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Final exam review 2 counting & probability

Problem 1. Steve is taking a multiple-choice test consisting of five questions that each have four answers labelled A, B, C, and . !ow man" wa"s can Steve answer all five questions if he does not choose answers with the same letter for an" two consecutive questions# $%plain "our reasoning. &. !ow man" odd five-digit numbers have all the digits different# $%plain how "ou arrived at "our answer. '. (ou want to photograph the moon over a lake at night. (our camera allows for time e%posures of up to 1) s in half-second increments, and the lens has seven aperture settings, or f*stops. !ow man" different wa"s could "ou set the e%posure for the photograph# +. (ou work in the cit",s animal-control department and issue pet licences, which have two numbers followed b" three letters. a- .hat is the ma%imum number of different licences "ou can create# $%plain "our reasoning. b- /o avoid confusion, "ou do not use the numbers 1 and 0 or the letters I and O for the licences. 0ast "ear, "ou issued or renewed a total of 1') ))) licences. As a rule of thumb, there is a 1)1 increase in the number of licences each "ear. .ill "ou have to change "our numbering s"stem this "ear# $%plain "our answer. 2. 3ind the number of permutations of all the letters of the word lancers that satisf" each of the following conditions. a- /he letters can be in an" order. b- /he third letter must be n. c- /he letters r and s must be ad4acent. d- /he letters r and s are separated b" onl" one letter. e- /he letters r and s must be ad4acent while the letters a and n must be separated. 5. (ou are setting up a s"stem of programming codes for a universal /6 remote. $ach code will have five digits and cannot include a ) or repeat an" digits. !ow man" codes a- do not contain a 7# b- have ' as the third digit and 2 as the fifth digit# c- begin with an even number# d- begin and end with an even number# 7. A universit" has a telephone s"stem in which e%tension numbers are three digits long with no repeated digits and no 0s. /he universit" has +8& telephones at present and is planning to add another '2 in the near future. a- Should the universit" change its s"stem# .h" or wh" not# b- /he rama epartment uses e%tensions that begin with '. !ow man" e%tensions can the rama epartment have with the current s"stem# 9. (ou work as a health inspector and must visit each of the 12 restaurants in town once each week. a- :n how man" different orders can "ou make these inspections# b- :f "ou were to work 2) weeks a "ear and use a different order ever" week, how long would it take "ou to tr" all of the different possible orders# 8. (ou have forgotten the combination to the lock for "our locker. /he combination consists of ' different numbers from the set of ') different numbers on the face of the lock.

a- .hat is the ma%imum number of combinations "ou would have to tr" to find "our combination# b- :f it takes ') s to tr" each combination, how long it would take, on average, to find the right one# 1). 0isa is planning the seating for the head table at a gala. /he eight speakers will all be seated along one side of the table. ;ichard wants to sit beside !ang, and 0isa knows that /homas and 0il" should not be seated together, as the" have 4ust broken up. :n how man" wa"s can 0isa make up the seating plan# $%plain "our reasoning. 11. :n how man" wa"s can the eight members of a students, council pose in a line for a "earbook photograph if the chair and vice-chair must be side b" side# $%plain "our reasoning. 1&. :n how man" wa"s can the eight members of a students, council pose in a line for a "earbook photograph if the chair and vice-chair must be side b" side# $%plain "our reasoning. 1'. !ow man" si%-digit odd numbers less than &)) ))) can be formed using the digits 1, 1, &, &, ', and 2# $%plain "our reasoning. 1+. :n how man" wa"s can a 1&-member soccer team share a half-time snack of eight oranges and four apples if each member takes one piece of fruit# $%plain "our reasoning. 12. <isela lives in a subdivision where the streets are laid out in a grid pattern. !er school is eight blocks south and si% blocks east of her home. !ow man" different direct routes could she take when she bic"cles to school if she alwa"s stops b" her friend,s house, which is three blocks south and four blocks east of <isela,s. $%plain "our reasoning. 15. /here are 1) councillors and 1& planning department staff available to serve on a budget committee for the new cit" council. :f the committee will consist of ' councillors and either 1 or & planning staff, how man" different committees could the council choose# 17. A school,s athletics department can send ' track athletes and & field athletes to an upcoming meet. /he school has 1+ track athletes and 1) field athletes who qualif". =se combinations to determine how man" different teams could be chosen. 19. Statsville,s baseball club has one pitcher, two catchers, three short-stops, five infielders, and five outfielders. !ow man" different wa"s could the team fill the starting roster of one pitcher, one catcher, one short-stop, three infielders, and three outfielders# $%plain "our reasoning. 18. A 12-passenger shuttle bus takes athletes between venues at the Canada Summer <ames. :f '& athletes need to get to the track and field stadium, in how man" wa"s can passengers be chosen for a- the bus,s first trip# b- the bus,s second trip# &). A teacher organi>ing a field trip finds that 2) students have signed up. !owever, the bus has onl" +7 seats, so a few students will have to travel b" car. /he teacher and one other supervisor must go on the bus. $%plain two different methods for using combinations to find how man" wa"s the teacher can choose which students go on the bus. Show that both methods produce the same answer. &1. A pro4ect team of up to 2 people is being formed from a staff of 12. !ow man" such teams are possible#

