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CONVICTION (AKA BETTY ANNE WATERS) An original screenplay by Pamela Gray



FADE IN: 1 EXT. TRAILER - AYER, MASSACHUSETTS - DAY - WINTER, 1980 A PINK TRAILER sits on a rural lot. Silence. Slowly we begin to hear THE SOUNDS of late morning -- children playing in the b.g., birds, a wind chime. We MOVE IN, through the trailer's PORCH DOOR, through the PORCH, then through the FRONT DOOR with WHITE BLOOD-STAINED CURTAINS. We float in and see BLOOD-STAINED DRAPES. We move to a BLOOD-COVERED DINING ROOM WALL and then into a KITCHEN: a FAUCET RUNNING... a WET, BLOODY TOWEL in the sink... a GAS STOVE BURNER left on... a CHAIR OVERTURNED... BLOOD on the countertop... BLOOD SPLATTERED on SPICE JARS... a SMASHED TOASTER on the floor, BROKEN PIECES. A BLOOD-STAINED WASTEBASKET tipped over, near it we see a BLOODY PARING KNIFE. Into the HALLWAY where an open LINEN CLOSET has been ransacked, the SHEETS and TOWELS stained with BLOOD. One perfectly white TOWEL on the HALLWAY FLOOR. Peer into what appears to be a sewing room. A CAT lies asleep on a chair. Float past a BATHROOM with BLOOD-STAINED WET TOWELS on the floor and a BLOOD-STAINED CONTOUR RUG around the toilet. FOLLOW BLOODY FOOTPRINTS on THE HALLWAY FLOOR into the MASTER BEDROOM. BLOOD on the carpet. A BED with SLASHED BLOODY PILLOWS, A BLOOD-SOAKED BEDSPREAD, BLOODY SHARDS of a BROKEN CERAMIC LAMP BASE. An intact, matching LAMP on a NIGHTSTAND; the other NIGHTSTAND is empty. Float over to the FLOOR next to the bed: A CAVED-IN LAMPSHADE... more pieces of a SMASHED LAMP... a glimpse of a GREEN/BLUE SWEATER, a FLOWERED NIGHTGOWN... a WOMAN'S BLOODY HAND SLASHED OPEN. A glimpse of the WOMAN'S HEAD, lying in a pool of BRAINS AND BLOOD. We float up to a BEDROOM WINDOW above the body; THROUGH THE WINDOW we follow a hill ascending from the rear of the trailer and find a weather-beaten WHITE NEW ENGLAND FARMHOUSE. Pre-lap: the SOUND OF CHILDREN yelling. 2 INT. BARN - AYER, MASSACHUSETTS - DAY - SUMMER, 1966 KENNY WATERS (9), a cute boy in a crewcut, LEAPS on top of BETTY ANNE WATERS (6), his tomboy sister, knocking her to the dirt as they wrestle in a "RING" -- a rope tied around four posts. 2 1



They're dressed in their own version of "pro" wrestling attire: Kenny wears a ragged bath towel as a cape, and his Jockey shorts outside his pants; Betty Anne wears a one-piece bathing suit over her pants and a pair of old boots. BOY (O.S.) Good one, Kenny! GIRL (O.S.) Get 'im, Betty Anne! Get 'im! A chubby, curly-haired boy (9) and a tiny girl (5) in a sun dress cheer from the sideline; the girl rings a COWBELL. No! BOY Don't ring it till the end!

Betty Anne scrambles out from under Kenny and STRAIGHTARMS HIM IN THE FACE. He staggers back, then tries to hit her but she ducks it. This is not make-believe -these kids are tough. Through the open barn doors we see the WHITE NEW ENGLAND FARMHOUSE we saw earlier, dirt-poor with a rickety porch. BACK TO THE WRESTLING MATCH: Kenny gets Betty Anne in a headlock and starts swinging her around, whooping like an Indian. Betty Anne -- in mid-swing, feet off the ground - punches him in the stomach. Kenny screams and releases her. Betty Anne comes up with a forearm, catching him in the nose. KENNY'S DOWN. Betty Anne leaps on top of him, pinning his shoulders. The other little girl cheers and rings the bell like a crazed Salvation Army Santa. BOY (CONT'D) Get up, Kenny! Get up! GIRL Yay Betty Anne! BETTY ANNE One... two... BOY (to girl) Stop ringing the goddamn bell! BETTY ANNE THREE! Betty Anne jumps up and down, fists raised in triumph. Kenny sits up, wipes his bloody nose.



INT. FARMHOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY Kenny stands on the counter and opens every cabinet, looking for food in almost-bare cupboards: a few canned goods, a near-empty box of saltines, vinegar, etc. Betty Anne looks in the fridge: a piece of rotten fruit, one egg, a milk bottle with a few drops, three six-packs of beer. She peels the plastic off the last piece of American cheese. O.S. AN OLD TRUCK ENGINE ROARS TO LIFE. Kenny and Betty Anne look at each other: They have the same thought.

EXT. FARMHOUSE - DAY Betty Anne and Kenny sprint down the driveway chasing an old pick-up truck. As it hesitates by the road they hop onto the passenger side running board, hiding from the drivers view as the truck swings out onto the tarmac.

EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - AYER, MASSACHUSETTS - DAY The PICK-UP barrels past the PINK TRAILER - now pristine and new - Kenny and Betty Anne cling to the side of the truck, loving every minute.

EXT. AYER, MA - ROAD - DAY The two kids hunker down as the pick-up crosses through AYER, a faded New England mill town, depressed and depressing. Once-quaint dilapidated houses... overgrown lawns with rusty tricycles -- a startling contrast to the children's idyllic farm. We see small-town STORES, a CHURCH, A LIBRARY, THE PARKWAY DINER, the POLICE STATION. Betty Anne lifts up her t-shirt, licks a spot, then wipes the blood beneath Kenny's nose.

EXT. FEED STORE - AYER - DAY The pick-up pulls up in front of an OLD FEED STORE. BEN DAVENPORT (GRANDPA) (65) -- once strong, now beaten down -- exits the truck and makes his way into the store. Once the coast is clear, the children hop off the truck and run across train tracks toward a small GROCERY STORE.



INT. "FOOD MART" GROCERY STORE - DAY Betty Anne keeps an eye on the clerk while Kenny deftly swipes a grocery bag.

EXT. "FOOD MART" GROCERY STORE - REAR - DAY Kenny holds open the empty bag, staring up at a rear window. Suddenly, PACKAGES OF CANDY, CAKES AND COOKIES fly out of the window and Kenny catches them.


INT. "FOOD MART" GROCERY STORE - REST ROOM - CONTINUOUS ON THE BACK OF BETTY ANNE as she stands on the toilet, throwing the goodies out the window.



EXT. PINK TRAILER - DAY Years before the crime scene, the trailer looks shiny and new, sitting alone on a rural lot.



INT. PINK TRAILER - DAY The interior is pristine, newly decorated: a bowl of oranges, a vase of flowers, tied-back lace curtains, sun rays spilling in. WE HEAR A WINDOW being opened: a little boy's hand pushes it up and Kenny climbs inside. He hoists Betty Anne up. Both kids stare in awe. BETTY ANNE It's so beautiful.



INT. PINK TRAILER - DUSK The CAMERA PANS the wreckage the kids have made of the trailer -- candy wrappers, sandwich fixings, spilled milk, an open refrigerator. We continue down the narrow hall towards THE BEDROOM; we hear their voices, O.S. BETTY ANNE (O.S.) I hope our place is this nice. KENNY (O.S.) Ahh, we're not living in no trailer. We're gonna have a mansion with a hundred rooms. FIND THEM snuggled together on the bed, eating sandwiches and candy.




BETTY ANNE And TEN refrigerators filled with candy -KENNY And our own private lake. BETTY ANNE Lake Betty Anne and Kenny... KENNY (an old routine) Lake Kenny and Betty Anne. BETTY ANNE I said it first! KENNY I'm older! As they argue, Kenny starts a tickle fight; they're both laughing hysterically. 14 INT. PINK TRAILER - DAY (LATE AFTERNOON) BETTY ANNE and KENNY are asleep on the bed. O.S. BANGING startles them awake. They jump up, scrambling for their shoes. OFFICER BOISSEAU (O.S.) (banging on door) POLICE! COME OUTTA THERE, HANDS RAISED! MRS. BROW (O.S.) (heavy German accent) I saw the window open and I didn't know if the robbers they are still inside -OFFICER BOISSEAU (O.S.) Lee -- go around back. Just stay out here, Mrs. Brow. We'll take care of it. (banging on door) Open up in there! Police! Kenny almost has the bedroom window open when he sees the cop, LEE, outside. Kenny grabs Betty Anne and rushes to the front door just as BOISSEAU bursts in with his gun trained on them. Kenny instinctively covers Betty Anne with his own body. They all freeze. Then: OFFICER BOISSEAU (CONT'D) (relieved) Goddamnit! What I tell you kids about trespassing?! 14



MRS. BROW (30), quietly attractive, steps inside. Children?! MRS. BROW Children did this?!

As Boisseau reaches for the kids, Betty Anne KICKS HIM in the groin; he doubles over in pain. She and Kenny dash out, running past Mrs. Brow. 15 EXT. TRAILER - DAY (LATE AFTERNOON) Betty Anne and Kenny run towards the woods; Lee catches up and grabs Betty Anne. She screams, kicking him. BETTY ANNE KENNY!!! Kenny stops and sees the cop with his hands on Betty Anne. He picks up a ROCK AND THROWS IT. HEY FAT ASS! AH! KENNY YOUR MOTHER'S A DIRTY HOOKenny cheers. 15

The ROCK hits Lee in the head. Ow!

LEE You little bastard!

Lee grabs Betty Anne like a kicking bundle under his arm and heads towards Kenny. When Kenny sees his sister being manhandled, his intense rage is like an adult's. KENNY AAAAHHHH! He charges the cop, attacking him, beating at his face. Lee lets go of Betty Anne and tries to restrain Kenny, whos out of control. KENNY (CONT'D) YOU DON'T TOUCH MY SISTER! DON'T YOU TOUCH MY SISTER! Betty Anne jumps on the cop, trying to get him off Kenny. Boisseau comes out of the trailer. KENNY (CONT'D) (to Betty Anne) RUN!




Betty Anne runs and the two men restrain Kenny, throwing the small boy face down into the dirt. MRS. BROW steps from her trailer door, enraged, and yells at Kenny. MRS. BROW You are very bad boy! Evil boy! you pay for what you do! 16 I make

EXT. FARMHOUSE - PORCH - DAY (LATE AFTERNOON) The two cops hold Kenny -- squirming, dirt-covered, with dried blood on his shirt -- opposite RAY (30's), a freeloader with a beer and cigarette, and BEN ("GRANDPA"). OFFICER BOISSEAU ... Someones gotta talk to her. RAY Hey, they're not my fucking kids. GRANDPA She won't listen to me! people into my house -She brings


RAY Shut the fuck up, old man! O.S. a SCREEN DOOR SLAMS. ELIZABETH WATERS (28), in red high heels and a red dress with gold polka dots, steps out of the house, en route to a night on the town. She seems oblivious to the cops. ELIZABETH (to Kenny) How'd ya get so filthy? KENNY Playing house. OFFICER BOISSEAU Elizabeth, you treat em like trash, theyre gonna grow up to be trash. ELIZABETH YOU GO TO HELL! I work day and night for these kids! Everything I do is for them! (to Kenny) Get upstairs and take a bath! And you're goin to school tomorrow, you hear me? She smacks Kenny in the head and he runs inside. Elizabeth heads down the front steps.



RAY (to Elizabeth) Where the hell are you going? ELIZABETH I don't have to answer to you! RAY The fuck you don't! A POV FROM BELOW THE PORCH - ELIZABETH'S STOCKINGED LEGS and RED HIGH-HEELS as she walks down the steps. Elizabeth! GRANDPA (O.S.) Get back here!

SAME POV - The back of Elizabeth Waters, walking away. RAY (O.S.) Fucking whore. O.S. the SCREEN DOOR SLAMS. GRANDPA (O.S.) They're YOUR kids, Elizabeth! Who's supposed to take care of them? REVEAL BETTY ANNE, hiding beneath the porch. BETTY ANNE as she watches her mother leave. PROFESSOR BLOCK (V.O.) Betty Anne Waters... 17 INT. WESTERN N.E. COLLEGE SCHOOL OF LAW - SPRINGFIELD, MASS - LECTURE HALL - DAY - 1995 (THE PRESENT) ON BETTY ANNE, now 36: attractive, strong, a little weary, with kind blue-green eyes. At the sound of her name, she nervously stands up, knocking into a pile of cap-less pens on her armchair-desk. The PENS ROLL OFF. Betty Anne grabs some from the floor and puts them back, then anxiously faces THE PROFESSOR, standing in front of a board that reads CONTRACT LAW 501. PROFESSOR BLOCK. PROFESSOR BLOCK Please define "contract" for us. Betty Annes surrounded by bright-eyed, bushy-tailed law students, early 20's. SCOTT (21), the smug little prick next to her, can't wait to see her humiliate herself. 17 HOLD ON



BETTY ANNE A contract is a promise or a set of promises -Her PENS fall again. People snicker.

BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) -- that the law in some way recognizes as a duty, and when it's breached, the law provides a remedy. Scotts surprised (and disappointed) by her competence. A student in front of Betty Anne hands her a runaway pen. PROFESSOR BLOCK And in the case of Shaheen v. Knight, was the defendant liable? BETTY ANNE No. Plaintiff Robert Shaheen claimed that when his wife Doris became pregnant, it was a breach -THE CLASSROOM DOOR BURSTS OPEN and a frazzled ABRA RICE (35) enters -- long blonde hair, sexy without trying, high-heeled boots clomping on the floor. PROFESSOR BLOCK (to Abra) And you are...? ABRA I know. I'm sorry. (realizing) Abra Rice. Late. He gives her a look. PROFESSOR BLOCK Continue, Ms. Waters. While Betty Anne speaks, Abra has to step over seventeen students to get to the one empty seat. Betty Anne is a bit irritated, trying to ignore the distraction.



ABRA (sotto) Excuse me... excuse me... excuse me... excuse me... 18

BETTY ANNE -- it was a breach of contract because Dr. Knight had performed a vasectomy. 18

INT. CELL - SHIRLEY PRISON - DAY CLOSE ON TWO FADED SCRAPS OF LEGAL PAPER with handwritten quotes: I don't like jail, they got the wrong kind of bars in there - Charles Bukowski and They call me Muddy Waters, I'm just as restless man as the deep blue sea You know I've been like that, ever since my baby been gone from me PAN ACROSS a collection of photos and mementos taped to a wall, clearly amassed over a number of years. CONTINUE PAN to find an isolated, faded photo of A YOUNG MAN (20s) HOLDING A TODDLER GIRL ON HIS SHOULDERS. Below this photo is a narrow prison cot. Next to the cot, a toilet... a footlocker... a 13-inch T.V... two handcarved, lacquered wooden boxes... stacks of magazines, papers and marked-up COURT TRANSCRIPTS. O.S. We hear a loud metallic slide and a MALE VOICE: MALE VOICE (O.S.) Lets go, Waters. A body crosses through the frame as we CUT TO:


INT. SHIRLEY PRISON - HALLWAY - DAY THE BACK OF A PRISON GUARD leading a MUSCULAR INMATE down a hall, towards a door. The guard opens the door to: A VISITING ROOM where BETTY ANNE sits among the visitors. She turns toward camera and smiles. REVERSE SHOT - KENNY WATERS (37) smiles back. In prison t-shirt and jeans, shaved head, cropped beard streaked with gray, his baby face belies his intimidating appearance.



INT. BETTY ANNE'S LIVING ROOM - SPRINGFIELD - NIGHT Late night. ON A COMPUTER MONITOR with an unfinished term paper typed on it. WIDER - A scribbled-on draft of the paper is beside the computer along with law school textbooks. Betty Anne is at her desk in this modest, comfortable house, intently reading one of two huge binders.




She HIGHLIGHTS various sentences and takes notes. As we move in closer we see that she's reading the COURT TRANSCRIPTS of COMMONWEALTH V. KENNETH WATERS.




TIME DISSOLVE - MORNING Daylight, and Betty Anne sits at the computer, sound asleep. O.S. KITCHEN NOISES and the VOICES of TWO BOYS. Betty Anne opens her eyes, looks at her monitor. INSERT - The page is all gibberish, typed by a sleeping woman. BACK TO SCENE - A bowl of LUCKY CHARMS enters THE FRAME as BEN (11) -- sweet but a bit of a goof-off -- puts it down on Betty Anne's papers, sloshing milk. BETTY ANNE What time is it? BEN Eight-fifteen. Shit. BETTY ANNE I didn't finish my paper!


RICHARD (13) -- the son who's taken the role of "man of the house" -- brings her a scary cup of coffee with grounds floating on top. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) You did your math? RICHARD I left my book at Dads. BETTY ANNE Richard! RICHARD Ill do it in school. Eat, Mom.

