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b. 1799 Tonbridge, Great Britain, d. 1871 Atkins printed and published Part I of British Algae in 1843 and in doing so established photography as an accurate medium for scientic illustration. ! ! Atkins learned directly about the invention of photography through her correspondence with its inventor, William Henry Fox Talbot. Although she owned a camera, she used only the cameraless photogenic drawing technique to produce all of her botanical images.

Anna Atkins, 1853

Anne Ferran

Adam Fuss

Adam Fuss

Original photo of window at Lacock Abbey, by Fox Talbot.

Photogram of same window by Floris Neussus


Create your photograms in the darkroom then answer the following questions in your visual diaries. Use full sentences and you can draw diagrams if you wish Explain the process of creating a photogram. How do you do it? What equipment is required? What objects did you choose and why? Name at least one photogram artist and nd 3 examples of their work - discuss what their work is about and why it was of interest to you? Did you get ideas for your images from looking at what other artists have done? explain in what way?

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