&&. /he game of euchre uses the 8s, 1)s, 4acks, queens, kings, and aces from a standard deck of 2& cards. !ow man" 2-card euchre hands have at least & black cards# $%plain "our reasoning. &'. An athletic committee with three members is to be selected from a group of si% g"mnasts, five weightlifters, and seven sprinters. :n how man" wa"s can the committee be selected if it must include at least one weightlifter# $%plain "our reasoning. &+. /he director of a pla" has found five flute solos, two guitar pieces, and three violin pieces that would work as background music for some of the scenes. /here has to be some violin music because it is mentioned in the pla". :n how man" wa"s can the director choose the three pieces of music for the pla"# $%plain "our reasoning. &2. =se a tree diagram to e%plain wh" the probabilit" that a famil" with four children has either all girls or all bo"s is , assuming that the probabilit" of having a bo" equals the probabilit" of having a girl.

&5. A stable has 12 horses available for trail rides. ?f these horses, 5 are all brown, 2 are mainl" white, and the rest are black. :f @asmine selects one at random, what is the probabilit" that this horse will a- be black# b- not be black# c- be either black or brown# &7. /om is practising archer" with a target has three concentric >onesA a circular bull,s-e"e in the centre, an inner ring, and an outer ring. !e has an ).1& probabilit" of hitting the bull,s-e"e, an ).'7 probabilit" of hitting the inner ring, and an ).+' probabilit" of hitting the outer ring. ?n an given shot, what is the probabilit" that /om a- misses the target# b- hits the target but does not get a bull,s-e"e# c- hits the inner ring or the bull,s-e"e# &9. Suppose "ou randoml" draw two marbles, without replacement, from a bag containing si% green, four red, and three black marbles. a- raw a tree diagram to illustrate all possible outcomes of this draw. b- etermine the probabilit" that both marbles are red. c- etermine the probabilit" that "ou pick at least one green marble. &8. A si%-member working group to plan a student common room is to be selected from five teachers and nine students. :f the working group is randoml" selected, what is the probabilit" that it will include at least two teachers# '). 0en 4ust wrote a multiple-choice test with 12 questions, each having four choices. 0en is sure that he got e%actl" 8 of the first 1& questions correct, but he guessed randoml" on the last ' questions. .hat is the probabilit" that he will get at least 9)1 on the test# '1. 0eela has five white and si% gre" huskies in her kennel. :f a wilderness e%pedition chooses a team of si% sled dogs at random from 0eela,s kennel, what is the probabilit" the team will consist of a- all white huskies# b- all gre" huskies# c- three of each colour#

'&. Si% friends go to their favourite restaurant, which has ten entrees on the menu. :f the friends are equall" likel" to pick an" of the entrees, what is the probabilit" that at least two of them will order the same one# ''. A surve" at a school asked students if the" were ill with a cold or the flu during the last month. /he results were as follows. Bone of the students had both a cold and the flu. Cold '& &2 Flu 19 18 Healthy +7 '9

