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@Copyright PeckingBird Date of Submission: Sept 19, 2009 Version 1.

0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tales Of Hearts ----------------------------------------------------- Story Dialogue Script(JP) ----------------------------------------------- By Peckingbird ( -----------////////////////////////////////Side Notes/////////////////////////////////// This will be the slow update, so bear with me. Also, I seek permission from Greenfire1 to borrow his translated voiced skit from his voice musuem guide since it's hard to translate when I can't stop the conversation, but I did personally translated the non-voiced skit. But once I unlock the voice museum, I'll check if the translated voice skit is accurate and change accordingly. ////////////////////////////////Legal Notice///////////////////////////////// This FAQ is for personal use only, and is not to be sold or reintergrated into any other guides for this game or any other game. DO NOT POST this FAQ or any part of it anywhere. This FAQ is authorized for posting ONLY on the following websites. If this FAQ is being hosted ANYWHERE else, please notify me immediately via the above email address. GameFAQs: You may ask for permission to post this guide via the email at the top of this guide, but chances are slim unless I know you personally. If permission is granted, the only conditions this guide can be posted under are if I get full credit for my work and this FAQ is posted in its entirety with this disclaimer. This FAQ is owned and copyrighted by me, Peckingbird. All other copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned here. //////////////////////////End of Legal Notice//////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////Sections//////////////////////////////////////// Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Prologue Chapter 1: Soma Chapter 2: Kohak's Spiria Chapter 3: The New Journey Chapter 4: Missing Eucles Credit Contact Information

PROLOGUE Sleeping beauty in the "Forest of Thorns" Sleeping princess who sleeps for the millenium Her long hair is of emerald Her shy cheek is of rosy crystal Sleeping beauty in the "Forest of Thorns" Never awakened from her slumber

Cursed by poisonous thoughts of the devil with scarlet hair Within the spines of the "Forest of Thorns" Forever and ever within the dream The world ends within the dream <<Hooded woman alone stood on the tree, admist the stormy day>> Incarose: Found you... <<Siblings on the run in the forest>> Hisui: Kohak, Is that the dangerous one you were talking about? Kohak: Um, sorceress Incarose, as foretold from "her". <<Both fell off the cliff>> Incarose: Found you. <<Hooded woman leapt off the cliff>> Incarose: Found you. Hisui: Damn you, I'm gonna get rid of you, whether you're a sorceress or not! Kohak: Oniichan... Hisui: Kohak, you know...I can't swim. Kohak: It's alright, I'm scared of height...! <<Hooded woman shoots chi energy at them, they jump off>> Incarose: You can't escape, I've capture your thought. 2000 years...this time, I will...finish my destiny! Someday, the black moon will fall And the white moon will crumble Prayers for release wither Consumed by the monsters that live in dreams And pearly tears, too, shatter Sleeping beauty in the "Forest of Thorns" Sleeping beauty wrapped in thorns Nightmare becomes reality with each passing days Until the hero stops the nightmares ****************************************************************************** Chapter 1: Soma ???: .........Find it! Get it.......! For..........! <<Screen fades to present>> ???: .....Find.....Get....For....... Zex: Get up, Shing! <<Shing woke up>> Shing: Tch, Grandpa.....have I been discovered? Zex: What did you~say!? Have you become the retard? Shing: Ouch...oh yes. A scolding from grandpa again after the sword practise. Shing: Sigh......but, I've this weird dream. Something about "searching" for someone..... Shing: Who cares, "Soma" is more important right now! I gonna beat grandpa, so he'll hand over "Soma" to me!! Zex: Hmph, I won't lose to my grandson who thinks Soma as mere weapon.

Zex: .....Alright, not bad. A 10 years of serious training will shaken you up. Shing: 10 years!? Winning that old and feeble grandpa by then would be pointless......... Zex: Fool! I aim for world longevity!! 10, 20 years to me is...... Zex: .......I won't retired till you're better! Zex: Do you know, Shing. The real training lies in "here". Shing: .......My heartbeat? Zex: Wrong. It's the life essence that governs the will...."Spiria". Zex: Spiria, is the world most powerful....yet the most fragile thing. Zex: Excited feeling--anger and hatred, fear....and others sometime will be baffled by love and dream, even destruction. Zex: Soma has the strength to treat Spiria. So the Soma User must train extra hard on one's own Spiria before others. Zex: Shing, don't let go of your emotion, be dilligent in cultivating the strong Spiria. Shing: Grandpa, time for meal! A strong Spiria can't stand against the weak stomache. Zex: Geez, you brat..... Zex: Ah right, time for meal...last one to get in gets to wash the dishes. Shing: W-What!? Grandpa is too despicable! <<Shing races with Grandpa into the house>> Shing: Fu~~~I'm so full! Grandpa homemade braised pork is the best. Zex: Does it taste good? The secret lies in the adding of gel liquor. <<Someone enters the house>> Neighbour: Mr Zex....Oniichan's daughter from next town has not been talking or even leaving the room for days. Neighbour: Oniichan is worrying about "Despir Sickness"......can you please take a look? Shing: Despir! This thing been spreading around recently. Is it because of the outbreak of Spiria that causes this sickness? Neighbour: Doctors and herbs can't do a thing. Shing: Um~, "Spiria", is a hard term to describe the birth of will within the "life essence". Shing: Only "Soma" can treat it! Zex: Shut up! ....sorry, I can't use the soma recklessly. Shing: Why? Didn't you once say "When one is in trouble, we should lend a helping hand. If it's a babe, we must definitly help"? Neighbour: Oniichan's daughter is indeed a babe...... Zex: Keke!? no, it's not regarding this. Shing: Didn't a guy suddenly go berserk few days ago, and soon calm down once you connect to him? Shing: Although I knew grandpa is able to use soma since the day I realize mum's a soma user. Zex: I don't want to reveal my identity, but that berserk guy is possessed by "Nightmare"...... Zex: Could it be that "she" too has changed? My soma link to her detects her depleting strength........ Neighbour: ...Although I don't wish to disturb you, but only Mr Zex can help, when there's not a single church nearby. Shing: Grandpa, isn't saving peoples' spiria the job of Soma user? Zex: It can't be helped then. Let me have a look before I decide whether to use soma. Neighbour: Thank! <<The villager lefts>> Shing: This is what we must do! Zex: ...Shing, I can't bring you along. Because I'm going to the next town.

Shing: Ah, again!? Why won't grandpa bring me out!? Shing: I'm no longer a kid! Stop ordering me!! Zex: This is the reason. Zex: Shing, I have to tell you. Don't get controlled by anger and hatred. Shing: Tch.... Zex: Your weak Spiria will be shattered upon seeing the town babes~ Shing: Y-You're talking about yourself! Zex: Haha, you're still too young to understand babes! I'll buy you a "gel cake" upon my return, take care of the house for me. Shing: No way! Being cooped up in here won't strengthened my Spiria! ****************************************************************************** **TOWN: Quiet Fish Village Seable** Shing: Damn it, why can't i go out? I'm probably the only 16 years old teen who knows nothing of outside world yet. Shing: .....But, if I broke the deal, I'll be laughed by grandpa for having a "weak Spiria"...... Shing: I'll take a stroll by the seaside...."The only place that can excite my Spiria in this little town is --" Shing: "Beyond the endless ocean" By Shing <<At this point, I'll include all townspeoples' dialogue>> **Check the barrel for apple gel x2** Young housewife: Ah, Shing! Why a big bun on your head!? Young housewife: If you can't keep up with the training, you'll become the 3-headed freak from that oversized swell? Teen by West exit: I must stand guard to prevent monsters intrusion. Teen by West exit: Monsters've been showing violent signs lately. Be careful. Dog: Woof~~~ Aunt: The fish in Seable is the world best! Aunt: Eat more, Shing needs to get stronger. **Check by her fish stall for Sumeruika Cuttlefish x2** Teen by well: Hey, Shing! Don't think of getting out of this town. Teen by well: On the behalf of Zex's request, I'm watching you. Pig: ............SNOUT! **Check by pig sty for Sumeruika Cuttlefish x3** Man by coast: There's a technique in catching fish. Man by coast: The fishing technique is taught by Zex. Beach girl: Look, look! A fairy-tale castle made from the sand by me, Beach girl: When can I ever live in this beautiful castle? **Examine south of beach girl for water psistone** <<Enter item shop backdoor>> **Check shelf for 100gald** Item shop: Aiyah aiyah! Coming from backdoor again! Item shop: You'll be scolded by Zex if you keep doing bad thing. Item Shop: .....Oh yes, it seems your grandpa been giving you harsh training everyday. Material shop: Shing, alone in the house again?

