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Studio Arts: Photography Unit 3 Outcome 3

! ! ! Comparing 2 photographers from different cultures


Todd Hido

Using the work of Todd Hido and Jon Rafman, select two works from each and develop an extended response essay discussing key features of their works. You need to look at the works selected and discuss the historical / cultural context of the works, the subject matter, aesthetic qualities, materials, techniques, and the meaning of the artworks. You also need to describe the style and ideas that the

Discuss art practices in relation to particular artworks of at least two artists and analyse ways in which artists develop their styles
Outcome 3 Top: Todd Hido Bottom: Jon Rafman

artist are presenting in the works and suggest meanings behind the works . You can use the chart provided to begin rough notes on each of these topics and then formulate your answers and ideas into a proper essay of 1000 words. You should be able to name and discuss at least two artworks from each artist (include an image of the work in your final essay).

Useful Links:

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Jon Rafmans website:

The Google 9 Eyes project:

Todd Hidos website:

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Due in_______________________

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