3emale s Cales

=se these results to estimate the probabilit" that a- a randoml" selected student had a cold in the last month b- a randoml" selected female student was health" last month c- a randoml" selected student who had the flu last month is male d- a randoml" selected male student had either a cold or the flu last month '+. /o get out of 4ail free in the board game C?B?D?0(E, "ou have to roll doubles with a pair of standard dice. etermine the odds in favour of getting out of 4ail on "our first or second roll. '2. At an athletic event, athletes are tested for steroids using two different tests. /he first test has a 8'.)1 probabilit" of giving accurate results, while the second test is accurate 97.)1 of the time. 3or a sample that does contain steroids, what is the probabilit" that a- neither test shows that steroids are present# b- both tests show that steroids are present# c- at least one of the tests detects the steroids# '5. A test for the presence of E. coli in water detects the bacteria 871 of the time when the bacteria is present, but also gives a false positive &1 of the time, wrongl" indicating the presence of E. coli in uninfected water. :f 1)1 of the water samples tested contain E. coli, what is the probabilit" that a test result indicating the presence of the bacteria is accurate# '7. A stud" on the effects that listening to loud music through headphones had on teenagers, hearing found that 1&1 of those teenagers in the sample who did listen to music in this wa" showed signs of hearing problems. :f 5)1 of the sample reported that the" listened to loud music on headphones regularl", and 921 of the sample were found not to have hearing problems, are the events Fhaving hearing problemsG and Flistening to loud music on headphonesG independent# $%plain "our reasoning. '9. :f a committee of si% is to be chosen randoml" from nine grade-11 students and seven grade-1& students, what is the probabilit" that the committee will be either all grade-1& students or all grade-11 students# '8. $%plain the difference between mutuall" e%clusive events and independent events using an e%ample of each to illustrate "our answer. :n "our e%planation, show wh" probabilities are added for a mutuall" e%clusive set of events and are multiplied for independent events. +). ?f the students at Statsville !igh School who take both mathematics and $nglish, 9'1 pass $nglish, 521 pass both mathematics and $nglish, and 21 fail both sub4ects. .hat is the probabilit" of passing mathematics and failing $nglish for this group of students# $%plain "our reasoning.

+1. A surve" of 2) female high-school athletes collected the following data. Team 3ield hocke" 6olle"ball ;ugb" Both rugb" and field hocke" Both rugb" and volle"ball Both field hocke" and volle"ball All three teams abNumber of Athlete &' 15 &8 9 8 7 5

raw a 6enn diagram to illustrate the above data. etermine the probabilit" that a randoml" selected athlete from this sample will pla" either rugb" or field hocke". c- .hat is the probabilit" that a randoml" selected athlete will pla" on onl" one of the three sports teams# d- etermine the probabilit" that a randoml" selected rugb" pla"er also pla"s volle"ball. e- etermine the probabilit" that a randoml" selected athlete who does not pla" rugb" is on the field-hocke" team.

Final exam review 2 counting & probability An wer !ection

P"#$%&' 1. ABSA Steve has four choices for the first question, but onl" three choices for each of the remaining questions since he does not choose answers with the same letter twice in a row. 3rom the multiplicative counting principle, there are + ' ' ' ' H '&+ wa"s Steve can answer the five questions. D/SA 1 ?B@A Section +.1 ;$3A /hinking*:nquir"*Droblem Solving I Communication /?DA 3undamental counting principle

&. ABSA /he number must end in 1, ', 2, 7, or 8, so there are five choices for the last digit. /here are onl" eight choices for the first digit since it cannot be either ) or the same as the last digit. /here are eight choices for the second digit since it cannot be the same as the first or last digits. Similarl", there are seven choices for the third digit and si% choices for the fourth digit. =sing the multiplicative counting principle, there are 9 9 7 5 2 H 1' ++) five-digit odd numbers with no repeated digits. D/SA 1 ?B@A Section +.1 ;$3A Communication I /hinking*:nquir"*Droblem Solving /?DA 3undamental counting principle

'. ABSA /here are &) possible settings for the e%posure time and 7 for the aperture. Appl"ing the multiplicative counting principle, "ou have a total of &) 7 H 1+) wa"s in which "ou could set the camera. D/SA 1 ;$3A /hinking*:nquir"*Droblem Solving /?DA 3undamental counting principle ?B@A Section +.1