Material shop: Oh yes. Take some of the leftover foods I made. <<Exiting town>> Shing: Grandpa will nag if he comes back. ****************************************************************************** <<Inspect the siblings by the beach>> Shing: Huh, are they drowned!? Hey, are you alright!! Shing: .....Still alive! But, what should I do? Shing: Yes, CPR! <<Shing attempts to CPR on a girl>> Shing: .......Such a cute girl......... Kohak: Woahhhhhhhhh~~~! What're you doing!! <<Kohak gives Shing a good beating>> Shing: Ah! M......Mistake! I never do a.....WOAHHHH!! <<Kohak gives Shing a final blow, KO him>> Kohak: Urgh~~~such bad luck! Being attacked by sorceress and lecher!! Hisui: *cough*.....Isn't it cruel of little sis to dump the big bro who can't swim into the sea? Kohak: S-Sorry. But, if I don't do that, we'll be captured....we won't be able to escape next time. Kohak: We've to see Zex quick! "She" says "it's around here" <<Shing regains conscious and leapt back up>> Shing: Zex!? Are you here for grandpa? Kohak: So you know!? Was it Soma user Zex? Shing: Um, um. He's my gramp. His nearby. Kohak: Really!? It's that house, thank! <<Kohak runs off and returns back to Shing again>> Kohak: Y-You really really didn't do a thing!? Shing: No! Absolutely nothing!! <<Kohak runs off, Hisul grabs hold of Shing>> Hisui: Let get this clear, if you've any ill intent on my little sis... I'll kill you. <<Hisui runs off>> Shing: .........I really am innocent! <<Kohak is searching frantically in Zex's house>> Kohak: Mr Zex! Mr Zex! Eh, you, where's your grandpa? Shing: Grandpa is out. Should be back before downfall. Hisui: .....You little kid, how dare you trick Kohak into your house!? Shing: I did not lie! Well, I will show you my soma! Shing: This is.....the book of Soma user written by my grandpa. Shing: Grandpa that jerk....must have locked it. But too bad I already know the key hideout. Hisui: If you've any design on my little sis, I really gonna kill you! Shing: The key is hidden in the barrel of "gel liquor".....inside the thing that disguises as "candy pickle"! Shing: Look~ <<Shing unlocks the cabinet>> Shing: Good, it's open! **Receives Asteria x1**

**Ancient word for "Shining star", the soma of the sword is hidden within the shield** Kohak: This is.......soma........ Shing: That's right! This is the secret weapon that link our mind to the human's Spiria! Kohak: There should be another soma...... Shing: Um. There's an ancestral by the cape, inside lies another soma. Hisui: That's the one! Take us there now!! <<Kohak steps on Hisui's right foot>> Kohak: No manner, Oniichan! .....Well, Tch..... Shing: ........I'm Shing. Shing Meteoryte. Kohak: Shing, I'm Kohak Hearts. Kohak: ....And, this is my Oniichan, Hisui Hearts, sorry for doubting you. Kohak: But, we really need the strength of soma. Can you take us to the ancestral? Shing: I long as you believe in me. Kohak: Um, I believe you. Bad guys can't use soma. Shing: .....No, actually this is my 1st time in contact with Soma..... Kohak: Huh!? Shing: N-Nothing! There're a group of increasing monsters around here. Shing: .....So, we've to release the soma. Shing: Good, with this, we can battle the monster. Um, let go! The ancestral that bears the soma is by the cape. ###### Skits ###### 1. Why were you lying there? <Shing> By the way, what were you two doing lying there on the shore? <Kohak> Uh, um... a Sorceress chased us through the forest and threw us into the ocean! <Shing> A Sorceress? You mean there are people like that where you're from? <Hisui> Actually, she didn't throw us into the ocean. Kohak just-<Kohak> Yes! She's a dreadful, truly inhuman monster! 2. I believe you <Hisui> Hey, sorry about earlier. You were only trying to save Kohak, right? <Shing> Y-yeah! I was only trying to give her CPR and<Hisui> That's a confession, ya damn pervert! Kohak, this lech's stolen the purity of your lips! <Kohak> I gave my word I'd believe him. You didn't have any bad intentions, did you? <Shing> No! heart was pounding, though... 3. "Her voice" <Hisui> Hey, Kohak, you really believe in him? <Kohak> ...yes, I do. And "she" says that Soma is really Zex's. <Hisui> ...Kohak, I'm your brother. I've always been here to watch over you. Come on, cut out the "she says" crap! <Kohak> It's the truth! Why don't you ever believe me? 4. Kohak..... <Shing> Hey.....Kohak's awesome...... <Kohak> What's wrong, Shing?

1st choice: N-Nothing! 2nd choice: Kohak's cute! 1st choice: <Shing> N-Nothing! Let head to the ancestral on the cape. <Kohak> Um, I'm counting on you. <Shing> .....Grandpa......I realize my spiria is easily seduced.... 2nd choice: <Shing> No, well....Kohak's real cute! <Kohak> C-Cute!? <Kohak> ...Does Shing always talk like that to every girls he met? <Hisui> Unforgivable, Kohak...this scum been eyeing on you with perverted look. <Shing> N-No! I'm just... 5. Onward to Soma ancestral <Kohak> So the other soma is at the ancestral by the cape? <Shing> Um. Head west from village exit, then north to the cape. ****************************************************************************** <<Exit through west side>> **Shing's groups met a wolf** Shing: The monster appears......leave it to me, Kohak, move back! **After Shing defeats wolf** Shing: Pant....pant..... Kohak: This is the strength of soma....... Shing:'s it? Very cool, eh! Hisui: Totally not! You're simply flashing your sword around!? Hisui: Don't soma has special power!? Go and read some soma guide! Shing: Um, um........ **Receives Book of Soma-Thought x1** **Records of the uses of soma. Able to strengthen soma** **After purchasing abilities through soma build** Shing: ....S-So this is how it works! Strengthening of soma is the basis of the basics. Shing: It's important to verify about! Hisui: ...........Kohak. Is this amateur kid reliable? Kohak: S-Sure! Kohak: Probably.......... <<Ancestral area>> Shing: This is the ancestral for soma. But the door is sealed. Kohak: "She" says....."No problem" **Kohak approaches the seal and broke it** **Receives Elrond x1** **Known as "Hope of La Ronde", a foot-ring shaped soma that morphs to baton** Hisui: Shing: Kohak: Kohak: Shing: Shing: A foot ring....isn't that soma only for female? Um, this is the only memory......left by my dead mother. Really, so your mum a soma user too....she passed away..... So is our mum. But, I've no idea of her soma whereabout.... I.......Is that so........ But, I'm not lonely at all. Because I've my noisy grandpa with me!

