becomes greater?.

1aster 1ggs
*o find the musical -aster egg the player needs to press the action button on the ; green glowing !ars that appear to ha e spines in them. 8 of the !ars are in the animal testing lab% and the third one is near *eleporter 6% in a side room. *he song is 6eauty of $nnihilation. *here is no specific order in which these need to be done. Near teleporter 6 going onto the balcony% in the destroyed building across the street7 legs of a hanging person can be seen :similar to hanging people on pre ious two maps?. If shot% feathers seem to come out. *here is a readable message inside an air conditioning unit on the lower side of the bridge that lowers with the power. It is iewable by looking through a crack in the unit with a "*R/0s scope. It reads@ "In the e ent of any critical failure% you are instructed to take your cyanide tablet that0s included in your field operations kit. In the e ent that you ha e misplaced yours% there are se eral methods that will accomplish the same task. 1or e)ample% the best..." :end of page.? $nother book can be seen outside of the map. It appears to ha e the page prior to this page. It reads@ "It is the responsibility of absolute secrecy. No one is to know what you do% where you work% our research has unco ered% or what our purpose will be. 2ou will ha e no further contact with your go ernments% or with your families. 2our decision to fully dedicate your li es to +roup C;5 is absolute. $ttached is your field operations manual which will direct you should our mission get compromised. .e cannot afford to let this power fall into the wrong hands% and therefore the field operations manual should be considered your bible. 'ake your preparations now. $ new dawn is beginning for mankind. Dr. D. 'a)is" In addition to this message% there are se eral messages written on the walls that can be clearly seen. In the alleyway on the right :facing away from the "ack#a#"unch machine? there is a distinct shadow of an upright teddy bear on the wall. In the starting area if looking down% one of the drains to the left of the stairs% a note with random symbols on it can be found. *hose symbols say "-dward it0s time to kill 'a)is". *hrowing a 'onkey 6omb into the furnace will make it scream. $fter it e)plodes% /amantha says ".hy are you so cruel to 'r. 'onkeyG 'r. 'onkey !ust wanted to "D$2B" 3pening the door to the right from where the player spawns% by the Double#6arreled /hotgun% looking down% the player should see some wood panels. $ few panels will be broken and inside there is a note. :6est read when playing solo mission% and lea e a crawler.? *he message reads@ " produced by bombarding an $mericium#89; nucleus with a (alcium 9H nucleus. It then decays :writing is blurred?... after further decay a meta#stable isatope is formed. *his leads us to belie e that transference of matter is indeed possible% and e en the re# animation of b... :faded% but it is presumed to be beings?" -lement 445% Inunpentium% is made by combining $mericium and (alcium together. .ritten near the doors leading to the teleporters on the walls is a message reading "Return *hrough $ether". "$ether" is greek for "hea en" *he room with the Juick Re i e has a sign at the entrance that says "D. 'a)is% 'D 3ffice" showing that that room was Dr. 'a)is0 office and he was the head scientist. 3n the roofs of some buildings% the words "help" and "/3/" are isible. *hey seem to be formed from sand bags and planks. If a player goes up to a perk machine and goes prone in front if it they will recei e a free 85 points% possible from change underneath the machine% this can only be done once per player% per machine. In the underground tunnel near *eleporter Z#(% there is a gold pla&ue behind the staircase reading "Dud ig 'a)is" In the *hompson Room% there is a brick that will sink into the ground and re ealing a note if pressed and holding the use button while looking at it. :It0s a small% differently colored brick at the end of the big pile of rubble underneath the *hompson?.