+. ABSA a- /here are 1) choices for each of the two numbers and &5 for each of the letters. /he total number of licences possible using this s"stem is 1) 1) &5 &5 &5 H 1 727 5)). b- :f 1s, 0s, Is, and Os are not used, the number of possible licences is 9 9 &+ &+ &+ H 99+ 7'5. /he number of licences "ou are likel" to need is 1') ))) 11)1 H 1+' ))), so "ou will not have to change the s"stem this "ear. D/SA 1 ?B@A Section +.1 ;$3A Communication I /hinking*:nquir"*Droblem Solving /?DA 3undamental counting principle

2. ABSA a- 7P7 H 2)+) b- 5P5 H 7&) c- /reat r and s as a unit. /his pair can be arranged in 5P5 wa"s with the remaining letters. /he pair itself can be arranged as rs or sr, so there is a total of 5P5 & H 1++) arrangements with r and s ad4acent.

d- /here are ten wa"s in which a group of three letters can be formed with the letters r and s separated b" one of the other five letters. Consider this group as a unit. :t can be arranged with the remaining four letters in 2P2 wa"s. /hus, there are 2P2 1) H 1&)) arrangements in which the letters r and s are separated b" onl" one letter. e- 3irst, find the number of arrangements in r and s are ad4acent and a and n are also ad4acent. As in part c-, consider each pair of letters as a unit. /he pairs can be arranged with the remaining three letters in 2D2 wa"s. $ach pair can itself be arranged in two wa"s, so the number of permutations with both r and s ad4acent and a and n ad4acent is 2J & & H +9). 3rom part c-, there are a total of 1++) permutations with r and s ad4acent, so the number of these permutations that have a and n separate is 1++) K +9) H 85). D/SA 1 ;$3A /hinking*:nquir"*Droblem Solving /?DA Dermutations ?B@A Section +.&

5. ABSA a- Bo digit can be either ) or 7, so there are eight possibilities for the first digit, seven for the second, si% for the third, and so on. /he number of possible codes would be 9 7 5 2 + H 57&). b- Since ' and 2 are alread" used, there are seven possibilities for the first digit, si% for the second digit, and five for the fourth digit. /he number of possible codes would be 7 5 2 H &1). c- /he first digit can be &, +, 5, or 9. /here are eight choices left for the second digit, seven for the third digit, and so on. /he number of possible codes would be + 9 7 5 2 H 57&). d- Since both the first and last digit must be even, there are four choices for the first digit and three for the last digit. /here are eight choices left for the second digit, seven for the third digit, and si% for the fourth digit. /he number of possible codes would be + ' 9 7 5 H +)'&. D/SA 1 ?B@A Section +.& ;$3A Applications I /hinking*:nquir"*Droblem Solving /?DA 3undamental counting principle

7. ABSA a- /he present s"stem allows for 8P' H 2)+ e%tensions, which is not enough to accommodate the planned e%pansion. /he universit" will need to change its s"stem for e%tension numbers. b- 9P& H 25 D/SA 1 ;$3A Applications I Communication /?DA Dermutations ?B@A Section +.&

9. ABSA a- 12P12 H 12J H 1.')7 57+ '59 1)1& b- :t would take L1.')7 57+ '59 1)1&- 2) H &.512 '+9 7+ 1)1) "ears. D/SA 1 ;$3A /hinking*:nquir"*Droblem Solving /?DA Dermutations ?B@A Section +.&

8. ABSA a- Since the three numbers are different, the number of lock combinations is ')P' H &+ '5). b- ?n average, "ou would tr" half the combinations before finding the right one. At half a minute each, the average time required would be .

D/SA 1 ;$3A /hinking*:nquir"*Droblem Solving /?DA Dermutations

?B@A Section +.&

1). ABSA /he simplest solution is to find the number of seating arrangements in which ;ichard and !ang are seated together and then subtract those in which /homas and 0il" are also seated together. Consider ;ichard and !ang as a unit. /his pair can be arranged with the other si% speakers in 7P7 wa"s. 3or each of these wa"s, !ang could be either on ;ichard,s left or his right. /hus, there are 7P7 & H 1) )9) arrangements in which ;ichard and !ang are seated together. Bow also consider 0il" and /homas as a unit. /he two pairs can be arranged with the remaining four speakers in 5P5 wa"s, and the total number of arrangements with each of the pairs together is 5P5 & & H &99). /herefore, the number of seating arrangements in which ;ichard and !ang are ad4acent but /homas and 0il" are not is 1) )9) &99) H 7 &)). D/SA 1 ?B@A Section +.& ;$3A Communication I /hinking*:nquir"*Droblem Solving /?DA Dermutations