Shing: So is Kohak, right? Kohak: Ahahaha, Um! I'm not lonely at all! Because I've my funny Oniichan with me! Kohak: Shing is a good person. So sorry....for doubting you earlier. Shing: Woah....t-that's nothing! I don't mind at all Hisui: Stop wasting time! Just grab that soma whatever...... **Kohak kicks Hisui** Kohak: What do you mean by "grabbing", Oniichan!? He's helping us! Shing: Well, why Kohak needs the power of soma badly? Kohak: Well.... **Incarose appears before their back** Incarose: Found you...this time...all of you won't escape. **Incarose shoots the purple beam of death** Kohak: Wahhhhhh! Hisui: Kohak! Incarose: Do not worry, I won't kill you. Not till the "conscious" awakens... Shing: W-What did you do to Kohak!? **Shing attacks Incarose but she dodges easily** Incarose: Ke, see that shape before. are related to Zex by blood? Shing: So what! Incarose: Nothing. I'll kill you first, and Zex next if he's still alive. That is all... Shing: Ah......!? **Incarose shoots the purple beam, but Zex took a blow for Shing** Zex: Woahhhhhh!! Shing.....R-Run!!! **Zex collapses, Incarose approaches him** Incarose: Zex? You've grown old. But you should be happy, you won't be aging any longer.... Shing: Stop to touch my grandpa...... Shing: What did you do to him~~~!!! **Shing unleashes his power and hits Incarose** Incarose: T-This....strength is...!? Zex: Shing.....D-Don't! *cough*..... Shing: Grandpa! Get hold of yourself, grandpa!! **Hisui piggyback Kohak** Hisui: The one who shall be getting hold of himself is you! Run to there!! Shing: Um, um! **Shing carries Zex and left** Incarose: ....Already....found it! "She"'s inside that girl!! ****************************************************************************** **TOWN: Quiet Fish Village Seable** Youth by West exit: W-What happen, Shing!! he alright!? Young housewife: Ah, why are you injured...! Shing...what happen!? Aunt: Hey, hey, calm down! Shing!! Aunt: My son already at the next town, calling the doc!!

Teen by well: Hey, Shing! Now isn't the time to stroll, right!? Teen by well: Get back home and save Zex and that girl!! Man by coast: Shing!! Is Zex seriously wounded!? Beach girl: *cries*....Shing......Grandpa Zex...... Beach girl: ......Dead? <<Enter item shop backdoor>> Item shop: Sorry...although i want to help, but even apple gel won't do much to Zex's wound......... Material shop: .......Shing, if it's Zex, he would be alright. Cheer up! **Exiting down** Shing: Must let those two rest!! ****************************************************************************** Chapter 2: Kohak's Spiria **Shing's house** Shing: Grandpa! Grandpa!! Hisui: You're in the way, move! Shing: Hisui......can use recovery art? Hisui: Um. But, even my healing won't be able to treat this kind of wound.... Shing: It's all my fault....if I haven't taken grandpa's soma, this wouldn't have happen! Kohak: *groans*....Wuahhh! Shing: Ah....quickly heal Kohak! Hisui: No, Kohak has no external injury. That jerk puts a spell on Kohak's spiria. Hisui: Even the healing art won't stop the spiria from rotting away..... Kohak: Ah, ah....**in pain**! Shing: .......I'll do it. Let me link my soma to Kohak's spiria to remove the spell! Hisui: Wait, wait, wait! Can an amateur like you do it!? Shing: I still have to do it! Let me take in place of grandpa!! Kohak: Ahhh....Urk! Hisui: Damn, this is such a mess! Shing: Right, I'm going!! <<Talk to Zex>> Zex: *groan*....Tch...... Zex: *groan*......Shing..... Zex: ......Must have......strong......spiria......... <<Talk to Hisui>> Hisui: .....Do you need healing? If yes/no: Hisui: Don't mess up! Kohak: Ahhhhh.....Grrr! <<Soma link to Kohak>> ****************************************************************************** **SPIR MAZE: Kohak Hearts** Shing: This is the human maze of thought....."spir maze"? Shing: I must calm down. Spir maze is the spiria of human.....the rule from

the reality doesn't apply to here. <<A monster jumps out>> Shing: W-What is this monster!? Shing: This creature, is he devouring....Kohak's spiria!? Shing: S-Stop it~~!! <<After slaining the monster>> Shing: Isn't that monster known as "Dream devourer" from the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty"....."Nightmare"!? Shing: The monsters from the fairy tale really do exist....what happens inside of Kohak's body? **Upon reaching the depth of Spir Maze** <<Shing saw a girl floating back>> Shing: A g-girl.....!? What kind of arte is that? <<Shing is stopped by a barrier>> Shing: Damn, now an invisible wall!? But, I will replace grandpa..... Shing: TO save this child! <<Shing shatters the barrier and approaches the pink crystal>> Shing: ....Woah, so beautiful. This is Kohak's..... ???: Yes, "Spirune"--a body of Spiria that creates all emotion. ???: I never expect the barrier to be broken so doubt you're grandson of Zex. Shing: Who, who're you!? Come out! Are you on the monsters' side? <<A girl appears before Shing and floats to Shing>> Richia: I am Richia. Friend of your great grandfather. Shing: E-Emerald hair...!? Haha, is this a joke? So it's the "sleeping beauty" herself this time? Richia: Sorry to surprise you. But, I've been discovered by Incarose, there's not much time left. Shing: Incarose.....? Is she that sorceress! Richia: Um. A frightening sorceress who plans to revive the dream devourers --"Nightmare"...... Richia: I only wish of you to free me from that person. Shing: Escape!? Don't talk bull! That person is an enemy of my grandpa! I must defeat her!! Richia: Don't! Even Zex is no match for her! Shing: As long as I have soma, I can win! That person simply win because grandpa is armless!! Shing: .....He's seriously wounded! Grandpa probably.....probably...... Shing: .......I will let her taste her own medicine if I ever see her!! Shing: Who're you really? Are you the one who is causing pain to this girl? Richia: N-No.....Kohak and I are...... <<Two monsters ambushes Shing but Shing easily wipes them all>> Richia: ....That power....? Y-You are.....! <<Shing attempts to attack Richia but she backs away>> Richia: I'm sorry, Kohak! <<Richia disappears inside Spirune, two monsters attack Shing>> Shing: Woahhhhhhh~~~!!! Zex: No, Shing! <<A projectile fires from Shing's behind>>

