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Mafia - The free ride extreme Guide MMM MMM MMMM MMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMM M MMM MMM


THE COMPLETE FREE RIDE EXTREME GUIDE FOR MAFIA (PC VERSION) BY DENNY LUBINS VERSION 1.6 Table Of Contents ---------------------------------------I.Introduction II.What Is Free Ride Extreme? III.The Cars IV.Car Statistics V.Walkthrough VI.Other Stuff VII.Fun Stuff To Do With The Prototypes & Secrets/Easter Eggs VIII.Credits & Disclaimer WE HAVE LOCATED A MAP OF LOST HEAVEN ONLINE WITH ALL OF THE LOCATIONS OF THE FREE RIDE EXTREME MISSIONS, GO HERE..... Huge Thanks goto Radu Bebe for submitting this. =============================================== I.Introduction =============================================== Hello everyone,this is a guide for the hidden mode in the PC game Mafia called Free Ride Extreme.I decided too write this faq for some good reason,1st is Free Ride Extreme is very frustrating and hard,2nd is i thought you guys may be wanna see a faq for this and i figured "What The Hell" so here it is.Please forgive any grammar stuff,i only got 4 hours of sleep and got a cold :( Anywho,i tried too explain location and a precise walkthrough, it's kinda hard too without visually showing you,so i'll try and explain the best i can.Remember as always any questions,comments, additions,etc. please e-mail me at the address above and i'll try and answer ASAP.I will give full credit for any submissions, anyways onto the walkthrough. NOTE TO SUBMITTERS: If i put your submittion in here wrong, or would like it remove, feel free too send me an e-mail telling me too and will remove or correct it in the next version. Also all submittions will be formated in some cases, like for spelling errors, or words too better describe certain actions or methods, this is so the readers don't get confused or anything else, but i will keep it too your original submittion as much as possible and give you full credit for your submittion,thank you. Also submittions for the Flower Power mission are closed, there are currently 9 methods, sorry guys. ================================================= Version History =================================================

Version 1.6(3-30-03) - Sorry for the lack of updates guys, been kinda busy. Anywho, got alot of more user submitted stuff, some new Easter Eggs, Stategies, and other stuff, we even got a new easter egg that will unlock all the Free Ride Extreme cars, AND YOU DON'T EVEN GOTTA BEAT ALL THE MISSIONS!!!!, that's in the Easter Eggs section. Hope you enjoy. :) Version 1.5(1-14-03) - Added some more user submitted stuff, and changed some things that were incorrect in the guide found by users (thanks goto everyone who's helped out) nothing much more too add, if you find anything wrong with the guide, feel free too send me an e-mail correcting it, and i'll give you credit for the change. Also i've been thinking of making this guide bigger too include the normal game walkthrough and other stuff, i'd appreciate any feedback on this so send me an e-mail and tell me what you think, also thanks goto Radu Bebe for locating an online map of lost heaven with the location off all the Free Ride Extreme Missions, also combined the Fun stuff section with the secrets & easter eggs section. Version 1.4(12-18-02) - Added alot of User Submitted stuff, keep em coming guys. Nothing really new too add otherwise, people have been understanding the guide good, thanks go too all the support as well, i'm working on finding a map online of Lost Heaven so i can put a link too it in here, i'll update as soon as i find it, put a more in-depth installation for the cheat trainer, you can now find this guide at http://DLH.Net, also added a new section called "Secrets & Easter Eggs" containing hidden stuff found in the game, oh and Merry Christmas too all :) . Version 1.3(11-18-02) - Added ascii text (the best i could) and added some content submitted too me by a few people, also added some stuff here and there,had wrong e-mail at the top of the faq,sorry :). Version 1.2(10-3-02) - Reformated the guide so it's just under 79 characters,also added some things here and there,also added a new section called "Fun Stuff To Do With The Prototypes" you may get a kick out of. Version 1.1(9-27-02) - Updated a few car explinations,updated some of the walkthrough,added a new section called "Car Statistics" it has all the speeds,horsepower,stuff like that. Version 1.0(9-20-02) - Everything,a complete(for the mostpart)guide for Free Ride Extreme. ALERT!!!!!!!!!SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ================================================ II.What Is Free Ride Extreme? ================================================ Okay,Free Ride Extreme is a mode unlocked when you complete the normal game,you'll see it grayed out in the main menu till you do.Free Ride Extreme is a mission based Free Ride Game that has no cops and exactly 19 missions for you too unlock hidden cars for use in the normal Free Ride mode.Below is a list of all the cars you can unlock as well as a brief explination as too what it's like,etc. all these cars can be found in the Prototypes when you select your car in Free Ride,other than a few cars(The Race Cars,and the Caesar 8C Mostro). ================================================= III.The Cars ================================================= Each of these can be unlocked by doing the missions in Free Ride Extreme,these will also be unlocked in the Carcyclopedia. Prototypes

Manta-Prototype What It's Like - It looks like a space car (pretty much)it's like a black or gray and oval,the car body.Not really a very good car,i mean it goes fast (like all Prototype cars) but it takes awhile too pick up speed, this car DOES have a upside,it corners pretty good. Bolt-Thrower What It's Like - Remember the ending movie? remember that car that pulls up too that lawn and them guys get out and blast that guy watering the lawn? Remember the red T-bird looking car they where driving? Well,if you were like me and said "Oh,man,that car would be sweet too drive,I wonder if you can?" Well,here ye are,this is the car a nice looking car,looks like a 60 T-Bird,this car is fast,picks up nicely,BUT it slides alot,too much sometimes. Hotrod What It's Like - Well a hotrod,nuff said,lol It's just a basic hot rod,got the engine like one,sounds like one,fast like one it's Red and got flames on it's sides,handles good though,a nice car. Black Dragon 4WD What It's Like - It looks like a jacked up 60 Corvette(Black Of Course)and a souped up engine,this thing hauls ass hands down my favorite Prototype car.Picks up good,fast,but with speed comes loss of control,not too bad with this car though,also makes dragon like rev sounds when you first take off(Neat). Mutagen FWD What It's Like - It's one of them long Tudor Coupes,but it's black,got some lightning prongs on the hood,and lightning bolts on the sides.It also sounds like a space ship when you accelerate.A fair car,good speed,good handling,not the best though. Flamer What It's Like - Ahhhh,another Hot rod,but this is blue with red flames on the sides,and big slicks for back tires,also got the ever so famous hot rod engine,sounds like one,this thing is fast,really fast,but the tires in back really make this thing slide,so drive with caution. Masseur What It's Like - Well same thing as the Taxi,but this is a lighter blue,handles the same,speed the same,but this says Masseur on the back hood,and don't have the taxi hardtop. Masseur Taxi What It's Like - The Masseur but in taxi form,it's got a taxi hartop,and is purple,it looks like a truck jacked up,this thing is pretty fast, handles good but the shocks are quite bouncy so be careful at high speeds or you'll spin out. Demoniac What It's Like - Whoa! this thing is cool,it's like a souped up gocart,it rides really low too the ground,got the hot rod features and big tires in back this thing is very FAST,use extreme caution or you'll hit everything in site,i wrecked mine almost 5 minutes after i got it, lol :D Crazy Horse What It's Like - Exactly like the Demoniac,EXCEPT this thing does

wheelys when it takes off(Cool!!!)but makes the car very unstable, this car is HARD too handle right,the speeds there but it's just too damn tippy,and the wheelys actually hurt more then they entertain,i can see why it's called Crazy Horse :) Bob Mylan 4WD What It's Like - Well pretty bland none the less,looks like a fordor coupe,but it's white and got red flames on the sides,and devil horns on the hood,this thing's got great speed,takes awhile for it too get up,but not too long,great handling,but it ain't no work of art. Disorder 4WD What It's Like - Identical to the flamer,too a T but this is kinda gold with red flames on the sides. Speedee 4WD What It's Like - Another Flamer Clone,except this has got big tires on back,handles better then those other cars with big tires on the back. Luciferion 4WD What It's Like - Okay,let's sum this up,let's say you took a Thor Sedan and mixed it with the devil add a little tyme(lol)and BAM!!! you got this car,as you no doubt guessed it's red,looks like a demon car,fast,and handles great,a nice mix from the norm. Black Metal 4WD What It's Like - Oh yeah! this is what i like,this uses the same body style as the Mutagen(pretty much)but the whole car is made of steel, and yes it's more durable,but an added bonus,this has a metal plow thing on the front,which eliminates any front damage,and send cars when you hit em,it's also got a little gun turret on the top of the car(unsure if it actually fires,i doubt it though)it's slow though :( and has horrible pickup especially after you stop or hit something,but it is bullet proof and you won't take crash or bullet damage as easy,handles great,next too the Black Dragon,i choose this,also makes metal noises when entering/exiting and driving as well. Hillbilly 5.1 4WD What It's Like - The Same exact thing as the Bolt-Thrower but this is Yellow and got rust on it. Flower Power What It's Like - I think the body style is Bolt Model B Delivery,but i'm not too sure,anyway,this is probably the lamest car(next too the Manta)in Free Ride Extreme,sure it's fast(term used loosly),and handles good,but it's just ugly,it's red with psychadelic flowers on it(looks like a hippie car)pretty bland. Flame Spear 4WD What It's Like - Sweet,it's the same body style as them racing cars,but it's formated too look like a rocket with the rocket engine as well, sounds like your flying a jet,fast,handles great,nice alternative till you unlock them race cars,still nice even then. Manta-Taxi FWD What It's Like - Same thing as the manta-prototype but in taxi form. Un-Protoype Cars Caesar 8C Mostro