In the Z#( teleporter room under the platform of the teleporter there is a broken piece of wood which reads -N+. Near teleporter Z#6 there is a similar sign reading +-R. Dastly there is another sign by teleporter Z#$ reading 1R$. It may be that these stand for -ngland% +ermany and 1rance. *his perhaps indicates where each teleporter was intended to transport the user to% if not to the mainframe. In the Z#6 teleporter room there is a torn note which translates "*he bees disappeared from Dudwigs illage. " *his is interesting% as the bees must be a reference to the zombies% as both tra el in large groups. Dudwigs illage is ob iously Der Riese% because Dudwig is Dr Dud ig 'a)is% and Der Riese was his operation. *his means that the zombies disappeared from Der Riese% and went out into the world causing ha oc. *his e)plains how the zombies got away from Der Riese% their place of origin% and ended up in places such as .ittenbau /anitorium :Kerruckt? and /hi No Numa. $t the Luggernog machine% there is a sign that reads@ "Insuper ised (hildren will be instantly sold to the circusB". *his sign is also found in Kerruckt. $t the 'ystery 6o) location near the *rench +un there is a sign which has ; bulletpoints. *he first one reads "Did not resist in "aris". *he other 8 bulletpoints or so far unknown to what they say. *his may be connected with the "aris photo noted below. $t the *rench +un 'ystery 6o) spawn% behind the mystery bo) is a board% with lots of torn notes and pictures. *here is a picture of a Zombie in front of the -iffel *ower in 1rance. *here is also a picture of a ,ellhound. $nother picture shows a horde of zombies% presumably escaping from Der Riese. $ll the chalkboards ha e the words "-)periment C;5 was a success" written in -nglish. It also reads things such as ",2-N$% -dward I know it was you% why won0t it work any more." In the Z#( teleporter room there is a board with "die glocke ist !etat 'alaile" :translation@ the bell is now mobile.? pinned on the upper left% and "folgen /ie dem +esamtplan" :translation@follow the entire plan? pinned on the bottom right. In the *rench +un hallway% there is a door with a danger sign and a ,ellhound0s head on it. *here is also a lot of blood on the floor here% and as such this is thought to be the room where Dr. 'a)is and his daughter /amantha were killed by the first ,ellhound7 pre iously /amantha0s pet dog 1luffy. 3ne of Richtofen0s &uotes7 "1luffy% is that youG"% is a reference to 1luffy. $t the bottom of the ca e in the starting area there are codes that read 0li ing dead0. *here are also se eral locations of books around the map :the field manual?.

I$$/minati -odes
*he Illuminati (odes are codes can be found in arious areas in Der Riese% all writen on wooden boards. *here are 9 Illuminati (odes.
6oard 4 # Di ing Dead 6oard 8 # -dward is $li e 6oard ; # *reyarch 6oard 9 # *o community% the fans% and our families. *hank 2ou. .e /hall Return.

*he 'onkey bomb is a new weapon in Der Riese. It is a (ymbal#6anging 'onkey *oy that has what appears to be dynamite attached to its back. It is used by pressing the secondary grenade button. .hen thrown% the distraction cause the zombies to crowd around it until it e)plodes. "erk#a#cola machines and -lectro#/hock Defenses return in this map.

*he "ack#a#"unch machine% which can upgrade the players weapons% is featured in the map. .hen upgraded% the weapons ha e a new platinum#es&ue finish with what seem to be engra ings on it and are upgraded to make them more effecti e. *he 6owie Fnife is another new weapon. .hen bought% it takes the place of the normal knife. It is a one#hit#kill weapon% up to% appro)imately% Round 48% and costs ;EEE points to purchase. *eleporters ha e been added too. In order to acti ate them% a player must go to one teleporter% acti ate it% then &uickly link it to the mainframe. *he players ha e a stopwatch at the top left corner of the screen that indicates how much time the players ha e left to link it to the mainframe. If the players succeed% the players can teleport from acti ated pads to the mainframe. *he map uses some en ironmental elements from Nightfire. *he 1+#98 is now a weapon that can now be bought off the wall for 45EE points. *o use the "erk#a#(ola machines% the power must once again be re#acti ated% like in Kerruckt. *urning on the power also has the side effect of lowering the bridge and opening two doors that link the left and right areas. 3n the pause screen% a map of the le el will appear% unlike the pre ious maps. Zombies can now climb certain ledges and fences. *he 'ystery 6o) is once again pointed at by a trail of light from the sky. *his time% howe er% the light is blue and comparati ely harder to spot% let alone tell where the bo) is. $lso due to the higher buildings and close bo) respawn areas the bo) may be hard to pin#point to unseasoned players. *here is a solar eclipse occurring in the map when playing in a full#screen game mode% but when playing /plit#screen two player% it0s around 'idnight.

