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Klayton Killough 2/2/2014 Period 4 History Fair: Process paper How I choose my topic: I choose my topic from seeing

a long disputed history between one of Chinas most controversial law implementations, the One-Child policy. Reading about events and stories that have occurred because of the law seemed like a very important topic when regarding the issue of rights of the individual and the rights of the government when it comes to something so personal in family relations. How I conducted my research: I initially started out by obtaining first-person stories that have been retrieved from mothers and other family members who went through harsh treatment and consequences through actions pertaining towards the One-Child Policy, after having the stories I started to look up documents and census papers from China which explained why the government implemented such a law and has kept it running for about 40 years. I also looked at documents arguing both sides to its usefulness as a population control implementation as well as the repercussions the policy has made throughout the country. How I created my website: In order to keep my website from just being stories and facts presented through the years of the One-Child Policy, I added many pictures which show the seriousness of the topic being discussed as well as the events that have happened throughout this time period in which this law has been imposed. Through the pictures and the data represented defending, and attacking both sides , the viewers of the website should be able to come out much more informed on the topic, and should have a strong opinion on how this impacts not only them, but the global community. How my project relates to the theme: When it comes time that someone decides to have a family, is it against the rights of that individual to tell them how big of a family they can have? And is it morally right for other people to stand by and watch as a country forces abortion on mothers who have attempted to flee the country to save their own children? Or pay a fortune just to make another human being a citizen in the country in which they were born? These situations and many more have been said and told throughout Chinas One-Child Policy. This policy has shown just how far the rights of the individual family and the rights of the government come into play as well as a global response to the actions one country makes, as well as if other countries choose to step in and stop the events, or let it happen because they have no direct relationship with their own country. Therefore when it comes to the right of children born into the Earth, is it really right of the government to decide whether that individual should be accepted into the world and the country, or killed for their parents being unable to follow a law. as well as if its the internationally community to have a say into what governments impose on their citizens.

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