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Ejemplos de Preguntas

Question 1 You will see: 1. You will hear: 2. Look at the picture marked number 2 in your test book. (A) Hes driving a truck. (B) Hes opening the door. (C) Hes washing a car. (D) Hes cleaning the carpet.

Part II: Question-Response

Directions: Now, you will hear a question or statement followed by three responses. Choose the best response to each question or statement. Example Now listen to a sample question. You will hear: Good morning, John. How are you? You will also hear: (A) I am fine, thank you. (B) I am in the living room. (C) My name is John. The best response to the question How are you? is choice (A), I am fine, thank you. Therefore, you should choose answer (A).

Sample Answer A B C D
You will hear: 1. Look at the picture marked number 1 in your test book. (A) These are houses. (B) These are farms. (C) These are cows. (D) These are horses.

Question 1 You will hear: (Man B) What are you doing after dinner? (Man A) (A) A large pizza. (B) On the table. (C) Studying. Question 2 You will hear: (Man) When does the train leave? (Woman)(A) At 2:05 (B) A ticket. (C) The next stop. Question 3 You will hear: (Woman) Mary doesnt wear glasses, does she? (Man) (A) The class is in Room 4. (B) No, she doesnt need them. (C) No, its made of plastic. Question 4 You will hear: (Man A) Did you see that history program on TV last night? (Man B) (A) No, I was busy. (B) Maybe Ill meet him tomorrow. (C) Yes, there was.

Question 2 You will see: 2.

Ejemplos de Preguntas 11

Ejemplos de Preguntas
Part III: Short Conversations and Short Talks
Directions: Now, you will hear fifteen short talks or conversations. In your test book, you will read a question followed by four answers. Choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet. Example (Short Conversations) You will hear: (Man) Do you have any children, Mrs. Wilson? (Woman)Yes, we have a boy whos three and a girl whos six. (Man) They must keep you very busy. You will read: How many children do the Wilsons have? (A) Two. (B) Three. (C) Five. (D) Six. The best response to the question is choice (A), Two. Therefore, you should choose answer (A).

Question 1 You will hear: (Woman) Your attention, please. The area in front of the terminal is for picking up passengers only. Cars left there will be removed. You will read: Where is the announcement being heard? (A) In a restaurant. (B) In a supermarket. (C) At a doctors office. (D) At an airport. Question 2 You will hear: (Man) Have you seen my keys? (Woman) No, have you lost them? (Man) Yes, I cant find them anywhere. You will read: What is the mans problem? (A) He has lost his keys. (B) He doesnt have a job. (C) He cant find his car. (D) He has nothing to wear. Question 3 You will hear: (Man)

Sample Answer A B C D

Im sorry, but all passengers must get off the bus here. The driver says theres a problem with the motor. Another bus will be here to pick us up in half an hour so we can continue our trip. You will read: What was the problem? (A) There are too many passengers. (B) The bus is having engine trouble. (C) There is a lot of traffi c. (D) The bus took the wrong road. The best answer to the question is choice (B), The bus is having engine trouble. Therefore, you should choose answer (B).

Example (Short Talks) You will hear: (Man)

You will read:

The Central City Furniture Store is having a big clearance sale. Every bed, sofa, table and chair is reduced in price. But please hurry, because the sale ends on Friday. What is on sale? (A) Food. (B) Furniture. (C) A store. (D) A house.

Sample Answer A B C D

Question 4 You will hear: (Man A) I think wed better get a taxi, dont you? (Man B) Yes, the show starts soon, and we dont have time to wait for the bus. (Man A) Lets go to the taxi stand by the station. You will read: How will they get to the show? (A) By bus. (B) By train. (C) On foot. (D) By taxi.

12 Ejemplos de Preguntas

Ejemplos de Preguntas
Section 2: Reading Comprehension This is the reading section of the test. There are two parts to this section. 4. Kate visited the art gallery with ------- sister. (A) her (B) she (C) hers (D) shes 5. Dr. Smith was ------- happy to hear the news. (A) special (B) much (C) very (D) over

Part IV: Incomplete Sentences

Directions: This part of the test has incomplete sentences. There are four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D), under each sentence. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then mark your answer on your answer sheet. Example Please turn off your computer at the ------- of the day. (A) ends (B) ending (C) end (D) ended The sentence should read, Please turn off your computer at the end of the day. Therefore, you should choose answer (C).