Shing: ....Eh, grandpa? Ah, what is this power.....!? <<Shing swipes the two monsters with 1 blow>> Shing: Woahhhhh~~~~~!! ****************************************************************************** **Anime scenes** <<Shing is purged out of Kohak's body>> Hisui: What happen?! What's going on?! <<Spirune rises out of Kohak's body, flies into the sky and split into pieces, scattering across the world>> Hisui: Hey, you! What did you just do!? Is Kohak alright? Kohak: .......It's........alright. Hisui: Kohak! Thank god.......Oniichan is so worried of you. Kohak: .......Wonderful.....wor-ry...... Hisui: ...Don't be like that, Kohak. I'll get mad if you kid with me. Kohak: ......mad..... Kohak: ........What's that? Hisui: Hey......I ask you again. What did you do to Kohak? Shing: Sorry, I......shatter Kohak's spirune. Hisui: ..............Spirune? Shing: The core......of Spiria.....the essence of human emotion..... Hisui: .....You actually destroy such important thing? Which means Kohak will never laugh again...... <<Hisui grabs Shing's collar and start punching him>> Hisui: Won't ever get mad..... Hisui: .......Not even sadness~~~!!! <<Hisui throws Shing in a corner>> Kohak: O-Oniichan.....don't......... <<Kohak got up from bed, a glow from her chest>> Shing: A leftover.......of Spirune!? Hisui: .....Kohak dislikes fighting and bullying the weak. Hisui: Everytime I quarrel with someone, she'll get mad and stops me. Even if she ever forgot how to be angry... Hisui: Her heart of "kindness" won't ever disappear. **Receives Spirune of kindness x1** **fragments of Kohak's spirune** Zex: Tch....yes. That girl's spirune is not completely gone yet..... Zex: If the shattered fragments are rejoined....the spirune will be restored. Hisui: R-Really!? Zex: Um, The power of soma will guide you.......*cough*! Shing: ......Ah! Hisui, please!! Please heal grandpa..... Zex: No need, that teen already.....tries his best to save me. I already say's no use. Shing: No way.....No, grandpa! I'll listen to you Shing: .....Please don't die!!! Zex: Ke....Shing. Controlled by rage.......again? Zex: Don't let go of your emotion.....cultivate your strong spiria. Zex: This is not the "order"...this is the "promise" between the two of us... Shing:! This is our "promise"!! Zex: Good kid. I.....believe in your......honest

<<Zex passes away>> Shing: Grand....grandpa.......... Shing: Grandpa~~~~~!!! **Outside Shing's house** Shing: Hisui.....thank for building the tomb for grandpa. Hisui: ....This is just the thank for lending the soma to my sis. Now it'll protect Kohak from the sorceress's magic. Kohak: ......Soma....... <<A light beam shoots out from Kohak>> Shing: Is that....pointing to the direction of Spirune fragments? Let take a look! Hisui: Hey, don't make decision. Do you think you're worthy for Kohak? Kohak: .......Think? Shing: Although I'm in the wrong, please take me! Shing: It's my.....responsibility. I'll do anything....please.... Hisui: .......Anyway, your soma is a necessity.... Hisui: I'll be waiting outside the village, go prepare. Shing: Um, um! Thank!! <<Shing approaches Zex's grave>> Shing: Grandpa, please lend me your soma power...not for me, but for Kohak... Shing: I'll be alright. Because of our "promise" to have strong spiria.... <<Incarose is spying from the west exit>> Incarose: ....It seems, your grandson can't be "easily killed"..... ****************************************************************************** Chapter 3: The New Journey Teen by West exit: What is that bright explosion...? Never mind, hey, Shing... regarding Zex, what shall I say.... Teen by West exit: I too must inherit Zex's will to protect this village! Young housewife: *sobs*....I'll take good care of Zex's grave. Young housewife: Finish packing yet? Seable town owns the simplest stuffs. You will find stuffs you need at Kynos to the south. Aunt: W-What is that blinding light....? Aunt: Shing, isn't it good if you just stay here? I'll arrange for your meal and washing, so stay in this village.... Teen by well: Shing....finally a journey. Teen by well: *sobs* don't shed tears during the journey! Come back anytime to see me! Youth by well: Zex is always protecting you. Keep it up! Man by coast: .....Really. You're finally on the journey...I won't ask what happen. But, if you want to talk, just look for me. Man by coast: The harbor of Shing's spiria lies in Seable. Don't forget. Beach girl: The light in the dark is glowing, so fascinating. Beach girl: Like the moonlight bathing from the fairy tales...what's that glow? <<Enter item shop backdoor>> Item shop: Ehh, you come from backdoor again! Item shop: Oh right, that pig "Aliment" is lonely, say hi to it. Material shop: Don't drink unboiled water during the journey.

Material shop: Right. There're too many pickles. Go take some. **South Exit** Hisui: Too slow. Done packing? <<Shing nods>> Shing: Um. Let go. Hisui: Kohak's light points to south. First, we head to southern town, Kynos. <<Shing looks back as Hisui and Kohak left>> Shing: Grandpa, mum.....I'm stepping out of this world to save that girl. Shing: I'm leaving!! **Shing receives Apprentice Soma user" title** <<Speak to aunt by fish stall for event>> Aunt: Is Shing and the other twos on the journey? Shing: Um...... Aunt: ...Greeting. Please get along well with Shing. Kohak: .......... Hisui: ......Hey, how long are you going to stop wasting time here? Aunt: Such a scary boy..... Aunt: So is the girl, although cute, but ignorant...such strange feeling. Aunt: Shing, if you want a date, look for the cheerful type. Isn't character more important than look for the girl? Shing: ....No, aunt. Kohak used to be the cheerful girl.... <<Speak to pigs at south for event>> Pig: Oink, oink! Shing: Oooh, Aliment. It seems you're rather energetic.... Pig: Squeak! Shing: ...Please forgive me. Although I fed you everyday, now I can't anymore. Pig: ......snort? Shing: It's all my fault, I cause a girl to lose her spiria, I've to travel to find a way and restore her to normal. Shing: Also, I don't know when I'll be coming back..... Shing: ....Goodbye, Aliment. Grow well.... <<Shing runs off, the pig jumps in shock>> Pig: Oink! O~~Oink!! ****************************************************************************** ###### Skits ###### 6. Emotions are gone! <Shing> Kohak, this is really nice weather, huh? <Kohak> ...nice? <Shing> Ah, um... seems like it'll be a nice trip! The scenery is beautiful, and... <Hisui> What are you so happy about, moron? This is your fault! <Shing> Oh... I didn't mean... 7. Sorceress Incarose <Hisui> Don't look so down. Sorceress Incarose, face and purpose unknown... she's after Kohak, no mistake about that. <Shing> Face-schmace. If I ever meet her, I'll get her for Gramps and Kohak! <Hisui> I hope you get killed too, to avenge Kohak.

8. Emerald hair <Shing> Kohak......Is that emerald hair girl in Spir maze Kohak too? <Kohak> ................. <Shing> ....Sorry. You don't understand what I'm saying..... <Shing> Actually, I don't really remember what happen that day..... <Kohak> 9. Onwards to Kynos <Shing> Kynos is to the south, this is my 1st time...... <Kohak> .......... <Hisui> Hey, don't try to take advantage of her! <Shing> S-Sorry. **At the log bridge** Shing: Strong current....we'll be finished if we fell. Hisui: Just in case, let tie ourselves, and cross the river one by one. <<Kohak ignores them and cross the log>> Shing: Ah, hey.....Kohak! Kohak: ....Yes? <<Kohak turns and faints>> Shing: Kohak~~~!! Hisui: S-so dangerous.......... Shing: What're you thinking! You almost---Kohak: Um. Almost die..... <<Both surprised, Hisui pushes Shing aside>> Hisui: .....I see. Even you...has lost the fear of "death". Shing: Well, sorry....... Hisui: No need of apology. Because I never really forgive you from the start. ****************************************************************************** Chapter 4: Missing Eucles **Riverside Town Kynos** Shing: Woah~~this is the neighbourhood town! Awesome, two-storey building! Wow, what's that thing sticking out? Hisui: Isn't that just a telescope? Geez, don't fool around in this town. You're embarassing us. <<Kohak's chest glows>> Shing: This there spirune nearby? Kohak: I don't know...... Hisui: No choice. Let ask around if there's anything happen recently. <<NPC TALK>> Signboard: Welcome to the town of Kynos, filled with spring water and fresh vegetables! Girl by Seable. Girl by Because to come entrance: This is Kynos, to the north, is a fishing village called entrance: Say, do you know anything about the sky explosion at Seable? that explosion is like the comet, so I pray to it, hoping for my dream true.

Teen by west house: I saw the northern sky explodes! What happen?