.affenfabrik Der Riese% the words seen on the wall at the beginning of the trailer% are +erman for "$rms 1actory # *he +iant". *he sign is toward the ,anger while in the 'ainframe area. In reality% a factory named Der Riese is belie ed to be where the original "Die +locke" was made. 6reslau% the location of Der Riese% is the +erman name for .rocMaw% a city in modern#day "oland. It is a series of se en underground structures linked together. Richtofen% Dempsey% *akeo and Nikolai are the playable characters. :,ow they sur i e is somewhat re ealed from the trailer. $t the beginning *ank is heard asking if e eryone0s okay% and Nikolai complaining that he feels like he needs to throw up. $fterward% Richtofen tells Nikolai it is a side effect. It could be assumed that they were somehow teleported to the factory.? - ery fully upgraded weapon seems to ha e a red flash when fired% e)cept for the '8 flamethrower% "anzershreck and the (olt '4C44. .hen a player uses a teleporter% words or phrases written on the walls in the le el can show up% as well as close ups of zombies0 heads and the picture of Richtofen seen in the loading screen for /hi No Numa. *he zombies appear dirtier and more corpse#like than pre ious zombies. (rawlers now !ump and grab planks of wood to break down barricades. *he man in the first image released bears a slight resemblance with the man in the co er art of the game. .hen obtained on this map% the Ray +un seems to ha e electricity flowing through the front area of the gun :a sign that this weapon and the .underwaffe are powered in the same manner?. *he phrase said by the 'onkey 6omb :"+et ready for a surpriseB"? is a reference to the 4CCE $rnold /chwarzenegger film Total 9ecall in which a bomb disguised as a fake head says the e)act same line before detonating. $t the start of the game% it is possible to hear a oice similar to the oice reciting the coordinates in the radio message in /hi No Numa say ".arning. "ower le els critical ...shutting ...down." getting deeper and more garbled up as it goes on. It is suggested that Richtofen had pre iously worked in the factory% and may ha e e en helped create the teleporters% as well as being confirmed to be one of the creators of the zombies :see