What It's Like - Well take the normal Racing model and turn it into a normal car,paint it brown and black,and turn the speed down too that of the likes of them high class cars you get from Lucas Bertone in the later portions of the game and you got a Caesar 8C Mostro.Nothing special about this car,shoulda been offered in the normal game though. Caesar 8C 2300 Racing Brubaker 4WD Trautenburg Racer 4WD Carrozella C-Otto 4WD What These Are Like - These are every model of racing cars used in the mission "Fairplay" for your leisurely enjoyment,i just gotta say if you were like me,and just now found this out(Well i found out by doing the mission :) your probably saying 2 things 1."YES!!!!!!!!" and 2. "Bout Damn Time" Enjoy. Well those are all the cars you can unlock in Free Ride Extreme,a very diverse bunch(Some not even worth the time)but after you unlock the last one you'll feel a sense of achievment and give yourself a pat on the back. ================================================= IV.Car Statistics ================================================= In this section i will just list the car stats for the above cars takin straight from in game,and i will try too explain what each stat means. Weight - Obvious,this is what the whole car weighs in Kilograms. Power - Is Horsepower(HP)measures how fast the car can accelerate in speed from a stop or while driving,the higher the horsepower, the faster you'll pick up speed,they also listed a (KW) value i think this stands for Kilowatts but i'm not too sure. Max. Speed - The Vehicles top speed,also in Kilometers per hour as well. Engine - What cylinder engine the car's using,the amount of cylinders is the number of pistons driving the crankshaft. The number of cylinders in an engine is the number following the type of engine. For example a V8 would have 8 cylinders. Although the amount of cylinders can have and effect on the sound of the engine they really are not directly related. (Submitted by Swept Volume - Swept volume is the size of the engine in cubic cm used mainly for bike engines example 1000cc would be 1000 cubic cm. (Submitted by Gear Box - How Much Gears are on the transmission,for shifting purposes. ---------------------------------------------------(Submitted By:Asi ) KW means kiloWatts, but the power doesn't set the acceleration at all. Actually the top speed, the power, and swept volume are in a good relation like this: 1.)A car with big HP can easly climb bridges without slowing too much (i think the Manta and Flower Power have prety big top speed and HP but anyway it starts very slow, it does not accelerate fast) 2.)A car with big speed (i think the Black Metal it has a lots of a great "swept volume" what does the capacity of the cylinders of you know what it means), but like HP and very low speed, also it has it mean???, simple it's similar with the motor, if a car has big swept

volume than you can be sure that you can push a lot of other cars with it like with the Black Metal and you do greater damage with it, and is more stabile on the road (it doesn't jumps if you hit a sign). 3.)The acceleration is related with HP as you said and also the swept volume the type of motor is fancy stuff, it's no difference, what difference is between a Porche Twin turbo V6 and a Ferrari V8 or a Renault V16 - almost none because it doesn't matter how many cylinders you have but how they are arranged the V16, that V16 is the worse, while the V8 is the best...from theese three a car with a big swept volume and big HP but ALSO big speed accelerates very fast (crazy horse for example) it almost rises because of the acceleration that makes it a bad car, not always the fastest, or the powerful, or both is the best, it has to be a balance. So why the Black Metal it doesn't have great acceleration , because it has very little top speed (in real life the top speed isn't defined like here, in real life the top speed depends of the type of gas (you can put Kerosene as well)in the engine, the differentials... the whole car, but in this case it is gaved numeric-pretty dumb. An acceptable car is one with average swept volume, with very fast speed and above average HP. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Submitted By:EauRouge swept volume means the size of the engine, or the total size of all the cylinder which is measured by ml(which we use to mesure water=1000ml/cc=1 liter) or cc. example, if the size one cylinder of the engine is 400ml/cc (means that maximum of water the cylinder can carry is 400ml/0.4 litre), and it has around 8 cylinder means that the swept volume is 400x8=3200cc. one more thing, the cylinder / engine size did not actually determine the power of the engine, because the power is effected by how much air+fuel pressure the cylinder can handle, but since more air+fuel can be push into the cylinder, the engine size did somehow effected the engine power. -------------------------------------------------------Manta Prototype Weight:2025KG Power:190HP (140KW) Max. Speed:109mph (175km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:4729CCM Gear Box:4 Speed Bolt Thrower Weight:1619KG Power:225HP (167.8KW) Max. Speed:112mph (180km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:5115CCM Gear Box:3 Speed Hot Rod Weight:1300KG Power:271HP (200KW) Max. Speed:156mph (250km/h) Engine:Sixteen Cylinder Swept Volume:6225CCM Gear Box:4 Speed Black Dragon 4WD Weight:1000KG Power:245HP (180KW) Max. Speed:125mph (200km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:3413CCM Gear Box:4 Speed

Mutagen FWD Weight:1650KG Power:380HP (280KW) Max. Speed:125mph (200km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:4729CCM Gear Box:4 Speed Flamer Weight:1100KG Power:217HP (160KW) Max. Speed:130mph (210km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:2325CCM Gear Box:4 Speed Masseur Weight:1200KG Power:326HP (240KW) Max. Speed:122mph (195km/h) Engine:Twelve Cylinder Swept Volume:6566CCM Gear Box:3 Speed Masseur Taxi Weight:1200KG Power:326HP (240KW) Max. Speed:122mph (195km/h) Engine:Twelve Cylinder Swept Volume:6566CCM Gear Box:3 Speed Demoniac Weight:700KG Power:300HP (221KW) Max. Speed:124mph (199km/h) Engine:Sixteen Cylinder Swept Volume:6225CCM Gear Box:3 Speed Crazy Horse Weight:1300KG Power:340HP (250KW) Max. Speed:156+mph (250+km/h) Engine:Sixteen Cylinder Swept Volume:7777CCM Gear Box:4 Speed Bob Mylan 4WD Weight:1346KG Power:271HP (200KW) Max. Speed:109mph (175km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:4530CCM Gear Box:3 Speed Disorder 4WD Weight:900KG Power:201HP (148KW) Max. Speed:128mph (205km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:4333CCM Gear Box:3 Speed

Speedee 4WD Weight:1050KG Power:326HP (240KW) Max. Speed:134mph (215km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:4400CCM Gear Box:3 Speed Luciferion FWD Weight:1548KG Power:296HP (218KW) Max. Speed:144mph (230km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:4545CCM Gear Box:4 Speed Black Metal 4WD Weight:7000KG Power:543HP (400KW) Max. Speed:66mph (105km/h) Engine:Sixteen Cylinder Swept Volume:8010CCM Gear Box:3 Speed Hillbilly 5.1 FWD Weight:1619KG Power:225HP (167.8KW) Max. Speed:112mph (180km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:5115CCM Gear Box:3 Speed Flower Power Weight:1800KG Power:175HP (128.8KW) Max. Speed:115mph (185km/h) Engine:Twelve Cylinder Swept Volume:7666CCM Gear Box:3 Speed Flame Spear 4WD Weight:950KG Power:300HP (220KW) Max. Speed:128mph (205km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:4972CCM Gear Box:3 Speed Manta Taxi Weight:2025KG Power:190HP (140KW) Max. Speed:109mph (175km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:4729CCM Gear Box:4 Speed Caesar 8C Mostro Weight:1000KG Power:142HP (104.4KW) Max. Speed:105mph (170km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:2336CCM

