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Petition to Protest Large Multi-Family Communities (Auburn Village) near Established Single Family Residences McAllen, TX

Petition summary and background Action petitioned for

McAllen Neighbors Against Large 143 Low Income UNIT/ 17 Market Rate UNIT multi family complex (Auburn Village) in North McAllen
The undersigned McAllen Neighbors are Against the Large 143 LOW INCOME UNIT/17 MARKET RATE UNIT multi -family complex (Auburn Village) in North McAllen as it will lower and diminish property values. The

proposed high density site is going in newer, single family neighborhoods where people will not want to buy property if this happens. This huge complex will bring in many children to overcrowded neighborhood schools; Perez Elem. and Morris Jr. High, which are already at capacity. The undersigned are against establishing a multi-family project at this location.
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