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CLAUDIA LARS Brannon Carmen Vega ( real name ) was born in Armenia , Sonsonate, El Salvador , on December 20, 1989

. Is Salvadoran writer who has achieved national recognition for its high quality and refined lyricism. Published in American Repertory those years led by Costa Rican writer Joaqun Garca Monge and Zig zag , Chile. He has always placed him on a par with Gabriela Mistral, with whom he maintained a close friendship , and Joan of Ibarborou . He was for many years director of the journal Culture, Ministry of Education. He received many awards, including include: the Fourth Centenary of the City of San Salvador, National Competition of Culture and the Floral Games of Quetzaltenango . Work published : Stars in the well, 1934 ; Song Round , 1937, The Glass House , 1942 ; Romances of North and South, 1946 ; Sonnets, 1947 ; City under my voice , 1947 , where the steps come 1953; School birds, 1955 Story of a truth , 1959; Earth childhood , 1958 Songs, 1960, Sunflower , presence time, 1962, on the angel and man, 1963, from sunrise fine , 1966; Our pulsating world, 1969 , selected Works , ( selection of Matilde Elena Lpez ) , 1973-1974 ; latest Poetry, 1975, His best poems ( David Escobar Galindo selection ) , 1976; Complete Poetry I, II , (Selection Carmen Gonzalez Huguet ), 1999 .

MIGUEL ANGEL ESPINO Writer, journalist and Salvadoran lawyer Name Miguel Angel Espino Born December 17, 1902 Originally from Santa Ana, El Salvador Died October 1, 1967 Mexico DF , Mexico Miguel Angel Espino was a writer, journalist and lawyer Salvador (Santa Ana December 17, 1902 - Mexico City on October 1, 1967 ) . content family Born into a family of writers, was brother of the young lyric poet Alfredo Espino , author of the anthology Jcaras Sad and his maternal grandfather Don Antonio Najarro (1850-1890) , he published the poetry Ecos del Alma . He married Dona Maria Luisa Nieto. Literary work During the 20s , he worked as a journalist in newspapers of the time: Daily news and newspapers . He joined the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the University of El Salvador in 1921 , in 1927 he traveled to Mexico to work in the Diplomatic Delegation of the country , there would have to complete his doctorate in law at the National Autonomous University of Mexico UNAM in 1928. Was devoted to narrative , from his youth. At age 17 he published Mythology Cuscatlan collection of ancient Indian legends . He also published a collection of short stories entitled Sing Like There (1926). Also published two novels : Trains (1940) and Men Against Death ( 1947) , his most renowned work , set in Belize , both of which were translated into English and French. The Government of El Salvador awarded him in 1948 , a literary award, for his work Men Against Death.


Alfredo Espino was a Salvadoran poet. Born in the Department Abroad , western El Salvador , in the year 1900. son of Henrietta Najarro , teacher by vocation, and Alfonso Espino , poet , grew up in a home that breathed poetry and love of art, his brother Miguel Angel Espino also grew to become artist pen but the branch of prose.

Jurisprudence Study at the University of El Salvador . He received his Ph.D. in 1927.

He died in San Salvador, May 24, 1928 .

His unique book Tristes Jcaras , collection of 96 poems , published posthumously by several friends and under the approval of Alberto Masferrer, is one of the most published books in his country , its author is the most widely read and discussed but not studied or analyzed in its expression.

It has a delicate poetic , sought to capture his homeland with a lyrical vision, which he presented in a simple style , easy to grasp , therefore , no formal complications wrote sonnets, and free verse romances .

ROQUE DALTON Roque Dalton Garca (San Salvador, 14 de mayo de 1935 - 10 de mayo de 1975) fue un poeta y poltico revolucionario de El Salvador. Hijo del inmigrante estadounidense Winnall Dalton, quien estaba casado con Ada Ulloa, y de la enfermera salvadorea Mara Josefa Garca, Roque Dalton fue educado con los jesuitas en el Colegio Externado de San Jos. Viaj a Santiago de Chile en 1953, para estudiar Derecho, aunque volvi a San Salvador a continuar sus estudios. En 1957, con otros estudiantes salvadoreos, visit la URSS para participar en un festival internacional de jvenes. Durante el mismo conoci al revolucionario nicaragense Carlos Fonseca, fundador del FSLN, al poeta argentino Juan Gelman y al poeta turco Nazim Hikmet. Perteneci al Crculo Literario Universitario (1956), junto a Manlio Argueta, Roberto Armijo, Jos Roberto Cea, lvaro Menndez Leal y Tirso Canales. Dalton es considerado una de las voces ms influyentes de la Generacin Comprometida. Encarcelado en 1960, fue liberado en octubre de ese ao, al ser derrocado el presidente Jos Mara Lemus. Roque Dalton recorri el mundo viviendo en Mxico, Checoslovaquia y en Cuba. Roque Dalton tiene en su honor haber escrito por primera vez en el pas sobre la conformacin social y econmica que describa con cruda realidad la situacin sin dejar escondido nada y sin ser amable con los culpables de la situacin. Obras: La ventana en el rostro (1962), El turno del ofendido (Mxico, 1964), Miguel Mrmol (Costa Rica, 1972?), Pobrecito poeta que era yo... (Costa Rica, 1975), Monografa sobre El Salvador (La Habana, ?), Taberna y otros lugares (Premio Casa de las Amricas 1969), Poemas clandestinos (El Salvador, 1975), Historias prohibidas del pulgarcito (Mxico, 1975), Un libro rojo para Lenin (pstumo; Managua, 198?). Es el creador de la pieza potica Poema de amor, donde narra en forma amena la historia de los salvadoreos, en todo tiempo y lugar, que ha sido convertido en el himno nacional verdadero para las mayoras, sobre todo las que se encuentran fuera de El Salvador.