Gear Box:4 Speed Caesar 8C 2300 Racing Weight:920KG Power:178HP (130.9KW) Max. Speed:140mph (225km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:2336 CCM Gear Box:4 Speed Brubaker 4WD Weight:1100KG Power:300HP (220KW) Max. Speed:140mph (225km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:5047CCM Gear Box:3 Speed Trautenberg Racer 4WD Weight:877.5KG Power:150HP (110.4KW) Max. Speed:138mph (220km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:4250CCM Gear Box:3 Speed Carrozella C-Otto 4WD Weight:950KG Power:300HP (220KW) Max. Speed:140mph (225km/h) Engine:Eight Cylinder Swept Volume:4972CCM Gear Box:3 Speed ================================================= V.Walkthrough ================================================= These Missions are far from easy,it takes alot of skill,patience and luck too pass em,they where a little easy for me cause i've gotten use too making good turns and shit from Gran Turismo 2 if you got skills from that,then you shouldn't have too much trouble.Okay,i'll try and explain these missions the best i can,some you may just have too try and do your own thing,but i'll give you a structure too go by, also the locations may not be the best explained as well,but i will try my best.Below is a difficulty scale i used too define the difficulty of each subquest 1.Cake(These are rare,if any in Extreme) 2.Easy 3.Fair 4.Hard 5.Very Hard Okay first you start Free Ride Extreme Mode in a house with a Colt 1911,go outside and open your garage doors(There will be a button there)and once opened there will be a Thor 810 Sedan sitting there for ya.Okay before you take off,go straight across the street and talk to the guy waving his arms,he'll tell you there is 19 men who look identical too him scatered throughout the city who have subquests for ya too unlock bonus cars.He'll also tell you if you need a hint goto the lighthouse(This is important remember this)These guys will look identical too him,with the waving arms as well,just go up and talk too any of them too get the mission started,the game is automatically saved before and after a subquest.To get too the lighthouse go on the road leading from Oakwood too Oak Hill(The One By the Tennis courts) and too

the right there will be a dirt road turn off,this leads too the Lighthouse. Also at your house in Free Ride Extreme their is a first aid box on the wall and one of the doors will save your progress too. So go here anytime for saving and first aid, i don't know how much you can use the first aid box though. Remember:There is no specific order you must complete the missions,so do whichever you want in any order. Location:This guy is standing on top of the steps of City Hall(The Building that looks like it's from Rocky)in Downtown. Mission:Kill all 3 Snipers with the sniper rifle. Difficulty:3 Walkthrough:Okay you'll see the manta right there right when you go up too this guy,talk to him and start the mission,then haul ass too get the sniper rifle leaning up against the right side of the car,and grab cover.Now,you gotta be quick and precise in this mission,there's 3 guys,one's on a balcony on the bulding straight in front of you,one on the roof of the building too the left,and one on the right,there very easy too find.Okay switch too sniper scope as soon as you get some fair cover and clear shots,and just move quick and peck em off,and there should really be no troubles at all with this mission. Car Unlocked:Manta-Prototype Location:This Guy Is Standing In Front Of Morello's Bar in New Ark. Mission:Follow The Invisible Man Who's Trying To Escape Difficulty:4 Walkthrough:Okay this mission can be difficult till you figure his patern out,there isn't a time limit so breath easy,the easiest thing too do is follow him,he is hard too see but with the right amount of consintration and the right eye he can be easy too track,after awhile of running he'll pause for a breather and then take off running again, after some running around Downtown you'll end up waiting for the L-Train at the New Ark station,and you'll be waiting for a LONG time so take a bathroom break,drink a pop,or smoke a cigarette,okay finally when the L-Train comes your way get on,he'll get off at the first stop and start off again,keep following him and he'll eventually end up in front of a building and there ya go,your car will be parked right across the street. Car Unlocked:Bolt-Thrower Location:This Guy is in the China Town Square on the right. Mission:Save the inocent Civilian from the Monster From the Deep Difficulty:3 Walthrough:OKay,the second this mission starts grab the gun at the guys feet,get in the car,and haul ass too that little square road at the bottom tip of Downtown.The best route is take the Tunnel and dart all the way down that 2 lane road on Central Island and dash over the bridge at the bottom of Central Island then go strait down that road,then go behind the building and too the railing and aim for the top of the pole on the cliff too the left(You'll see it)there should be a rope,keep shooting till you see it fly up,and there ya go,be careful though,this mission is timed,so make haste too get there on time.Also DO NOT shoot the monster,it's a waste of ammo,and it won't do anything,once your done goto the parking lot of the building you went behind and you're car will be right there. Car Unlocked:Hotrod Location:This Guy Is Right in front of that alley where you,paulie and sam meet at after that cigar mission in the normal game.It is in Works Quarter. Mission:KIll Everyone In This Alley

Difficulty:3 Walkthrough:Okay once this mission begins goto the left and you should see a Tommy Gun sitting right there pick it up,now use creep moves too kill these guys cause they got tommy guns as well, there's 4 in the center of the alley all on the balcony's and 2 in the back of the alley 1 on the right and 1 on the left balcony,also there is 2 guys that run in with Shotguns in the center part of the alley and 2 in the back so be on guard. Remember too grab any weapons laying around after you kill these guys.If you beat the original game(Which you had too)then this mission should be cake,once done go to the back of the alley hang a left and you'll see your car. Car Unlocked:Black Dragon 4WD Location:See That T looking road in Work's Quarter? This guy is on the left side of the - part of the road. Mission:Follow The UFO Difficulty:3 Walkthrough:Okay to start this mission,drive too the other side of the road your on and you'll see an alien,approach it and it'll get sucked up into a flying suacer and take off,now follow the saucer,use the gun view too look up at the sky so you can see it,then just follow it across the city,there isn't a time limit,and if you lose it,just remember too listen for the UFO noises then you know it's close by,eventually after meeting with the UFO at different parts of the city,you'll end up at the lighthouse and you'll see the alien again and your car,congrats you just beat the mission. This mission has a 15 Minute time limit, but don't let it discourage you it still plenty of time, thanks goto Radu Bebe for sending me this. Car Unlocked:Mutagen FWD Location:Okay get on the road that leads too the harbor in works quarter head due east on this road and at the end of it,you'll see a little alley turn off the main road,go on this road and at the corner you'll see the guy. Mission:Drive The Car Through The Specified Targets. Difficulty:4 Walthrough:Okay,you'll get too use the Flame Spear for this mission,now this mission is pretty straight forward,the'll be little smoke cans layed out too indicate where too go,drive through them too activate the next one,this mission is timed so be on your feet keep your speed up,and DO NOT get lost,after a quick walktz through the city driving through smoke canisters,you'll end up in a parking lot on Central Island with the flamer sitting Right there. Car's Unlocked:Flame Spear 4WD Flamer Location:This Guy Is In Hoboken,get by the road leading too Oak Hill from Hobuken,now take the road right across from it leading into Hoboken,this guy will be on the left right past a brick wall. Mission:Drive The Truck To The Specified Loaction,Be Careful Th Truck Contains Nitro Glycerine And Any Crash Will Blow It Up. Difficulty:3 Walkthrough:The Specified Location is showed on the map,so i'll just give you the jist of it.Now you can go at any speed,but watch your driving DO NOT hit anything,or you're a post toastie,also be careful this is a timed mission,so haul ass and you should do fine,once you get too your location the car will be right there. Car Unlocked:Masseur Location:This Guy is right in front of the building on that little square road at the bottom of Downtown.

