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Spina bifida is known as a cleft spine which is process as an incomplete or the spin of the brain not developing completely.

Early in the pregnancy problems can occur where the edges of plate dont always fuse together properly therefore causes brain disorder or neural tube defect which includes spina bifida. This disorder affect about estimated 166,000 people in the United States. There are about four kinds of spina bifida that can affect people, neural tube defect, myelomeningocele,occulta and meningocele. The neural tube defects consist of a variety of diverse group of defect that affects the spinal cord. The defects can cause malformation in bone or meninges sometimes there no systems at all but some people have incomplete paralysis and associated with bowel and urine dysfunction. Meningocele can cause spinal fluid to protrude and cause abnormal vertebral opening this type contains no neural elements and mostly covered by a skin. Occulta is the simplest form but most common to have more them one vertebrae to be malformed. The term occulta mean hidden determines the skin cover has a malformation or an open in the vertebrae. Lastly, myelomeningocele the worst of all the defects occurs when the spine and neural element that are exposed which result in a complete or partial paralysis of the body below the spinal opening. The cause is still somewhat unknown and cant completely be understood how it disrupts the neural tube which causes malformation to develop. Some scientist suspects that its caused by a multiple or factors such as nutrional, genetic and environmental factor determine what can cause some of the issues. Also some studies indicate that some women lack of intake of folic acid and vitamin b play a role in causing this neural tube defect.

The signs and symptoms may vary depending on the level of involvement and the type, early detection is key to helping determine the best course of action. The neural tube defect is often detected early because of abnormal tuft of a clump of hair which shows a small dimple of birthmark on the affected site of malformation. The other two defect are general visible on the back because of it protruding from the spinal which is filled with fluid. Some cases children with this defect have a severe cases are immediately detected because of no feeling in the leg, feet or arm. The child may not be able to move any part of the body. However, people born with this defect can lead productive life regards if they seek the proper treatment and their environmental. The main goal is to find the right treatment to help understand the genetics of neural tube and improve treatment so people can lead a normal life. Research is ongoing and scientists are constantly working to evaluate different types of treatment to help improve the gaps that contribute to this disorder. There are several organizations to contact for information on this disorder and funding information. Teacher can assist kids with this disorder by helping with the following: >organization >reduce verbal explanations and provide simple concrete instructions >provide the student to think about the materials needed prior to starting an activity >establish a routine >Assign only one task at a time >an individual health care plan

Family Resources: Kennedy Krieger March of dimes( 1275 Mamaroneck Ave White Plains, NY 10605 914-997-4488 Maryland State Department of Education 200 West Baltimore street 6th Floor Baltimore Maryland, 21201 References: Teaching the Student with Spina Bifia, by Fern L. Rowley-Kelly,MSW.,Paul Brookes Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD 1993 Retrieved from on February 3,2014. Retrieved from on February 2,2014

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