Betty Anne sips the coffee -- vile -- and starts typing. BETTY ANNE Did you finish your poem, Ben? RICHARD Thanks to me. BETTY ANNE Get yourselves ready -- we'll leave in a minute. Betty Anne quickly tries to finish her paper. types, Ben steps beside her with his poem. As she



BEN "If There Was Peace in the World" by Ben Miller: "Children would no longer have bad dreams/of guns and bombs and deadly screams" Deathly. RICHARD I wrote that line. BEN You did not! Betty Anne kisses Ben's hand. BETTY ANNE (still typing) It's beautiful. Read me the rest. 22 INT. LAW SCHOOL - ANOTHER LECTURE HALL - DAY ON THE WALL CLOCK which reads 9:59. ON A STACK OF TERM PAPERS on the professor's desk. The PROFESSOR puts the stack into a box. As THE CLOCK'S HAND hits the 10, BETTY ANNE rushes in, breathless, holding out her paper. ABRA watches from her seat. The PROFESSOR closes the flaps of the box, refusing to take it. Betty Anne sighs in frustration. 23 INT. AIDAN'S PUB - SPRINGFIELD, MASS. - NIGHT It's a busy time of night and Betty Anne, wearing tight jeans and moving with skill and ease, tends bar alongside AIDAN McLAREN (40's), a handsome, affable Irishman. He watches her. It appears she's unaware of this, but -BETTY ANNE You keep watching my ass, Aidan, I'm gonna have to clock you! AIDAN You keep wearing those jeans, I'm gonna have to marry you! She shoves him away; this is a game between them. BETTY ANNE Give it up, Aidan! She CROSSES TO A TABLE with a tray of drinks. 23 22



ABRA (O.S.) Hey, I know you! Betty Anne turns to see Abra sitting with her boyfriend, DON (late 30s), and another couple. BETTY ANNE Oh... hi. ABRA (turns to friends) This is the other old lady in the class. But Betty Annes already moved on. 24 INT. AIDANS PUB - LATER The pub is quieter, less crowded now. Aidan and Betty Anne work behind the bar; Abra crosses to them but Betty Anne acts like she doesnt see her. AIDAN (smiles at Abra) Still thirsty? ABRA Bushmills, please. (re: Betty Anne) Youre her boss? BETTY ANNE (before he can answer) So he says. He cant function without me. AIDAN So she says. He gives Abra her drink, smiles and moves off. ABRA (to Betty Anne) Bummer about your paper. BETTY ANNE Oh... Yeah well... Betty Anne keeps doing bartending stuff. ABRA NOW youre starting to hurt my feelings. Abra feels dissed. 24



BETTY ANNE What? ABRA Dont you wanna be my friend? Were the only ones in class whove been through puberty! BETTY ANNE Im just really busy. Betty Anne moves off but Abra follows. ABRA O.K. Ill start. So... I have these lefty parents who told me I should put my big mouth to good use and try to change the system. Of course I ignored them -and then after being a party girl for a few too many years, I finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up. My parents were right -- goddamnit! -- and here I am. (beat) You? BETTY ANNE Look -- Im not trying to be rude -- but I really dont have time for a friend right now. ABRA The hell you dont -- Im all youve got! (beat) Except for that boy with the acne and braces -- I think he wants to be your homework buddy. Betty Anne laughs, in spite of herself. BETTY ANNE (sotto) I dont want anyone to know what Im doing there. ABRA I do have a big mouth, but I know how to keep a secret. Betty Anne pours herself a drink, deciding. Then:



BETTY ANNE My brother Kenny got screwed by the system. (beat) (MORE)

BETTY ANNE WATERS - GOLDENROD PAGES - 04-03-2009 BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) He's been in jail twelve years -- life without parole.


ABRA Shit. BETTY ANNE Hes innocent. ABRA O.K. BETTY ANNE Im gonna find a way to get him out. ABRA (simply) O.K. (beat) Innocent of what? As Betty Anne pours more Bushmills into Abras glass... MATCH CUT TO: 25 INT. CLUB - NIGHT - 1980 (FLASHBACK) A WOMANS HAND POURS JACK DANIELS INTO A SHOT GLASS. WIDER - a female bartender hands it to MRS. BROW (now 44) sitting alone at the bar in this crowded, smoky club. A BAND PLAYS ON STAGE. At the bar a few feet away, another bartender hands four beers to KENNY (25) -- with a mop of brown hair, a scruffy mustache, and a devilish glint in his eyes. Kenny holds a 1-year-old baby, MANDY, on his hip. He catches MRS. BROWS eye, raises the beers to her. She looks away, uncomfortable with him. We follow Kenny to A NEARBY TABLE where Betty Anne (21), wearing an engagement ring, sits with her fiance RICK MILLER (30) and Kenny's girlfriend BRENDA (25). Brenda is making a fuss over Betty Annes ring. KENNY puts down the beers, gives Mandy a raspberry on her cheek and carries her onto the dance floor. As he twirls her around, the baby squeals with delight. Kenny clearly adores this kid. Entranced by her, he accidentally knocks into a couple's TABLE, spilling over the guy's drink. The GUY jumps to his feet; he's twice Kenny's size. 25



GUY BEHIND KENNY FUCK! Kenny tries to wipe up the drink, making matters worse. KENNY Oh, sorry man -GUY BEHIND KENNY Who the hell brings a baby into a bar?! KENNY She likes the band! GUY BEHIND KENNY If you cant take care of your kid, you should keep your dick in your pants. Kenny just looks at the guy. Then he turns and heads back to his table. He gives the baby to Brenda, then calmly walks back across the floor. BETTY ANNE doesnt like the look on Kennys face. As Kenny approaches the other table, the guy starts to get up. Without warning, Kenny SLAMS HIS FOREHEAD INTO THE GUY'S FACE. The guy goes down. Kenny kneels down, his hand on the Guys throat. KENNY (right in his face) You ever say another word about my daughter Ill fucking kill you, understand? The guy is clearly terrified. GUY'S GIRLFRIEND You asshole! BETTY ANNE Kenny! Jesus. RICK

Betty Anne races across the dance floor. Brenda just rolls her eyes. Kenny immediately regrets his hairtrigger temper. KENNY He's O.K. -- get him some ice. (yells) Can we get some ice for my friend here? (MORE)

BETTY ANNE WATERS - GOLDENROD PAGES - 04-03-2009 KENNY (CONT'D) (to the girlfriend) Sit him up. You O.K., man?


Youre OK. The Bartender

The guy, dazed, is gradually coming back. is heading towards them. KENNY Were cool! Were drink. (sniffs the Wild Turkey for my

(CONT'D) cool! Lemme buy you a guy's glass) buddy here!

BETTY ANNE Kenny -- come on! Betty Anne forcibly drags Kenny back to their table. small cut has opened on his forehead. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) Sit down! Kenny obediently sits next to Brenda but she shoves him away. BRENDA Youre such an asshole! Both Brenda and Betty Anne glare at Kenny. in shock at the violence of his behavior. Oh, come on. KENNY Dont be like that! Rick is still A

But the girls are pissed. This is clearly a familiar routine. Kenny starts to dance for Brenda, trying to make her laugh. She remains stone faced. He tries to pull her to her feet. She yanks her hand away. Undeterred, Kenny drops into a James Brown split. This gets an grudging smile out of the girls. Encouraged, Kenny starts a cheesy strip tease, whipping off his shirt, twirling it above his head and throwing it at Betty Anne. Brenda cant stop herself from laughing. Now he slowly starts to unzip his pants. SOMEONE IN THE CROWD Oh man -- I dare ya! Not one to pass up a dare, Kenny walks to the the stage, turns his back to the audience and starts to slide his jeans down over his ass. begins to pump him up -- they love him and he front of slowly The crowd feels it.



KENNY steps onto THE STAGE. Sure enough, he drops his pants and kicks them into the crowd. The people go crazy. ANGLE - THE TABLE - Betty Anne laughs, half-covering her eyes. Rick is mortified. Brenda cracks up. BACK TO KENNY, now with his butt to the crowd, dancing. ANGLE ON MRS. BROW, disgusted, heading for the exit. 26 EXT. TRAILER - AYER, MASSACHUSETTS - DAY - WINTER, 1980 THE PINK TRAILER is now surrounded by YELLOW CRIME SCENE TAPE, COP CARS, A COUNTY CORONER'S VAN, REPORTERS. ONE COP CAR drives slowly INTO FRAME, passing the trailer, and we FOLLOW IT UP THE HILL TOWARDS THE FARMHOUSE, now worn down by the years, roof sagging, paint peeling. 27 EXT. FARMHOUSE - AYER, MASSACHUSETTS - DAY A CHAINSAW CUTS THROUGH A TREE thats fallen across the driveway. REVEAL KENNY, sweating in a t-shirt and flannel shirt with rolled-up sleeves, as he cuts branches and stacks them. His arms and face are SCRATCHED. The cut from last nights fight has become more pronounced. The COP CAR pulls up in front of the house. NANCY TAYLOR (35), a patrol cop with a chip on her shoulder, steps out, walks to the side of the house and approaches Kenny. NANCY TAYLOR Kenneth Waters? Kenny looks up and smiles when he sees her. KENNY Well I'll be damned -- finally someone who looks good in a uniform. Taylor is immediately uncomfortable, not knowing if hes flirting or ridiculing her. She assumes the latter. NANCY TAYLOR I'm Officer Nancy Taylor. come with me. I need you to 27 26

KENNY (wipes his forehead) I'd love to, but I'm already spoken for.



NANCY TAYLOR Where'd you get those scratches? KENNY (re: the tree branches) Look around you, sweetheart. NANCY TAYLOR Sir, I need you to step into the patrol car. KENNY My Grandpa needs this tree outta here. NANCY TAYLOR Now, Mr. Waters. Put down the chainsaw. KENNY I tell ya what -- you go give out some parking tickets, then come back when I'm done. NANCY TAYLOR Put down the chainsaw -- NOW. Kenny stares at her, affronted by her tone. KENNY Get the fuck off my Grandpa's property. You're trespassing. Taylor draws her gun and levels it at him. NANCY TAYLOR Drop the weapon. Kenny looks at her in disbelief. NANCY TAYLOR (CONTD) I said, drop your weapon! KENNY You're shittin' me, right? 28 EXT. AYER POLICE STATION - DAY Betty Anne exits her car and rushes up the front steps. BETTY ANNE (V.O.) Jesus! Every time something happens in this godforsaken town, you have to pick him up? 28




INT. AYER POLICE STATION - DAY Betty Anne is pissed off as she speaks to a DESK SERGEANT. DESK SERGEANT You know the drill, Betty Anne. He's got a record, so we gotta bring 'im in. BETTY ANNE Well that just SUCKS. Kenny would never hurt Mrs. Brow. O.S. MENS LAUGHTER as KENNY enters from the rear INTERROGATION ROOM, buttoning his shirt, alongside LT. BOISSEAU, now a gray-haired veteran cop in his 50's. NANCY TAYLOR -- the only female officer -- types at her desk. KENNY knows every cop in the room. KENNY (to one cop) Hey Dave -- Boisseau finally got my clothes off. The man's been wanting to get me alone naked for years. (to Boisseau) You're gonna have to marry me now -- you know that! The other cops laugh, except for Nancy who fumes. Boisseau gives Kenny a friendly smack on the head. KENNY (CONT'D) (to Betty Anne) Here I am -- the usual suspect! BETTY ANNE Let's go. Betty Annes irritated -- she's been through this before. Kenny can't keep himself from crossing to Taylor's desk. KENNY (to Nancy) Look -- no hard feelings. But may I say you are one of my absolute favorite arrests. NANCY TAYLOR You think this is a joke? She was stabbed 30 times and had her head smashed in till her brains flew out. You think that's funny?




This stops Kenny -- who's shaken by the description -- as is Betty Anne. LT. BOISSEAU (to Kenny) Don't leave town for awhile, O.K.? might have some more questions. KENNY There goes my trip to Aruba. (to cops) So long, gentlemen... (bows to Nancy) ...and lady. Shit. Nancy shoots him a hateful look; Betty Anne grabs Kenny's hand and drags him out. 30 31 32 OMIT OMIT 30 31


INT. BETTY ANNE AND RICK'S BEDROOM - NIGHT - WINTER, 1982 32 (FLASHBACK) On a sleeping SIX-MONTH-OLD BABY BOY (RICHARD) lying in a BASSINET. We hear muffled sounds of lovemaking. ANGLE ON THE BED where Rick lies on top of Betty Anne. He's very turned on; she's distracted. BETTY ANNE Rick -Rick grunts a little response in between heavy breathing. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) We're gonna wake him! RICK He's fine. Rick continues to make love to her. REVEAL a BASSINET in the room, with a sleeping six-month-old RICHARD. BETTY ANNE He's stirring. She gets out from under Rick and crosses to the baby.



RICK If you keep checking on him, you're the one who's gonna wake him! BETTY ANNE Ssshh! Betty Anne strokes the babys head, gives him a little kiss, then reluctantly returns to bed. RICK You're gonna drive yourself crazy. gotta calm down! BETTY ANNE (almost to herself) I will not turn out like my mother. RICK (with compassion) Oh baby... He puts his arm around her; she puts her head on his chest. THE PHONE RINGS and the baby immediately CRIES. BETTY ANNE SHIT! Betty Anne grabs the phone and rushes to the baby. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) (into phone) Hello?... She stops in her tracks as she listens; the baby WAILS. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) Oh no... 33 INT. CHAPEL - DAY (FLASHBACK) ON GRANDPA'S CASKET. MINISTER (O.S.) Benjamin Davenport was a hard-working man who always put his family first -REVEAL A YOUNG MINISTER speaking to Betty Anne, Kenny, a group of younger siblings and ELIZABETH WATERS, now in her 40's. The other mourners include the spouses and children of the Waters siblings. Betty Anne sits between Rick and Kenny, who holds a NOW 3-YEAR-OLD MANDY in his lap. Kenny weeps openly. Betty Anne squeezes his hand. 33 You



MINISTER (CONT'D) -- devoted to his beloved wife, Eliza, until the day she died, his daughter, Elizabeth -The CHAPEL DOORS open and A MASSACHUSETTS STATE TROOPER and an AYER POLICE OFFICER enter. Betty Anne and some others turn to see who's come in. MINISTER (CONT'D) -- his nine grandchildren... As the cops walk up the aisle, people start murmuring. MINISTER (CONT'D) Even when times were roughest, Benjamin made sure there was always food on the table... The Ayer cop points out Kenny and they cross to him. STATE TROOPER Kenneth Waters, you're under arrest. KENNY It's my Grandpa's funeral! Jesus Christ! STATE TROOPER We need you to come with us. BETTY ANNE Can't it wait? Show some respect! STATE TROOPER Now, Mr. Waters. They start to grab Kenny and he pulls away. KENNY I'm comin', all right? Shit.

Kenny hands Mandy to Betty Anne and the cops handcuff him, leading him out. The minister isn't sure what to do -- this is a first for him. Betty Anne, holding Mandy, and some others follow them out. BETTY ANNE Whats this for? A goddamn parking ticket? 34 EXT. CHAPEL - CONTINUOUS As the cops pull Kenny outside into the bright sunny day: 34



KENNY'S POV - TWO AYER POLICE CARS, TWO MASSACHUSETTS STATE TROOPER'S CARS, four STATE TROOPERS and TWO OTHER AYER POLICE OFFICERS, including OFFICER NANCY TAYLOR, having the happiest day of her career. BACK TO SCENE - Kenny and the others are stunned. KENNY What the fuck -- ? Nancy Taylor crosses to Kenny. NANCY TAYLOR Kenneth Waters, you're under arrest for the murder of Katherina Brow. KENNY Are you out of your fucking mind? let me off two years ago! NANCY TAYLOR Well, we got you now. Taylor mirandizes him as the cops push Kenny into an Ayer Police car. HOLD ON BETTY ANNE's astonished expression. 35 INT. SUFFOLK COUNTY JAIL - DAY (FLASHBACK) Betty Anne talks to Kenny through a small window. BETTY ANNE These lawyers want twenty-five thousand up front! KENNY If I had twenty-five grand, Id buy a fuckin yacht! (beat) This is a joke! They got nothin' on me! BETTY ANNE They arrested you for murder, Kenny! They must think they have something! KENNY A public defender'll be fine. C'mon -you're gonna get wrinkles. (smooths her forehead) Cops are drawn to me like bees to honey -you know that. I have a gift. BETTY ANNE Yeah, great gift. 35 You



Kenny puts his hand over hers. Don't worry. 36 KENNY They got nothin'.

INT. COURTROOM - SUFFOLK COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT - BOSTON, 36 MA - DAY - 1983 (FLASHBACK) BRENDA He had a scratch on his face. BRENDA's on the witness stand, being questioned by D.A. ELIZABETH FAHEY (40's). ELIZABETH FAHEY On the morning of February 21st, 1980, he came home with a scratch on his face? BRENDA Yes. (indicating down the side of her face) Right here. WIDER - THE COURTROOM Kenny, in the DEFENDANT'S CHAIR, shakes his head in disbelief. His public defender, ROBERT BRADLEY (50), whispers to him not to do that. BETTY ANNE and other family members sit in the area behind Kenny's table. ELIZABETH FAHEY For the record, you're showing them just below the eye to just below your lip? BRENDA Right. ELIZABETH FAHEY Did you make any other observations of Mr. Waters' physical condition? BRENDA Hed been drinking. ELIZABETH FAHEY Did you and Mr. Waters have an argument in July, 1980 -- five months after the murder?