Mission:Drive The Truck Too The Specified Loaction,You Have 30 Seconds To Get Your Speed To 34mph Or Faster,After That Your Speed Must Not Drop Below 34mph Or Your Toast. Difficulty:5 Walkthrough:Ugh!,Very Hard.Okay This Mission is Tough,I hope you got some sleep cause this one will take awhile,okay first right when you start the mission get in the truck fast and take off,don't waste time,head down the road right in front of you all the way down,full speed(DO NOT have the speedlimiter on for this mission)across the bridge leading too Cantral Island,alright first turn(YAY!!!!)slow down too about 60 or 50 and go left cut across the sidewalk of the building and onto that road,Now 2 blocks on that road get your speed up again and hang the 2nd Right from your first turn,be careful don't go faster than 50 or slower then 50 around this turn,if you see your speed drop too 40 stop turning and go straight for a quick couple seconds,then just keep lightly turning onto the street till your fully on the street,watch your speed,this turn is Zoom down the street,and take the cut off and through the tunnel,go all the way down that street and guess what? another turn hang a right,watching your speed make sure you slow down before it,remember always take a turn at either 50 or 60 do not accelerate on a turn till you know it's safe too do so(trust me you'll know)okay keep on this road,and take the last right,this turns kinda tricky so watch it,okay go down this street and take the last right,then rejoyce the last turn,go straight down and goto where the X is on your map,just run over it,don't stop or slow down,and bamn there ya go,your car's right there,give your self a pat on the back. Car Unlocked:Masseur Taxi ------------------------------------------------------------------Alternate Method (Submitted By Maiken Liefeith Now I think for better drivers than me there are 2 choices: one to turn right after East Marshall,going the second left on the wrong side of the road as I did and change it once You cross the main road and going over the pavement onto West Marshall and then turning straight left and right or going tong to the end of it turning left and right, both times using the pavement if necessary, or as You suggested using the tunnel, but afterwards I found it impossible after 2 left turns to make an immediate right turn. I simply stayed on that broad road and followed it underneath West Marshall bridge and on and then only had to turn to the left. -------------------------------------------------------------------Location:This Guy Is Right Off That Main Road That Leads Around Hoboken,by the train tracks by the tracks tunnel,over by that road that leads too saleri's warehouse. Mission:The Car Is The Bomb,And The Plane Is The Detonator follow it too get your car,DO NOT get more than 200m away or you'll go up in smoke. Difficulty:5 Walkthrough:Ugh! another hard ass mission,This Took me awhile too pass,like a day,lol.Anywho keep your speed up on this mission,and watch them corners cause going fast will spin you out.Anyways do not hit any cars or spin out,or even hit buildings,anything that slows or stops you down by crashing will kill you.Okay stay either right under,just behind,or in front of the plane try not too get too far behind.OKay follow this road all the way straight till you get too a turn take a left,be careful,i've spun out alot on this corner,okay follow the road your now on and take the next right,you'll be on the road that leads over the guliano bridge,continue on it,you'll be cooking by now,okay about 1/2 way down the other side of the bridge let off the accelerator and get ready to brake really fast too cut onto that road that leads through the tunnel,careful this turn is what can make or break everything.Zoom down that street,through the tunnel,and take the last left and then turn on that street right after you make your turn,it'll be sharp right,i'd just cut through the grass and get on it,follow that street till it ends,and there ya go,you'll see your car,and congratulations you did it.The main thing about this mission is if you

know where too go,do not worry about where the plane is,in fact don't even look at it,just focus on your driving. Car Unlocked:Demoniac Location:This guy is located in Hoboken in a parking lot standing next too a race car. Mission:Drive The Race Car To A Specific Location. Difficulty:3 Walkthrough:Okay,drive the Race Car To The Specified Location,seems easy don't it? until you actually get in and drive the car,the camera has a warp type of look when your driving,it's awsome,if someone can figure out how too get this view when driving normal cars that would rock.Anywho,the faster you go the more the warp look,it gets fairly hard too drive with this camera,but with good perception you can tackle this no sweat,there is a time limit,just drive normal,use the map if you get too thrown off,and be careful,it's real easy too hit stuff like this. Car Unlocked:Crazy Horse Location:This Guy Is standing at the end of a driveway that leads up too a house on the hill in oak Hill. Mission:Disarm All The Bombs Difficulty:4 Walkthrough:This mission isn't too hard as long as you got a fast car and are a good driver.The'll show you where each bomb is and it'll even be on the map(Wait till you get too the last one,lol)Anywho this mission is timed so you'll have too be quick,but shouldn't be all that hard,the first bomb is next too a pillar by the fence at the top of the driveway.After the last bomb,you'll see your car sitting right there. Car Unlocked:Bob Mylan 4WD Location:This guy is on a road off the main road leading through the harbor in works quarter,he'll be in a parking lot of sorts. Mission:Drive The Car To A Specified Location Difficulty:5(The Hardest One I Think) Walkthrough:Argggg! I hate this mission,thee worst in the whole game,i suggest you wait too do this puppy last,it'll take you awhile too complete.Okay at first you think,oh a simple drive this car here mission right? WRONG! take off once,after about 2 seconds of driving bombs will start going off right behind your car,these bombs can hurt you,and will destroy your car if your not going fast enough,and if that isn't enough this mission is timed,here's a little speed meter too go by so you can prepare for the worst.... 40 or below mph - The Bombs Will Cause Car Damage,it can take about 5 of these blast before it's toast. 50-60mph - You still take damage from the bombs,but your car won't. 60 or above mph - Your smooth sailing here kid,the bombs will still go off,but nothing will happen too your car or you. Okay,this is tough,anyway once you get in your car,hang a left then goto the end of the street and hang another left onto the main harbor road,and haul ass all the way down it and take the last right into Little Italy,careful,this turn can hurt if you foul up.Take this road all the way down and hang the last right,this turn sucks,so try not too stay at 40mph too long during this turn okay keep on this road and take the last right onto the road through the tunnel,watch this turn though,i've spun out many of times on this.shoot straight through the tunnel and onto the main central island road,now take the first left(Not the one leading too the guliano bridge,and take the last right on this road,watch it,these set of turns will damn near kill your car,take the next right after that turn and you'll see your car sitting in the parking lot(Use your map too be safe),now if you did this mission without too much damage,good job,but by the time i got too the last turn a bomb nailed me dead on and i coasted into the parking lot,shear luck :) Once this mission is done,go ahead and do a backflip,lol.

Car Unlocked:Disorder 4WD ---------------------------------------------------------------Alternative Method: (Submitted By Maiken Liefeith I simply took the harbour Road road down, turned the last possible road down left towards the West Marshall bridge, crossed it, took both turns on the left with 40 mph, went on straight and left over the main road past the the theater to the end and turned right onto the parking space neglecting the explosions beginning to make damage. It worked well. ---------------------------------------------------------------Location:This guy is located in Hoboken on a street with dirt on part of the block. Mission:Drive This Car To The Specified Location Difficulty:3 Walkthrough:Okay this car is rigged,it runs outta gas real fast,so use the map and plan out your route too where you can hit a gas station about every 5 blocks or so,not real hard,there isn't a time limit so rest easy,eventually you'll end up in a parking lot with your car sitting right there. Car Unlocked:Speedee 4WD ----------------------------------------------------------------Alternative Method: (Submitted By Allan Press you can make it to the first gas station no problem, but the others are a pain. To make things easier (if anything can be in thesee mission!) get some speed going (about 40 or so) and drop the car into Neutral as soon as it will let you. Coast as far as you can because the car doesn't seem to use gas when u are in neutral. Also, on straight roads you can push your car. The best car to do this with is the Ulver Airstream (ugly metallic green car). Some cars go VERY slow when using them to push, but this one gets some speed up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alternative Method: (Submitted By Alexei Stanger To make this mission much easier you can use the clutch (X key) when youre going fast enough on flat or downhill roads, since the motor isnt engaged you can coast for a very long time while using almost no fuel. Using this method you can reach every gas station with your tank half full. ---------------------------------------------------------------Location:Remember that one road in Little Italy where those thugs jumped you in mission 2? well this guy is just down the road a bit,you'll see him sitting on a corner outside a store. Mission:Answer All The Phones Difficulty:4 Walkthrough:You don't really need a walkthrough for this mission,cause he tells you where too go,it's identical too the difuse bomb mission,except the locations won't show up on the map,it's still timed,but you should be able too find the phones easy,there's only like 4 or so,if you can't find em,just listen for them you'll hear em once your by them,a few are in tricky spots at the specified locations.The last one by the church in Oakwood is in the cemetary next too the church,now look on the ground,you'll see it,it's a minature phone booth(Cool)after you answer this phone,it'll say your cars in the parking lot next too the Tennis Courts.This mission reminds me of that one mission in GTA3 called "Payday For Ray". Car Unlocked:Luciferion 4WD Location:This Guy Is Standing Right Outside The Hospital in New Ark. Mission:Drive The Car Too The Specified Location