Part V: Reading Comprehension

Directions: The questions in this part of the test are based on reading materials such as notices, letters, forms, and advertisements. Choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Then mark your answer on your answer sheet. Read the following example. Example

Sample Answer A B C D

NOTICE CAFETERIA CLOSED Will reopen Monday, June 5

1. Maurice is one ------- my best friends. (A) in (B) of (C) from (D) with 2. The teacher asked Naomi to ------- on the lights. (A) raise (B) give (C) reach (D) turn 3. Andre and Juan are planning to take a ------- to Greece this summer. (A) way (B) distance (C) travel (D) trip

What will happen on June 5? (A) The workers will take a day off. (B) The cafeteria will open. (C) The prices will go down. (D) The school will close. The notice says that the cafeteria is closed and will open again on June 5. Therefore, you should choose answer (B).

Sample Answer A B C D

Ejemplos de Preguntas 13

Ejemplos de Preguntas

Questions 34 refer to the following notice.

Questions 12 refer to the following advertisement.

Job Openings
Part-time jobs available at Margate Hotel near shopping center. Kitchen staff, waiters, bellhops, drivers needed. Wages range from 8 to 10 per hour. For further information, call the assistant manager at 555-0174.

The Francisburg Department of Recreation is sponsoring a day trip to the amusement park in West Hills. The trip is part of the departments program of summer activities for young people ages 8 to 14. Buses for the event will leave from Central Primary School, the Philipsburg Swimming Pool, and from the train station at 8:00 a.m. on July 20. For more information or to make a reservation, contact the Department of Recreation.

1. What is the advertisement for? (A) Hotel employment (B) Training courses (C) Restaurant food (D) Hotel rooms 2. What should you do to get more details? (A) Pay 8. (B) Talk to the kitchen staff. (C) Telephone the assistant manager. (D) Write to the newspaper.

3. What event is being announced? (A) A swimming competition (B) A visit to an amusement park (C) An annual school picnic (D) An opening ceremony at the train station 4. What is the purpose of the event? (A) To provide an outing for children (B) To raise money for new recreation facilities (C) To teach children how to swim (D) To ride the new inter-city train

Answer Key

1. D 2. C

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A

1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D

1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. C

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A

14 Ejemplos de Preguntas

Cuestionario TOEIC Bridge y Hoja de Respuestas

Con la finalidad de proporcionar mayor informacin de apoyo y retroalimentacin a los clientes y examinados de TOEIC Bridge, el programa solicita que usted complete nuestro Cuestionario durante la sesin del examen, antes de rendir la prueba.

Cdigo de Grupo
El administrador de su examen podr pedirle que ingrese un nmero en la pgina 1, seccin 5 de esta hoja de respuestas. Este cdigo de grupo es utilizado por los clientes TOEIC Bridge y les permite hacer un seguimiento de los resultados alcanzados por un grupo de examinados, cuando estos hayan rendido el examen dos o ms veces como parte de un programa especfico de capacitacin de ingls. El administrador del examen le indicar el nmero que usted deber ingresar en la seccin de cdigo de grupo, en el caso de haber sido solicitado por su organizacin.

Cuestionario TOEIC Bridge

El cuestionario TOEIC BRIDGE hace preguntas sobre su formacin, situacin laboral, manejo del idioma ingls y experiencia como examinado de TOEIC Bridge. Las respuestas que usted entrega permitan a su organizacin conocer ms antecedentes sobre las personas que rinden el examen y conocen algunos de los factores que podran afectar su puntaje TOEIC Bridge y su avance en el manejo del idioma ingls. Las respuestas entregadas son confidenciales y no inciden en el puntaje TOEIC Bridge alcanzado. Deseamos incentivarle a responder todas las preguntas. En las pginas 16 y 17 de este manual, usted encontrar una muestra del cuestionario.