BRENDA Yeah -- he tried throwing me out a second floor window. JURY MEMBERS react. Betty Anne is upset.

ELIZABETH FAHEY And at some point during the argument, did Mr. Waters say something to you? BRENDA I asked him if he killed that woman and he said "Yeah, what's it to you?" The JURY takes this in. Betty Anne watches them.

ELIZABETH FAHEY Miss Marsh, can you please tell the jury: why did you wait more than two years to tell the police that Kenny said he killed Mrs. Brow? BRENDA I was afraid of him. me too. The JURY reacts. ELIZABETH FAHEY I show you, Miss Marsh, what's marked as Exhibit #64, and I'd ask if you can identify that. BRENDA It's the same knife Kenny carried. ELIZABETH FAHEY When was the last time, approximately, that you saw that knife? ON ARTHUR JOHNSON (30's), in a GLOBAL VAN LINES uniform. [Note: Cuts between witnesses and lawyers should be seamless so we don't realize right away that there's been a switch] ARTHUR JOHNSON It was always on the wall at the warehouse until after Kenny quit. ELIZABETH FAHEY And when did he quit Global Van Lines? ARTHUR JOHNSON January, 1980. I thought he'd kill



JURY MEMBERS react to this. ELIZABETH FAHEY And when Kenneth Waters was brought in as a suspect, did he have an alibi for the period between midnight and nine a.m. on February 21st? ON NANCY TAYLOR, in the witness stand. NANCY TAYLOR He claimed that he was working as a cook at the Park Diner. ELIZABETH FAHEY What did you discover when you checked out his alibi? NANCY TAYLOR We confirmed that he was at the diner until five a.m. -- but beyond that, there were no witnesses who saw when he left. And his time cards were never found. ON KENNY and BETTY ANNE, reacting to this. DR. KATSAS (V.O.) The head and chest were struck by a ceramic lamp and a metal toaster... ON DR. KATSAS, 60's, in the witness stand. DR. KATSAS ...and there were thirty stab wounds: six in the head and the neck, three on the back, one in the abdomen... ON BETTY ANNE, watching the JURY MEMBERS' horrified faces as they pass around FIFTEEN DIFFERENT CRIME SCENE PHOTOS. DR. KATSAS (O.S.) (CONT'D) ...two on the left wrist, four on the left hand, which were in the way of the weapon... and fourteen in the chest -ON KENNY, sitting with his lawyer, head down... DR. KATSAS (O.S.) (CONT'D) -- penetrating the heart five times -one time it went through the front and almost came through the back... KATHLEEN HIGGINS (O.S.) There was an enormous amount of blood --



ON KATHLEEN HIGGINS (30s) on the witness stand, being questioned by ELIZABETH FAHEY (ANOTHER DAY) KATHLEEN HIGGINS (CONTD) -- mostly from the victim, but some from the perpetrator. ELIZABETH FAHEY And what, if anything, did you determine with respect to the blood of Katherina Brow? KATHLEEN HIGGINS Katherina Brow would be identified as Blood Group B. ELIZABETH FAHEY With respect to Exhibits 68A through F, did you examine those items from the murder scene and determine the blood group present on each? Fahey hands her a large GLASSINE ENVELOPE -- inside are small glassine envelopes containing bloody pieces of fabric. KATHLEEN HIGGINS Yes. The blood on each of those items was Blood Group O. ELIZABETH FAHEY And did you have occasion to test a blood sample from the defendant, Kenneth Waters? Yes. KATHLEEN HIGGINS His sample is from Blood Group O.

BIG RESPONSE from the JURY MEMBERS, looking over at Kenny. ELIZABETH FAHEY What was your relationship with Mr. Waters after you met the summer of 1980? ON ROSEANNA PERRY, blonde, trashy, missing some front teeth. She's in her late 20's, but alcohol has aged her. ROSEANNA PERRY Well, I guess you could say we were lovers for awhile -- about six months.



ELIZABETH FAHEY On those occasions when you did some drinking with Mr. Waters, do you recall anything he said to you? ROSEANNA PERRY He told me he got picked up for a murder in Ayer and they couldn't pin it on him. And he laughed about it. ON BETTY ANNE, disgusted. She glances at THE JURY.

ELIZABETH FAHEY Sometime after the summer of 1980, did you have another conversation with Mr. Waters about this murder? ROSEANNA PERRY Yes. He told me he stabbed her and took money and jewelry. ELIZABETH FAHEY Did he tell you anything else? ROSEANNA PERRY Well, he called her an old German bitch -a fucking old German bitch. Fahey pauses for this to impact THE JURY. ON ROBERT BRADLEY MR. BRADLEY After Kenneth Waters is supposed to have said to you, "I killed her," did you terminate seeing him? ROSEANNA PERRY No. MR. BRADLEY So you believed him to be a murderer but you continued to be romantically involved? ANGLE - Betty Anne is relieved that ROSEANNA's credibility looks shaky. Yeah. ROSEANNA PERRY Until he bashed my teeth in. It does.

ON BETTY ANNE, her heart sinking.



MR. BRADLEY When your son Kenneth was nine years old, was he sent to the Middlesex Training School by Mrs. Brow? ON ELIZABETH WATERS, dressed modestly, a little nervous. ELIZABETH Certainly not. He was sent by the state. MR. BRADLEY And why did the state send him there? ELIZABETH For truancy. ON ELIZABETH FAHEY ELIZABETH FAHEY You have nine children by seven different fathers, is that correct? MR. BRADLEY Objection! ELIZABETH FAHEY Didn't the state, in fact, declare you an unfit mother and take your children away from you? JUDGE Sustained. Objection! Sustained. MR. BRADLEY Irrelevant. JUDGE Watch yourself, Miss Fahey.

ELIZABETH FAHEY (a beat) Wasn't Kenny sent to training school for breaking into Mrs. Brow's home? No! ELIZABETH That wasnt --

ELIZABETH FAHEY Didn't your son in fact regularly break into houses in the neighborhood? ELIZABETH I never condoned that type of behavior from my children --



ELIZABETH FAHEY Just answer the question, please. ELIZABETH (beat) Yes.


INT. COURTHOUSE HALLWAY - DAY Betty Anne buys some pretzels from a vending machine while Elizabeth sits with Rick on a bench. BETTY ANNE (angry, exasperated) We were just kids! We'd play in people's houses and pretend we had a normal life. ELIZABETH I don't know what you're talking about. You had a perfectly normal life. BETTY ANNE Yeah. Eight foster homes. normal. Perfectly


ELIZABETH People always said how well I dressed all of you. The only reason they took you away from me is because I worked too much. I had no life except for you kids. Betty Anne mouths "I HAD NO LIFE" in sync with her mother -- who pulls out a cigarette and lights it. BETTY ANNE We know, mom. You were practically a nun. ELIZABETH (to Rick) But Kenny... he could be like a wild animal. I'm not saying he was born bad, but he had that temper. (casually) I was always afraid he might kill somebody. Betty Anne snaps, smacking her mother's cigarette and lighter out of her hand.



BETTY ANNE Don't you ever say that to me or anyone else! Don't you even think it, you understand me? What kind of mother would say something like that?! Betty Anne sits back down, shaking. 38 INT. GRANDPA'S HOUSE - DAY - 1966 (FLASHBACK) ON BETTY ANNE (7), dressed in a PIRATE'S COSTUME as she sits on the floor outside an upstairs room, listening. ELIZABETH (O.S.) (through sobs) They're my babies! They can't do this! GRANDPA (O.S.) They bloody well can -- and you have no one to blame but yourself! Kenny (11) in a COWBOY COSTUME, comes tearing down the hallway and draws his six-shooters. He stops short when he sees his sister crying, and sits down beside her. ELIZABETH (O.S.) I do everything for these children! can't take them! GRANDPA (O.S.) I warned you this would happen! Kenny puts his arm around Betty Anne. ELIZABETH (O.S.) Why do they have to separate them? can't they go to one foster home? Why They 38

Betty Anne and Kenny exchange a look, once again sharing the same thought. 39 EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT A SEMI TRUCK ROARS PAST. In its wake we find the two cold, tired children trudging along a deserted highway, still in their costumes, carrying only their trick-ortreat bags. Betty Anne stumbles. Kenny picks her up, hoists her onto his back. They continue up the highway. 39




EXT. SHED, SOMEONE'S PROPERTY - NIGHT Kenny POUNDS A ROCK against the lock on a storage shed; Betty Anne shivers beside him.



INT. SHED, SOMEONE'S PROPERTY - LATER The kids are huddled, eating their candy, shaking with cold. A POLICE CARS RED LIGHTS illuminate the shed.



INT. AYER POLICE STATION - HOLDING AREA - NIGHT KENNY and BETTY ANNE sit together on a bench, anxiously watching LT. BOISSEAU talk to a SOCIAL SERVICES WOMAN. OFFICER BOISSEAU crosses to them. O.K. Kenny. OFFICER BOISSEAU Come with me. Kenny doesn't move.


Betty Anne looks alarmed.

BETTY ANNE Where you taking him? The WOMAN approaches. SOCIAL SERVICES WOMAN (to Betty Anne) You'll come with me, honey. KENNY NO! OFFICER BOISSEAU C'mon, fella -- now. He pulls Kenny up and Betty Anne attacks Boisseau like a little lioness, punching him, trying to free her brother from his grasp, tears streaming down her face. BETTY ANNE (hysterical) No! Let go of him! Don't take my brother! We have to stay together! As the two adults try to take the children in opposite directions -CLERK (V.O.) Will the defendant please rise?




INT. COURTROOM - DAY Kenny rises. BETTY ANNE watches, terrified.


CLERK On indictment 82-4115, this indictment charging Kenneth Waters with murder, what say you, Mr. Foreman -- is the defendant guilty or not guilty? ON Betty Anne's worried face. FOREMAN We find the defendant guilty, your Honor. CLERK Guilty of what? FOREMAN Murder in the first degree. ON KENNY, afraid to turn back and look at his family. ON BETTY ANNE, devastated. As the rest of the family react to the verdict with outrage and tears -CLERK 82-4116, this indictment charging Kenneth Waters with armed robbery. What say you, Mr. Foreman -- is the defendant guilty or not guilty? FOREMAN We find the defendant guilty. Kenny looks shell-shocked. BETTY ANNE We'll appeal it, Kenny! out! We'll get you

The BAILIFF and A COP start to take him away. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) We'll get you out, Kenny! And he's gone. HOLD ON BETTY ANNE.

BETTY ANNE (V.O.) (CONT'D) May it please the court, my name is Betty Anne Waters and the issue today --




INT. LAW SCHOOL LECTURE HALL - DAY - FALL, 1997 (THE PRESENT) A stage-frightened BETTY ANNE stands in front of A PROFESSOR and a full lecture hall, attempting an opening argument. In the AUDIENCE, Abra anxiously watches her friend; Scott enjoys seeing Betty Anne struggle. BETTY ANNE -- is whether my client... the issue today is whether Ms. Cooper... the issue today is... Shit. She looks at her notes, starting to hyperventilate. PROFESSOR Start again, Ms. Waters. Betty Anne takes a deep breath. BETTY ANNE The issue today is whether my client's arrest was in violation of her constitu -PRE-LAP: THE SOUND OF A LOUD CRASH. And breathe.



INT. GARAGE - DAY FIND BEN (13) and RICHARD (15) in a crammed garage where A BOX-FILLED UTILITY SHELVING UNIT has just collapsed. BETTY ANNE (O.S.) You guys O.K.? Betty Anne rushes in from the house. RICHARD, climbing over things, grabs FISHING POLES from the wreckage. RICHARD Ben had the brilliant idea to climb the shelves... BEN Hey -- you got 'em, didn't you? As Betty Anne sees the fishing poles, her face drops. BETTY ANNE Oh, shit.




RICHARD Did you forget?!

BEN You forgot the fishing trip?

BETTY ANNE (CONTD) No, of course not! I just... I just didn't remember that it was this weekend. (sighs) Guys... Ben looks near tears; Richard's fuming. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) I'm so sorry... I can't go... I have to argue this brief in front of real judges and lawyers! RICHARD I don't believe this! He throws down the poles. BETTY ANNE I'm sorry -- I'm really sorry! BEN You promised, Mom. BETTY ANNE I know, honey -- I'm sorry. another weekend -When? We'll go

RICHARD When Uncle Kenny gets out of jail?

He storms out. Betty Anne watches after him, then turns to Ben, standing there with a wounded expression. BETTY ANNE I'm really sorry, honey. BEN (quietly) I know. He exits. 47 Betty Anne stands there, feeling awful. 47

INT. SHIRLEY PRISON - VISITOR'S ROOM - ANOTHER DAY Mid-conversation as Betty Anne visits Kenny (40), looking as he did earlier: shaved head, body pumped from years of weight lifting. He's hyped up with a new idea; Betty Anne is distracted but tries to appear upbeat.



KENNY I found this book in the library that says that women hardly ever shoot themselves when they commit suicide. BETTY ANNE Uh-huh. KENNY So Romeo Collads screwin' Mrs. Brow, right? And then his wife puts a bullet in her head -- you follow? So what if we can prove he shot her? BETTY ANNE His wife? KENNY Yeah. BETTY ANNE How we gonna do that? KENNY I don't know -- we'll investigate. And then they'd take him more seriously as a suspect in the Brow case and -BETTY ANNE But Romeo Collads dead. KENNY It could still be enough to re-open the case -- we just gotta find a precedent! Ask your Evidence teacher. Betty Anne tenses at the suggestion. BETTY ANNE I really can't right now -- I've got a ton of work... He watches her. She's coiled tightly.

KENNY What's wrong? BETTY ANNE Nothing! KENNY Don't bullshit me. What is it?



BETTY ANNE Its nothing! Im fine. KENNY Something goin on with the boys? BETTY ANNE Its nothing! Forget it! He stares at her. KENNY Tell me. A beat. Betty Anne knows he can see through her. BETTY ANNE (hesitates, then) I'm on probation at school. Whats that? KENNY What does that mean?

BETTY ANNE It means... If I don't improve... I'm out. KENNY (shaken) But... you're doing great! BETTY ANNE I'm not... I've had late papers... I flunked my Torts exam... KENNY They can't do this to you! Youre the smartest person in the whole goddamned school! I'm gonna write a letter to those scumbag teachers-BETTY ANNE Yeah -- and make sure you call them scumbags in the letter. KENNY FUCK them! You should at least get extra credit for working on a real fucking case! BETTY ANNE They don't care about that. (tearing up) (MORE)

BETTY ANNE WATERS - GOLDENROD PAGES - 04-03-2009 BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) Don't worry about this, O.K.? I'll take care of it.


KENNY Aww, don't cry. Youre worth a thousand o them preppy shitheads. C'mon -- don't cry. He puts his hand over hers -GUARD NO TOUCHING! Kenny pulls his hand back. 48 EXT. RICK'S HOUSE - WINTER -1997 DAY (EVENING) BEN AND RICHARD, holding their weekend bags, are talking with RICK in the front doorway of this suburban house. REVEAL BETTY ANNE watching from her car, idling in front. The BOYS look uneasy. Rick re-enters the house without acknowledging Betty Anne. The boys approach the car. Richard gets into the front seat, Ben in the back. BETTY ANNE All set? RICHARD Yep. Betty Anne starts the car. The boys are quiet. 48

BETTY ANNE You have a good weekend? The boys nod, grunt. BETTY ANNE (CONTD) Get any homework done? RICHARD Yeah. A little. BEN

Irritated, Betty Anne puts the car into gear and pulls away. 49 INT. BETTY ANNES HONDA -- DRIVING -- DAY Betty Anne and the boys drive in silence. moments: After a few 49



BETTY ANNE O.K. -- what's going on? No response. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) C'mon -- talk! What happened? A long beat. her gaze. Betty Anne looks at Richard, who cant meet

RICHARD We were thinking... You've been so busy and all... We were thinking maybe we wanna live with Dad. BETTY ANNE (kicked in the gut) Son of a bitch! He put you up to this?! RICHARD No! Betty Anne, desperate, looks at Ben in the rearview mirror. BETTY ANNE Did he? BEN No. RICHARD I need a guy around -- ya know? things? Betty Anne turns to Ben. BETTY ANNE You feel the same way? BEN (sheepishly) Kinda. Betty Anne swallows. They continue to drive in silence. 50 EXT. BETTY ANNE'S HOUSE - DAY ON THE BOY'S BICYCLES on top of Rick's car as RICK finishes tying them down. He's all business, but enjoying his triumph. 50 For guy



BETTY ANNE says her final goodbyes to Richard, in the front seat, and Ben, squished in the back next to suitcases. The boys are subdued. BETTY ANNE (to Richard) Call me, O.K.? Let me know how you do on your math test. RICHARD O.K. BETTY ANNE (to Ben) Make sure you set the alarm -- if you're late for English again -BEN I know. Rick gets in, starts the car. one last kiss. I love you! RICHARD/BEN Love you too. As the car pulls out, she waves. BETTY ANNE See you Friday! We'll go to the movies. She holds her smile another beat, then walks a few steps to the house. HER LEGS SUDDENLY GIVE WAY BENEATH HER as she dissolves into wracking SOBS. 51 INT. BETTY ANNE'S BEDROOM - DAY In darkness. Betty Anne's in bed, the shades drawn, her room in disarray. Dirty clothing, coffee mugs, crumpled tissues. The PHONE RINGS and she ignores it. 52 INT. LAW SCHOOL - LECTURE HALL - ANOTHER DAY PROFESSOR BLOCK is taking attendance. PROFESSOR BLOCK Thomassen... Vaughn... Waters.... (looks up) Waters? Betty Anne Waters? 52 51 Betty Anne gives each boy




Abra sits beside an empty seat, worried for her friend. 53 INT. BETTY ANNE'S BEDROOM - ANOTHER DAY Abra tugs on Betty Anne who's still depressed in bed. ABRA C'mon -- UP. BETTY ANNE I'm unfit -- just like my mother. ABRA That's ridiculous! C'mon, honey. (pulls her up) If you keep missing classes, youre gonna fail. BETTY ANNE I've already failed. I've lost my boys -ABRA You have not lost them. Mom! BETTY ANNE -- I can't help Kenny -ABRA Especially if you get kicked out of law school. (throws clothes at her) Get dressed. BETTY ANNE I can't. ABRA Does Kenny know you're giving up? Betty Anne can't answer. She lies back down. Abra lets go of her "tough love" stance and gently touches her arm. ABRA (CONT'D) Just come to school today. Betty Anne doesn't respond. Start there. Youre their 53






INT. BETTY ANNE'S DINING ROOM - NIGHT Betty Anne is DUMPING STACKS OF PAPER INTO GARBAGE BAGS. Years of files, briefs, textbooks. She's like a woman possessed. As she pulls things off shelves, she sees A BULGING ACCORDION FOLDER and stops. She opens it: KENNY'S LETTERS FROM PRISON are stuffed into sections, arranged by year. BETTY ANNE sits down on the floor, amidst the mess, pulls out a letter and reads it. KENNY (V.O.) ... Life's swell here at the Hilton -lots of new friends -- food's fuckin' fantastic, just like Mom used to make... Betty Anne smiles. KENNY (V.O Can you send me more white socks? Love you and miss you, Your 4ever brother... Betty Anne pulls out another letter, getting upset as she reads it. KENNY (V.O.) (CONTD) Fuckin' Brenda tells me to stop writing Mandy -- says I'm never gonna see my little girl again, says I'm dead to her. We gotta win this fuckin appeal!