Difficulty:4 Walkthrough:For This Mission you have too use the Bolt Ace Coupe,now i know it sucks and is slow but you gotta use it,this mission is tightly timed too,and as an added bonus,the programmers rigged the car so if you go faster then 40mph it'll start stalling(cleaver,no?)The Best way too go,is right across that bridge right in front of you,easy you say? About 1/2 way across the bridge you'll see a Zeppelin in the sky,keep right on driving,turn your speedlimiter on so you don't go over 40 and start stalling.Once you get to the Zeppelin you'll start seeing bombs going off all over in the street drive over any of em and it's all over,the best thing too do is very quickly plan on where the bombs will hit and avoid em,thank god the bombs only go off in one little section,it may take a few tries too pass this mission,but you'll get it down,after the bombs it's smooth sailing,go into the parking lot of the first builing on the otherside of the bridge too the right and your car will be sitting there. Car Unlocked:Black Metal 4WD Location:This guy is standing on the side of the road at the end of the guliano bridge in central island. Mission:1.Run Around The Block 2.Do 3 Knee Bends 3.Grab The Box And Follow The Guy Difficulty:3 Walkthrough:Okay,this guy will first tell you too run around the block,this is the big circle that leads around,and under the guliano bridge(you'll see the whole block you gotta run on your map)this is timed so no fancy stuff :) once you get back too him he'll tell you too do 3 Knee Bends,so croutch 3 times in a row,then he'll tell you too grab that box and follow him,so grab it and follow,he'll eventually lead you too that shop right outside the tunnel he'll tell you too leave the box,get in the car and get outta here,so go up too the box already sitting there and hit the action button then there ya go,mission complete. Car Unlocked:Hillbilly 5.1 4WD -----------------------------------------------------Alternative Method: (Submitted By Spin The waving dude is standing with his back to the wall of a building. Don't bother using your map, you can take a shortcut and not have to stick to the main roads. If you're looking directly at the waving guy's face, turn to the right and run around the edge of the building he's leaning up against. Continue making lefts around the perimeter of the building and you'll end up coming right back into the parking lot from the other side. As you approach the guy he'll tell you to do three knee bends, so crouch 3 times. Next he'll tell you to grab the box and follow him, so do so. You'll find that since you ran such a nice short block, there's PLENTY of time to walk with the box. Watch out when he crosses streets against red traffic lights, if you get hit by a car you'll drop the box and it'll disappear! Once you follow him around a couple of streets he'll head down a set of stairs near the exit of the tunnel. He'll tell you to drop the box and take the car, but DON'T DROP THE BOX MANUALLY - you won't be able to pick it back up and the mission will eventually time out and fail!! Walk up to where the other box is sitting on the ground and you'll get an exclamation mark next to your health indicator. Hit your "Action" button and you'll put the box down nicely. That's it, the Hillbilly 5.1 is yours to take home! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Alternative Method: (Submitted By David Cauthron I just wanted to let you know that you have a problem in the mission where you have to run around the block, do 3 knee bends, and carry the box. Running around the block does not consist of running under the bridge. You only have to run around the building he is standing in front of. This makes that mission a cake/easy mission instead of a fair mission in the difficulty rating you are using. -------------------------------------------------------

Location:This guy is down the road too the left of the first guy you meet across the street from where you start in Oakwood. Mission:Kill Speedy Gonzalez Difficulty:3 Walkthrough:Okay this mission is pretty easy,just follow speedy Gonzalez,this guy is fast,so just keep on him,the best place too whack him is on the guliano bridge cause it's a straight shot,so just follow him till you get here,and run him down,go back too the guy once complete too get your car.Funny story,the first time i played this mission i got him on the guliano bridge and flew past him accidently,well he apparently he jerked too the left and ran right in front of another car and was mushed,i still got credit for the kill,pretty funny,lol :D Car Unlocked:Flower Power -----------------------------------------------------------Alternative Method: (Submitted by Matt Alexander This is for the Flower Power car, but it involves the Manta Prototype sub-quest. Do the Manta quest. Keep the mosin-Nagant. You should have 2 bullets left if you are a skilled marksman and can shoot those bastards in 1 shot (Ridiculously easy). Now go to the corner closest to your house. Ask the man waving his arms about the speedy gonzalez sub-quest. You see him run off in a direction. Now, check your map (DEFAULT: TAB KEY) and you should see that there is another path, and the blue 'X' (speedy) stopped moving. He wont move unless you follow him down that path! Go around to the other side, go get a Thor (What I got, or a fast prototype) park your car on the left side by the left-most Intersection. When you get out of the car, turn around. If you see someone wigth flames around him and he is wearing boxers, snipe him down! It won't kill him but it helps. Then, get into the car quick and take your own, fastest route to the bridge. If you beat him there, stick close to him so cars spawn near him. 1 of the times he was standing on a car for a second because he ran over a spawnpoint. I had him dead in 3 tries. He seems like an NPC-driven car magnet to me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alternative Method: (Submitted by Donnie Amirault For the speedy gonzales mission in FRE, instead of chasing him around. Just let him stop at that first corner, then you go around the street to the opposite corner of him. Just line him up and bang. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alternative Method: (Submitted By Chris Colhoun simply drive all the way round the block from your house in oakwood, so that he is on your right when you get to the end of the street. Then, simply turn right and accelerate straight towards him, a combination of your speed and the speed he runs in to your car takes him out and the "flower power" car is yours for the taking! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Alternative Method: (Submitted By Asi Well after you do the mission with gangsters (to kill them in Works Quarter) you get a Tommy Gun (with alot of ammo) and you speak with that guy to do the mission. Speedy Gonzaleles is running, and passes you, shoot him once cause he'll stop and take another bullet... and repeat till he's killed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alternative Method: (Submitted By Ryan Healey Just park your car in front of the first set of steps on the left of the guy, and then speak 2 him. Speedy Gonzalez will be stuck. just pop him off with ease. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alternative Method: (Submitted By Allen Press After getting the mission Speedy takes off down the block you live on and stops at the corner. He wont move again until you get close. Instead of following him, grab a car and go the other way around the block. Start driving towards him on the sidewalk. He will run right into your car. Easy as cake. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alternative Method: (Submitted By duc thuan tran just pick up any cars and park it close to the stairs of his house (as close as possible) so hell have no place to run. ------------------------------------------------------------Location:This Guy is on a waterfront under the guliano bridge on the downtown side,you'll see a road leading down too the harbor and the guy will be right around the corner. Mission:Disarm all the bombs in the taxis by dumping them in the river Difficulty:4 Walkthrough:These aren't marked on the map,but you'll get a glimpse of were they are,each one has a time limit as well,you'll need another car too push the taxis into the water,so after the first one which is right next too you,find a location and set a car there then just take the taxi's there and use the car you dumped too get rid of them,i believe there is 4 Taxi's one's right next too you,the second is in the construction yard in Hoboken,the third is on the steps of city hall(i believe)and the 4th is in the parking lot outside the harbor,now take this taxi too an alley off too the right just before the turn into Little Italy on the main Harbor road(you should know this road)take the taxi there and you'll see your car there,get in it and use it too push it off into the water then there ya go,mission complete. Car Unlocked:Manta Taxi FWD ------------------------------------------------------------Alternative Method: (Submitted by Donnie Amirault For the first taxi you can just slide it in at the start point by shifting it into neutral(this method takes some getting used to, I just made sure the car would slide on its own then hit the break and exit the car, upon exiting it will continue sliding) then take your original car to Hoboken in the contruction yard where you will find taxi number two. You'll need a fast car to get there, as you want to drive the second taxi to the North East side of Central Island. After getting off the bridge take your first left then your next left. The place to dump the taxi is pretty much right in front of you on your right.(make sure you park the car on the right hand side to slide it in, it will fetch up if it's too close to the left) Then you could either walk or steal a car to get to taxi #3(since you