Teen by west house: There's a huge telescope in that house, which belongs to the astronomer, Eucles. He probably knows about that explosion from observing the sky. **Check by east shelter for 400 gald** Hidden Granny: You're a serious guy if you ever strikes a conversation with the elderly in this kind of the place. Hidden Granny: As an gratitude, I'll tell you something. Hidden Granny: Somewhere in this town, there's a hidden area, I heard a comet lands over there. Child near pond: Sweets, yummy~ Child near pond: Sweets, yummy~! Since it's yummy, I almost fell back into the pond! Man near pond: That's matter how many times I knock on Eucles' house, there's no answer. He seldom go outside. Let inform Uran for now..... **Check the south flower for raw cotton** Old Fisherman: Can't catch a single fish.... Old Fisherman: So bored, want to chat with me? No? So heartless of answer so soon.... <<Head to east entrance>> **Climb the vines near Talkative aunt to find dark psistone** Talkative Aunt: The crystal clear water from Lagos Limestone Cave flows through here. Talkative Aunt: Lagos Limestone Cave is to the west of Kynos. That's a legendary place, where the comet from ancient time protects the people! Talkative Aunt: Yes yes, about the legend.....ah, I talk too much~ <<Event>> Bad-attitude Man: Ehh, are you kidding! I don't have that much money!! ???: That can't be helped.....It's all depends on quotation.... ???: Besides, I thought it's for consoling the loved one....but I never expect the guy to be such a small peanuts. Bad-attitude Man: BULLSHIT! Who would spend all his savings for a girl? <<He kicks that giant thing>> ???: Ah~don't do that~! That "soma" is important~! Hisui: Did she just say soma? Shing: Stop it, uncle. Bad-attitude Man: Ah? Who's this asshole? Kids ought to back off, watch your lives, scram!! Shing: Ah~, the townpeoples here sure are loud. Shing: Even the pigs at Seable town knows that screaming and throwing tantrum on a girl is wrong! Bad-attitude Man: P-Pigs!? I gonna kill you!! <<Shing fights back>> Bad-attitude Man: Eh......!? Shing: The peoples here sure are slow. If it's my grandpa, he would have hit me 10 times within that instant! Crowds: Wowwwww~~~! Talkative Aunt: Hahaha, perfect hit! That guy keep pestering Miss Uran. Talkative AUnt: The talk about using soma to heal Uran because of Despir, is just simply talks!

Talkative Aunt: Uran and that astronomer Eucles are.....Oops, I talk too much~ Hisui: A girl that has it related to Kohak's spirune? ???: Thank you for the great help. Shing: Ahaha, no need for thank. My grandpa always say "Always help a person in need". Shing: "And risk own life to help big-boobs girl in trouble". ???: Geez, big-boobs girl eh...... ???: But it does have some nice rings to it. Hisui: Hey! Did you just mention about soma!? Did you sold it? ???: OF course! This is my shop "Everyday a peaceful day", full of reputation from delivering goods on time. ???: Ah, forgive me for not introducing myself. I'm the representative, Innes. Lorenz. <<She passes a namecard to Hisui>> Innes: I suppose you can't afford to buy soma? Because of its price.... Hisui: Myy life-earned savings? Innes: Because from the day the church starts "Soma search", that thing no longer exists. But, if... Innes: If you are the "Oniichan who willingly to get it for his little sis's sake", I probably would....give it to you, from your determination. Hisui: Eh!? How do you know? <<Innes carried that giant backpack>> Innes: Kekeke....I'll still hang around in this town, if you're determined, call me anytime. Shing: This town is great! Tis my 1st time seeing such a strong woman! Shing: What're you doing, Hisui? Let look for that Uran. Hisui: Shut up! Stop goofing off!! ###### Skits ###### 10. What does it mean? -1<Shing> Hey, what does that thing mean Innes said, "Your small peanuts"? <Hisui> Watch your mouth, moron! Don't say "peanuts" like that! <Shing> Hey, but didn't you just say "peanuts" too? <Kohak> ...what's "peanuts"? <Hisui> Aagh! Now Kohak's saying it too because of you! <Shing> Hey! What are "peanuts"? <<NPC TALK>> Teen: I saw it! The rainbow color lights in the sky~ Teen: Anyway, from the scientific view, I think it's a meteor. **Examine the vegetable stall for apple gel x2** Vegetable Stall: The vegetables in this towns are the finest green~For youth and health, please eat Kynos fresh vegetables~ Bad-attitude Man: If you want to ride a ducky boat, you must buy the ticket. But, I don't intend on selling to you! **Head to next area** <<Shing bumps into someone>> ???: S-Sorry! Shing: Ahhh....n-no problem! Just a question, miss, do you know Uran? Uran: I am.....Uran! Hisui: Eh? Didn't you fall to Despir sickness??

Uran: isn't like that..... Uran: Sorry, I've important things to attend to! My boyfriend....Eucles is missing. Kohak: Boyfriend.....Eucles.......missing? Shing: Seems odd? Hisui: Is Eucles that astronomer? Let take a look at that telescope house! <<NPC TALK>> Girl by pond: Toy ducky boat is not meant to be board.... Girl by pond: Although I want to ride on the real ducky boat, but that uncle by the port.....looks scary. **Check crates behind Old granny for Earth psistone** Old granny: This town's pride lies in the rich water source and nutritious vegetables. Old granny: This year cucumber harvest is very good, try them~! Aunt by south exit: I saw the northern sky, filled with rainbow-colored comets. Aunt by south exit: What does that comet means? Hope it's not an ill omen... Uncle: See that giant telescope? That is hand-made by the astronomer, Eucles. Uncle: Eucles is searching for the new star with his telescope. ****************************************************************************** **Head back to 1st area of Kynos** <<Talk to Innes>> Innes: the little brother hasn't decided yet eh? **Enter Eucles' house** Shing: WOw, this house a mess..... Shing: Ah, it brought back memories...picture book "Sleeping beauty". **Receives Book of Sleeping Beauty x1** **A famous book passed down from ancient time. Every kids read it** <<Inspect blackboard>> The words are rather messy. The black moon soon be fallen The white moon soon be crumbled. Can't make it!! The black moon really fallen! Uran and me will be crushed to death!! So scary!! So scary!! So scary!! So scary!! So Scary!! So scary!! **Examines the barrels below stair for Panacea x1** **Head 2nd floor** Uran: Ah, I'm glad! You're finally back, Eucles!! Shing: WOah....c-calm down. We have business with Uran. Uran: You're he really missing? HIsui: So your despir is such an act? Uran: .....That's right. I act sick so Eucles will care for me a little. But he.... Uran: He never visits me once....on that night where there're scattering lights, falling comets.....although he comes on the second day of morning.... Uran: He suddenly say "Let run! The moon is falling". Uran: I reject him angrily...and he soon disappears after.... Kohak: moon....Collapsing....white moon....