INT. SHIRLEY PRISON - DAY - FALL, 1986 (FLASHBACK) Kenny (28) RAGES inside his cell, ripping apart his mattress, throwing the metal cot frame against the bars. The only thing untouched is that PHOTO ON THE WALL of Kenny holding toddler MANDY on his shoulders. KENNY Fuck you! Fuck you all! cocksucking bastards -Fucking


The GUARDS race towards the cell where Kenny picks up a pile of SHIT and throws it at them. GUARD Goddamn it! Come on! KENNY Come and get me, motherfuckers!



As the GUARDS rush in, Kenny THROWS HIS T.V. at the wall AND IT SMASHES INTO PIECES. The GUARDS throw him to the ground and restrain him. KENNY (CONT'D) You think I care? You think I FUCKING CARE?!!! 56 INT. BETTY ANNE AND RICK'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - NIGHT Domestic chaos: Betty Anne paces anxiously as she talks on a wall phone (the long cord twisting around her) -ignoring the dinner shes cooking; Richard (4) bangs on an irritating toy piano, Ben (2) sits on the floor, crying, surrounded by pots and pans to play with --but he wants the piano and Richard keeps pushing him off. BETTY ANNE Did you tell Mr. Peters it was urgent? haven't heard from Kenny in TWO WEEKS! I 56

RICK swoops in, picks up Ben, crosses to the stove and turns down a pot that's boiling over. Ben calms down. BETTY ANNE (CONTD) (into phone) I don't give a crap! This is more important! Rick shuts off the flame under a frying pan thats overcooking a steak, then grabs the handle and YELLS, burning himself. BEN WAILS AGAIN -- louder now. SHIT! RICK SON OF A BITCH! BETTY ANNE Just find my brother! (slams down phone) DAMN it! Where IS he? JESUS!

RICK Where are YOU, Betty Anne?

He hands Ben to her, then opens the freezer and grabs a bag of frozen peas to cool his hand. BETTY ANNE Theres something wrong, I KNOW it! Kenny shoulda called by now! RICK Youve gotta make peace with this. have a family here! You



Make peace? chance!

BETTY ANNE The appeal was his last

RICK Exactly. Kenny's in prison for the rest of his life. ACCEPT it! BETTY ANNE I will NEVER accept it. She's spoken the words that Rick was afraid to hear; he looks as if he's just been given a life sentence. The PHONE RINGS and Betty Anne grabs it. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) Hello? HARVEY PETERS (O.S.) It's Harvey Peters -- I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to call -HARVEY PETERS (O.S.) -- but everything's OK now - nothing to worry about -HARVEY PETERS (O.S.) Your brother's in isolation so no calls or visitors for a month... BETTY ANNE Finally! I haven't heard from Kenny and no one will BETTY ANNE What do you mean? What happened? BETTY ANNE Why is he in isolation?

HARVEY PETERS He tried to kill himself. HOLD ON BETTY ANNE. 57 INT. SHIRLEY PRISON - VISITING ROOM - DAY Kenny walks slowly towards Betty Anne; she gives him a quick non-conjugal hug -- wishing she could hold him tightly -- and then sits down opposite him. Shes wrecked. Kenny has FRESH SCARS (a month old) ON HIS WRISTS. We have never seen him in such a dark, cynical place. BETTY ANNE How could you do this? KENNY You'd be better off. 57



BETTY ANNE (furious) Don't you dare say that! You know what this would've done to me? KENNY Yeah -- you'd finally get on with your life... BETTY ANNE Goddamnit, Kenny! Promise me you won't do this again. KENNY There's nothin' left. It's over.

BETTY ANNE There's still the Supreme Court. KENNY The Supreme Court ain't gonna hear this case! I'm FUCKED! I was fucked right from the start. BETTY ANNE You can't give up! We'll find someone else -- Ill take out a loan -- well get a top lawyer this time -KENNY (overlapping) When you gonna get it, Betty Anne? There is no one else. There's not a lawyer on earth who'll give a fuck about me. BETTY ANNE There has to be. You're innocent! KENNY You sure about that? Betty Anne stares at him in shock. BETTY ANNE How could you even ask me that? KENNY Because the truth is, it doesn't matter. Whether I killed Mrs. Brow or not, I'm still trash. I'm no good to anybody. BETTY ANNE What about your daughter?



KENNY What daughter? She's being poisoned against me. I'll never see her again. BETTY ANNE That is not true! KENNY (starting to cry) My baby girl... BETTY ANNE Oh, Kenny... Kenny quickly wipes his eyes and pulls himself together. KENNY I'm doing Mandy a favor. She's the only good thing I ever did in my piece-of-shit life and I've got NOTHING to give her... BETTY ANNE Please, Kenny -- just promise me you won't hurt yourself. Promise me. A beat. KENNY I can't spend the rest of my life in here. He stands, nods to the guard who leads him back out. Betty Anne sits there, shaken to her core. 58 INT. BETTY ANNES CAR/EXT. COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAMPUS DAY 58

Betty Anne sits in her parked car, finishing a good cry, then wipes her nose and looks out the window. HER POV - STUDENTS chat, walk across campus, study under trees, drink coffee. They look like teenagers. 59 INT. COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAMPUS - DAY Betty Anne sits in a waiting area outside an ADMISSIONS OFFICE. Beside her, a young girl (17) chews gum and reads the school paper. Betty Anne holds a catalogue and an application. The office DOOR opens, and a student exits, along with the Admissions Counselor (30's). 59



ADMISSIONS COUNSELOR Kelly Bergin? GUM-CHEWING GIRL Hi. ADMISSIONS COUNSELOR (re: Betty Anne) And is this your Mom? GUM-CHEWING GIRL Uh -- no. Betty Anne smiles lamely. The counselor and girl enter the office and close the door. Betty Anne sits there: what the hell am I doing? 60 INT. BETTY ANNE AND RICKS BEDROOM - NIGHT As Betty Anne undresses for bed -RICK (O.S.) Whats this? Betty Anne turns to see Rick standing there, holding the COURSE CATALOGUE AND APPLICATION. BETTY ANNE (trying for nonchalance) I was thinking about maybe getting a degree finally. RICK Why? BETTY ANNE (casually) I just thought maybe -- I don't know -maybe eventually I could apply to law school. He stares at her -- catching on immediately. RICK Oh my God. This is out of fucking control. (beat) It stops here, Betty Anne. Right now. That's it. BETTY ANNE I could go part-time. I could -60



RICK Are you INSANE? This obsession is killing us! You're a mother, you're my wife -- you're married to me, not him! You're not doing this! ENOUGH. 61 INT. VISITING ROOM - SHIRLEY PRISON - DAY Betty Anne takes a deep breath as she sits and waits. A REAR DOOR OPENS and Kenny enters, sits down opposite her. Betty Anne takes another deep breath. BETTY ANNE O.K. This is what I'm gonna do -- and don't laugh, all right? Kenny nods, baffled. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) I'm gonna start by trying to get a B.A. -after I finally take the stupid GED tests -- and then, if I can make it that far -and there's no guarantee I'd even get in - I'll apply to law school. But it's gonna take a long time, Kenny -- a really long time -- I might be 80 years old when I finally become a lawyer. And I still don't know if I'm gonna find the answer -but you have to promise -- you just have to -- that you won't try to kill yourself, ever again. Cause if you do... (she can't bear it) ... Just don't. A beat. KENNY O.K. A beat. BETTY ANNE I don't know if I can even do this -KENNY (matter-of-fact) You'll do it. She looks at him, exhales. love and gratitude. He looks at her, filled with 61




INT. LAW SCHOOL - STUDENT UNION - DAY - SPRING, 1998 Abra sits with four other students. meeting. SCOTT leads the


SCOTT So two of us will be defense attorneys, two will be the prosecutors... Betty Anne crosses to them, dressed in wrinkled clothes from her bedroom floor, holding a notebook with papers falling out of it. She sits down with the group. SCOTT (CONT'D) Thanks for dropping by, Waters. ABRA (sotto, to Betty Anne) Nice ironing job. SCOTT (back to all) Then we need a defendant, and a paralegal. ABRA I nominate Betty Anne to be the defendant. BETTY ANNE What's my alleged crime? MALE LAW STUDENT Rape. Gee, thanks. us? BETTY ANNE What case did they assign

SCOTT You'd know that if you actually came to class. Abra shoots him a look. ABRA (to Scott) Shut the fuck up. (to Betty Anne) Sewell v. State, 1992. Scott begrudgingly hands Betty Anne a thick binder. starts looking through it, alongside Abra. She



SCOTT Sewell had already served ten years for rape, and then he sued the state for the right to DNA-test the rape kit. BETTY ANNE (suddenly alert) DNA test? SCOTT Yeah -- it wasn't his semen in the rape kit. The DNA didn't match. BETTY ANNE So he won? SCOTT (impatient) YES. Betty Anne absorbs this, her heart racing. Abra points to something in the binder, then reads it aloud to Betty Anne. ABRA "Advances in technology may yield potential for exculpation where none previously existed..." Betty Anne grabs the binder from Abra. While Scott drones on in the b.g., Betty Anne looks through it, a lightbulb going off. 63 INT. LAW LIBRARY - DAY On an ENCYCLOPEDIA PAGE explaining DNA. it. BETTY ANNE reads 63

TIME DISSOLVE - ON A COMPUTER MONITOR with "Law Review" DOCUMENTS on it. BETTY ANNE searches through articles, stops short, reverses the dial and finds AN ARTICLE ABOUT DNA TESTING. Her eyes highlight the INNOCENCE PROJECT. She fast forwards to another article, and there it is again: THE INNOCENCE PROJECT, with a PHOTO OF ATTORNEY BARRY SCHECK. TIME DISSOLVE - NIGHT BETTY ANNE sits with a dusty little book about early DNA cases. Once again, she finds the name BARRY SCHECK. PRE-LAP: A DOORBELL RINGING.




INT. ABRA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Abra, wearing just a man's shirt and poofy little scuffies, opens the door to reveal BETTY ANNE, hyped as a coke addict, holding library books and a huge stack of copied articles. BETTY ANNE (entering) It's the blood! ABRA Excuse me? BETTY ANNE This is the key! There was so much blood. (throws stuff down) I'm gonna get Kenny out. She starts handing pages to Abra. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) There were no DNA tests then -- they only knew that the murderer was type O and so is Kenny. ABRA (looking at pages) Right... BETTY ANNE But now, if we can DNA-test the murderer's blood and Kenny's, it'll prove Kenny's innocent. Theres been fortynine cases like this! DON appears behind Abra, half-asleep. BETTY ANNE (CONTD) Hi Don. DON Hi Betty. ABRA How do you know there's still blood evidence?




BETTY ANNE Cause were gonna find it -- and Barry Scheck's gonna help. Oh. I see. ABRA Barry Scheck.

BETTY ANNE This is what he does! He's got this Innocence Project in New York -ABRA So you'll just call him up and he'll take your case? BETTY ANNE Yes! ABRA (a beat) Are we both gonna sleep with him or just you? PRE-LAP: the sound of typing. BETTY ANNE (V.O.) Dear Mr. Scheck... 65 INT. BETTY ANNE'S HOUSE - NIGHT Betty Anne sits at her desk writing at the computer. BETTY ANNE (V.O.) I would greatly appreciate any assistance you and the Innocence Project can provide in helping me free my brother Kenny from a life without parole sentence. 66 EXT. COPLEY PLAZA HOTEL - BOSTON - DAY - FALL, 1998 BETTY ANNE (V.O.) In 1983, Kenny was convicted in Massachusetts of First Degree Murder with Extreme Atrocity and Armed Robbery. 67 INT. COPLEY PLAZA HOTEL - BOSTON - CONTINUOUS Abra and Betty Anne enter the lobby where a SIGN directs them to: MASSACHUSETTS BAR EXAM, CHECK-IN. 67 66 65



BETTY ANNE (V.O.) My brother is innocent of these crimes and will be vindicated through DNA evidence. 68 INT. COPLEY PLAZA HOTEL - CHECK-IN TABLE - DAY At a long table, people check ID'S at different stations. BETTY ANNE (V.O.) The day that my brother was unjustly convicted of this crime changed not only his life, but mine.... Betty Anne and Abra wait in the R-Z line. rifles through her purse, panicking. Betty Anne 68

BETTY ANNE Oh my God -- my I.D.! Where is it? She continues to search -- we see TONS of UNCAPPED PENS, NUBBY PENCILS, even a lipstick with its cap off. ABRA You checked your whole wallet? WOMAN (O.S.) Next! BETTY ANNE Twice! WOMAN Next! Abra nudges Betty Anne up to the table. BETTY ANNE (to woman) I can't find -Abra pulls Betty Anne's student ID card out of her own purse. Hey look! ABRA How the heck did I get it?

Betty glares playfully at Abra as Abra hands it to the woman. BETTY ANNE You bitch.




INT. COPLEY PLAZA HOTEL - HALLWAY - MOMENTS LATER Betty Anne and Abra head towards their examination room. BETTY ANNE (V.O.) Mr. Scheck, I have done everything in my power for the last sixteen years to prepare myself to prove my brother's innocence... Betty Anne stops short, then rushes to the LADIES ROOM.



INT. LADIES ROOM - COPLEY PLAZA HOTEL - MOMENTS LATER At the sink, TWO YOUNG WOMEN (20's) brush their hair, freshen lipstick. O.S. Betty Anne RETCHES in one of the stalls. The women exchange a look and exit just as Abra enters. She hears the retching and knows it's her friend. Betty Anne exits the stall, crosses to the sink, splashes water on her face. Abra gets a paper towel, hands it to her. Betty Anne dries her face, then holds onto the sink, breathing rapidly. BETTY ANNE (softly) I have to pass this test. Abra gently rubs Betty Anne's back. HUY DAO (V.O.) Dear Ms. Waters, I've enclosed an application for your brother Kenny to complete and return to our office.



INT. BALLROOM/EXAM ROOM - COPLEY PLAZA HOTEL - DAY In a BALLROOM with two hundred students, PROCTORS patrolling, FIND Betty Anne and Abra taking the essay portion of the Bar exam. HUY DAO (V.O.) I must stress that we only accept cases where DNA evidence can exonerate the accused.



INT. INNOCENCE PROJECT - NEW YORK - DAY HUY DAO (early 30's), a serious-looking Vietnamese man with glasses, writes to Betty Anne on his computer. There's a tall stack of files on his desk. A NAME PLATE on the desk reads HUY DAO, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR.