Cdigos Personalizados
El administrador de su examen podr pedirle que ingrese un nmero o nmeros en la pgina 2, seccin 12, de esta hoja de respuestas. Estos cdigos personalizados sirven para hacer seguimiento de los resultados de examinados y grupos de examinados especficos de TOEIC Bridge. El administrador le indicar cul es el nmero o los nmeros que usted deber ingresar bajo la seccin de cdigos personalizados, de haber sido solicitado por su organizacin.

Hoja de Respuestas
Podr encontrar una muestra de la Hoja de Respuestas en las pginas 18 y 19 de este manual.

Si su nombre (apellido o primer nombre) tiene acentos, usted debe completar la parte superior de la seccin 1 en la pgina 1 de la hoja de respuestas. Sobre las casillas que usted debe completar con su nombre, aparece una seccin que contiene los acentos necesarios. Usted deber rellenar el crculo que corresponde al acento requerido sobre cada letra que lleva un acento.

Si usted tiene preguntas o dudas sobre al Cuestionario y la Hoja de Respuestas TOEIC Bridge, rogamos que dirija sus preguntas al administrador de su examen.

Cuestionario 15

Cuestionario TOEIC Bridge y Hoja de Respuestas

ETS TOEIC Bridge Cuestionario
1. Cul de las siguientes situaciones se acerca ms a su situacin actual? a. Contratado(a) (horario completo/horario part-time) b. Estudiante (Sin empleo) c. Otro Qu importancia le dara usted a las siguientes habilidades de ingls para sus estudios o en su trabajo? Elija una respuesta para cada una de las habilidades. 5. Comprensin auditiva a. Es importante b. Tiene cierta importancia c. No es importante

2. Seleccione entre las siguientes opciones, el nivel educacional o grado acadmico ms alto alcanzado hasta la fecha. a. Educacin Bsica b. Educacin Media Incompleta c. Educacin Media d. Colegio Comercial/Tcnico e. Instituto Tcnico f. Instituto Profesional / Universidad (Bachillerato) g. Pregrado

6. Comprensin de lectura a. Es importante b. Tiene cierta importancia c. No es importante

7. Hablar a. Es importante b. Tiene cierta importancia c. No es importante

3. Qu edad tiene? a. 15 o menor b. 15-19 c. 20-24 d. 25-29 e. 30 o mayor

8. Escribir a. Es importante b. Tiene cierta importancia c. No es importante

4. Cuntos aos estudi ingls durante su educacin bsica, media y superior? a. Menos de 1 ao b. 1-2 aos c. 2-5 aos d. 5-10 aos e. Ms de 10 aos

9. Anterior a este examen, cuntas veces ha rendido el examen TOEIC Bridge? a. Nunca b. Una vez c. Dos veces d. Tres veces e. Cuatro o ms veces SI USTED ES ESTUDIANTE O NO TIENE EMPLEO, HA FINALIZADO SU CUESTIONARIO. DAMOS LAS GRACIAS POR SUS RESPUESTAS. SI USTED TIENE EMPLEO, POR FAVOR, CONTINUE CON EL CUESTIONARIO EN LA

16 Cuestionario

Cuestionario TOEIC Bridge y Hoja de Respuestas

SIGUIENTE PGINA. 10.A cul de las siguientes categoras corresponde su actividad? a. Ejecutivo, Administrativo, Gerencial b. Profesional, Tcnico, Cientfico c. Marketing y Ventas d. Soporte Administrativo, Soporte de Oficina e. Servicios f. Mecnica, Instalaciones y Reparaciones g. Construccin h. Produccin i. Transportes y Traslado de Materiales j. Encargados de Despacho, Ayudantes y Obreros k. Fuerzas Armadas

11. Cul es su rango dentro de la empresa? a. No gerencial / Sin personal a cargo b. Con personal a cargo c. Gerencial

12. Cuntos aos ha estado usted en la empresa actual? a. Menos de 2 aos b. 2-5 aos c. 5-10 aos d. Ms de 10 aos

13. Qu tiempo dentro de su lugar de trabajo habla usted ingls? a. 0-10% b. 11-20% c. 21-50% d. 51-100%

Cuestionario 17

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