Shing: Isn't that the fairy take from "Sleeping Beauty"!? Noone would believe such a thing. Hisui: No, when Kohak is small, she was afraid the moon will fall when she read the picture book "Sleeping Beauty"..... Hisui: Also, wasn't "scattering lights, falling comets" refers to the spirune falling onto this town? Shing: I see! My grandpa once says: The strong spirune will affect other spiria. Shing: Perhaps Eucles is affected by Kohak's spirune? Hisui: This all make sense....Uran, do you have any leads on his whereabout? Uran: ...To the west of this city is "Lagos Limestone Cave"! He once says that nothing will happen there even if the moon falls. Uran: Please find him! He was really scared...but I didn't listen to his advice. Kohak: It's alright.... Shing: Um, leave it to us! I will use this Soma to bring Eucles back! Hisui: Soma.....? <<Talk to Uran>> Uran: Lagos Limestone Cave is a deep cave, just exit south and head west. Uran: Eucles no matter what.... **Check nearby chest for Wind Psistone x2** ###### Skits ###### 11. Picture book of Sleeping Beauty <Shing> Picture book of "Sleeping Beauty"? Didn't really like the sad ending... <Kohak> Soon be be collapsed....white moon. <Shing> Haha...just a fairy tale.... 1st choice: Don't be scared 2nd choice: The moon won't fall. 1st choice: <Shing> Don't be scared. <Kohak> ....Scared....what is that? <Shing> ................. 2nd choice: <Shing> It's impossible for the moon to fall! <Kohak> ....why....did you....say that....? <Shing> ...Tch!? Because...that sort of thing can't happen...right? <<Inspect the bookshelves>> All sorts of book regarding stars. "Observation of sleeping beauty fairy tale" The part "Someday, the black moon will fall, And the white moon will crumble" from "Sleeping Beauty" passed down for the 1000 years According to the ancient records, the prophecy of the clashing of two moon has already exist since long ago. Recent years, there's time when the two moons get too close, someone uses it as a guideline, and acknowledges the prophecy-But the natural phenomenon of the moons getting close happen once every millenium, so it's unlikely they will clash.

"Eucles Diary" @mthXday I know. Uran's despir is just an act. It's all because of my undecisiveness. The useless man such as me can only hope to find her a new star! Then I will propose to her with that new star as a wedding ring. Wait for me, Uran....... "Last page of Diary" @mthday That is indeed a prophecy! The trail of black moon starts to change, although hardly noticeable!! I try analysing the disaster of the clashing of two moons....but it was despair in the end! The cracked moon, soon to spread across the land, human will be extinct! That includes me, and Uran......... Ah, Uran....only you.....only you I will save you no matter what..... ****************************************************************************** **Outside Eucles' house** Hisui: Miss Innes, although I've no money, but please! Give me the soma! Innes: Didn't I once say it all depends on your determination? What kind of determination will you show me? Hisui: I will pay by instalment for the rest of my life! Even if I've to work for the rest of my life, or sell me to some unknown place, I don't care! Hisui: For the sake of restoring my little sis, I must have that soma! Innes: Hmm...although I don't hate that kind of passion, but the debt alittle... Shing: Me too....! I will sell my entire life to you!! Shing: If it's not enough, I'll give you my house from the village of Seable! I'll even give you my soma, as long as Kohak will recover.... Shing: Even my grandpa's belongings...i'll give it to you! So.....please!! Kohak: Innes: Alright, since you make your point. But the two of you has to sign this contract. Kohak: Oniichan, soma..... Innes: This soma is the forearm type, when the weapon is released, it changes to double bowgun. Very suitable for you. Hisui: Excellent...back in my hometown, I always go hunting with bow and arrows, Kohak. Innes: So, hurry and treat your little sis's spiria, and use your "body" to pay. <<Innes left>> Hisui: .....I won't thank you though. Shing: I know. Alright, let hurry to Lagos Limestone Cave! **Hisui joins** **Receives Soma Gale Arc x1** **An ancient word which mean "Bow of wind", the forearm type soma that changes to bow.** **Receives Linkage Thumb Ring x1** **A thumb ring that helps party to perform linkage. Able to use connect panel** **Shing, Kohak and Hisui receives "Collateral Body" title** <<Event>> Fairy tale Girl: Sleeping Beauty, is a very sad story. Fairy tale Girl: I really want to read Sleeping Beauty....

1st choice: Read for her 2nd choice: No time 1st choice: Fairy tale Girl: Wow~thank. Shing: Sleeping beauty in the "Forest of Thorns" Sleeping princess who sleeps for the millenium Her long hair is of emerald Her shy cheek is of rosy crystal Fairy tale Girl: Eh~, I'm only 5. Fairy tale Girl: But the sleeping beauty sleeps for 1000 years? Shing: Um, she seems to like sleeping alot. Fairy Tale Girl: Emerald beautiful. Hisui: But, won't that hair be heavy if it's made of jewel? Fairy Tale Girl: Sleeping Beauty is not heavy! Hisui: That's not right, she must be heavy! Because the sleeping beauty's hair is too heavy, thus she sleeps for eternity. Fairy Tale Girl: I-I see... Shing: Sleeping beauty in the "Forest of Thorns" Never awakened from her slumber Cursed by poisonous thoughts of the devil with scarlet hair Shing: Within the spines of the "Forest of Thorns" Forever and ever within the dream The world ends within the dream Fairy Tale Girl: "Forest of Thorns" seems like a painful place, probably would get nightmare from there. Fairy Tale Girl: What's a devil with the scarlet hair? Hisui: Scarlet hair....a scary guy with red hair! Fairy Tale Girl: Really, so that guy bullys Sleeping Beauty! Shing: Someday, the black moon will fall And the white moon will crumble Shing: Prayers for release wither Consumed by the monsters that live in dreams And pearly tears, too, shatter Fairy Tale Girl: Is the moon really going to fall!? Fairy Tale Girl: The monsters ate the praying thoughts? Shing: Ahaha, don't worry, this is just a fairy tale. Fairy Tale Girl: Um, um....... Shing: Sleeping beauty in the "Forest of Thorns" Sleeping beauty wrapped in thorns Nightmare becomes reality with each passing days Shing: Until the hero stops the nightmares-Shing: Right, the end. Fairy Tale Girl: Thank you, Oniichan! Fairy Tale Girl: Sleeping Beauty, is indeed a scary and tragic story... Fairy Tale Girl: If only the hero could stop the sleeping beauty's nightmare. Shing: Um, yeah. Shing: A hero who stops nightmare? 2nd choice: Fairy tale Girl: What, spoilsport~! Fairy tale Girl: Girls won't like you, you know~! <<Talks to Fairy Tale Girl>> Fairy Tale Girl: Does the "Forest of Thorns" where Sleeping Beauty-sama is really exists?

###### Skits ###### 12. Hisui's patience <Shing> So, Hisui is good with bow? <Hisui> Yeah. My home's a mountain town where we support ourselves. So I never miss my target<Kohak> Around.....70%....... <Shing> 70%......such insignicant number..... <Hisui> Wanna try? If you're my prey, I'll finish you with 1 shot. 13. Double bowgun soma <Hisui> Double bowgun soma "Gale Arc", eh? With this.... 1st choice: Impressive Soma! 2nd choice: I'll leave you to do the cover job If 1st choice: <Shing> Double bowgun! An impressive soma! <Hisui> Um, even if you run, I can still save Kohak on my own. <Shing> I-Impossible...I won't run! If 2nd choice: <Shing> Long distance attack. Hisui, I leave the cover job to you! <Hisui> Hmm, leave it to me! <Hisui> But, I probably might accidentally hit you, hope you don't mind. <Shing> I don't, as long as I can retrieve the Spirune. <Hisui> You....... 14. Onwards to Limestone Cave <Hisui> Let hurry to the limestone cave! That Eucles guy probably knows the whereabout of spirune. <Shing> Good! Lagos Limestone Cave is probably to the west of Kynos. ****************************************************************************** **Outside Lagos Limestone Cave** ???: During this period, Uran probably would be crushed by the moon!? But if I remind her again, she will hate me..... ???: *sobs*~, damn! So scary!! Uran's life! Uran's feeling! I won't lose them ~~~!! Shing: Are you the astronomer, Eucles? We're under the request of Uran.... Hisui: Hey, you! How much do you know about Spirune!? Eucles: Eh! Who are you? W-Why did you know of this place?? D-Don't come any closer~~!! <<Eucles run into the cave>> Shing: Ah~it's all Hisui's fault... Hisui: Hey...stop exaggerating! No matter how you look at it, isn't it odd that he looks so scared!? <<Kohak's light points into the cave>> Kohak: Feel it....... Hisui: I was right, that guy knows something about Kohak's spirune. Get him! **Lagos Limestone Cave** Hisui: Damn you for complicating stuffs, you little brat! Hand over Kohak's spirune now!