11. ABSA Consider the chair and vice-chair as a unit. /his pair can be arranged with the remaining si% members in 7P7 H 2)+) wa"s. 3or each of these wa"s, the chair could be either on the left or the right of the vice-chair. /herefore, there is a total of & 2)+) H 1) )9) wa"s in which the students, council could pose for the photograph. D/SA 1 ;$3A Applications I Communication /?DA Dermutations ?B@A Section +.&

1&. ABSA =se the indirect method b" first finding the number of arrangements in which the chair and vice-chair are together. Consider the chair and vice-chair as a unit. /his pair can be arranged with the remaining si% members in 7P7 H 2)+) wa"s. 3or each of these wa"s, the chair could be either on the left or the right of the vice-chair. /herefore, there is a total of & 2)+) H 1) )9) wa"s in which the chair and vice-chair are together. Bow, the total number of wa"s the eight members can line up is 9P9 H +) '&). /hus, the council can pose in +) '&) 1) )9) H ') &+) wa"s without the chair and vice-chair side b" side. D/SA 1 ;$3A Applications I Communication /?DA Dermutations ?B@A Section +.&

1'. ABSA 3or odd numbers less than &)) ))), the first digit must be 1 and the last digit must be 1, ', or 2. /he middle four digits are permutations of two &s and the other two odd digits. /hus, the total number of possibilities is . D/SA 1 ?B@A Section +.' 1+. ABSA ;$3A Communication I /hinking*:nquir"*Droblem Solving /?DA Dermutations with some identical items

istributing the fruit is equivalent to putting it in an ordered sequence, so the formula for permutations with some identical items can be used. /he number of wa"s the team can share the fruit is D/SA 1 ;$3A Applications I Communication /?DA Dermutations with some identical items ?B@A Section +.' .

12. ABSA Consider the two parts of <isela,s route separatel". /he number of direct routes <isela can take from her home to her friend,s house is equal to the number of different orders in which she can choose to travel the three blocks east and the four blocks south. /herefore, the formula for permutations with some identical items can be applied. /he number of routes between the two houses is . Similarl", the number of routes

from the friend,s house to the school is . =sing the multiplicative counting principle, the different routes from <isela,s home to her school via her friend,s house is '2 &1 H 7'2. D/SA 1 ?B@A Section +.' ;$3A Communication I /hinking*:nquir"*Droblem Solving /?DA Dermutations with some identical items

15. ABSA CL1), '- CL1&, 1- M CL1), '- CL1&, &- H 1&)L1&- M 1&)L55H 8'5) /here are 8'5) different committees the council could choose. D/SA 1 ;$3A Applications ?B@A Section 2.& /?DA Appl"ing combinations

17. ABSA /he number of different teams that could be chosen is CL1+, '- CL1), &- H 15 '9). D/SA 1 ;$3A Applications ?B@A Section 2.& /?DA Appl"ing combinations

19. ABSA /here is onl" one choice for the pitcher. !owever, the team has CL&, 1- choices for the catcher, CL', 1choices for the short-stop, and CL2, '- choices for both the infielders and the outfielders. Appl"ing the multiplicative counting principle, the total number of choices is CL1, 1- CL&, 1- CL', 1- CL2, '- CL2, '- H 5)). D/SA 1 ;$3A Applications I Communication /?DA Appl"ing combinations 18. ABSA a- CL'&, 12- H 252 7&& 7&) b- CL17, 12- H 1'5 D/SA 1 ;$3A Applications ?B@A Section 2.& /?DA Appl"ing combinations ?B@A Section 2.&

&). ABSA Since the teacher and one other supervisor must travel on the bus, there are +2 seats left for students. /he number of wa"s the teacher can choose +2 students to fill these seats is

Alternativel", the teacher could choose the 2 students who will travel b" car. /he number of wa"s of choosing these 2 students is

D/SA 1 ;$3A /hinking*:nquir"*Droblem Solving /?DA Appl"ing combinations

?B@A Section 2.&

&1. ABSA Since a team must have at least & members, this pro4ect team can have &, ', +, or 2 members. :n each case, these members are being chosen from the whole staff of 12, so the total number of possible teams is 12C& M 12C' M12C+ M12C2 H 1)2 M +22 M 1'52 M '))' H +8&9 D/SA 1 ;$3A /hinking*:nquir"*Droblem Solving /?DA Appl"ing combinations ?B@A Section 2.'