HUY DAO (V.O.) Once we evaluate the validity of your brother's case, it will be vital to find out if any DNA evidence still exists... PAN to STACKS AND STACKS OF FILES on the office floor. HUY DAO (V.O.) Without that evidence, it will be impossible for us to proceed. 73 INT. BALLROOM/EXAM ROOM - SECOND DAY Betty Anne and Abra take the Multi-State portion of the Bar exam -- different clothes, same seats. HUY DAO (V.O.) The Innocence Project currently has a backlog of several hundred cases... 74 INT. INNOCENCE PROJECT - NEW YORK - DAY As Huy Dao types, PULL BACK into the hallway where STACKS AND STACKS OF FILES are on the floor. HUY DAO (V.O.) I must caution you that it will be at least eighteen months before we can begin to evaluate your brother's case. PULL BACK to see more of THE INNOCENCE PROJECT -- interns at computers... a mail carrier bringing in overflowing plastic BOXES OF MAIL... a secretary opening one of hundreds of envelopes... HUY DAO (V.O.) If, however, you pass the Bar exam and become your brother's attorney... 75 INT. BALLROOM/EXAM ROOM - DAY Betty Anne finishes the exam, closes the book. HUY DAO (V.O.), of course, can look for the DNA evidence immediately. Betty Anne sits back and heaves an exhausted sigh. 75 74 73



HUY DAO (V.O.) If you manage to locate it, Mr. Scheck may agree to act as consulting attorney -Abra puts her head on her desk, spent. HUY DAO (V.O.) -- in which case we can work together towards exonerating your brother. 76 INT. BETTY ANNE'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY - SPRING, 1999 At the counter, Betty Anne has her hand, wrist deep, inside a chicken, trying to yank out the frozen neck and gizzards. She retrieves an ice-encrusted chicken heart, then reaches in with both hands to get a better grip. RICHARD (O.S.) Mom? BETTY ANNE Damn thing's still frozen. Richard STEPS INTO FRAME beside her, holding up a thin LETTER FROM THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BAR. BETTY ANNE swallows, her hands still in the chicken. RICHARD Thin's good, right? Didn't you say that? BETTY ANNE Open it. RICHARD You sure? BETTY ANNE (nods) But don't look at it. Hold it up for me to read. A beat, and Richard carefully opens the letter -BETTY ANNE (CONTD) Don't look! RICHARD I'm not. He holds it out to her, holding his breath. reads. She exhales. Betty Anne 76



BETTY ANNE Thank you God. Betty Anne breaks into a huge smile -- pulls her red, slimy hands out of the chicken, throws her arms around her son and they jump up and down, screaming for joy. 77 INT. SHIRLEY PRISON - VISITING ROOM - DAY Betty Anne has just told Kenny the good news. to have no reaction. BETTY ANNE Did you hear what I said? (nothing) Kenny? Then, suddenly, Kenny LETS IT ALL HANG OUT. KENNY AAAAHHHHHH!! BETTY ANNE No -- Kenny -- Don't! He seems 77

Kenny jumps up and down, dancing, beating his chest. KENNY WE DID IT! WE DID IT! MY BABY SISTER DID IT! YA HEAR ME??!! Kenny kisses the Guard. GUARD Get the hell off of me! you're back inside! SIT DOWN or HEY! GUARD BRING IT DOWN THERE!

Kenny sits; Betty Anne is delighted to see Kenny so high. KENNY So what do we do first? BETTY ANNE First I have to get the DNA evidence from the trial -KENNY How you gonna do that? BETTY ANNE I have to make some phone calls. KENNY But how are you gonna --



BETTY ANNE Hey! I'm your attorney now. let me do my job, alright? KENNY Alright! Alright, COUNSELOR! THE HOT SHOT LAWYER, HERE! 78

Shut up and


INT. BETTY ANNE'S HOUSE - DAY - SUMMER, 1999 Betty Anne sits at her desk, staring at the PHONE. takes a deep breath, then dials. DESK SERGEANT (O.S.) Ayer Police... BETTY ANNE Hi. I'm an attorney, and I'm calling regarding evidence from a 1983 case -DESK SERGEANT (O.S.) Your name, please? Betty Anne hesitates, not prepared for this. BETTY ANNE Umm -- Abra Rice. She


79 80

OMIT INT. ABRAS LIVING ROOM - SPRINGFIELD - NIGHT Abra is modelling new work clothes for Betty Anne -combining items into different outfits, walking in and out of the room as they talk. Betty Anne indicates her opinions; various shopping bags are strewn about. BETTY ANNE (to Abra, whos OS) If they realize Im one of the Waters kids, God knows what theyd do to that evidence. I just don't trust them. ABRA (entering in a new suit) You could have used your married name. BETTY ANNE (re: outfit) Nice! I love those shoes. (beat) (MORE)

79 80

BETTY ANNE WATERS - GOLDENROD PAGES - 04-03-2009 BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) But then when I wanna be me, I won't be able to cause I was someone else. I wanna be me when I need to be me.


ABRA So to solve this problem, you decided to be me. Abra holds up a different new blouse to match the skirt. Betty Anne shakes her head no. BETTY ANNE Just this once. But from this point on -ABRA -- you need me to be me. Betty Anne nods; Abra exits. BETTY ANNE I don't wanna do anything to jeopardize your new job -Betty Anne looks through one of the shopping bags. BETTY ANNE (CONTD) I'll understand if you can't help -(re: a new purse) Great bag! (beat) I mean, this is my cause, not yours -Abra re-enters holding a pair of new slacks. ABRA It's my cause too. Betty Anne gives her a grateful look. BETTY ANNE I don't deserve a friend like you. ABRA Damn right you don't. They crack up. ABRA (CONTD) So what did the Ayer Police tell me? BETTY ANNE There's no evidence there anymore. Its at the courthouse where we had Kenny's trial.




INT. LEGAL AID OFFICE - SPRINGFIELD - DAY Next to a framed PHOTO of ABRA and DON, A NAME PLATE on the desk reads ABRA RICE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. WIDER Abras on the phone, and Betty Annes beside her in the cubicle, cluttered with boxes. ABRA That's right -- Waters. 1983.


Abra listens, her face looking grim. BETTY ANNE (whispering) What? What are they saying? ABRA But isn't it possible that it's still... Do you have an actual date when that would have happened?... All right. Thank you. Abra hangs up, looking ill. What? She can barely speak.

BETTY ANNE What did they say?

ABRA (hesitates, then) They destroyed it. Betty Anne is momentarily stunned. BETTY ANNE What?! ABRA According to Massachusetts law, they destroy evidence after ten years. (beat) Kenny's evidence was destroyed in April 1993. Betty Anne stands there, in shock. BETTY ANNE That's not possible. I did NOT get this far, after all this time... It has to be there. It just has to! It's his only chance! ABRA Betty Anne --



BETTY ANNE We're gonna make them look for it. ABRA There's nothing to look for. 82 INT. AIDAN'S PUB - MORNING Abra and Betty Anne, both looking disheveled, are on separate phones in the closed pub. Lots of papers and coffee cups. ABRA Yes, I KNOW what your records say -- but the woman I spoke to last week said she would look! ABRA (looks at notes) Alice OMalley... Maternity leave? Jesus. Did someone else look instead?... (writing name) Linda Clarke... And she checked every single box in that basement? BETTY ANNE I know that, but I was hoping that by some chance, the samples might have been left at your lab... BETTY ANNE Is Kathleen Higgins still working there?... She testified at the original trial... Oh. Do you know where she works now?... 82

BETTY ANNE (hisses to Abra) Ask for the supervisor! ABRA Can you put your supervisor on the phone? Betty Anne hangs up. at Abra waits. BETTY ANNE (back to her call) Thank you anyway.

She and Abra exchange tense looks

ABRA (into phone) Mrs. Halloran? This is Abra Rice again. Im sure Ms. Clark searched thoroughly, but if you yourself could look -(listens) What?... She listens, getting upset, scribbling the note Halloran looked, 8/15/99. Betty Anne moves in closer. ABRA (CONT'D) Uh-huh... Uh huh. No, I didn't realize you -- I understand... Thank you anyway.



Abra hangs up and looks at Betty Anne. 83 INT. BETTY ANNE'S HOUSE - DINING ROOM - EVENING Abra brings ketchup and mustard to the table where the boys await dinner. O.S. Betty Anne bangs in the kitchen. ABRA (sotto, to boys) Your mom's not in the best mood. BEN Something happen? She hushes them as Betty Anne enters with a bowl of mashed potatoes. BETTY ANNE OK... Start eating. The boys just sit there, watching her. RICHARD What's wrong, Mom? BETTY ANNE Nothing. Dont let it get cold. (beat) So how's your father's new girlfriend? What is she -- fourteen? Fifteen? Tell them. RICHARD/BEN What? Betty -BETTY ANNE What should I do, Abra? Give up? that what you're saying? ABRA It's GONE. RICHARD They looked? Abra nods. Is ABRA They have a right to know. BETTY ANNE It's just a setback. ABRA (CONTD) 83



BEN Can't they look again? ABRA They did. The boys take in the implications of this. BETTY ANNE Mistakes happen -- OBVIOUSLY -- or Kenny wouldn't be in jail! Betty: ABRA They destroyed it.

BETTY ANNE NO. That evidence exists -- somewhere -and I'm gonna find it. A beat as the boys and Abra silently acknowledge that Betty Anne is in denial. ABRA Lets say you do find it. (beat) What if the DNA matches Kenny's? O.K. Abra has spoken the unspeakable. BETTY ANNE GET OUT! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE -RIGHT NOW!! ABRA NO! YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS! Even if you're the most amazing fighter in the world and the most brilliant lawyer, there are forces greater than you and you still may not win! BETTY ANNE (trembling with rage) And you think I haven't thought of that? No. ABRA You haven't.

Betty Anne looks to her sons and realizes they see it too -- she has never truly accepted the possibility of her own failure -- or of Kenny's guilt. BETTY ANNE (to Abra) Just go.






Lots of bad memories. 85


EXT. AYER POLICE STATION - DAY The police station looks just as it did in 1980; cars and passersby indicate that its now the late 90s. WIDER - This is Betty Annes POV from her car, parked across the street. She takes a deep breath, then exits.


INT. AYER POLICE STATION - DAY The station is busier than when we last saw it, but still very much a small town precinct. BETTY ANNE enters, warily looking around to see if theres anyone who might recognize her. Satisfied that shes safe, she crosses to the front desk, smiling at the DESK SERGEANT we saw her speak to on the phone. BETTY ANNE Good morning. DESK SERGEANT Can I help you? Hope so. BETTY ANNE Im an attorney...


She hands him ABRAS BUSINESS CARD. BETTY ANNE (CONTD) ... Abra Rice ... and Im trying to locate evidence from Kenneth Waters-DESK SERGEANT (reads card) Oh yeah -- we spoke on the phone. check with the courthouse? BETTY ANNE They cant locate it.




DESK SERGEANT Yeah -- well, like I said, they probably destroyed it by now. I mean, its been -MALE VOICE (O.S.) Betty Anne Waters? Betty Anne turns to see A POLICE LIEUTENANT whos just entered the station. Hes one of the cops who was in the station when Kenny first got arrested in 1980. BETTY ANNE (cant place him) Im sorry, I dont... LT. DANIELS Lieutenant Daniels. I knew your brother Kenny -- I was a rookie here when -DESK SERGEANT Youre his SISTER? BETTY ANNE (nods, sheepishly) But I am an attorney... and he IS my client. LT. DANIELS Holy shit! Good for YOU! (laughs) My sister wont even send me a birthday card! DESK SERGEANT I was just telling Miss WATERS that we dont have any evidence here. Here? LT. DANIELS From back then?

BETTY ANNE Would you mind looking? He looks at her, realizes she wont give up. LT. DANIELS Come with me. Relieved, Betty Anne FOLLOWS HIM DOWN A HALLWAY... glancing at THE BENCH where she and Kenny were held as kids... the HOLDING ROOM where she talked to Kenny after his first arrest... then INTO...




INT. SMALL SUPPLY ROOM - CONTINUOUS Daniels crosses to a CLOSET and opens it: mostly office supplies, coffee filters, etc., but the TWO TOP SHELVES are labelled EVIDENCE, 1998-1999. Theres ONE FILE BOX on a shelf, marked OLAFSEN, 1998. LT. DANIELS Thats it for our older evidence. BETTY ANNE And theres nowhere else? LT. DANIELS (shakes his head) Sorry. He closes the closet door. LT. DANIELS (CONTD) Hows Kenny holding up? BETTY ANNE Not so great. As they walk out... LT. DANIELS Yeah, I remember that case... Betty Anne FOLLOWS HIM BACK INTO THE HALLWAY. LT. DANIELS (CONTD) I gotta tell ya -- even with what he did -BETTY ANNE (bristling) He didnt do it.


He gives her a sympathetic glance, touched by her loyalty. LT. DANIELS (CONTD) -- I liked Kenny. We all liked him. BETTY ANNE Nancy Taylor didnt. LT. DANIELS Yeah, well... Nancy Taylor doesnt work here anymore. BETTY ANNE Why not? The guy smiles ruefully.



LT. DANIELS She got herself into a little hot water. BETTY ANNE How hot?


INT. GROTON POLICE DEPT. - NANCY TAYLOR'S OFFICE - DAY A SIGN on a desk reads NANCY HARRIS, SECRETARY. WIDER An older, gaunt NANCY TAYLOR (52) sits behind an IBM typewriter, where shes been typing file labels. NANCY TAYLOR Kenneth Waters killed Kay Brow. REVEAL Betty Anne standing opposite her. BETTY ANNE Theres DNA evidence that will prove he didnt. NANCY TAYLOR No, honey, it wont. And anyway, thats just one small fragment of the whole case. Nancys phone rings. She answers it.


NANCY TAYLOR (CONTD) (into phone) Groton Police Department, Chief OConnells office... Betty Anne notices Nancys very own "Wall of Fame": her police academy graduation photo; a "Police Officer of the Year" certificate from Ayer; and, prominently featured, a FRAMED CITATION and a FRAMED ARTICLE: GOVERNOR HONORS POLICE OFFICER FOR SOLVING BRUTAL MURDER CASE. The article has a PHOTO of a younger Taylor, citation in hand, posed with the Governor. NANCY TAYLOR (CONTD) (into phone) Hes not available right now... I gave him your message, sir... I understand. (scribbles message) Ill let him know. She hangs up, a tad annoyed, and finishes writing the message.



BETTY ANNE (casually) Why arent you a cop anymore? NANCY TAYLOR I left the force when I got married. BETTY ANNE Really? You mean it had nothing to do with you framing another cop? NANCY TAYLOR I beg your pardon? BETTY ANNE (feigns forgetfulness) What was his name...? Oh yeah -- Stanley Randall! He found out you were dirty, so you got a waitress from the Rusty Scupper to accuse him of rape. NANCY TAYLOR Is that what they told you over in Ayer? Betty Anne doesnt respond. NANCY TAYLOR (CONTD) Honey, Im sure you can imagine what it was like to be the only woman on that police force. I wasnt dirty, and the rape charge wasnt false. (beat) The truth is, they never got over me solving the Brow murder. BETTY ANNE You didnt solve it. You put an innocent man in jail. A beat. NANCY TAYLOR Im sorry you wasted your life on this. Your brother killed that woman. BETTY ANNE Ill be having the District Attorney investigate you. NANCY TAYLOR Young lady, you do what you need to do. (beat) I have to get back to work.




EXT. FARMHOUSE - AYER, MASSACHUSETTS - TWILIGHT The old WHITE FARMHOUSE from Betty Annes childhood is now dilapidated, the windows boarded up. WIDER - BETTY ANNES CAR sits parked by the old tree in front of the BARN. We see the silhouette of someone inside the open barn doors. ANGLE ON BETTY ANNE looking small and vulnerable, like the girl who used to wrestle with her brother in that barn. PRE-LAP: A DOORBELL RINGS OVER AND OVER



INT. ABRA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT/EARLY MORNING DON, half-asleep, opens the front door, revealing BETTY ANNE with raccoon eyes and stains down her cheeks from mascara and tears. BETTY ANNE Is she asleep? DON She usually is at five in the morning.



INT. ABRAS KITCHEN - A LITTLE LATER Abra, with a serious case of bed head, makes COFFEE; Betty Annes at the table, ripping napkins into tiny pieces. ABRA I wish we could use this! a COP for Chrissakes -If she framed


BETTY ANNE It still doesnt prove she framed Kenny. It wouldnt be enough -ABRA (overlapping) -- enough grounds for a new trial. I know, I know. (big sigh) I hate the damned legal system. Its so... inconvenient. They both smile slightly, and look at each other.



BETTY ANNE Im sorry I kicked you out of my house. Thats O.K. Betty Annes relieved. ABRA Your mac-and-cheese sucks. Friends again.



ABRA (CONTD) You were wearing that outfit when you said you were me? BETTY ANNE (smiles, then) Too bad being you didnt get me anywhere. ABRA (thinks) There is something we havent tried. Betty Anne looks at her, curious. ABRA (CONTD) How long will it take you to make yourself look like a lawyer? SMASH CUT TO: 92 EXT. POST OFFICE SQUARE COURTHOUSE, DOWNTOWN BOSTON - DAY 92 Betty Anne and Abra, both in sharp power suits and sexy high heels, shiny briefcases gleaming in the sunlight, walk up the steps to the courthouse. They are hot. 93 INT. SUFFOLK COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT - CLERK'S OFFICE - DAY 93 Abra and Betty Anne stand at the counter, trying to look tough. Abra deftly whips out a card and hands it to the male clerk opposite them. ABRA I'm attorney Abra Rice and this is my associate. We'd like to speak to Mrs. Halloran. MAN Do you have an appointment? ABRA This is a pressing legal matter. Halloran's aware of it. Mrs.