Eucles: Don't come any closer, don't come near! The world will be finished if the moon fall!? Eucles: But, why do you bother me so much! Leave! Shing: We're under Uran's request to take Eucles' back! Eucles: Uran....? Didn't she says I'm a weirdo, and she hates me.....? Shing: *shook*, she really worrys about you. Asking why did you suddenly talk about the moon falling.... Eucles: I don't know! Eucles: That night...I saw the brilliant explosion, and that "thing" went inside me like a comet... Eucles: From that day on, I am really really scared, scared whether the moon will be falling like that legend says, that uncontrollable scared!! Hisui: It seems the spirune is inside that guy's spiria. Shing: Calm down, Eucles. Let us examine your spiria. Eucles: ....I have one condition. Bring Uran here! Eucles: This place can survive even the falling moon! I even brought in water and food. Eucles: Uran will be saved if she hid here! Bring her here even if you've to use force. Hisui: What the hell you're talking about! You should be the one who suppose to fetch her here! Eucles: Well...I can't!! The moon will fall anytime, I won't ever leave here. Eucles: Uran is in danger, yet fear got the better out of me! Eucles: Damn, move, my two legs! So is this my feeling towards Uran, damn it!! Eucles: *sobs*....disappear now, my weak and ugly spiria..... Hisui: His spiria gone this despir. Shing: Hisui.....are you able to soma link? Hisui: Of course! But, what're you intend to do? Are you going to destroy his spirune, just like what you did to Kohak? Shing: ....I want to save Eucles. Please, please help me. **SPIR LINK: Eucles** Shing: ....Maybe there're monsters that devour the spiria--nightmares? Hisui: Idiot, are you so dense into believing those fairy tales? Why would the spiria host those creatures.... <<A monster appears before them>> Shing: .....No, this isn't the nightmare. This is the "Shadow demons" created by human fears. Shing: But, they're still enemies to us. Be careful! Hisui: Hmm, don't act cocky for the guy who never fight before. Hisui: As long as we have soma, no matter they are shadow or physical monsters, we will beat them all easily! <<Another monster devours the previous monster>> Shing: This is it....the monster that devours spiria, Nightmare! Hisui: Hmm....won't it be advantageous to us if it devours fear? Shing: Nightmare would devour fears, and even other spiria! <<Defeat Nightmare>> Hisui: ...The fairy tale monsters exist in real I dreaming? <<Approach the teleporter>> Shing: Hisui, over there! Hisui: That light! That is Kohak's spirune!! <<Hisui is stopped by another monster>> Shing: Danger, Hisui!!

<<Defeat Fear Lilie>> Hisui: *pant*, *pant*....Why did Eucles' spiria becomes the nest for monsters!? Shing: I don't know...but, they seem to be attracted to Kohak's spirune.... Hisui: You bastard, you're saying this is Kohak's fault!? Shing: No! But...Kohak's spirune seems to have some kind of special power, don't Hisui feels it? Hisui: Tch....Our first priority is to return this spirune to Kohak. <<Kohak nods and retrieves the spirune>> **Back in Lagos Limestone Cave** Hisui: Kohak, sorry for leaving you in the dark place. Kohak: It's alright.... Shing: Eucles, how do you feel? You aren't scared anymore, right. Eucles:, uncontrollable fear.... Hisui: Damn, did we fail!? Eucles: Now, what I fear is lack of courage and willpower...I abandon Uran. Shing: T-That is the fault of Despir! Eucles: But, I didn't conquer fear for Uran. Ain't my spiria weak.... Hisui: Those are his own problem. Let just restore Kohak's spirune quickly. Shing: Um...sorry for keeping you waiting, Kohak. <<Shing returns the spirune to Kohak>> Kohak: .......No...... Kohak: dark......ah! Shing: Kohak.....? Shing: Ahhh! So scared, so scared!! I hate dark! Trapped in enclosed area, so scary! Get me out~~~!!! Hisui: Darkness....why would you say that all of sudden? Aren't you calm awhile ago!? Eucles: Perhaps she's the same as me, being attacked by the same emotion. Endlessly flows to her body-Eucles: "Fear" **Receives Fear Spirune x1** **A fragment of Kohak's spirune. Governs Kohak's fear.** Shing: Kohak: Shing: Hisui: The once empty spiria only restores 1 emotion!? ....No way, Kohak? No, no, no~~! So scared! Don't come near....this scary~~~!! No.....way...... Damn! Let just head back to town first.

###### Skits ###### 15. Flooded with fear <Shing> Hey, Kohak... <Kohak> Eeep! <Hisui> What the hell are you doing? <Shing> I just said her name! <Hisui> I don't care what you meant to do, you're scaring her. Get out of here. <Shing> ... ****************************************************************************** **Riverside Town Kynos** *3rd area-Exit* <<NPC TALK>>

Aunt: Phew~today a day for a quick workout~ Aunt: Every vegetables are growing, I'm eager for this year harvest. Old granny: After the world unites, the traffic flow is smooth. Old granny: Thank to it, Kynos' vegetable is able to transport to world market from the south Trading Town Henzera. Uncle: "Looking for new star"? ...Tired of countless stars in the night? Uncle: Geez, dunno the hell the scholar is thinking~~~ Girl by pond: Ducky boat....cute~ Girl by pond: Do you know? Ducky is the child of swan~ *2nd area-plaza* Teen: The special power will be awakened if training under this waterfall! Teen: Kidding. Those who believes in this, probably only 5. *1st area-Entrance* Old fisherman: Not a single hook.... Old fisherman: Actually, I'm....your real father!! Old fisherman: You say tis a lie? Can't believe your answer so calm, and not a single cold... Hidden Granny: An advice from the elderly. Hidden Granny: Ever ride on ducky boat? If not, it's best to take a ride. Uncle by pond: Astronomer Sensei is back. But... Uncle by pond: How did that dorky Eucles end up with Uran....*mumbles*.... Kid by pond: Sweets, yummy~! Kid by pond: Sweets, yummy~! Because it's too sweet, as if was bathed in candied tank! Girl by entrance: It's my dream to live in Henzera. Girl by entrance: Henzera is a huge trading town, it's south of this town. <<Infront of Eucles' house>> Uran: Eucles! Eucles: Don't come near, Uran! Eucles: I'm a weakling....not worth your love! Shing: Not true! Eucles has a will to save Uran, even if he's unable to walk. Uran: Eucles, you idiot! Uran: Be it your precious life to mine! be it your fondness of star to me! Uran: ...But I still love the weak and warm Eucles! Uran: It's enough, if you can come home in one piece......welcome back, Eucles. Eucles: ...I'm back, Uran. I definitely become a man to return your feeling. Shing: Yes. Even a weak spiria, will become strong once cultivated. Grandpa... Kohak: *shivers*....*shivers*...... Hisui: Both of you are done, I've to think of something to calm Kohak..... Eucles: Sorry, Miss fear spreads to you. Shing: It's alright, Kohak, Eucles is a nice man. Kohak: No~~~!! Shing: Why....I didn't do anything? Kohak: No! So scared! So scared!! No, don't come near...........! Hisui: Stay clear! The current Kohak can't suppress her fear! Hisui: The one Kohak fears most is you who destroy her spiria!! Shing: Um........ <<Light points to the direction from Kohak's chest>> Shing: The next spirune!