have alot of time) which is located a few buildings south of where you dumped taxi #2, located on your right hand side as you go south. Just dump this taxi where you dumped taxi #2. Now you'll have to steal a car to get to taxi #4 which is sitting in the yard at the Court House on Central Island. Remember to always to the most direct, fastest routes. Take this taxi to the warf on the South West part of Central Island, set it close to the edge of the water then go steal a car(preferably a thor sedan)to bump this one into the river. Now drive your stolen car to the works quarter where taxi #5 is sitting (I'm not sure why but when I got here there were two taxi's sitting side by side. I merely chose the taxi closest to me as I entered the parking lot.) Take this taxi to where the Manta Taxi is sitting and use the Manta Taxi to push the taxi into the River. An alternate way of doing it, which is probably alot easier for people who aren't great drivers is to take the second taxi to the first dump point. After dumping it, you'll need to steal a car to get to the third taxi on Central Island. Works all the same, however, the first part is my prefered method, specially if you have a fast car to get to the taxi in Hoboken. I had a Flamer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alternative Method (Submitted By Maiken Liefeith First thing I believe that this is a thing You should prepare in advance. You should place a good car near the phonecell next to Corleones hotel where a tiny road goes down to the river, perhaps even one next the opening in the fence under west Marshall near the place Carlo was shot, also leading down to the river and then of course one with the nose towards the ramp on the right of the waving man with the taxi mission. And then before You start You also need to place a car there to dump the first taxi into the river. When You have done all that, You might safely take Your own good car there and start the mission. The first car You need to dump the first taxi. You go off with car No 2, take the second one, drive it back on the ramp down, go into manuel driving and cut down to N (look on the tacho!), leave the car and watch it rolling on into the water. Take the second fast car and go over Guiliano Bridge, but then left,beneath the bridge through the pedestrian passage and over the road. Leave the car and run the corner to right and enter Your next taxi. Go left with it and enter the slope opening on the right down to the river. If the slope is enough and You go on manuel and N and jump out the bloody car will drive into the river. But do not turn back to look. Try to reach Your good car again. If everything is okay they will show Your next taxi near the town hall and You win time. Now You can dump the taxi actually wherever You like. 4 opportunities I know: 1. same place as the last taxi; 2: a bit further on the right but I guess You need another car to push it 3. as explained before hand on the road nearly opposite to Corleones Hotel with the phone booth in front of it, leading down to the river (thats the one I love, as I was born In Hamburg and there are childhood memories in it) or if there is enough time to use the slope under West Marshall bridge opening towards the river, but there too You will be in dire needs of a second car to push it. The problem is to leave that last place fast.So better think about it beforehand and place a got car there. Now You simply go to the last taxi, which is in the parking site of the port of New Heaven (Remember the cigars of Mr Salieri?). The german version is really mean, as sometimes I have noted playing games in german version. It like the germans like suffering, well let them suffer. So in my version there werent but one taxi standing in the parking lot, but there were too. I did not suffer, I took the first. Driving down the road there is a pathway in the fence leading to the river just before West Marshall on the right. But the slope and putting the car on manuel and N wont be enough to dump it. So either way You block the street

and seal one or You have placed a car beforehand You wont get it in. ---------------------------------------------------------------Location,this guy is standing at the end of a parking lot on the road that leads too Oak Hill from Hoboken,he'll be on the right. Mission:Exchange all of these race cars in order too get your bonus car. Difficulty:4 Walkthrough:Okay this guy will show you where the cars are,but i'll tell ya anyway.this mission is timed so be quick and precise. The first race car is on the truck right in the parking lot where you meet the guy,drive it off and head for the second car located in an alley on the left side of the prison on the tip of central island,now once you get to the car drive it off,get in your first car and back it onto the truck,get into your new car and haul ass too the next one.The last car is on that road leading from Little Italy too the main harbor road,it'll be on the left right after the first turn onto the harbor road in an alley and behind a the swapping stuff then take your new car all the way back too the start of the mission and park it on the truck there,and there ya go,mission complete,your car will be sitting right there in the parking lot. Car's Unlocked:Caesar 8C 2300 Racing Brubaker 4WD Trautenburg Racer 4WD Carrozella C-Otto 4WD Caesar 8C Mostro

=========================================== VI.Other Stuff =========================================== Not really too much other stuff,but some tips,now if you aren't too familiar with how too make perfect runs and stuff,just new into the driving/action scene then you may wanna practice a bit in Free Ride Mode before you tackle the Extreme stuff,practice does make perfect,but no matter what always follow these tips.... 1.Do not hit other vehicles,buildings or other artifacts that will slow you down or stop you,telephone booth's,trash cans,boxes and people are okay cause they won't slow you down. 2.Be Careful around turns,you should only go around a turn at 5060mph otherwise you'll stear too wide and hit something,also never accelerate during a turn till you know when too do so(you'll know) 3.Do not spin out,at higher speeds,the more you turn or jerk the wheel,the more grip you'll loose,so try not too turn too much going fast,and if you start sliding turn away from the skid. 4.Plan and Execute,always plan out missions before you do em,find the paths you wanna take speeds,and anything else,don't jump into a mission and expect too beat it 1st try,cause 80% of the time,you won't,the best way to do so is look at that map that you got when you bought the game,or if you warezed it (Shame on you :) then just use the in game map. 5.Have Fun,or try too,the whole point of the extra missions is too have fun,it sucks getting frustrated,i know it's hard,but try and have fun. 6.Curbs And Bumps In The Road,watch out for these,hitting them at high speeds will make your car bounce,also watch out for light posts and walls and stuff,also be alert of them trolly's,cause those will jack knife you as well. Okay,now i don't normal promote cheating,but in some cases it can be all there is too win.Now there is a cheat trainer you can get that can

help on alot of the Free Ride Extreme missions,if you never used a trainer before it's simple,just load the trainer before you start mafia then in game you hit the buttons too activate the cheat,hit em again too turn it off(read the trainers .nfo or .txt files for what the keys do)you can get the trainer at the web address below Extract the ZIP file into your Mafia program directory and just before you enter the game double click on the exe too load the trainer, now in game hit F12 too load the trainer menu or hit the below buttons too activate the cheat hit the button again too de-activate the cheat... 0. F12 show/hide in-game trainer menu 1. F11 unlimited health 2. F10 unlimited teammate/passenger health 3. F9 unlimited ammo 4. F8 instant kills 5. F7 no damage recorded 6. F6 unlimited fuel 7. F4 unlimited time 8. F3 instant destruction 9. F2 no police 10. 0 always win race 11. 9 1 lap race 12. 1 cycle weapon slot 1 13. 2 cycle weapon slot 2 14. 3 cycle weapon slot 3 15. 4 cycle weapon slot 4 16. 5 cycle weapon slot 5 17. 6 cycle coat weapon 18. 7 cycle item 19. 8 unlimited cash Sometimes this trainer can be buggy and not work, or may not work at all on some peoples PC's but try it anyway. Also by in-game i mean when your in control of Tommy. Also #'s 12-18 don't work alot, i've only got em too work once before, also i never tried #'s 10 & 11. Be careful though, i heard that the trainer can bug a few missions in the regular game, also it can stop working every once and awhile a simple computer restart will fix this. Also,if you don't like putting in your CD all the time,you can use a no CD patch found on This works with the normal retail version of Mafia,just read the nfo or readme file in the ZIP archive for installation instructions. Be careful the no-CD crack is buggy with some missions too,it worked flawless for me,but for some it didn't. Also if your looking for Mods, Add-On's and other stuff, including the Mafia Editor "Capone" made by White Raven at this excellent Mafia site, they keep up too date on all the new Mafia mods and work in progress so swing by and see what's happening in the Mafia world. ============================================================== VII.Fun Stuff To Do With The Prototypes & Secrets/Easter Eggs ============================================================== Okay after all the unlocking is finished and you got all the prototype cars,here's a few things you can do with them in Free Ride Mode too get a kick outta or help in a few areas. also in this section is here for them little secrets found in any and all gametypes of Mafia, this will be more of a submittion section for you the explorers who dig and look for them little extras in Mafia i will also keep my eyes peeled for any and throw them in here. This

can include anything from secret areas too bilboards that have a naked person or something, also i may add that i believe Free Ride Extreme contains alot of secrets and hidden stuff,so if you wanted too look, check there first. ----------------------------------------------------------Unlock All The Prototypes & Secret Doors :o ----------------------------------------------------------The door to unlock all the cars is blue its on a house with a telephone box outside this telephone box is the most north easteren telephone in oakwood. if you go to the most nort east point in oakwood and walk south its the first phone you come to. this door only works in freeride extreme, all your cars will appear in your garage at your house. (Submitted By: Peter Leshnistkitsaski In case you are confused, im talking about the big ol' devil face to the south of salieri's wearhouse. Go to the traintrack roadblock and driver north. Take the first left and then second right. Soon after taking this turn you will see an "ironmongers" store. Press the doorway and you will see nothing happens. Return to the devil face and jump past the roadblock. (park your car against the cliff's edge and jump on the hood repeatedly until Tommy climbs on.) Carefully drop yourself past the roadblock and continue walking on the right side until you reach the mysterious secret white invisible door of mystery and mysteriousness. Click it and it will open. Now after a quick walk up a tunnel you have arrived in the devil's face. (Submitted By: Radu Bebe the door in FR which unlocks FRE! It's a yellow door somewhere in Hoboken, in a back alley, and it unlocks FRE without completing the game, just by playing a small city game of Free Ride --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Earn an easy $10,000 Cake choose any really fast car and drive too the country side and just stick on the main road going over 70mph and for each second you'll get $100 now if you don't smash your car up too bad you should have near or exactly $10,000 when you drive back into the city. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Killing Gangsters,the easy way Now sometimes them pesky street walking gangsters can be troublesome cause it takes multiple hits too kill them when your driving,so here's what you do,pick a prototype with really high horsepower and if you don't get him the first hit or you hit an object before you hit him,it'll be easier too accelerate too a higher speed too kill him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Easy Taxi Missions Almost any Prototype car(Taxi type) can make the taxi missions a cake walk cause you can go really fast,just be cautious when driving at high speed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Driving On 3 Wheels With the Black Dragon(maybe with other prototypes too)if you lose let's say a front tire,you can still drive around on 3 tires until you come too a complete stop. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D.O.I. (Dead On Impact) This is by far the funist thing too do,get

