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Index Function The given data is about the cost of staying with respect to weeks and persons Find

the cost of staying for four persons for three weeks using index function Holiday booking list No. of persons 1 500 Rs. 500 Rs. 600 Rs. 956 Rs.

Weeks 1 2 3 4

2 880 Rs. 987 Rs. 258 Rs. 847 Rs.

3 968 Rs. 852 Rs. 498 Rs. 548 Rs.

4 487 Rs. 652 Rs. 700 Rs. 600 Rs.

Match Function The MATCH function searches for a value in an array and returns the relative position of that item.
Find the position of quarter '3' and region 'S' using match function

Products sold by region and quarter


1 2 3 4

N 56 60 70 1000 Match

Region S 78 50 80 800

E 90 80 100 400

W 52 42 32 62

Quarter Region

3 S

Products sold by region and quarter Find the frequently occuring sales using mode function MODE Function(Mode finds the frequently occuring value) N 56 60 70 1000 Region S 78 50 80 800 E 90 80 100 400 W 52 42 32 62


1 2 3 4

Sales of computers of different companies in the year 2012 is as follows, create a 3-D pie chart for this data Company Dell IBM Lenovo HP Sales (Rs.) 200000 300000 100000 400000

Following is the income summary of HLL Company of three years, create a bar chart for the given data 2010 82837 57190 25647 2011 83291 59726 26101 2012 75682 68645 7037

Total Revenues Total Expenses Profit/Loss Following is the sales of a product in different months for two different years, create a line chart for the data.

January February March Rank, Small, Large Statistical functions in Excel Find Rank, Small, Large values Values Rank 123 135 147 130 98 187 Rank=RANK(Numer,Cell Range,Order) Where, Number= The number to be ranked Cell Range= The cell range to be searched Order= 0 for descending and 1 for ascending Small=SMALL(array,k) Where , array= cell range k= the kth smallest value Largest=LARGE(array,k) Where,array=cell range

2011 10000 40000 50000

2012 20000 30000 60000



k= the kth largest value

Find the color codes of different colors in the main table based on the lookup table using vlookup function Lookup table red green blue

5 10 15

Main Table Product code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Price(Rs) 24 76 89 32 45 61 24 56 78 99

Color red green red blue green red red blue blue green

color code

Find the cost and price of the items in the main table by looking at lookup table using hlookup function Loookup table
Item Cost Price Pencil 5 7 Pen 10 15 Paper clips 15 20 Paper 2 4

Main Table
Item Pen Paper Pencil Paper clips Cost Price

Concatenate Function Joing two words using concatenate function John


Averageif function(Average will be done if the criteria is satisfied) Syntax:AVERAGEIF(Range Criteria,Critera,Average Range) Find the average sales of east region by using AVERAGEIF function

2012 Regional P&G Sales Region West East North East South North Orders 345 562 456 789 900 432 Total Sales(Rs) 43567 76123 98123 57456 90452 32569

Averageifs function ,Average will be done if more than one condition is satisfied Syntax:AVERAGEIFS(average range,range criteria1,critera1,range criteria2,criteria2) Find the average sales of first quarter in north area by using averageifs function Quarter 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 3 2 5 6 5 5 Area North North South North South North South West North West North West East Sales Rep. Kiran Kumar Rani Kiran Teja Kiran Sinu Kumar Swetha Anil Anand Swetha Raju Sales(Rs) 25000 23000 10000 15000 19000 29000 12000 21000 45000 54000 12000 36000 43000

LCM Find the LCM of 15,6 and 3 15 Syntax:=LCM(Cell Range or Values) Floor function The FLOOR function is used to round a number downwards to the nearest multiple of a specified value. Find the floor values for the price after discount in the given table 6 3

Product A B C D Syntax:=Floor(Cell address,divisor) Price:=List price-(List price*discount)

List Price(Rs.) 49.99 79.99 109 29

Discount 10% 15% 21% 10%

Price 44.99 67.99 86.11 26.10

Floor values

Ceiling Function The CEILING function is used to round a number upwards to the nearest multiple of a specified value Find the ceiling values for budget production based on target production, Round off to multiple of 100 Budget production(Ceiling values) Target production 587 251 385 589 954 469

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Syntax:=CEILING(Cell Address,100)

Following is the financial statement of a shop, Calculate total income, expenditure and profit /loss

January Income Newspapers Magazines Total Income Expenditure Rent Wages Total expenditure Total Profit/Loss 123 258

February 321 258

200 123

500 214

Apply IF Condition and find Pass / Fail & condition is <= 35 fail else pass Name Kiran Teja Anil Ashok Kumar Aswin
Syntax=IF(logical test, " True value", "False value")

Score 45 32 87 23 45 35


Apply IF function and find , whether the sales person will get 5% commission, if yes by how much and calculate total sales after commission HLL Sales Commission Sales Target (Rs.) 50000 Total(SalesComission)R Commission (5%) s.

Sales Executive Aswin Ashok Anand Aravind Anoop

Sales 65000 50000 49500 72000 49900

Find the airfare in the first table by looking at lookup table using vlookup function Home town Melbourne France Paris Delhi Tokyo Newyork Air Fare Town Tokyo Paris Newyork Delhi France Melbourne Airfare (Rs) 500 800 900 100 200 300

Find average of each subject and for each student.And find the grades using IF function. A grade if the student scores 80 or above,B grade if the student scores 70 or above, above, C grade if the student scores 60 or D grade if the student scores 50 or above, FAIL if the student scores below 50 Average of each subject 65 69.5 61.75 83.25 70.75 60.75 60

Maths English Physics Chemistry Science Social Computer science Average of each student Grades per each Subject

Arun 78 98 52 68 98 77 69

Steven 28 54 69 75 49 68 59

Kiran 69 72 48 95 68 75 87

Teja 85 54 78 95 68 23 25





Arun Maths English Physics Chemistry Science Social Computer science




What we're doing here is adding more IF Functions if the answer to the first question is NO. an "A". If it's YES, it will just display

SUMIFS The SUMIFS function in Excel allows you to sum the values in a range of cells that meet multiple criteria From the given data find the sum of the sales amounts that are greater than 500 Rs/and where the quantity sold was 3 or more. Syntax for SUMIFS: =SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, criteria_range2, criteria2,....) Quantity of goods sold 2 3 5 7 9 1

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Sales (Rs.) 234 987 678 547 345 754

Calculate the total tax from the given data. Tax Sales Rep. Steven Joseph Rajesh Anil 5% Jan(Sales in Rs) 450 679 980 879 Feb (Sales in Rs) 900 987 321 567 Total tax(Rs.)

Find the grade of the following given marks.A grade if greater than 80,B if greater than 70, C if greater than 60,D if greater than 50 and E if greater than 40 using IF Condition Name of the student Karthik Swaroop Danraj Maths 80 90 70 Physics 40 50 60

Name of the student Karthik Swaroop Danraj



Find the correlation coefficient between array1 and array2 10 11 65 24 84 56 23 54 25 11 54 75 24 65 85 25 98 63

Syntax: =CORREL(cell range1,cell range2) Find the commission for the sales person using nested IF function. Bonus Minimum Amount Maximum Amout 12% 100000 200000

Salesman A Salesman B Salesman C Salesman D Salesman E Salesman F

Sales 97000 234000 123456 98765 343211 87653


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