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Journey of Love & Courage

The Rainbow Wolves of Mountahohuey Canyon

An RPC Original Justin Erdmier

An RPC Original Journey of Love & Courage

An RPC Original Journey of Love & Courage

In the endeavoring tell of eight rainbow horrors discover nobility. Cerasinus, wolves of love, Follow surviving we courage, Arcus, the will and Malva, Aureus, mankind,


Viridis, Undae, and Purpura in an exciting short story of love and other. courage to save each

Dedicated To
Enderwolf616 & Any Other RPC Wolf

An RPC Original Journey of Love & Courage

Chapter 1
Come here for god sakes Joey, weve finally found them! Cole exclaimed at Joey, hurry and bring the camera. Joey takes out the camera and starts to film Cole. Theyre on a ledge in the Mountahohuey Canyon, and below in the dip is the rare pack of rainbow wolves. Theyve been tracking these creatures for 6 years, and now its time the wolves team up again to get rid of these nuisances for the last time. As the boys are in their jeep driving down into the canyon, the wolves are preparing. Arcus, the

An RPC Original Journey of Love & Courage

Alpha, starts running down the valley towards their den. The pack shortly follows. Once they reach the den, Arcus explains that before they do anything, they need rest. All the wolves go to their part of the den, and lays down. Upon each wolf, each one dreams. Arcus, the long rainbow wolf, dreams about when he was harmed in the great purge. The rainbow pack is the last of all the magical creatures. He has a long scar on his back, going around him in a spiral. His soul mate, Malva, is a thing of beauty. Long tail, bushy hair around the neck, and believes in peace. Shes about a foot shorter than Arcus, and theyve been

An RPC Original Journey of Love & Courage

lovers for over 40 years. Cerasinus and Crocotulus are brothers, both sons of Arcus. Viridis was found as a baby and taken in to the pack and rose by Undae, the oldest wolf. Hes an old guy, not very strong. Hes the Pack Elder, any of the wolves with questions or mysteries go to him. And last, Purpura, the daughter of Malva, is a strong, ongoing girl. She doesnt hold back, and her courage will soon one day fully replace her wits if Undae doesnt help her.

An RPC Original Journey of Love & Courage

Chapter 2
Joey and Cole camp out on the mountain side of the Canyon planning on their attack. Theyve spent the last six years trying to capture the pack, and place them in a zoo for preservation. Like usual, the

humans think its their responsibility

to control nature. The wolves dont exactly agree, and have been avoiding them all this time. So, what do you have in mind to do Cole? Well, heres what Im thinking so far. We know where their den is, the place they always go to for

An RPC Original Journey of Love & Courage

safety, to sleep, eat etc. All we need to do is find a way in there, and place a trap outside. If you place a trap outside, why do we need to go in there? They will know we placed a trap outside, so they wont come out. We have to go inside, and scare them outinto the trap, he continues saying as he sits down next to the fire eating, this way, they cant escape. Joey brings out from the tent a net, we can use our net we bought at the store and havent used for ages!

An RPC Original Journey of Love & Courage

Maybe, but we need a trap that will not fail. NO matter what, this needs to work. Cole stands up, walks to the each of the ledge facing the den, we will get them soon!

An RPC Original Journey of Love & Courage

Chapter 3
Wake up, Malva get the pack, we need to head out! Arcus is standing by the den entrance alarming the pack, the human boys are nearing, wake up, and hurry!!! Malva stands up, and starts walking around bumping everyones head. She gets to Undae, and he just opens his eyes and blankly stares at her once she steps close to him. I hope you werent about to bump me, As he gets up, that would have been extremely rude. The brothers arise, and Purpura is at the

An RPC Original Journey of Love & Courage

entrance with Arcus watching the human jeep. We need to go mum; theyre approaching nearer and nearer. Okay pack, lets move out. We have something planned. Arcus moves the pack around the den, and up to a large pile of rocks. As the jeep approaches the den, the pack moves out around them, and hides in the brush. The boys pull up to the entrance, and step out. They walk up to it, noticing Arcus is standing up on the dens ledge. Slowly, the rest of the pack comes out, and circles around the boys and their jeep. All of them


An RPC Original Journey of Love & Courage

with their rainbow effects glimmering off in the sun, they look intensely into the two boys eyes. Cole and Joey get start to sweat, and pull off into their jeep and drive away. As they drive off Cole yells. We didnt want you anyways!!!!


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