a really fast car (I recomend the Hotrod) and go too the road leading from Hoboken too Chinatown(The long road at the very top of New Ark that has the bridge)Now Floor it and get too top speed (Make sure not too hit anything, be careful)and the next Bolt Ace Coupe(You know those little cars)that appears going in the opposite direction nail it head on,now whatch as your car demolishes the Bolt Ace busting all the tires off of it and destroying it beyond repair (It should blow up a few seconds after the crash) in some cases,going fast enough,you'll send the Bolt airborne or spinning clanging off everything in site,i've even killed the driver before,it's nuts,you can hit other cars like this too,also hitting cars in the back instead of the front will get em all twisted(Like the Bolt Truck)Just make sure not too hit some of the big cars cause it's like hitting a brick wall,the gang cars suck too just make sure you got near too full health before doing this cause you're gonna lose alot of health,also don't do this with cars that have there wheels like the black dragon otherwise you'll destroy your car and won't hurt the other that much. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jumps - Yep there are jumps in Mafia,but only in Free Ride Extreme mode there at various places around the city,i guess the designers put em there so you can have fun with your new toys after you've earned them,hit the jumps going full speed,it's a hoot! lol --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gangsta Dash And Mash, lol (Submitted by Matt Alexander Just playing Mafia on free ride when i discovered that the gangster cars don't have a true hood. A fun thing to do is on the little italy side, get some mafia members to follow you and drive off it going around 80MPH. If you survived...the gangsters most likely did not... It looks really funny to see a pile-up of all them dead, and alot of free ammo sawed-off shotguns, colt 19-11's, Tommy's,its fun. Gets you cash, and don't have to buy weapons, just a very urgent trip to the hospital... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hit And Run, Baby! - Now this isn't really too big of a thing, but it was funny as hell when i did it a couple times, take a prototype car and haul down a straight away now when you see a guy getting outta his car steer near him and nail him you'll hear the usual bounce noise off the car, but it will rail his body into his car shattering his windows, i didn't check too see if he was killed but i assume he was, now make sure you give him a few seconds after he gets out of his car, or you'll just end up driving right through him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Steel Mayhem (Submitted By Dave Erlich Method A run down as many walking gangsters as possible. I also ram every police car and gangster car as soon as I see them. The money that comes in is fantastic. After more than a full hour inside the Black Metal 4wd I had $21,500 and my health had only decreased to 91%. Also I still had half a tank of fuel left. Method B smash headlong into police road blocks. There are about 7 or 8 cop cars and gangster cars chasing me as well. I then start to ram everything in sight as I keep turning the Black Metal 360 degrees around and around, smashing both the police and the hoods, running them over and killing them and getting plenty of money. The good thing is that the gangsters start shooting the police and the police shoot the gangsters and up near the hospital and the armory the road was literally covered with corpses and wrecked cars. After a while the bodies disappear leaving only the dropped guns. I had literally 50 or 60 weapons strewn everywhere with tons of ammo from all the cops and gangsters I killed with the Black

Metal 4wd. I then shook off the cops and healed myself and filled up the car with gas which cost $2,000 but I still had about $22,000 left. Its fantastic! The only thing you have to watch is that if you come to a complete stop and the police are next to your car on foot the door will automatically open and you'll be arrested. Game over. The idea is to just keep moving and don't stop for more than a couple of seconds so its almost impossible to be arrested. NOTE: We have tested the Black Metal method mentioned above, although it's a blast it does cause alot of slowdown in the game cause of the sheer amount of drawing the GPU does with all this carnage and could lock or chop up the game really bad for low end card users, newer or high grade video cards shouldn't have too much trouble although you will still experience slow downs, also we've gotten a pretty wierd glitch doing the method above on very rare occasions we find ourselves falling through the street and dying instantly, this methos is a blast though, so don't let the above notification scare you into not trying this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A Regular Valet (Submitted By Spin In normal free ride mode, if you do it in "Small City", there are several dead ends where the path to the extended map is blocked off. These make great spots to hang out and kill cops and gangsters. I turned one of these spots into a HUGE parking lot...I just kept jacking cars and parking 'em next to each other. I noticed after a while that some of the cars were disappearing - this happens cause pedestrians will randomly grab cars that are parked against sidewalks. What's funny is that this doesn't happen with cop cars!! I can't tell you how it cracked me up to keep getting myself "wanted" just to feed my addiction to cop cars!! It looks hysterical to see about 30 of them parked side by side and back to front ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Catching Air (Submitted By Matt Alexander Pick a prototype, I suggest anything but the Crazy Horse. If you get the crazy horse up there, your a genius! Anyways, take your car to Countryside-daytime Cops leve 0 Pedestrains 0 and traffic 0. click ok (this is in free ride BTW) select start by the Dam. Follow this path all the way to the next intersection you see, it looks like a Y, by a farming area. Merge into the big road, and keep following it the way you were going. Follow this, up the slope in the road, and you might see some trash cans blocking an open area not blocked by the sides of the bridge. DO NOT HIT IT FORM THE ANGLE YOU ARE AT!!! YOU WILL SLAM INTO THE RAIL AND GO BOOM! come at it at an angle so you go sailing AS FAST AS POSSIBLE off the edge. <Leave this space blank for wide-open stares ar you sail over a river, and possibly make it on top of that hill, IN THE CASE YOU DON't, leave MORE space for open-mouthed stares ;P>. I don't think it needs any more explanation from here, except get outta car fast or you are sizzled alive! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Various Black Metal Antics (Submitted By Matt Alexander destroying everything in sight! cars, just drive into them, and they go flying! anywhere in countryside-daytime/nighttime, hit a spot of the side of the road and if your plow hits the ground and your going about 30 MPH, prepare to be launched! the road block destruction. shoot a colt 1911 out of the window so i cop sees you, and get the gun symbol. get alot of cops and gangsters to