&&. ABSA (irect 'ethod /he hand could have &, ', +, or 2 black cards. /here are 1& black cards and 1& red cards, so the numbers of combinations for the four cases are as follows. & black cardsA CL1&, &- CL1&, '- H 1+ 2&) ' black cardsA CL1&, '- CL1&, &- H 1+ 2&) + black cardsA CL1&, +- CL1&, 1- H 28+) 2 black cardsA CL1&, 2- CL1&, )- H 78& /he total number of euchre hands that have at least two black cards is the total of these four cases, '2 77&. )ndirect 'ethod 3ind the total number of possible euchre hands and subtract those that have either one black card or all red cardsA CL&+, 2- K CL1&, 2- CL1&, )- K CL1&, +- CL1&, 1- H '2 77& D/SA 1 &'. ABSA (irect 'ethod ;$3A Applications ?B@A Section 2.' /?DA Appl"ing combinations

/he committee could include one, two, or three weightlifters. 3or each of these cases multipl" the number of wa"s of choosing the weightlifters b" the number of wa"s of choosing the remaining members of the committee. Add up the three cases to find the total number of possible committeesA 2C1 1'C& M 2C& 1'C1 M 2C' 1'C) H '8) M 1') M 1) H 2') /here are 2') wa"s to choose a committee with at least one weightlifter on it. )ndirect 'ethod 3ind the total number of possible committees and subtract the number that do not include an" weightliftersA 19C' K 1'C' H 2') D/SA 1 ;$3A Applications I Communication /?DA Appl"ing combinations ?B@A Section 2.'

&+. ABSA (irect 'ethod /he director can chose one, two, or three violin pieces. ?ne violin pieceA /here are CL', 1- wa"s to choose the violin piece and CL7, &- wa"s to choose the remaining two pieces. So, the number of combinations with one violin piece is CL', 1- CL7, &- H 5'. /wo violin piecesA /he number of combinations is CL', &- CL7, 1- H &1. /hree violin piecesA /here is onl" one possible choice since onl" three violin pieces are being considered. /herefore, the total number of possible combinations is 5' M &1 M 1 H 92. )ndirect 'ethod 3ind the number of combinations of an" three pieces of music and then subtract the number that have no violin pieces. CL1), '- K CL7, '- H 1&) K '2 H 92 D/SA 1 ;$3A Applications I Communication /?DA Appl"ing combinations ?B@A Section 2.'

&2. ABSA /wo of the si%teen branches represent outcomes with either four bo"s or four girls. $ach of the si%teen outcomes is equall" likel", so the probabilit" of having all girls or all bo"s is .

D/SA 1 ;$3A Applications I Communication /?DA Calculating probabilit" I /ree diagrams &5. ABSA a-

?B@A Section 5.1


cD/SA 1 &7. ABSA abcD/SA 1 ;$3A Applications ?B@A Section 5.1 /?DA Calculating probabilit" ;$3A Applications ?B@A Section 5.1 /?DA Calculating probabilit"

&9. ABSA a-


cD/SA 1 &8. ABSA ;$3A Applications ?B@A Section 5.' /?DA Calculating probabilit"

D/SA 1

;$3A Applications ?B@A Section 5.'

/?DA Calculating probabilit"

'). ABSA A score of 9)1 requires getting 1& out of the 12 questions right. :f 0en answered 8 out of the first 1& questions correctl", he can score 9)1 onl" if he guessed all ' of the remaining questions correctl".

