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Children, Horses and Art

Mission Statement:
Recognizing that we are entering an age of cooperation and collaboration the
experience between horse and human has been and will continue to be an important part
of the current evolution of humankind. Bridging the gap between the natural and
mechanized world, horses are a means of co-creation, artistic expression and creativity.
This collaboration is fostered using a plethora of experiences that are best facilitated by
our equine companions. The vehicle of experience and collaboration is driven by
creativity and art, with inclusivity being the creative momentum.
Art drives both the seen and unseen world and propagates itself through beauty,
meaningful activity, production and profound relationships. Art is self-sustaining and
directs individuals to ideals and dreams greater than the sum of its individual parts. By
incorporating horses, those dreams take flight. These creatures draw us to an essential
part of our nature that has the same timeless quality of painting, sculpture, or a fine piece
of music. At the same time art redefines and recreates an age old relationship
(horse/human) into something unique and fresh. Art being defined as theatre, theatrical
performance with horses, writing, inspired by the imagination of being around horses,
and sculpture, an interaction of horse with time, space and form. It is here that a special
evolution exists not only for the humans but for their equine counterparts.
Equine-time, space, place, and local direct our very senses, propelling us to a new and
more profound sense of self. Horses help us define our self-concept and create a direct
sense of touching love itself. It is from this depth of love that we know the feeling of
loving something larger that ourselves and yet loving a creature that requires our care,
tenderness, is itself something a bit fragile. While being with the horses a glimpse of a
former epoch slips into the arena and we are drawn to a dance with time and
timelessness. Drawing on the profound nature of the horse, humans are given the
opportunity to experience a pure sense of visual sustenance, and the strata of power
contained within a form that on its own is overwhelming. We are propelled inward to
examine the core of our being and its relationship of power to this force. The source of a
horse itself feels unknown and unknowable. This is also the source of art and creativity;
that untapped fountain from which we seek to understand the depths of our unfathomable
A call has been issued from the galaxies and all are called unto this new age of
understanding. There is a frontier far greater than the known world and it is declared as a
spyglass into the unseen realms. Certain animals have been given charge to be the
transporting agents and are waiting for such an awakening. They are both the guides and
the volunteers of the visions. Inasmuch as I would like to reveal exactly the means by
which this will unfold I am told that this must evolve from human craft and creativity and
will incorporate the vehicle of the horse. Aspects of human cruelty and intolerance will
be unraveled and reconciled by such collaboration with the end result being a new and
greater model for the future of humanity. Equine language will be commonly understood
and will be incorporated into the future reconciliations of all human actions. Resultant
guides throughout the galaxies will participate and pave paths of awakening.

The facility includes classroom space, four riding arenas, and a large central performance
arena. All around the riding facility are the grounds where horses are housed and turned
out on large acreage. The horses are kept in close proximity to the facility as their input
at all times is valued, as is their energy and presence.

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