follow you, then drive into a roadblock provided by cops/under constrution blocks. Look back too see alot of cars crash, and in certain occasions, after about 30 seconds, a devastating explosion! And Some Other Neat Stuff Drive any fast prototype car into the hedges down the long straightaway near the docks where the steamboat for the happy birthday mission is.If you hit it fast enough, you might fly over it. The car falls into an infinite abyss, going who knows how fast. then, the car locks up, but the game is still running. You can't get out of the car, but there may be some way. When a gangster gets out of a car, shoot a sawed off into the front windshield at the driver. He bounces off the seat, and flies out the front windshield. The passenger hasn't been tried out yet. buy grenades from yellow pete's, and go to a drawbridge. blow up some cars hat are on the middle. Try to blow up as many as possible with 6 grenades, and wait for a ship. the cars slide to the side, and the wheels float over the water below. so do dead bodies of possible cops/gangsters that may have been slain. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Invisibility (Submitted By: Robbie Whitlock There's a hidden car in the building zone to the left of Hoboken (the construction yard, show your map and it's the building closest too the main hoboken road) You can see the white rectangle of an empty car on the radar, well, there's a big ass door infront of the car, which you can just walk through. and Inside is a Crusader Chromium Fordor (that's what i got) If you drive in this car for a while, it starts to disappear, and eventually it will totally disappear and so will Tom, the AI is a little sluggish on this one, they won't notice Tom until there close up, like standing in the middle of a road (you'll stop cars dead without taking any damage when they hit you), but they will however notice the car, it's really hard too test the AI on this one, cause you can ONLY do this in Free Ride extreme mode, and there is no gangsters or cops, although it may work on some of the FRE missions, try it out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tommy's Got Rock Climbing Boots :D I stumbled onto this using Radu's method listed below, aparently the cliff climbing thing works in other places too, cause i tried this method on the left side of the sinister face and climbed all the way up too the eye length of the face, before i turned and fell too my death, Tommy does the same twitching thing as before and he'll churn his way up the cliff, i haven't fully tested this method at other locations yet, but will and post any new things i find out. Taking the tracks take a prototype (i used the Luciferion) and line up with the jump a bit down the pier by the taxi water dumping mission, then gun it at the ramp while having the speedlimiter on, then about a third of the way up the jump turn it off and gun it, if done right you'll land on the tracks, or you could time it too where you hit the a-train and it'll drop you on the tracks, that's the only section you can get on, cause all the stations have clips on them, so it's kinda lame, but a secret none the less, this can only be done in Free Ride Extreme. Some Very inapropriate language,lol One the final mission for Lucas Bertone you have too give a package too a guy named "Dick" under a bridge, when you meet up with him, tommy and him will start talking, first Tommy will say "Are you Dick?" and Dick will reply "Yeah they call me Big Dick" lmao, notice the suggestive comment there ;) -------------------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------------------------(Submitted By: Radu Bebe In the ORDINARY ROUTINE missione, after you go up and kill ALL of the people in the house, DON'T go to SAM!!! Instead, go to the bathroom downstairs (it's on the same wall as the one upstairs, straight in front of you after you go down). Now enter the men's room, and go to the toilet on the left! Now press ACTION! OMG.. you will be taking the piss of your , and you can do that more than once...It's fun to have the tommy-gun in your hands when you do that. It look like you're pissing on it! LOLZ In the FAIRPLAY mission, when you go to Lucas Bertone's, you'll probably meet an ambulance, and some cars and ppl on the right side on Giuliano Bridge. Just ignore them this time... you have to hurry, so you don't have time to stay around. Then go to Lucas, and mow you should have enough time to inspect those guys. There is a guy that wants to jump off the bridge, two guys that are talking to him (negotiators.. lol), and the owners of the two cars.. a man and his wife, and a GUY that gives you missions in FRE (19 guys that look alike). It's fun to meet him..:). You can beat up the negotiators, but the man on the bridge will keep talking to .. dead bodies. :D I did this BY MISTAKE!!! In the WHORE mission... before you enter the church, after the ladder cutscene, you will notice two buckets near you! One is empty, but one is full of bricks, so shoot the one with bricks in it, and it will fall on someone's head and KILL him! You will even hear a scream! Funny as hell! I did this by mistake, because I was very tired when I was playing (i had to finish off the whole rooftops with 6 points of life, almost impossible!) so I turned, and I shot it out of reflex, thinking it was an enemy! WOW! ALSO... i noticed a few things in the game. 1. Ordinary ppl (NPC) die if you shoot them only once with the shotgun, while gangsters and policemen require 2 shots (try it). 2. If you climb in a tramp, you can kill any of the ppl there, with only one shot, anywhere (leg, head) from any weapon. Also if you wanna stop the tramp, just kill the driver! 3. Ppl in Salieri's bar die quickly! I killed one with only one punch! 4. If you hit Paulie in the first few missions, with the fists or the baseball bat, he will start shooting you, but if you hit him in the last missions, he will say for a couple of times... "You're getting on my nerves, Tommy" or "I'm starting not to like you", before he starts shooting! Nice way the producers developed the friendship in time... :). in the HAPPY BIRTHDAY can drink wine from some table in the dining room and you drink it a couple of times...and the screen starts to get weird. in the RUNNING MAN on one side and the other of the passegway, there will be a man and woman saying "Where the hell is he/she? I said three o' clock in the passageway." and in the VISITING RICH PPL!! if you crouch behind the bushes, near the fountain, you should hear a funny gangster story, about a bar fight! I also found a RED Bruno Speedster in the center of Central Island in Normal FR (city daytime), it's in an alley there that has three ways of getting in, and a small rectangle in the middle (that's where the car is) on the map! DID YOU NOTICE THAT IN THE END OF THE GAME, THE LAST SCENE WHEN TOMMY GETS KILLED, THE TWO GANGSTERS SENT BY SALIERI (HE COULDN'T POSSIBLY BE ALIVE BY THEN, BY THE WAY) COME TO TOMMY'S HOUSE USING A...A..... BOLT THROWER!!! A PROTOTYPE! THEY MUST HAVE FOLLOWED THE INVISIBLE MAN AS WELL! :) I noticed a VERY SINISTER and Spooky face on the right of the railroad line in the East of Hoboken. Check it out! It has pointy eyes, it's smiling and has very sharp teeth! I tried to get in, but it seems you need a car, to get in it's mouth. A friend of mine said he got in using a truck, and he saw a tunnel, he went through it and got to a door (of sorts) that doesn't open! I didn't try this

yet. Anyway, you can also get up that hill, near the cliff, and jump down, on the other side of the roadblock that keeps you from entering the train tunnel! You can go there, but it's just railroad track, and in the end (which is the end of the map actually, you find a wall!) ABOUT that sinister face, i managed to get in!!!!! HOW? Well i just put a Schubert SIX (the tall white car) facing the cliff, GLUED to it! Then i took my Black Metal and i pushed it from the back, after i got about 50 mph! Then i climbed up the cliff, took the car, went in the mouth! There was a big (not very long, but wide) tunnel and near the end there was a small tunnel (on the left part), that was pretty cool. It had those wooden supports, so the producers must have made it for you to get there! You go through the tunnel, and at the end there is the white non-textured door that can't be opened! You can also find this door if you enter the train tunnel, on the right side of the wall! That is the WHOLE mistery ! LOL You can also climb the cliff without the need of a car, goto the corner where the light brown sand meets the cliff side (you'll see it) and run straight at it and you'll see Tommy twitch and eventually he'll get up there. I found a new weapon! It's a steel bar! You can find it in the HAPPY BIRTHDAY mission, one of the men that come after you when you go down the stairs to kill Carlo, has a steel bar! I also saw it at the guy (that looks like the ones in FRE, i think) that is trying to open the door in THE RUNNING MAN mission, in the first alley, the first human you see, he's on some stairs! SOME MEN that walk on the street may respond "I've no time for this SHIT!" IN FRE!!!!!! When i went to the HARBOR ENTRANCE (the red door that you enter when you chase sergio morrelo, and when you do the ciggare mission!). Well there is a parking lot there and if you go on it's left side (on the left white lines) you will bump into an invisible object!!! I tried to shoot it, but bullets go through it! You can't USE it! I dunno what 2 do with it! I bumped into it hard, and i wrecked my car, but it moved too! I tried to move it on the street and it dissapeared (for good)!! IN THE RUNNING MAN MISSION, when you enter the second alley, you will see a man pissing there! If you go and punch him once, he will start running scared, while piss still comes out of him! :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Submitted By: In freeride extreme mode, you know that mission with the truck and it has a bomb in it? Well, behind the building where that truck is, there is an ocean except you can go in there without dieing. When you get far enough there will be a border, but if you look to the left of you there will be a censored sign, and right behind it a lady will be pole dancing on it. pretty cool check it out! : ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Submittd By: CJ Dayringer In RUNNING MAN, kill the man with the gun in the beggining and shoot the man with the bat. Now you can walk leisurly through the level. Anyways, as you walk through the level, stop and listen to the conversations people are having. One group on fire escapes is talking about some other family they dont like, later a man threatens to strangle some woman if she doesnt listen to him. And of course the two people who got the passage ways mixed up. ------------------------------------------------------Feel Free too submit any secrets & Easter eggs and fun stuff to do with the prototypes you find in any mode of Mafia, i will give full credit for any submittions.

=============================================== VIII.Credits & Disclaimer =============================================== If you got any Comments,Questions,Suggestions,Complaints,etc. please e-mail me at and i'll try and respond ASAP.You will get full credit for any submissions. This faq is copywrite of Dennis Lubins 2002,do not sell this guide for a profit,do not alter,or use any part of this faq in your faq or change any of this faq without asking me first.Please feel free too host this on any Mafia or Gaming Site or message board.This faq is freely distributed under the restrictions above. Sites This Guide Can Be Found On ---------------------------------- http://DLH.Net Thanks Go to..... Illusion Softworks For Making One Kick Ass Game Gamefaqs & Any Other Hosting Sites For Hosting This Guide My Computer No Not the shortcut icon on my desktop,lol Pop & Cigarettes Without thee,i probably wouldn't have made it :D The Internet For my great typing ability ;) My Memory What? lol And the biggest thanks go too you the readers of this faq,without you this faq may as well not even exisist. FAQ Submission Thanks: Thanks goto all these people who submitted stuff too the guide. Matt Alexander ( Donnie Amirault ( Dave Erlich ( Chris Colhoun ( Asi ( EauRouge ( Robbie Whitlock ( Ryan Healey ( Spin ( Allan Press ( David Cauthron ( duc thuan tran ( Radu Bebe ( Alexei Stanger ( CJ Dayringer ( Maiken Liefeith ( Peter Leshnistkitsaski ( ----------------------------------------------------2002-03 Denny Lubins Enjoy :)

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