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Teens Organize Benefit Concert By Jenna Davis Shortly after Superstorm Sandy hit, two teens from Toms

River, manda !acperows"i and Sara Brilliant, decided that they wanted to ta"e matters into their own hands and help# $Since the hurricane destroyed a lot of homes and our friends% houses are gone and the &oardwal" is gone, we figured it would &e really fun if we put together a &unch of good &ands and &rought the community together to help raise money,' Brilliant said# The two girls &onded over their love of music and decided that the &est way to raise money and lift spirits simultaneously was with a &enefit concert# Though, o&viously not on the scale of the ()*()*() concert held to &enefit Sandy victims, this concert was a little more special# !acperows"i and Brillian, who were +ust (, and (- at the time, planned a concert from top to &ottom without any prior e.perience or help# They &oo"ed some of their favorite &ands and a venue and started promoting# $/e were so scared that no one would ta"e us seriously &ut when they found out it was for Sandy Relief we had people +umping at the chance to volunteer their services and time#' !acperows"i said# That show too" place Dec# ( )0() and successfully raised more than 1(2,000 to donate to the 3ew Jersey musement ssociation%s 4irst5Responder Relief 4und and a relief fund set up &y Toms River Regional Schools#

Since the first successful show, the teens planned and e.ecuted another successful &enefit concert in 6ay and are currently in the midst of planning one for 3ovem&er# are especially e.cited a&out the upcoming event# This show, to &e held 3ov# 7 at 8emingway9s Cafe in Seaside 8eights, is going to revolve around a 8alloween theme, giving those who are too old to tric" or treat a chance to still dress up in fun costumes# $: love that the fans will get to show their creative side, and : +ust thin" it%s going to &e a lot of fun# 8opefully we%ll see all the &ands dressed up too' manda said# :n addition to fun attire, the girls have planned a lineup that is sure to please, consisting of 4ountain Blvd#, Radio ctivity, le. Costa, Strong Soul, and 8ollywood ;nding# The girls of 4ear the <ier =formerly <ier <ressure> are more determined this time around to raise even more money &ecause of the recent fire in Seaside 8eights# They are devastated &y the tragedy and the organization is personally affected &y it, losing more than 17,000 worth of merchandise that was &eing sold in Seaside store fronts to continue raising money# $The fire changed our thin"ing process# :t has actually &rought more people in that want to help# nd although this concert will still &e a one year anniversary in honor of hurricane sandy show the money will &e donated to those affected &y the fire ' !acperows"i said# 8oping to ma"e amends for some people%s losses !acperows"i and Brilliant are doing everything they can to ma"e this show their &est and most helpful one yet# Donations to 4ear the <ier can &e made &y donating through <aypal to username fearthepiern+?gmail#com, and tic"ets for the 4ear the <ier 8urricane Sandy Benefit Concert can &e &ought at fearthepier#event&rite#com# manda and Sara

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