/herefore 0en has onl" about a 1.51 chance of getting 9)1 on the test. D/SA 1 ;$3A Applications ?B@A Section 5.' /?DA Calculating probabilit"

'1. ABSA a- /he probabilit" is ) since there are onl" 2 white huskies available.

b- Since there are 11 dogs altogether, the team can be chosen in wa"s. !owever, there are onl" 5 gre" huskies, so there is onl" one wa" of picking an all gre" team. /he probabilit" of randoml" selecting this team from the 11 dogs is

cD/SA 1 ;$3A Applications ?B@A Section 5.' /?DA Calculating probabilit"

'&. ABSA /his question is similar to the birthda" problem in $%ample ' on p.'&' of the student te%tbook. :f none of the friends pick the same entree, there are event is wa"s to select their meals. /he probabilit" of this

/herefore, the probabilit" that at least two will order the same entree is 1 K ).121& H ).9+99, or about 9+.81. D/SA 1 ''. ABSA ;$3A Applications ?B@A Section 5.' /?DA Calculating probabilit"

ab- =sing the conditional probabilit" formula, A

c- ;estricting the sample space to onl" those who had the flu, d- ;estricting the sample space to onl" males,

D/SA 1 '+. ABSA

;$3A Applications ?B@A Section 5.+


ependent events

/he probabilit" of rolling doubles on the first roll is roll is .

. /he probabilit" of not rolling doubles on the first

/herefore, the probabilit" of rolling doubles on the second roll is

/he probabilit" of rolling doubles on the first roll or the second roll is . /hus, the odds in favour of getting out of 4ail on either the first or second tr" are 11A&2.

D/SA 1 '2. ABSA

;$3A Applications ?B@A Section 5.+


ependent and independent events


cD/SA 1 ;$3A Applications I Communication /?DA ependent and independent events ?B@A Section 5.+

'5. ABSA :f 1)1 of the water samples contain E. coli and the test is 871 effective, then

!owever, 8)1 of the samples do not contain E. coli and these samples will test positive &1 of the time, so

/he overall probabilit" of a positive test result is ).)87 M ).)19 H ).112.

/herefore, the conditional probabilit" formula gives /he probabilit" is 9+1 that a positive test result is accurate. D/SA 1 ;$3A /hinking*:nquir"*Droblem Solving /?DA ependent and independent events ?B@A Section 5.+

'7. ABSA :f events A and B are independent, . Since PLhearing problems- H ).12 and PLlistening to loud music on headphones- H ).5), then

!owever, the observed probabilit" of having hearing problems and listening to loud music on headphones is ).1&, which is significantl" higher than ).)8. /herefore, these two events cannot be independent if the surve" results are accurate. D/SA 1 ?B@A Section 5.+ '9. ABSA ;$3A Communication I /hinking*:nquir"*Droblem Solving /?DA ependent and independent events

D/SA 1

;$3A Applications ?B@A Section 5.2

/?DA Cutuall" e%clusive events

'8. ABSA Answers ma" var". Students should make the ke" point that mutuall" e%clusive events cannot occur at the same time, while some independent events can. /he probabilit" of an independent event is not affected b" the occurrence of other events. D/SA 1 ;$3A Communication /?DA Cutuall" e%clusive events ?B@A Section 5.2

+). ABSA /he 9'1 of students who pass $nglish include the 521 who pass both $nglish and mathematics. So, 921 K 521 H 191 pass $nglish but fail mathematics. /he four possibilitiesNpass both, pass $nglish onl", pass mathematics onl", and fail bothNare mutuall" e%clusive, so the percents for these categories must add to 1)). /herefore, the probabilit" of passing mathematics and failing $nglish for this group of students is 1))1 K L521 M 191 M 21- H 1&1. D/SA 1 ;$3A Applications I Communication /?DA Cutuall" e%clusive events +1. ABSA a?B@A Section 5.2

b- ?nl" 5 athletes do not pla" either field hocke" or rugb". /herefore, the probabilit" of selecting an athlete who pla"s either sport is H ).99. c- 3rom the 6enn diagram, '9 athletes pla" on onl" one of the three sports teams. /herefore, PLonl" one team- H , or ).75.

d- Venn Diagram Method /he 6enn diagram above shows that 8 volle"ball pla"ers also pla" on the rugb" team. /herefore, . Conditional Probability Method

e- Venn Diagram Method /he 6enn diagram above shows that 12 out of the &1 athletes not on the rugb" team pla" field hocke". /herefore,

Conditional Probability Method

D/SA 1 ;$3A Applications I Communication /?DA Cutuall" e%clusive events

?B@A Section 5.2

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