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>in 1951 libya was the poorest country in the world before the nato invasion libyans enjoyed

the highest standards of living in afri ca >ahead of russia brazil and saudi arabia >in libya homes are considered a human right >newly married couples recieve 50000 >and electricity is free to all people >qaddafi vowed to house every libyan before his own parents he kept his promise and his ownh father died before he was able to be housed >before Qaddafi less than 20% could read or write now education is free and highy standards >healthcare is also free and high quality and if libyans cannot find the education or healthcare they need in libya they get the money from the goverment to go abroad and get what they want or nee d >all loans are interest free 0% by law >all loans are interest free 0% by law >if a libyan buys a car the goverment pays 50% of the price >the price of gasoline is 0.14 USD >any libyan wishing to become a farmer is given... free use of land, a home equipment livestock and seeds. on 1st july 1.7 million people assembled in green square, tripoli to show defian ce against the nato bombings in libya >this represented around 95% of the people in the capital >and about 1/3rd of the entire population of libya The libyan central bank is state owned & unlike all banks in the west... >is not owned by rothschild & issues debt free money in 1990's the libya was accused of being responsible for the lockerbie bombing o f panam 103 >it has transpired that the uis paid witnesses at the trial 4 million$ each to t estidy agaionst the accused libyan men. >they were paid to lie Qaddafi was also working to change payment for libyas oil away from the US dolla r into the african DINAR, based on how much gold a country owns. this move prompted sarkozy to call libya a threat to the financial security of m ankind >One of the first acts of the libyan rebels was to create a new central bank... One that was not owned by rothschild, like all the western banks are The rothschild family is estimated to own over half of the worlds wealth >Rothschild owned banks create money out of thin air & sell it to the people at

interest >this means we never have enough money to pay back what is 'owed' >So we & our unborn children are made debt slaves to the rothschild banking inte rests. Unlike our leaders, cameron, obama, sarkozy et al, Qaddafi refuses to sell his p eople out Libya was DEBT FREE. Libya has what we westerners had not. They had a leader who had integrity and courage, who worked for their best inter ests. A true leader. A hero.

Lemme tell you a little something of how your goverment work. >jews own the >banks which own the >jewmedia which lies to >the people in order for a >jewpresident to get controll of the >military If your goverment want something, the bankmen at the top will tell its media to report this and that' while the own people goes and does something else. Like Al-Qaeda, a mercenary troop owned by The USA, which they use to disguise th emselves as citizens and then shoot and rile up the people and goverment, then i n swoops USA and cries >you're hurting your people >we will go in and kill you and replace your nazigoverment with our mercenaries and american politicians >we help And the rest of the world swallows it because usually they cut their infrastruct ure, rendering them unable to call for help, or tell the world what is really ha ppening. >libya This new mercenary group needs to be scary >let them blow up a tower or two, we can blame it on the muslims >give them more publicity >most wanted

And they can easily stage things like shootings in schools, or the bamman shooti ng >bamman Ffs the guy didnt even remember himself doing it

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