&uotes?. *his would make sense% as he also created the .underwaffe% which was created in the same factory. *his is the only map where the ,oly "istol can be used without cheats. *o get it% the '4C44 must be upgraded in the "ack#$#"unch machine :named the (#;EEE 64$* (,;5?. If the player gets the Ray +un out of the 'ystery 6o)% it will look redder than in all the other Nazi Zombies maps. *his probably happens because of the dark lighting of Der Riese. In the room with the 6owie Fnife with the catwalk there is a *eddy bear paw printed in blood. If going down the catwalk there is a window to the left with flashing blue that can be seen through the 6arrier. 3n the power switch% there is a lower arm !ust like the one from KerrNckt. /ome of the zombies can be seen to do a "loose" ersion of the goose step% a march used by the Nazis. *he &uote said by Dempsey when he kills a zombie with a flamethrower :"- erything burnsB"? is a reference to the 8EEH film Dark Fnight in which *he Loker says the e)act same line. In the trailer% each one of the characters uses one of their nation0s<country0s weapons. 1or e)ample% Dempsey uses an '4 (arbine% Nikolai uses a ""/h#94% Richtofen uses an /*+#99% '"#9E% and an '+98 and *akeo uses a *ype 4EE% but he also uses the 6rowning '4C4C% an $merican weapon. 6ehind the draw#bridge on the wall% there is the unfinished ,el:p? sign% which had pre iously been written on a door in Nacht Der Intoten ,elp is written in other places% too% such as on the right side on the first floor behind the crematorium. *here is another help written on the left passage to the original mystery bo) spawn. .hen playing on this le el% one0s A6o) Di e +amercard will list said person as 06athing in Nazi Zombie 6lood.0 *his is almost certainly a reference to Richtofen0s &uote "I lo e to bathe naked... in your bloodB" which he will randomly say after killing a zombie. .hen the (olt '4C44 is "ack#a#"unched and shot% the player will get pushed back like the Ray +un. In the bottom left corner of the map of Der Riese that appears while the game is loading% there is a finger% and in the top right corner% there is an eyeball. +renades are a lot more powerful on this map than on any of the preceding maps% making it impossible to create a crawling zombie before round 9. 'ore often than not% the last zombie of each round will start to run faster than normal% which was probably intended to make it harder to create a "crawler" for players to a oid while they re#stock and re#barricade unmolested. Interestingly enough% the timer that appears when a teleporter link is initiated will always count down from ;E seconds # despite the announcer stating that ":the players? ha e 85 seconds to link to the mainframe". *his is because by time the announcer gets to the time in his announcement it0s down to 85. *here was going to be a perk#a#cola machine called $mm#3#'atic% but it was taken away at the last second. 3n the moon% there is a red glowing spot. It may be a meteor containing -lement 445 :like the one featured outside of the map in /hi No Numa?. In *eleporter Room Z#6% in the left of the large canisters% there is half a body isible. .hen using cheats% it can seen that the other half of the body doesn0t e)ist. In the room where there is 4 brain stem and blackboard in the roof there is a note that reads "*o faithful ser ant% *he seed has been planted% obser e and report% 'a)is must not know. In teleporter Z#$ a metal door can occasionally be heard slamming. .hen carrying only the (olt '4C44 upgrade it% player will recei e a second% standard% '4C44 in addition to the (#;EEE :upgraded (olt '4C44?. It has been speculated that once the fly trap is acti ated% the game becomes harder. *he ticking clock in the 'ain (ourtyard reads 4@45% perhaps referring to the -lement 445. Der Riese0s loading map is full of &uestion marks most lead to hidden notes yet some are yet to be disco ered. they may also be where the perks#a#cola were supposed to spawn. if you look at the design% it is different than the actual map% suggesting that treyarch changed the map design at the last minutes along with remo ing the $mm#3#matic. this is also backed up by

flying through walls :mods on consoles% cheats on pc? and noticing your in what looks like something that was an unfinished room. $pparently the players are fighting to clear Der Riese not to sur i e like the other Nazi zombies maps.*his is e ident by *anks &uote" let0s get this done." If e eryone is &uiet% the players can hear what might be little kids singing. *his noise happens to be near !uggernog. *his noise can be heard in /hi No Numa also. *hey can be heard in these ideos@ http@<<<watchG OFf *g4dm!E'#% http@<<<watchG OFAge>kt4cIEPfeatureOrelated -lement 445 on the actual "eriodic *able of -lements refers to the element Inunpentium. It is placed as the hea iest member of group 45 :K$? although a sufficiently stable isotope is not known at this time that would allow chemical e)periments to confirm its position. $lso the actual element was disco ered in 8EE9. Note that inside the $utomobile +arage looking around% there isn0t really a way for an "automobile" to get inside. *here is a large garage door to the rear of it% but the furnace blocks any means to an actual auto entering. /tanding on top of the 'ystery 6o) in it0s first spawn point% the player can slightly hear music playing. *he reason why music is heard% has not yet been confirmed. *hrough a window% near the hanging man0s building% there is a message in a doorway reading@ "*eddy is a liar" 3n the Der Riese map% there appears to be a bulb from the .underwaffe. "robably because Der Riese is where the .underwaffe was created. 3n /olo 'ode% it is impossible to play as any character other than *ank Dempsy :same as /hi No Numa?. 6eside the mainframe platform% there is writing that says "-mbrace the trinity :three teleporters? and power will be yours". :"ack#a#"unch 'achine? If the player connects all three teleporters they will unlock the "ack#a#"unch 'achine. *he 1lytrap game can be started with a knife $ctually on closer inspection the clock actually says 8@45 *here a some links in the 6lack 3ps trailer that link to a possible continuation to the story line

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