A short woman (60's), with soft gray hair framing her face, approaches the counter. She wears a pin that's a photo of her grandkids. MRS. HALLORAN I'm Mrs. Halloran.



ABRA (shakes her hand) Abra Rice -- we spoke earlier. MRS. HALLORAN Yes -- but as I told you on the phone -BETTY ANNE I'm Betty Anne Waters. (she shakes her hand) The evidence in question is from my brother's trial. MRS. HALLORAN Oh, well we can't just have family members -BETTY ANNE I'm also his attorney. I became an attorney just to help him. Can you please just look again? MRS. HALLORAN If we did this for every person who came in here... We dont have the staff! BETTY ANNE Look, I don't know what else to do except beg. I'm asking for a favor -- a favor from a complete stranger... but please. Mrs. Halloran takes this in -- feeling badly, but remaining the bureaucrat. MRS. HALLORAN You're talking about evidence that's sixteen years old. Our record shows it was destroyed! BETTY ANNE Isn't it possible that the record is wrong? MRS. HALLORAN That's highly unlikely. BETTY ANNE But possible. Mrs. Halloran stays silent. Betty Anne takes a beat, then smiles at the woman's pin. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) Are those your grandkids?



MRS. HALLORAN (smiles) Yes. BETTY ANNE Beautiful. They look like you. (softly; heartfelt) Please. My brother's innocent, and you're right -- it's been sixteen years. Our family really wants him home. 94 INT. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE - LATER ON THE CLOCK: 3:05. Abra and Betty Anne wait on a bench in the office. Every time someone walks in, they both jump. No Mrs. Halloran. Betty Anne can't sit still. She gets up. 95 INT. HALLWAY - SUFFOLK COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT - DAY Betty Anne walks up the hallway, busy with people, stops to take a drink from a fountain, wipes her mouth, stares at a wall CLOCK: 3:50. 96 INT. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE - DAY ON THE CLOCK: 4:45. Abra and Betty Anne are still waiting. Abra suddenly ELBOWS Betty Anne as MRS. HALLORAN enters the room -- EMPTY-HANDED. THE WOMEN are crushed. But a beat later -96 95 94

A JANITOR follows behind MRS. HALLORAN, carrying a dusty cardboard FILE BOX with "KENNETH WATERS - 1983" scrawled on it in black felt-tip marker. BETTY ANNE grabs Abra's arm and stands, not breathing. MRS. HALLORAN Why don't we come back here? Betty Anne and Abra FOLLOW HER BEHIND A PARTITION. The JANITOR follows, places the BOX onto a table and exits. Mrs. Halloran opens the box. She gestures to Betty Anne and Abra to come forward, then stands back to observe. BETTY ANNE swallows, looks INSIDE THE BOX. On top are the CRIME SCENE PHOTOS. Betty Anne puts them aside. She pulls out a CHART describing EXHIBITS and hands it to Abra.



Beneath is a GLASSINE ENVELOPE with the paring KNIFE from the trial. It's marked EXHIBIT #64 and wrapped in FBI tape. QUICK FLASHBACK to Mrs. Brow's bloody walls, blood soaked bed. BETTY ANNE puts the knife aside, then takes out a GLASSINE ENVELOPE with a piece of bloody fabric in it -EXHIBIT #49. Abra checks the number against the chart. ABRA Victim's blood. Betty Anne takes out more GLASSINE ENVELOPES -- some with blood samples on slides, many with pieces of bloody fabric. QUICK FLASHBACK to the forensic doctor holding the glassine envelopes during the trial. BETTY ANNE'S afraid to breathe. Victim. Betty Anne takes out a few GLASSINE ENVELOPES with more bloody samples, EXHIBITS 63A-F. Abra looks at the chart - then looks at Betty Anne. ABRA (CONT'D) Perpetrator. Betty Anne looks at Abra, barely containing her excitement. Abra nods, almost in tears. ABRA (CONT'D) Good job, Counselor. Betty Anne turns to Mrs. Halloran. BETTY ANNE I'll need to file a Motion to Preserve the Evidence. MRS. HALLORAN That office is closed now -- but I'll turn it in for you in the morning. I'll get you that paperwork. BETTY ANNE (grabbing her) You're gonna keep the box out on this table? MRS. HALLORAN It'll be fine. Abra checks the numbers.




BETTY ANNE My brother's life is in there. Can't I just put a sign on it with my name? MRS. HALLORAN That's really not necessary. Please. BETTY ANNE If anything happened to this --

MRS. HALLORAN Well, all right. Betty Anne exhales, relieved. BETTY ANNE Could I borrow some tape? A FEW MOMENTS LATER We hear the SCREECHY SOUND of TAPE being yanked from a dispenser and we find THE BOX now swaddled with Betty Anne's legal letterhead as she wraps more tape around it. ABRA You missed a spot. Abra points to a tiny spot without paper. Betty Anne doesn't realize she's joking, then tapes a BUSINESS CARD over it. With a squeaky magic marker, she writes: DO NOT DESTROY THIS... DO NOT DESTROY THIS... 97 EXT. POST OFFICE SQUARE COURTHOUSE, DOWNTOWN BOSTON - DAY 97 Betty Anne and Abra head down the steps, composed and professional. They walk a few feet, then both SCREAM, jumping up and down. 98 EXT. SHIRLEY PRISON - EXERCISE YARD - DAY As GUARDS observe, INMATES work out on weight equipment. Kenny comes running into the yard, jubilant. He hugs a GUARD who shoves him away, leaps over a guy who's working out on a bench press, then grabs a barbell and lifts it over his head victoriously. 99 INT. INNOCENCE PROJECT, N.Y., BARRY SCHECK'S OFFICE - DAY 99 ON a PAPER-COVERED DESK, as a MAN'S HANDS search through different piles. 98



BARRY SCHECK (O.S.) Shit. WIDER - BARRY SCHECK (40's), an overworked genius -charismatic, attractive, and slightly rumpled -- looks through papers. His office has views of lower Manhattan; walls with honorary plaques, framed newspaper articles, photos, etc. BARRY SCHECK (CONT'D) (calling) Jocelyn? Can you find me Betty Anne Waters' number? JOCELYN (O.S.) It's in your Roladex. BARRY SCHECK (looks in Roladex) How do you expect me to find anything if you put it in the right place? JOCELYN, a young, hip-looking legal intern, pokes her head in just as Barry finds it. JOCELYN It would be under "W." Barry gives her a look that says "very funny." BARRY SCHECK This woman actually went to law school to save her brother? JOCELYN He's her only client. Jeez. 100 BARRY SCHECK I hope he's innocent. 100


ON BETTY ANNE'S LEG, covered with shaving cream, a RAZOR sliding upwards. WIDER - Betty Anne has one leg up on the edge of the bathtub. The PHONE RINGS. BETTY ANNE Shit. She runs into HER BEDROOM, razor in hand, shaving cream dripping from her leg. Betty Anne grabs the phone.



BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) Hello? INTERCUT BARRY in his office. BARRY Is this Betty Anne Waters? BETTY ANNE Yes? BARRY This is Barry Scheck. Oh my God. BETTY ANNE Hi. BARRY How are you? Fine - fine! BETTY ANNE Great!

She grabs a pen and a newspaper that's on her bed, open to a half-finished crossword puzzle. BARRY Congratulations on finding the evidence. It's extraordinary. She quickly scribbles onto the newspaper: "Congratulations on finding the evidence..." BETTY ANNE Thank you. But I really didn't do anything -BARRY You mean, besides becoming a lawyer? BETTY ANNE (smiles) I meant -- you know, we were just lucky that the box was still there. BARRY I hear you beat up an old lady to find it. They both laugh. BETTY ANNE No, that was gonna be my next step.



BARRY Your brother's lucky you're so persistent. BETTY ANNE Kenny thinks he's getting out of jail tomorrow. BARRY I wish. D.A's don't like admitting they've put an innocent person into prison. And this D.A., Martha Coakley, just got elected so shes really not gonna like it. Betty Anne continues to write down everything Barry says. BETTY ANNE How long do you think it will take? BARRY We'll have some hoops to go through -- it might be a couple of months -BETTY ANNE A couple of months! BARRY Maybe less. But the important thing is, if your brother's innocent -BETTY ANNE He is. BARRY -- then this is a travesty of justice -and we will get him out. Betty Anne gets teary-eyed by this as she writes this down, boldly underlining "we will get him out."

101 102


101 102

Through a small window in the door we see Betty Anne, dressed in a suit, waiting tensely at a table. Her briefcase is at her side. An ORANGE SHAPE fills the frame as the door opens.



Reverse on KENNY in an ORANGE PRISON JUMPSUIT WITH LEG IRONS AND MANACLES, shuffling in alongside a GUARD. BETTY ANNE tries to hide her distress as she crosses to hug her brother. GUARD No hugging. BETTY ANNE Im his sister! GUARD Hes in seg. Those are the rules. They sit, and the guard exits, positioning himself right outside the door. BETTY ANNE Are you O.K.? KENNY Fine! (making light of it) I kinda like being shackled up like this. Makes me feel dangerous. BETTY ANNE Youre dangerous to yourself! What were you THINKING? Why wouldnt you just take the test?! KENNY Its been a year, Betty! A fucking year! I dont trust them. (beat) Im not doin it. BETTY ANNE (flabbergasted) Jesus Christ -- are you out of your mind? This is IT, Kenny! This is what weve been waiting for! KENNY Why NOW, all of a sudden, out of the blue, huh? And why cant you be in the room when they test me? Why cant Barry Scheck? BETTY ANNE They wont agree to that! *



KENNY So Im supposed to trust State Troopers to do it?



BETTY ANNE This isn't a choice, Kenny! do this! A beat. KENNY Its gonna test positive.

You HAVE to

Betty Anne stares at him, uncomprehending. KENNY (CONTD) (quietly) Theyll find a way. Youll see. fuck me again.


BETTY ANNE Im leaving. (rising) DO IT, or Ill kill you. Thats your sister AND your lawyer talking!




BETTY ANNE and ABRA push grocery carts down the aisle of a SUPERMARKET. Betty Anne speaks on her cell, angrily throwing items into the cart and moving quickly while Abra tries to keep up with her.



BETTY ANNE (into cell phone) What the hell is going on over there?! Why dont we have the test results yet? 104 INTERCUT BARRY - DAY - LOWER MANHATTAN STREET BARRY walking briskly down a LOWER MANHATTAN STREET, talking into his cell phone as he approaches a corner SABRETT'S HOT DOG STAND. BARRY The evidence is still sitting in the crime lab. He indicates to the vendor that he wants one hot dog. BETTY ANNE Just SITTING THERE?! SIX months to approve the testing, FIVE to decide how to test it, and now theyre doing NOTHING? THATS what youre telling me? Yes. BARRY That's what I'm telling you. 104

BETTY ANNE This is bullshit, Barry! BARRY I know. Martha Coakley's definitely stonewalling us. Abra watches Betty Anne throw huge quantities of food into her cart. ABRA Are we expecting a famine? BETTY ANNE (snapping, to Abra) I have teenagers, remember? (to Barry) Do we even know if Kennys DNA ever got there? Or if the crime samples are still there? BARRY Theyre there. BETTY ANNE Have you seen them? Barry sighs; the vendor hands him a hot dog.



BETTY ANNE (CONTD) Why arent you doing anything about this? BARRY We call the D.A.'s office every day -and the crime lab -- the interns have sent like eight thousand e-mails -Interns? interns! BETTY ANNE Jesus, Barry, this is beyond

Barry squeezes mustard onto his hot dog and it squirts onto his tie. BARRY (to himself) Shit. (to Betty Anne) It's just gonna take some more time. BETTY ANNE Great. You and your interns take your time while Kenny rots in jail. She angrily clicks off. his ruined tie. FUCK. She stops short, and Abra almost runs into her. Betty Anne stands there, trying to figure out what to do. ABRA You shouldn't be taking it out on Barry. Betty Anne looks at her, an idea forming. BETTY ANNE You're right. 105 INT. MASSACHUSETTS CRIME LAB - BOSTON - DAY Betty Anne walks briskly down a hallway, calling to the back of a woman in a lab coat. BETTY ANNE Dr. McGilvray? The woman turns around. 105 Barry sighs, then looks down at BETTY ANNE (CONT'D)



BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) Betty Anne Waters. I need that evidence sent today. DR. MCGILVRAY (affronted) Excuse me? I'm sorry, I'm not sure who -BETTY ANNE The DNA evidence from Kenneth Waters' trial. Why is it just sitting here? DR. MCGILVRAY We have procedures to follow -BETTY ANNE I'll tell you the procedures: test the goddamn evidence today and Fed Ex the results to Ed Blake's lab in California. How hard is that? The doctor glares at Betty Anne, then turns around and proceeds down the hall. Betty Anne follows after her. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) So what is it? Martha Coakley's telling you not to do it? (no response) Is there some kind of promotion you'll get if you kiss her butt? The woman walks more quickly to get away from her. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) (still following) You can't keep fucking with my brother's life like this! 106 EXT. BETTY ANNE'S HOUSE - DAY - DECEMBER, 2000 Richard and Ben, hockey gear in hand, yell to the upstairs window. RICHARD MOM! Let's go! We're gonna miss the kick-off! BETTY ANNE (from the window) Be right down! 106




INT. BETTY ANNE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS In the empty room, A FAX MACHINE prints out pages on Betty Anne's desk.





Betty Anne rushes downstairs, grabs her bag and car keys, exits. We hear the door LOCK. A few beats, then: BETTY ANNE (O.S.) Shit. The door is unlocked, and Betty Anne comes flying in. Ben and Richard stand outside with impatient expressions. BEN Mom! BETTY ANNE I forgot my phone! She starts searching. The boys enter.

RICHARD When's the last time you used it? BETTY I don't remember. (to Ben) Call me. Maybe it'll ring. While Betty Anne and Richard keep looking, Ben crosses to Betty Anne's messy desk and dials from the fax phone, glancing at the TWENTY PAGES that have spilled out of the FAX MACHINE. A CELL PHONE RINGS TO THE TUNE OF BEETHOVEN'S ODE TO JOY. Ben notices a COVER SHEET from FORENSIC SCIENCE ASSOCIATES, then quickly skims the fax pages. BETTY ANNE Where's it coming from? RICHARD The couch? Ben finds a page titled KENNETH WATERS ITEM 17. as Richard and Betty Anne ransack the room. He reads



BEN Holy shit... (shouting) He's innocent! Uncle Kenny's innocent! It wasn't his DNA! Ben waves the page and Betty Anne rushes up to him, grabbing it. The cell phone keeps RINGING. Richard reads over Betty Anne's shoulder. RICHARD "Kenneth Waters is eliminated as the source of the male blood..." They scream, jumping up and down, hugging and kissing. And, somewhere in the house, Betty Anne's CELL PHONE continues to play "Ode to Joy." 109 INT. SHIRLEY PRISON - LAWYERS VISITING ROOM - DAY 109

In a small room adjacent to the regular visitors room, Kenny sits opposite Betty Anne, whos dressed in lawyer clothes, briefcase at her side, with a grim expression on her face. What? KENNY What is it?

Betty Anne takes a piece of paper from her briefcase and soberly hands it to him. Kenny takes it, reads it. He looks up at Betty Anne, in near shock. KENNY (CONTD) This what I think it is? She holds on to her poker face for another second, then: BETTY ANNE Yep. KENNY (still trying to absorb it) Holy shit. BETTY ANNE We did it. KENNY YOU did it! YOU DID IT! it! Holy fuck! You fucking did

Hes electric with excitement and can barely sit.



KENNY (CONTD) When? When am I gettin out? BETTY ANNE A few days. A few days?! KENNY I can't wait a few days!

BETTY ANNE There's paperwork, Kenny -- you can't just walk out of here. Why not? KENNY They know I'm innocent!

He stands, rushes into THE ADJACENT VISITORS ROOM KENNY (CONTD) (waves DNA results; to everyone) You hear that, motherfuckers? INNOCENT. NEGATIVE DNA TEST!


GUARD Shut up, Muddy! Get back in there! KENNY My baby sisters a fuckin' genius and she's gettin' me out of here! BETTY ANNE (calling from the other room) Kenny, SIT! They can still kick your ass! Kenny steps back into the LAWYERS VISITING ROOM. KENNY So whattya think? Monday? Tuesday?

BETTY ANNE I have to hear back from Barry. As soon as he reaches Martha Coakley -- [and she vacates the conviction --] KENNY Well you tell Miss Martha Fuckhead Coakley I want a shiny new limousine picking me up, with a fully stocked bar! They laugh together, then Kenny leans in.