Hisui: ...South? Uran, what town lies to the south? Uran: Um, Um....south is "Henzera", a huge town that do trading. Kohak: this light!? N-No.....stop it..... Hisui: Let go.....if we don't, Kohak will remain like this. <<Shing and his party left>> Uran: If only Miss Kohak can restore her spiria ASAP. You too pray to the stars. Eucles: Ah, of course......huh? Eucles: Black moon....something indifferent from before!? Uran: It's alright, Eucles...even if the moon falls, as long as we are together, there's nothing to fear. Eucles: Thank you, Uran. But it'll be fine. Whatever happen to the moon is all my delusion..... ###### Skits ###### 16. Trading Town Henzera <Hisui> The spirune is pointing to south. The region around Henzera at southern Pendeloque is suspicious. Kohak: *shivers* scared..... Hisui: Wait for me, Kohak. Niichan will soon help you recover. <<Inside Eucles' house>> **check the blackboard** This written by a girl? "Eucles prepares the vegetable stew. Even if obsessed in observing, he still have to settle down for a meal" "P.S. Finish all the broccoli" Uran: Eucles is at 2nd floor. <<2nd floor of Eucles' house>> Eucles: Ah, Uran...How can a weak man such as me....becomes strong? <<At the south exit>> Innes: Sorry, I forgot to hand this "connection psistone" to you. Shing: "Connection Psistone"? **Receives Connection Psistone x1** **A type of psistone, filled with mysteries. If Soma users have it....** Innes: It's a psistone that can record people whom has been soma-link. Innes: Take it. Example...if you perform soma link on that astronomer, you can enter his spir maze. Innes: If you already solve their anxiety, you'll be able to soma link no matter where you are. Shing: Why did you know of Eucles!? Hisui: No time to care about others' spiria. Innes: Don't say that. Try it. The most important training of soma users, is to get in touch with more spirias. Innes: Keke, I'll be happy if the future employers are resourceful. ****************************************************************************** **Go back to Eucles' house** <<Perform soma link with Eucles>>

<<SPIR LINK: Eucles-Final area>> Hisui: Is that....Eucles!? Shing: ...N-No. That is Eucles' "real desire". Eucles: can I become the man for Uran.....? Hisui: Don't do something stupid, you indecisive brat! Shing: What're you doing, Hisui!? Why did you hit on his true desire.... Hisui: If this is the true desire, I must hit more! Hisui: Who cares about your indecisiveness? What's most important is your true determination! Hisui: If you don't put a spark in your emotion within the depth of that spiria, what are you gonna do? Eucles: ....Sorry, you're right. Although I filled with troubles, but I've a strong thought..... Eucles: I love Uran! This is the truth! <<Back in Eucles' house>> Eucles: ...Good, I've to work hard! To look for the new star! Eucles: Then, I will use that star as the ring to propose to you! Wait for me, Uran!! Shing: Keep it up, Eucles. I too will keep training my spiria. **Receives Light psistone x3** <<Speaks to Eucles>> Eucles: Thanks for saving can I repay you? Eucles: Yes! Want to take a look at the stars? Eucles: The glow from stars calm down human's spiria. <<Eucles is searching for something through telescope>> Eucles: Now you can get a good look at the black moon. Quick! Shing: Wow! So beautiful!! The moon is huge! Shing: Kohak, come look! The black moon is beautiful. Kohak: falling! Everyone....will die..... Kohak: Everyone will die!! Shing: W-What's wrong? Calm down, Kohak. Hisui: It's just the fairy tales, nothing to be scared, Kohak! Niichan will protect you.... Eucles: S-Sorry....Dunno why it.... <<Speaks to Eucles>> Eucles: I will definitely find the new star! Eucles: Um, for the sake of my beloved Uran!! ****************************************************************************** **Bridge area connecting Kynos to Henzera** Kohak: scared..... Hisui: Don't tell me...that even you're afraid of this sturdy bridge? Shing: See, Kohak. The river is beautiful! And there're lots of fish. Kohak: N-No......... Shing: It's alright, it's just a small river stream! Didn't you just cross the log easily awhile back? Kohak: N-No......~~~! So scared! So scared! So scared!! <<Hisui punches Shing>> Hisui: Didn't I warn you that Kohak fears you, scum? Hisui: You scum, using your soma is simply enough. There's no need for you to talk. Shing: Don't be......scared.

Hisui: Ah? Shing: I promise! I promise I won't harm Kohak ever again!! Shing: So....please don't be scared....please believe in me.....even the slightest. Kohak: Be-believe? Hisui: Stop fooling around! Who's the one who betray the trust!! Hisui: You scum doesn't seem to know how much damage you've done to Kohak!! Kohak: loud....I hate it...... Hisui: Tch.....never mind. Hisui: ....I apologise for my demeanor. Come, hold my hand, ok? <<Hisui took Kohak across the bridge>> Shing: Grandpa.....I want to make Kohak believe in herself, is this choice proof of my weak spiria? **Save point area** Kohak: Ah....C-Can't........ Shing: Hisui....Kohak can't seem to go on.... HIsui: It's already exhausting, making her cross the bridge...let take a short break nearby. Kohak: No! I can't.....this place.....too scary!! <<Few monsters circling around them>> Shing: Kohak? ???: Don't move if you don't wish to die!! <<A mysterious winged guy blocks off the monsters' attack>> Shing: W-What!? ???: I say don't move! <<A winged guy wards off the monster's final attack>> ???: ....Have I failed in finishing them off with 1 blow..... Shing: Wait! What's going on.....?? ???: Spare the thank, boy. It's the duty of the knight to help powerless citizens. Shing: B-Boy!? Powerless?? You got some attitude for a kid my age! ???: Hmph...You expect me to treat you as adults when you decide to rest here without realizing this is a monster hunting ground? ???: ...But, that girl seems to notice it. Shing: This forest is a monster hunting ground!? So Kohak's fear isn't for nothing. Kohak: Woah...a stranger.....? ???: .....I see, has this girl contracted Despir? May I use my soma to heal her? ???: I am the Crystal Knight of the Valeia Church, Chalcedony Arkham. Shing: Valeia church....? Crystal......knight?? Hisui: Hmph....Our soma are simply enough! We don't need sympathy from the church!! Chalcedony: Oh, so you're soma users too? I didn't expect there're somas still remained in this earthly world. Chalcedony: Yet, the two soma users can't even save this girl, I feel sympathy to this childish and immaturity. Hisui: Are you challenging me, scum! <<A monster suddenly attack, but is easily killed by Chalcedony>> Chalcedony: The inhabitants of this area sure are loud. Are you trying to attract more monsters? Hisui: Damn you..... Chalcedony: I apologize for frightening you, miss. But, we definitely will find out the source of your illness.

Chalcedony: May your spiria be filled with light and bond. Kohak: Spiria.....light Chalcedony: Ever since that strange explosion the night before, monsters have become more aggressive, and the cases of Despir have spread. Chalcedony: There must be some kind of connection, I must find the truth behind this explosion. <<Chalcedony lefts>> Shing: So awesome...I didn't want to admit, but that guy is able to use the soma so much better than us! Hisui: Shut up! I'll soon be able to reach that level, just you wait and see! Hisui: .....There's no time to rest! Move!! **to be continued** =--------= + Credit + =--------= I'm the one who translate the script, all by myself. Special credit to Greenfire1 for his voice museum guide, since I can't pause the voice skits section. Contact Information ------------Important: - Include name of game in subject line PLEASE

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