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Hyperemesis Gravidarum Alice Stek MD Basics Description Hyperemesis represents the extreme end of the continuum of nausea and

d vomiting of pregnancy. No single accepted definition for hyperemesis gravidarum !ut generally includes"
o o o

#ersistent vomiting $ithout other etiology Measure of acute starvation such as large ketonuria %eight loss usually at least &' of prepregnancy $eight

(pidemiology Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy affects )*+,&' of pregnant $omen Hyperemesis gravidarum in -*.&+.' of pregnant $omen /isk 0actors 1ncreased placental mass 2e.g. molar gestation multiple gestation3 0amily history

History of hyperemesis in previous pregnancy %omen $ith history of nausea and vomiting after estrogen exposure 2such as 45#s3 History of motion sickness or migraine 0emale fetus

Genetics %omen $hose mothers or sisters had hyperemesis are more likely to experience hyperemesis themselves. #athophysiology (tiology is poorly understood. Higher h5G and estrogen levels correlate $ith hyperemesis. Associated 5onditions h5G is a thyroid stimulator6 up to )*' of $omen $ith hyperemesis have elevated free thyroxine and lo$ 7SH. /arely %ernicke encephalopathy due to vitamin B8 deficiency esophageal rupture or pneumothorax


Diagnosis Signs and Symptoms History Nausea and vomiting typically starting !efore 9 $eeks: gestation 5linical diagnosis of exclusion

7ypically no pain fever or headache

#hysical (xam 5linically diagnosis of exclusion No fever no tenderness no neurologic findings no goiter 7ests ;a!s

;iver en<ymes" o May !e slightly elevated 2=>** ?@;3 Serum !iliru!in"


May !e slightly elevated 2=A mg@d;3

Amylase and lipase"


May !e slightly elevated 2=& times ?;N3

(lectrolytes chemistry"

Hypochloremic meta!olic alkalosis is possi!le


(levated specific gravity ketonuria

1f hyperthyroidism suspected"

7SH free thyroxine free triiodothyronine

1maging 4!stetric ?S for GA evaluate for multiple gestation molar gestation Differential Diagnosis 1f patient experiences nausea and vomiting for 8st time after 9 $eeks: gestation consider alternate diagnosis. 1nfection Gastroenteritis #yelonephritis

Appendicitis Hepatitis

Meta!olic@(ndocrine Dia!etic ketoacidosis Hyperthyroidism

Addison:s disease

7umor@Malignancy 5NS tumors 4varian torsion

Drugs Drug toxicity or su!stance a!use 4ther@Miscellaneous G1 conditions" o #eptic ulcer disease gastroparesis pancreatitis o!struction hepatitis appendicitis

G? tract"

Nephrolithiasis pyelonephritis


#seudotumor cere!ri migraines 5NS tumor

#sychologic Acute fatty liver of pregnancy

7reatment General Measures (xclude other etiologies. 7reat early manifestations to reduce need for hospitali<ation. #regnancyBSpecific 1ssues /isks for 0etus 7he drugs listed !elo$ are generally considered safe $ith the exception of corticosteroids $hich may !e associated $ith oral clefts. ;ittle safety data on ondansetron in pregnancy

1ncreased risk for prematurity and lo$ !irth $eight if poor maternal $eight gain

Special 7herapy 5omplementary and Alternative 7herapies Ginger .&* mg po$der capsules A@d or fresh" 1n randomi<ed trials po$dered ginger $as more effective for relieving the severity of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy than place!o and of compara!le efficacy to vitamin BC. HighBprotein lo$Bcar!ohydrate lo$Bfat meals

Hypnosis has possi!le efficacy. 4ften recommended !ut no proven efficacy" /est6 freDuent small meals6 !land lo$Bfat foods6 acupressure to $rist

Medication 2Drugs3 Start $ith 8st listed and if no response continue to next treatment" o Eitamin BC 8*+.& mg t.i.d.@D.i.d.

Eitamin BC F doxylamine 8*+8..& mg t.i.d.@D.i.d.

Eitamin BC F doxylamine F prometha<ine 8..&+.& mg DAh #4 or rectal Add metoclopramide &+8* mg D,h 1M or #4 or prometha<ine 8..&+ .& mg DAh 1M #4 or rectal or trimetho!en<amide .** mg DC+,h rectal

1f dehydrated"
o o

1E fluids $ith correction of ketosis and vitamin deficiencies thiamine Dimenhydrinate &* mg 1E DA+Ch or metoclopramide &+8* mg 1E D,h or prometha<ine 8..&+.& mg 1E DAh Add methylprednisolone 8C mg D,h for > days6 taper to stop or to lo$est effective dose over . $eeks or ondansetron , mg 1E D8.h 1f una!le take food #4 and losing $eight"

#eripheral parenteral nutrition $ith highBlipid formula for several days only 7#N for longerBterm needs. 5onsider #155 line.

#.>9& 0ollo$up Disposition 1ssues for /eferral Hospitali<ation if 1E hydration and therapy needed #rognosis #rognosis for resolution of symptoms and normal pregnancy outcome is good. Ho$ever there is a risk for recurrence $ith su!seDuent pregnancy. 5omplications Depression %ernicke encephalopathy

5omplications of hospitali<ation@intravenous treatments@7#N 7ransient hyperthyroidism

#atient Monitoring Hydration status %eight gain

(lectrolytes (valuate for anemia Monitor for preterm la!or


A54G #ractice Bulletin No. &." Nausea and Eomiting of #regnancy. %ashington D5" A54G6 April .**A. Borrelli 0 et al. (ffectiveness and safety of ginger in the treatment of pregnancyB induced nausea and vomiting. 4!stet Gynecol. .**&68*&",A9+,&C. Dodds ; et al. 4utcomes of pregnancies complicated !y hyperemesis gravidarum. 4!stet Gynecol. .**C68*)".,&+.9.. Safari H/ et al. 7he efficacy of methylprednisolone in the treatment of hyperemesis gravidarum" A randomi<ed dou!leB!lind controlled study. Am G 4!stet Gynecol. 899,68)9"9.8+9.A. Smith 5 et al. A randomi<ed controlled trial of ginger to treat nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. 4!stet Gynecol. .**A68*>"C>9+CA&. Eutyavanich 7 et al. Ginger for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy" /andomi<ed dou!leBmasked place!oBcontrolled trial. 4!stet Gynecol. .**869)"&))+&,.. Eutyavanich 7 et al. #yridoxine for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy" A randomi<ed dou!leB!lind place!oBcontrolled trial. Am G 4!stet Gynecol. 899&68)>",,8+,,A. Miscellaneous 5linical #earls H Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy is very common and may progress to hyperemesis. H (arly treatment is !eneficial. H (ffective treatment thought to !e safe for the fetus is availa!le and prognosis is good. A!!reviations H GAIGestational age H h5GIHuman chorionic gonadotropin H 45#sI4ral contraceptive pills H #155 lineI#eripherally inserted central catheter H 7#NI7otal parenteral nutrition H 7SHI7hyroidBstimulating hormone 5odes 15D9B5M H CA>.* Mild hyperemesis gravidarum H CA>.8 Hyperemesis gravidarum $ith meta!olic distur!ance H CA> (xcessive vomiting in pregnancy #atient 7eaching H /eassurance a!out favora!le pregnancy outcome H Dietary advice H Ginger H #ossi!le acupressure #revention H Daily multivitamin" %omen taking daily multivitamin at the time of conception had less severe hyperemesis. H Small highBprotein meals H (valuate and treat nausea and vomiting of pregnancy early.

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