KENNY (CONTD) Ya gotta call Mandy for me. Tell her they know Im innocent... Tell her Im gettin out. 110 EXT. SHIRLEY PRISON - DAY 110

Betty Anne stands outside and talks into her cell phone. BETTY ANNE Mandy, this is your Aunt Betty Anne -your father's sister. You probably don't remember me but I really need to talk to you about your Dad. 111 INT. BRENDA MARSH'S APARTMENT - WORCESTER, MASS - DAY 111

ON AN ANSWERING MACHINE, recording Betty Anne's message. BETTY ANNE (V.O.) It's very important -- its nothing bad -I mean, it's GREAT. We found the evidence that proves he's innocent and -A WOMAN'S HAND comes INTO FRAME and DELETES the message. 112 INT. AIDAN'S PUB - NIGHT Betty Anne is AT THE BAR, taking care of customers. AIDAN (O.S.) Stop working! Thats an order! FIND AIDAN, filling champagne glasses at a nearby table, where Abra, Don, Ben, Richard, and a few friends try to celebrate. Theres a big vase of flowers and a cake. BETTY ANNE Weve got customers! ABRA Come on, Betty Anne! Aidan approaches her with a glass of champagne. BETTY ANNE I cant celebrate till Kennys out! O.K. AIDAN Thats it. 112



Aidan puts down the glass, comes around the bar, PICKS BETTY ANNE UP, and sits her down on the counter. People are laughing. Oh great! Good! Laughter. AIDAN Everyone, a toast to Betty Anne and Abra! Ad libs: Here here! BETTY ANNE Aidan -AIDAN Its time to be happy! You DID IT, Betty Anne! You did the fucking impossible! (to boys) Oops, sorry boys.... RICHARD Hey, its true! ABRA OK, like it or not, Im making a toast. (to Betty Anne) From the first day I set eyes on you in law school, I thought -- god, shes even older than I am! (laughter) But seriously, Ive never met anybody like you -- you never gave up, you never stopped fighting -- its been an honor working with you on this. (beat) A gigantic pain in the ass -- but an honor. Betty Anne gets teary, and mouths thank you to Abra. They all toast, applaud, drink -- including Betty Anne. 113 EXT. LAKE HOUSE - MASSACHUSETTS - DAY 113 BETTY ANNE Im sitting in Stoli!

ABRA At least your butt is celebrating!

It's a beautiful winter afternoon. Richard and Ben are moving a DRESSER out of a U-HAUL VAN, and carrying it over to the enclosed porch of a small, ramshackle "fixerupper" on a lake.



INT. LAKE HOUSE PORCH - CONTINUOUS The porch is full of boxes and furniture that theyve already unloaded. DISHES have been taken out of a box and are STACKED on top of a table. BETTY ANNE is in the adjacent kitchen, making sandwiches. BETTY ANNE (stepping onto porch) Take a break, guys -- I got lunch. She grabs a couple of plates. Richard and Ben are looking around, trying to figure out where to put the dresser for now. RICHARD Did it every occur to you that this place is TOO SMALL for all this STUFF? No. BETTY ANNE Not for a minute.

The boys put down the dresser. BEN At least Uncle Kenny will think its big enough... compared to a jail cell. The boys crack up, and Betty Anne laughs with them. PHONE RINGS from inside the house. BETTY ANNE That's BARRY! She runs into the house. THE BOYS exit and head BACK TO THE VAN to get more things. 114 INT. LAKE HOUSE - CONTINUOUS 114 The

Betty Anne has arranged the crappy, dusty interior into a temporary living space with used furniture, a phone and fax machine. She grabs her cell phone. BETTY ANNE (out of breath) Barry? BARRY (O.S.) Hi. BETTY ANNE Oh, thank God! I'm going crazy here -and Kenny's absolutely insane!



She crosses back to THE PORCH. I know. BARRY (O.S.) I'm sorry I didn't --

BETTY ANNE Did you reach Martha Coakley? BARRY (O.S.) Yes. BETTY ANNE What'd she say? How long will it take? BARRY (O.S.) Theres a problem. (beat) She wont vacate the conviction. 115 EXT. LAKE HOUSE - DAY Ben and Richard are stepping out of the VAN with more crap. Ben glances up at the house. HIS POV - Through the PORCH windows, Betty Anne is RAGING -- a force of nature throwing DISHES, furniture, kicking things, going crazy with rage and frustration. BACK TO SCENE - Ben and Richard drop what theyre carrying and they run up to the house as Betty Anne throws A CHAIR against the window. 116 INT. SHIRLEY PRISON - VISITING ROOM - DAY KENNYS in SHOCK; BETTY ANNE, looking grim, sits across from him. BETTY ANNE She told Barry... She said... (struggling) She said theres still enough evidence to try you as an accomplice. Kenny just stares at her, incredulous. to hold herself together. Betty Anne tries 116 115

BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) She's not gonna let you out. Kenny remains still. Betty Anne watches him, terrified of his reaction. And then:



KENNY Mother Fucker. Ill KILL that fucking BITCH! BETTY ANNE Kenny, listen to me -He jumps up. KENNY MOTHERFUCKER!! I KNEW it, Betty Anne! TOLD you! WATERS!! GUARD Sit the fuck down! I

Kenny sits -- but hes still riled up. BETTY ANNE We cant give up! Weve got Barry on our side now -- well fight her in court -KENNY (overlapping; almost laughing) We are WAY past that, little sister. What a fucking IDIOT I was! What a CHUMP! BETTY ANNE Kenny -- please -KENNY (rising) Everything youve done? All of it? A FUCKIN JOKE! We got fuckin PLAYED! What a fuckin ASSHOLE I was! GUARD Sit the fuck down, Waters -- or youre OUTTA HERE! KENNY (to guard) Havent you heard? Theyre NEVER letting me outta here! NEVER! Kenny THROWS OVER THE TABLE and Betty Anne jumps back. The GUARD crosses to restrain Kenny -- but Kenny shoves him away -- HARD. It knocks the guard over.



KENNY (CONTD) (to Betty Anne) They made fools outta BOTH of us! I TOLD you! I TOLD you! ... and in an instant, THREE GUARDS come charging in from different doors... ... and tackle him, as he goes crazy... I TOLD YOU! KENNY (CONTD) I TOLD YOU!

... while Betty Anne SCREAMS AT THEM, tears streaming -STOP!! BETTY ANNE STOP!! DONT!!

She moves towards them, and one guard pushes her back. KENNY Dont touch her! Dont you fuckin touch my sister!! PRE-LAP: VOICES (V.O.) Congratulations! 117 INT. INNOCENCE PROJECT - NEW YORK - DAY As Betty Anne walks towards Barry's office, interns and others, including Huy Dao and Jocelyn, surround her, congratulating her. She strains to look appreciative. 118 INT. BARRY SCHECK'S OFFICE - DAY 118 117

Betty Anne enters. Barry gives her a hug; she closes her eyes, collapsing into him. They pull back from each other, and she looks at him -- she's miserable. BETTY ANNE Kennys in solitary, for Chrissakes! Why is everyone congratulating me? BARRY You proved hes innocent. BETTY ANNE Not to Martha Coakley, I didnt.



I know.

BARRY But if we --

BETTY ANNE We are NOT going back to court -BARRY We dont -- [have to] -BARRY Betty Anne -BETTY ANNE Kenny will not survive another trial! BETTY ANNE And Ill be damned if I have to prove his innocence ALL OVER AGAIN just because that evil bitch -BARRY (loud) BETTY ANNE! This gets her attention. BETTY ANNE What? BARRY There wont be a trial if we gather new evidence. BETTY ANNE How we gonna do that? BARRY Think about it. The DNA doesn't just prove Kenny's innocent -Betty Anne looks at him, realizing. BETTY ANNE It proves all those "witnesses" were lying. BARRY Right. BETTY ANNE So we just have to get someone to recant. Barry looks at her, nods. expression brightens. Road trip? A beat as Betty Annes




119 120

OMIT EXT. ROSEANNA PERRY'S TRAILER - AYER - DAY Betty Anne, Abra and Barry exchange looks as they approach a run-down trailer, the front littered with empty beer cans, cigarette butts, etc. Betty Anne knocks. A beat, and the door opens, revealing ROSEANNA (mid-40's), cigarette in hand. ROSEANNA Oh shit.

119 120




Betty Anne sits opposite ROSEANNA on a plaid couch. ROSEANNA drinks a beer and chain smokes. She's missing several teeth; the years of alcohol have not been kind to her. A mute T.V. plays in the b.g. Barry types on his laptop. Abra stands. ROSEANNA I was threatened, O.K.? (to Barry) Hey -- didn't I see you on TV? BETTY ANNE Who threatened you? ROSEANNA (still on Barry) Yeah! I know! You're that famous Jew lawyer! Barry is too stunned to respond. ROSEANNA! BETTY ANNE Who threatened you?

Abra gently touches Betty Anne, silently reminding her to stay calm. ROSEANNA PERRY Ya know, that fuckin cop Nancy Taylor had it out for Kenny -- She fuckin kidnaps me, right? Her and the Chief of Police -- and they bring me to this hotel room against my will-(to Barry) Thats not legal, right? -(back to Betty Anne) (MORE)

BETTY ANNE WATERS - GOLDENROD PAGES - 04-03-2009 ROSEANNA PERRY (CONT'D) -- and they get me drunk and then the Police Chief, he gets down on his knees and makes me pray with him -- I aint shittin you! -- Ya see, they lied -they told me they had all this other evidence and that I could be an accessory too and they could take my daughters away -- They had me on terrogation -- and uh, I mean I was absolutely totally SICK, I mean I pee-uked! I never seen pictures like those in my life -(re: the TV) Wait-- I gotta see this part.




She grabs the remote, puts on the sound for a few beats. BETTY ANNE Pictures of Mrs. Brow? ROSEANNA Yeah! The stab wounds all over her whole goddamned body and you could see her brain and everything. And I just went... I just went hysterical, I mean I just completely broke down. "Ya want something like this to happen to you? Do you want a fuckin' murderer like that walking the fuckin' street? It could happen to anybody, your mother, your kids, you" -- ya know, meaning me -BARRY So Nancy Taylor said that Kenny could murder you or your mother or your girls? ROSEANNA PERRY She fuckin' did. Excuse my French but yes, that's exactly it. Barry, Abra and Betty Anne exchange looks -- suppressing their excitement. ROSEANNA PERRY (CONT'D) There was just a lot of thing [sic] That were not quite right in Denmark. And I kept telling them that I was PALASTERED and I wasn't even SURE what Kenny said that time -BETTY ANNE And you'll sign this affidavit after we're done? ROSEANNA PERRY I cannot live like this any longer, I'm serious. I'm the one who stuck 'im there. Im sorry, Betty Anne -- Im SORRY! I was railroad [sic], O.K.? I told them Kenny was innocent! That Nancy Taylor she says, "Once I get on a lead, I never let it go." BETTY ANNE Roseanna -- I need to know -- will you sign the affidavit?



ROSEANNA PERRY Yeah! BETTY ANNE And then we'll have to take you with us to get it notarized -A beat as Roseanna takes this in. ROSEANNA What about perjury? A beat. Barry, Betty Anne and Abra exchange a look. ABRA What about perjury? ROSEANNA Well, if I sign this, then they'll know I lied before, right? She looks from Betty Anne to Barry for an answer. ROSEANNA (CONT'D) What's the statue of limitations? 122 EXT. ROSEANNA PERRYS TRAILER As Betty Anne, Abra, and Barry walk back to the car -ABRA I didn't know she could even say so many syllables. BETTY ANNE I'd like to knock out the rest of her teeth -BARRY Taste in women was not one of your brother's strong points. ABRA Hey, in her younger days, Roseanna was Miss Massachusetts. BARRY Seriously? ABRA (cracks up, then) Hot shot famous lawyer, here. 122



BARRY Hot shot famous Jew lawyer. Abra and Barry laugh; Betty Annes in too dark a mood to join them. 123 124 OMIT EXT. BRENDA MARSH'S APARTMENT - WORCESTER, MASS - DAY 123 124

Betty Anne rings the bell of a second floor apartment in a low-income, two-story building. The DOOR OPENS, revealing MANDY (20) a heavyset young woman. BETTY ANNE Mandy? MANDY Yeah? BETTY ANNE I'm your Aunt Betty Anne. (beat) Your father's sister. Mandy pales. MANDY Whatta you want? BETTY ANNE Did you get my messages? MANDY I have to go. Mandy tries to close the door. Betty Anne stops her.

BETTY ANNE I really need to talk to your mother. MANDY Shes not home. BETTY ANNE Please -- your father's innocent. MANDY He's a murderer. BETTY ANNE The DNA test proved he's not.



Mandy's rattled. She hasn't heard a word about this. She starts to close the door -BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) Did she ever give you his letters? The door closes in her face. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) He wrote to you every week! (banging on door) Hes innocent! ANGLE - BARRY AND ABRA, watch from the car. 125 INT. SHIRLEY PRISON - ENTRANCE TO VISITING ROOM - DAY CHRISTMAS EVE. A GUARD unwraps a GIFT BOX for inspection. WIDER - BETTY ANNE, wearing a BRIGHT RED CHRISTMAS-THEMED SWEATER, watches him tear the paper, then glances into the VISITING ROOM. HER POV - Sad-looking garlands "decorate" the room. Inmates sit opposite family; KENNY waits for her. He looks thinner, more beaten down. 126 INT. VISITING ROOM - SHIRLEY PRISON - DAY As Kenny sits across from Betty Anne. Betty Anne is chatty, trying to be upbeat. BETTY ANNE Its so silly that I wrap it every year but I figure crumpled papers better than none -- so theres socks in there, shampoo, underwear -- the boys got you a video but God knows how long itll take to approve it -- Remember the year they wouldnt let me give you BABE? -- I wasnt sure theyd even let me in with this sweater... I mean its RED -- I could be in a gang -KENNY Its O.K., Betty Anne. BETTY ANNE Huh? KENNY Theyre not gonna let us win. Im O.K. 126 125



BETTY ANNE What?! What are you talking about? course we are. KENNY Its not your fault.


BETTY ANNE Kenny, lets not talk about this today. Its Christmas. KENNY Time for you to start living your life. BETTY ANNE (offended) This is my life! Kenny just looks at her. Exactly. Betty Anne is silent, feeling the weight of her own words. 127 INT. BETTY ANNE'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - LATE NIGHT 127

Betty Anne's on the phone, drinking eggnog from a McDonalds juice glass. A rum bottle and a jar of nutmeg are on the counter. BETTY ANNE Am I disturbing your Christmas? 128 INTERCUT BARRY IN BED, HIS WIFE ASLEEP BESIDE HIM. Christmas? Sorry. BARRY I don't have Christmas, by the way. Oh. BETTY ANNE Well, your Hanukkah. BARRY No. Sleep? BETTY ANNE Yes. 128

BARRY That was last month. BETTY ANNE I thought it was the same time as Christmas.



BARRY That was last year. BETTY ANNE Huh. Betty Anne adds more rum and nutmeg to her drink. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) Anyway, I was thinking -- we need to stay focused on trying to find the murderer. There's that boyfriend Brow's daughter-inlaw had, and that guy whose car was seen by the trailer, and -BARRY Have you thought about doing nothing for a few days? Drinking eggnog, enjoying your family? (silence) I didn't think so. BETTY ANNE I'm drinking eggnog. BARRY Are your boys there? BETTY ANNE Tomorrow. BARRY Good. (beat) Look, right after New Years', I'll come back up there, we'll get someone to talk - whatever it takes. O.K.? BETTY ANNE (deflated) O.K. BARRY Im sorry Kennys not there with you. wish I could have made that happen. Betty Anne tears up. BETTY ANNE (quietly) I know. BARRY Merry Christmas. I



BETTY ANNE You too -- I mean, Happy Han -- oh shit -good night. She hangs up. 129 Sits there a beat. 129


Sitting by the Christmas tree, surrounded by wrapping paper and bows, Ben and Richard check out their presents. Through the windows, we see a nasty-looking winter storm. BEN Hey Mom -- are the pancakes almost ready? Betty Anne enters, bundled in a coat, scarf, hat, gloves and boots, carrying a tray with pancakes, syrup, butter. BETTY ANNE Anybody up for a drive? The boys look at her -- then look out the window -- then back to her. 130 INT. BETTY ANNE'S HONDA - MOVING - DAY Betty Anne drives slowly in the snow. Richard's beside her; Ben's in the back, polishing off the pancakes. RICHARD Any pancakes left back there? Oh. BEN Did you want some? 130

RICHARD Give me one -BEN Forget it -- you lose! They laugh as they pretend to fight. Anne's mood a little. It lightens Betty

BETTY ANNE You gonna tell your father this is how I made you spend Christmas? BEN Your secret's safe with us.



RICHARD Besides, we're willing accomplices. Betty Anne smiles gratefully. worse. The storm is getting

BETTY ANNE You would do this for each other, right? RICHARD (laughs) If Ben tried to go to law school for me, I'd die an old man in prison. BEN Don't worry about it -- I wouldn't do it. BETTY ANNE You wouldn't? BEN (shrugs) I mean, I'd want to help and all but I don't think I could give up what I really wanted to do. RICHARD Which is -- what? Sleeping till noon and hanging out at the mall? Shut up. BEN What -- would you do it for me?

RICHARD (thinks, then) Yeah. BEN You'd sacrifice your whole life for me? Betty Anne reacts to this description. RICHARD Well, when you put it that way... (beat) Forget it. The boys crack up. rearview mirror. Betty Anne glances at Ben in the

BETTY ANNE You think I sacrificed my whole life?



