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Job Description: Industrial Engineering dept.

Duties and Responsibilities

Areas for Improvement are related to material handling; shortening the process, reduction of the operation time (SMV), costs, and simplification of the process, technology and methods.

a. . c. d. e. f. g.

Highlight every pro lem found, reported or heard during meeting. !valuate the reasons and causes of the pro lem. Analy"e the possi le solutions to solve the pro lem. #ompare alternative solutions to the pro lem. Introduce the most feasi le, practical, effective, efficient and economical solution to the system. $eep the detail of the solutions in a %ro&ect 'as(s Inventory the )ay it is done, ho), )hen and y )hom. #oach people and monitor the changes till they reach the total achievement.

Realizing and achieving the financial objectives of the entire group Industrial !ngineer should monitor the results achieved in the form of direct la or vis*+* vis the o &ectives laid do)n in the #osting ,ormula


-etermine the corporate o &ectives from the costing formula in relation to the num er of direct la or, a senteeism, minutes earned, production delays, and .uality.

i. &.

Assure the results are achieved daily, )ee(ly and monthly, in case of negative results. ,ind out the reasons ehind each negative result. /

(. l. m. n.

!valuate a solution. %repare an action plan. Implement the ne) changes or improvement. 0eport daily the results versus the action plan to the management.

Providing creative ideas in CM costing to the product development in order to meet the cost objective 'he cost of Cutting and Making should e reali"ed against the price o &ectives in the mar(etplace. Keep always these uestions in mind while doing the costing! o. p. .. r. s. t. u. v. Analy"e all the operations seen in the sample at the first step. 'ry to simplify some of the operations in order to do them simultaneously, 1et the Involvement of the e.uipment technologist for any trial of ne) idea or development of ne) tool. 0emem er the piece handling and ho) to distri ute them to the ne2t operation. !liminate any manual )or( y improving the )or( method of the se)ing operation avoiding reduction in the needle time. %ropose any changes to the product development for approval. 'ry any ne) ideas efore implementation. Assure that all SMVs have the degree of confidence e2ceeding 345.

"ssuring the functionality of the bundle system #$undle Check %ist& among all areas "ssure that the bundles system is respected through the manufacturing chain starting from the cutting to the packing' Providing accurate data to the management for control and evaluation ). 2. y. ". Assure that 6perations 7rea(do)n has control points over each area of production control. Assure 7undle tic(ets are ta(en y the direct la or at each stage. Assure production delays are monitored and reported y the direct la or. Assure direct la or transferring to indirect is monitored. 8

aa. .

Analy"e all production and efficiency reports efore su mitting to management and correct if any found. Su mit the reports daily to the management.

Monitoring the direct labor earning and e(cess costs cc. dd. ee. ff. gg. hh. ii. &&. ((. ll. 0egularly monitor that the direct la our on the production floor are )or(ing against SMV, Assure the utili"ation of the right e.uipment as it has een analy"ed during costing, Assure, if the direct la or is not producing any minutes (SMV), to e considered as a /995 production delays. Analy"e the production delays )ith their reasons. #ome out )ith action plans to improve delays and turn them into production earnings. :se the captured data to analy"e individual performance )hen ever they are not seen to e performed accordingly. Ma(e sure that the direct la or is applying to the same )or(*methods and )or(station set*up as descri ed in the operations analysis. !liminate any occasional elements and correct any deviation in )or(*methods y o serving the )or( elements logically. As( for the assistance of the supervisor to sho) the operator the correct )ay of doing in case of difficulty handling y the se)ing machine operator. -o )ime *tudies for the operations that seem erroneous and confirm them y analy"ing against the M)M + values. Monitoring the Direct %abor Ratio per activity Monitor employee;s structure versus the la or o &ectives ratio as descri ed in the costing formula to assure the earning performance in minutes as per the formula of the cost per minute production'

Providing economical methods and production line set ups for better line balancing and feasibility


mm. %roduction =ine set >ups should e analy"ed in order to find the est num er of employees re.uired for nn. etter line alancing and etter efficiency )ithout relying on the output as o &ective. Industrial !ngineer should run through very line set*up )ith the line alancing soft)are to analy"e the line to pull the production chain. alancing efficiency and achievement and to highlight to the supervisors )here assistance and alancing is re.uired in order

Monitoring the manufacturing processes and systems Industrial !ngineer should have the total responsi ility on all systems and procedures among the manufacturing process in relation to the follo)ing. oo. pp. ... rr. ss. !nsure the )or( environment is organi"ed and cleaned at all time ?uality procedures should e restored in term of trims cards, methods of inspection y the operators, paper)or(;s and tools. Ma(e sure the undles are moving along the manufacturing chain in the order and see the operators are follo)ing the $undle ,andling )echni ues Involve )ith the technicians and help them find efficient and effective methods of production. !nsure that the changes made y supervisors, technicians or managers )ill not affect the performance of the la or and the manufacturing processes and systems. 'han(s @@@@@@@@@@ ( !2ecutive -irector) effect. @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ A @@@@@@ ( -ate )

'he responsi ility of the duties descri ed a ove is accepted herein after for immediate

( Industrial !ngineer )

( -ate )

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