LVARO MENENDEZ LEAL lvaro Menndez Leal (lvaro Menn Desleal) naci en la ciudad de Santa Ana, el 13 de marzo de 1931. Ingres a la Escuela Militar General Gerardo Barrios, de la cual fue expulsado cuando cursaba el tercer curso (1952), debido a un poema "subversivo" que public en La Prensa Grfica. Ingres a la redaccin de El Diario de Hoy (enero de 1953), rotativo en el que colaboraba desde 1950. En agosto de 1953, fue detenido y fichado en el cuartel central de la Polica Nacional, acusado de conspirar contra el rgimen del teniente coronel scar Osorio. Realiz una gira como boxeador peso mosca por las arenas de Guatemala y las del Mxico provincial, hasta que lleg a debutar en la Arena Metropolitana del distrito federal. De su primera estancia en este pas eman un poemario existencialist a, titulado El extrao habitante (Mxico, 3AM), iniciado en marzo de ese mismo ao y publicado en San Salvador, diez aos despus. En agosto de 1955, reingres a la redaccin de El Diario de Hoy y dirigi, por corto tiempo, las breves, crticas y humorsticas secciones Paso doble y Paso ganso, as como las pginas de Filosofa, arte y letras creadas por el finsimo poeta Ricardo Trigueros de Len. El 7 de septiembre de 1956 fund Tele-Peridico, el primer noticiario televisivo de El Salvador, transmitido al medioda y en horario nocturno por YSEB canal 6. Durante sus meses iniciales, bajo el patrocinio de la casa comercial Freund, este espacio televisivo cont con un Suplemento cultural o seccin dominical de promocin para las artes y las letras, as como con un peridico anexo, impreso en la ciudad de Mxico mediante la tcnica del rotograbado. Despus, Menndez Leal cre Tele-Reloj, un espacio noticioso que fue transmitido por YSEB canal 6 y YSDR canal 8, en sus horarios del medioda mientras que Teleperidico ocupaba las transmisiones nocturnas. En mayo de 1957, retom la direccin de las pginas literarias dominicales de El Diario de Hoy. En 1961 se inscribi como estudiante en la carrera de Sociologa de la Facultad de Filosofa y Letras de la Universidad de El Salvador (UES).

DAVID ESCOBAR GALINDO David Escobar Galindo ( October 4, 1943 ) is a poet , novelist and Salvadoran jurist born in Santa Ana, El Salvador . He holds a PhD in Law and Social Sciences, a graduate of the University of El Salvador , Founder and President of the University " Dr. Jos Matas Delgado " and a regular columnist for the newspaper La Prensa Grafica . Between 1990 and 1992 he participated in the government negotiating Commission of the peace process that ended the Civil War in El Salvador .

It is a full member of the Salvadoran Academy of Language , winner of the Floral Games of Quetzaltenango , Guatemala on branch Poetry in 1980,1981 and 1983 , and has been named Son Meritsimo City of Santa Ana

It is considered one of the most prolific and recognized Salvadoran literature authors. His published work includes cleat ( 1975) , The Book of Lilian (1976 ) , penitential Sonnets (1980 ) , Tree without Truce (1996 ) , poems in War Prayer (1989 ) Deer and Hummingbird (1996 ) and the novel a Crack in the Water ( 1972). He has also prepared various anthologies as The Tree of All , Reading nas Spanish America (1979) and Salvadoran Patriotic Pages ( 1988).

Pedro Geoffroy Rivas (Santa Ana, September 16, 1908 - San Salvador, November 10, 1979 ) was a poet , anthropologist and linguist Salvador .

Rivas, studied at UNAM in Mexico . It was a remarkable linguist and anthropologist . His poetic work marked a landmark in Salvadoran poetic development . In 1944 he founded and directed the Salvadoran newspaper " La Tribune " . During his exile he lived in Mexico City . Rebellious , individualistic, almost anarchist , poet incorporated in his poetry the freedom to express himself openly without fear or money prosasmos " antropocentric os" , the latter does not exist for him whenever poet who hit the floor . His work is influenced by Pablo Neruda, but still , there are moments when Rivas strikes a very personal chord, and his poetry becomes lucid excited presence of a poet who knows how to say your message. Member of the Salvadoran Academy of Language

Works [ edit]

* Poetry: or Songs in the Wind ( 1933). or Rumbo (1935). To sing or Tuesday ( 1935). o Only Love (1963 ) or Yulcuicat (1965 ) . Exile or Notebooks or grandchildren of the Jaguar ( 1977) or life , passion and death of antihero (1978 )

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