The boys look at each other, feeling guilty. Betty Anne takes this in, then looks ahead at the blinding snow. 131 EXT. BRENDA MARSH'S APARTMENT - WORCESTER, MASS - DAY 131

Snowing and blustery. Betty Anne, holding a small Christmas present, rings the bell, Richard and Ben beside her. A few beats and the door opens. Mandy. Betty Anne gestures to the boys, as if saying, here are your cousins, then holds out the present. Mandy closes the door in their faces. AIDAN (V.O.) It's almost time! 132 INT. AIDAN'S PUB - NIGHT - 2000/2001 (THE PRESENT) 132

In a New Year's Eve top hat, Aidan tries to steer a happy crowd towards the stage area where there's an Irish band, Christmas and New Year's decorations, TV sets turned to the Times Square countdown, and someone passing out horns and blowers. Among the revelers are Abra and Don in matching New Years' crowns. Aidan looks for Betty Anne. The DRUMMER bangs the drum with each number: ALL Ten, nine, eight, seven ... 133 EXT. AIDANS PUB - NIGHT Betty Anne, hugging herself, stands across the street from the back of Aidan's Pub and looks at the train tracks. Her breath mists in the cold. ALL (O.S.) ... three, two, one -- HAPPY NEW YEAR! In the b.g., we hear horns and an Irish-sounding AULD LANG SYNE. Aidan, still in his party hat, steps out of the pub's back door, sees Betty Anne and crosses behind her, puts his arms around her waist and envelops her. Betty Anne starts to cry quietly. Aidan holds her tighter. As Betty Anne stands on the precipice of a new year, her tears turn to sobs and she begins to pour out two decades of pain. 134 EXT. BRENDA MARSH'S APARTMENT - DAY - JANUARY, 2001 Mandy, in a waitress's uniform, exits the building and walks down the street. 134 133



WIDER - Betty Anne watches from her car, across the street. 135 EXT. FRIENDLYS RESTAURANT - WORCESTER, MASS - DAY Through the WINDOW, we see Mandy taking an order. WIDER - Betty Anne watches from her car, in the parking lot. 136 INT. FRIENDLY'S RESTAURANT - DAY 136 135

As Mandy heads to the kitchen, Betty Anne intercepts her. MANDY I'm working. BETTY ANNE Please. 137 EXT. FRIENDLY'S RESTAURANT - DAY 137

Betty Anne and Mandy stand to the side of the restaurant; Mandy smokes a cigarette. MANDY I have this memory -- I'm sitting on the kitchen floor -- I'm three or four years old -- and my mom and aunt are talking about Daddy's shirt being covered with blood. I couldn't figure it out. Why would Daddy's shirt be covered with blood? BETTY ANNE It wasn't. Mandy takes this in. MANDY She lied? BETTY ANNE The DNA proves she did. We see this register briefly on Mandy's face but she tries to hide her reaction. She puffs on her cigarette. MANDY Why would she lie that way?



BETTY ANNE That's what we need to ask her, honey. A long beat as Mandy takes this in. waves. Its hitting her in

MANDY Did he really write me every week? BETTY ANNE For eighteen years. Even when you were just a baby. MANDY (a beat; hiding her upset) Is he getting out of jail? BETTY ANNE They wont let him out without new evidence. MANDY Why not? BETTY ANNE Because people don't like to admit that they've made a mistake. Mandy listens. The double meaning isn't lost on her.

BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) We need a statement from your mother. A beat. Mandy turns and heads for the restaurant door. MANDY I can't control what she does! BETTY ANNE (following her) Yeah -- either could Kenny. (beat) If Massachusetts had the death penalty, he'd be dead by now. Mandy swallows. Betty Anne reaches into her purse and pulls out a Christmas gift. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) Your father made this for you. Mandy hesitates, then takes it. She rips off the paper, revealing a lacquered wooden jewelry box with flowers carved on top.



She touches the flowers, then opens the box: inside is the PHOTO KENNY HAD ON HIS PRISON WALL -- Kenny with toddler Mandy on his shoulders. BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) He's had that on the wall of his cell this whole time. Mandy takes out the photo and looks at it, trying to hide her emotions. 138 EXT. BRENDA MARSH'S APARTMENT - DAY 138

Betty Anne rings the bell; Abra and Barry are behind her. The door opens, REVEALING BRENDA, 45 going on 65. Betty Anne looks into the face of the woman who ruined her brother's life. PRE-LAP: 139 The sound of TYPING. 139


Through a haze of cigarette SMOKE we see a disaster of an apartment: dirty dishes, ashtrays filled with butts and half-smoked joints, a jungle's worth of unhealthy potted plants. BETTY ANNE holds a tape recorder as Brenda speaks while smoking a cigarette. Mandy stands, a few feet away from her mother -- steeled, angry, and smoking a cigarette -- but we can see the hurt in her eyes. BRENDA After me and Kenny split up, I had this boyfriend, Robert, and he says we could get money from the cops if we rat on Kenny. Abra takes notes and Barry, perched precariously on a small wooden chair, types on his laptop. A little MUTT keeps yipping. BRENDA (CONTD) So he goes to Nancy Taylor and says I told him Kenny confessed to Mrs. Brow's murder... BARRY Wait, wait! His LAPTOP plug has fallen out of a crappy-looking outlet. Abra plugs it in, keeping her eye on it. The dog YIPS.



BETTY ANNE (to Brenda) Go on. BRENDA Nancy Taylor tells Robert he can fuck himself -- and then she hauls me in, brings me to this hotel, makes me look at these gross pictures... (she shudders) She says they can prove I was an accessory... and that they'll take Mandy away... Brenda looks to Mandy, hoping she'll understand -- but Mandy stays poker-faced, absorbing the enormity of what she's just learned. She won't look at her mother. 140 EXT. WORCESTER STREET - DAY 140

Betty Annes Honda drives slowly up a commercial street. The car passes an INSURANCE COMPANY with a sign in the window: NOTARY AVAILABLE. There! 141 BARRY (V.O.) Stop the car! 141

INT. INSURANCE COMPANY - FRONT OFFICE - DAY With laptop in hand, Barry rushes into this office, followed by Betty Anne, Abra, Brenda and Mandy. The RECEPTIONIST looks startled. BARRY You guys have a printer I can use?




THROUGH THE GLASS WALL of the office, we see a WOMAN NOTARY sitting across from Brenda. Mandy, Betty Anne, Abra and Barry stand, surrounding Brenda. We move INSIDE THE OFFICE where, pen in hand, Brenda looks for the signature line on her affidavit. The NOTARY points to the place for Brenda to sign. Betty Anne, Barry and Abra are afraid to breathe. Brenda's about to sign it, then: BRENDA (to Barry) Can you guarantee that I won't go to jail if I sign this?




BARRY I can't.

Brenda hesitates. MANDY (firmly) Sign it, Ma. Brenda looks at her. A beat. As she signs it, Betty Anne exhales and SQUEEZES Abra's fingers. 143 144 OMIT EXT. WORCESTER STREET - DAY Betty Anne's on her cell phone as she, Barry and Abra walk to her car. BETTY ANNE Martha Coakley please.... I have Barry Scheck calling. It's urgent. Betty Anne waits, looks at Barry. Then: 143 144

BETTY ANNE (CONT'D) Ms. Coakley? Betty Anne Waters. Barry's tied up right now, but he wanted me to let you know that Brenda Marsh, your key witness in the Kenneth Waters case, has just recanted her original testimony. I'll be faxing that affidavit shortly... Oh -- here's Barry now! She hands the phone to Barry. BARRY Martha! That's something about Brenda Marsh, isn't it? He, Betty Anne and Abra are loving every minute of this. BARRY (CONT'D) Listen, Martha -- while you decide whether to vacate Kenny's conviction, I wanted to give you a heads up --some folks over at the Boston Globe and the New York Times just love this story. He and Betty Anne exchange triumphant smiles.




INT. SHIRLEY PRISON - KENNY'S CELL - DAY - FEBRUARY, 2001 145 In a white t-shirt and jeans, Kenny sits on the edge of his cot, deep in thought. The WALLS and surfaces are completely clear of his possessions. O.S. FOOTSTEPS approach. Kenny looks up as a familiar GUARD opens the door. Kenny rises. A beat, and he exits his cell.




Barry and Betty Anne stand at the defense table, tensely watching a JUDGE read through some paperwork. KENNY, in hand and leg cuffs, stands near the witness stand, flanked by two courtroom GUARDS. MARTHA COAKLEY (50s) and an ASSISTANT D.A. stand at the prosecution table. THE JUDGE looks up, addressing Barry and Betty Anne. JUDGE Are all sides in agreement to vacate the conviction? BETTY ANNE/BARRY Yes, your honor. The Judge turns to the D.A. anxiously. Betty Anne watches

MARTHA COAKLEY Yes, your honor. A beat. JUDGE Kenneth Waters -- you're free to go. He bangs his GAVEL. BETTY ANNE exhales. KENNY turns to her -- elated -- and the guards start to remove his cuffs. BARRY puts his arm around Betty Anne, squeezes her tightly as they cross to Kenny. In the b.g., the Coakley team exits. KENNY (to Barry) So that's it? BARRY That's it. A beat and the cuffs are off. Kenny and Betty Anne look at each other, speechless. They embrace.



OVERHEAD SHOT as Betty Anne, Kenny and Barry walk in silence through the courtroom, their footsteps echoing. They push the double doors open into: A 147 INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE COURTROOM - CONTINUOUS A 147

Long shot of Betty Anne and Kenny exiting the courtroom and heading down the deserted corridor. Barry brings up the rear. As they approach the elevators, Barry hits the down button 147 INT. SUFFOLK COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOBBY - CONTINUOUS CLOSE ON elevator doors opening to reveal: FLASHBULBS popping as Betty Anne, Kenny and Barry are unexpectedly greeted by A MOB OF PRESS. REPORTERS shout out questions. The crowd includes the WATERS FAMILY; Aidan, Ben, Richard, Abra and Don. Kenny hugs his mom first. Lots of tears, lots of cameras. ANGLE - A REPORTER interrupts as Kenny hugs his mom. REPORTER #1 Hey Kenny -- can we get a picture of you and Betty Anne? Kenny moves to Betty Anne and puts his arm around her -FLASHBULBS POP. 148 EXT. POST OFFICE SQUARE COURTHOUSE - DAY More PRESS wait outside. Martha Coakley stands next to her associate on the steps and addresses reporters. MARTHA COAKLEY The D.A.'s office is happy to see that justice was done and an innocent man can go free today -ANGLE - BARRY watches with a wry expression. REPORTERS RUSH UP TO HIM. SOME 148 147

REPORTER Mr. Scheck! How do you feel about what happened here today?



BARRY Im thrilled for Kenny. But we cant forget that there are hundreds of innocent men and women still languishing in prison. (beat) Justice was done today because of an extraordinary woman named Betty Anne Waters -- with the help of the Innocence Project and DNA. DNA is Gods signature. He writes no forgeries, and his checks dont bounce! The crowd laughs. BETTY ANNE scans the crowds, searching for someone; Kenny looks at her and she shakes her head. The PRESS barrage them with overlapping questions. REPORTER #2 Kenny -- you spent eighteen years in jail for a murder you didn't commit -KENNY Thats right. And my family suffered unbearable. REPORTER #2 You must be pretty angry. KENNY Angry? No. Those eighteen years... man, theyre gone. Right now -- I see the sky -- I got my family with me -- Im the happiest man alive. REPORTER #3 Kenny -- what did you learn from this experience? Kenny takes a moment to think about this one. KENNY I guess I learned my mother was right -Never hit your sister! THE REPORTERS LAUGH. REPORTER #2 And how are you gonna thank your sister for what she did? KENNY I don't know... How would you thank her? I mean, look at her -- shes beautiful -she's... she's it... (MORE)

BETTY ANNE WATERS - GOLDENROD PAGES - 04-03-2009 KENNY (CONT'D) How do you thank someone for devotin' their whole life to you?


REPORTER #3 Betty Anne, you have any big cases lined up after this? BETTY ANNE Uh -- no. I never really planned on practicing law. What? REPORTER #3 After all that work?

BETTY ANNE (simply) All I ever wanted was to get my brother out. As the reporters fire questions at her...






A STRETCH LIMO is parked near the courthouse; a LIMO DRIVER stands next to the open door. As the crowd begins to disperse, Barry, Abra, Don, Aidan, the boys, and family members start to pile in, rowdy and excited. BETTY ANNE sees someone at the back of the crowd -- and she puts her hand on Kenny's arm. MANDY is standing there, smoking a cigarette. BETTY ANNE smiles, tremendously relieved -- then turns to KENNY: His lip trembles; tears fill his eyes. Betty Anne touches him gently, then walks over to the limo. KENNY stands there, staring at his grown daughter. MANDY looks scared. She takes another puff off the cigarette, tosses it. KENNY cautiously approaches her. KENNY Hi. MANDY Hi. They stand there awkwardly. KENNY Ahh, hell -He puts his arms around her and enfolds her in a bear hug, tears filling his eyes. MANDY doesn't show emotion, but accepts the hug. She gently pulls back from Kenny when it seems to go on too long. KENNY (CONT'D) (choked up) You're so beautiful. MANDY (self-effacing laugh) No I'm not. KENNY Yeah, you are. (beat) This is the moment that kept me going for eighteen years... MANDY Im sorry I can't just... My whole life - I thought you killed that woman!



KENNY Not your whole life. MANDY (embarrassed) I don't remember that part. KENNY I do. (beat) Look -- I'm not perfect, Mandy -- I wasn't before I went to jail, and I'm not now. But you gotta know... you have a dad who loves you more than anything in the whole world. Mandy starts to choke up but she stops it. MANDY What my mother did to you... I'm so sorry. KENNY It's not your fault. KENNY (CONTD) You never have to apologize to me. A beat. MANDY I'm gonna need time. KENNY I can wait. ON BETTY ANNE, watching them from INSIDE THE LIMO. HER POV - KENNY holds out his hand; Mandy hesitates, then takes it, and they walk together to THE LIMO. KENNY looks at BETTY ANNE who smiles at him, both acknowledging that this is the gift she gave him. ON BETTY ANNE. HOLD Ever.

DISSOLVE TO: 150 INT. LAKE HOUSE - MORNING Pre-dawn. Betty Anne is lying awake in bed. 150






Dressed in a sweatshirt, sweatpants and thick wool socks, Betty Anne crosses to the other bedroom. She peeks in and sees AN UNTOUCHED BED. FOLLOW BETTY ANNE as she crosses to THE KITCHEN: no Kenny. She walks into the LIVING ROOM, where BEN AND RICHARD lie, dead to the world, in sleeping bags. Betty Anne glances out the front window: KENNY, his back to us, sits on the edge of the snowcovered dock, feet dangling over the frozen lake. 152 EXT. LAKE HOUSE - MORNING Kenny breathes deeply as he inhales the view: whitishblue ice stretches out in front of him; the sky blushes pink over the mountains ahead; a few scattered stars twinkle; rays of sunlight pour through the snow-laden trees. Hes holding a HALF-EATEN CHERRY PIE, eating directly from the pie plate with a fork -- while using the fork to scoop from a tub of ice cream beside him. BETTY ANNE (O.S.) Did you sleep? Kenny turns; Betty Annes hugging herself in the cold. KENNY Naah... couldn't. I mean, look at this. (he makes a sweeping gesture to the view) Besides -- my mind -- it's goin' a hundred miles an hour. Betty Anne sits down beside him. Yeah. BETTY ANNE Mine too. Time for you 152

KENNY Hey -- you're off-duty now. to get some rest.

BETTY ANNE What -- are you kidding? You're finally out! I don't wanna miss anything. He smiles, takes her hand. They gaze at the view.

KENNY Lake Betty Anne and Kenny.



BETTY ANNE (correcting him) Lake Kenny and Betty Anne. They share a smile. BETTY ANNE (CONTD) (re: the house) Its not exactly a mansion. KENNY It's perfect. (beat) Ya know, even if it'd taken you another twenty years, I woulda been O.K. BETTY ANNE Twenty more years? Jesus. lost my mind! I would've

KENNY (laughs, then) I know. I woulda lost my mind too! It's just... just knowin' you were out here, working so hard for me... knowin' you loved me that much... He gets choked up. to lighten it up: Betty Anne gets choked up too. Then,

BETTY ANNE I just did what any sister would do. KENNY Yeah, right. They both laugh and Kenny puts his arm around her, kisses her forehead. They look out at the view, breathing deeply. We leave them to their private moment as the CAMERA PULLS BACK slowly; the landscape expands and brother and sister start to appear smaller and smaller, like the two children they once were. FADE OUT. THE END CRAWL: There have been 210 post-conviction DNA exonerations since 1989, including fifteen from Death Row. Exonerations have been won in 31 states.



The Innocence Project currently has 291 cases in active litigation, hundreds in the screening process, and thousands of initial letters under review. In 2006, they received 3,259 new requests for assistance. Betty Anne Waters still co-manages Aidan's Pub and works part-time with the New England Innocence Project. A civil suit against the State of Massachusetts, the Ayer Police, and former police officer Nancy Taylor is pending. The murderer of Katherina Brow has never been found.


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