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Many of us have probing questions to ask Jeshua about his life, his purpose, and his Earthly relationships.

In his newsletter, youll find the answers youve been seeking, and they come directly from the Radiant One himself, as channeled by Carolyn Evers.

Questions in this issue:

I thought Jeshua had brown eyes. Why do you depict him as Western? What is the understanding of Matthew 6:22, If your eye be single, your body shall be full of light.? What amuses Jeshua, and what makes him laugh out loud? Page 1 Page

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Issue Number 2

Jeshua, Then and Now...

I would like to thank all of you who have sent questions for Jeshua. I must tell you that he is very pleased. We are planning on answering all of your questions. What I do is I take all your questions and as I view them, Jeshua tells me which question to work on next. I find his selections very interesting and I know you will also. ~ Carolyn Evers QUESTION ONE
I thought Jeshua had brown eyes. Why do you depict him as Western? Question sent by Robert. Answer: All people living in the Jordan Rift Valley were not necessarily Semitic. If the individual was born within that grouping you would be correct, the eyes probably wouldn't be blue. The complexion would be dark and the eyes most likely brown, the body structure a bit heavier and they were not usually of what you would consider a tall height. spc_deadsea.html What is not recognized is that from antiquity this area was settled by several genetically different groups. Even though my background would be considered Jewish by religion and cultural beliefs, genetically my features are based in stock that comes from the Mediterranean area. One must understand that before the final, what you might call colonization, of the area was complete, there was much movement within the different groups of people that settled within this continent. So blue eyes are not necessarily a Western marker, but rather as I said, a Mediterranean marker. This was true also of Mary Magdalene. She also came from a genetically structured group that had its basis and foundation in what would be called the Mediterranean area. It is the reason why she is depicted in art forms as having red hair, though I would not consider it red as what
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you would call a Western appearance, but rather I call it the color of new wine. It was a dark auburn with golden highlights, though not gold as you would consider blonde hair today, but rather what I would consider a burnished gold. As for myself, my hair was in the brown family also and you might consider it a chestnut color. So there is a reason for me being depicted with blue eyes as they were the color of my eyes. You might say the artwork that shows me having blue eyes was either prompted through the artists intuition, or in one case where I actually appeared to the artist so she might fulfill a picture of me with all of the nuances of my character and I might say she did an excellent job of reproducing those characteristics to the canvas. Physical traits Carolyns Research: I did some research regarding the Mediterranean race. After reading much about the movement of peoples across Europe, of great interest was wiki/Mediterranean_race The Mediterranean race was one of the three sub-categories into which the Caucasian race and the people of Europe were divided by anthropologists in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, following the publication of William Z. Ripley's book The Races of Europe (1899). The others were Nordic and Alpine. The Mediterranean race was thought to be prevalent in Southern Europe, parts of Eastern Europe, most of North Africa, Northeast Africa, West Asia and parts of South Asia, Parts of Wales, Southern Scotland,[1] as well as parts of southwestern Ireland and western Great Britain,[2] and was characterized by moderate to short stature, long (dolichocephalic) or moderate mesocephalic) skull, aquiline nose, dark hair, dark eyes and olive According to C. S. Coon, typically marked
West Asian Nations

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Note that Mary Magdalene traces her roots to Syria.

Mediterranean features include skin color ranging "from pink or peaches-and-cream to a light brown", a relatively prominent and aquiline nose, considerable body hair, and dark brown to black hair.[15] According to Renato Biasutti: "Skin color 'matte'white or brunet-white, chestnut or dark chestnut eyes and hair, not excessive pilosity; medium-low stature (162), body of moderately longilinear forms; dolichomorphic skull (78) with rounded occiput; oval face; leptorrhine nose (68) with straight spine, horizontal or inclined downwards base of the septum; large open eyes."[16] For those of you who might have interest in this subject, you would want to visit this website:
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I found it fascinating that while there certainly was an intermingling of people over time, so much of the genetic material came from the Mediterranean stock and what is considered the Amuru type, which meant the Israelites. On the Egyptian pictures, skins of individuals from the Israelite or "Syrian" area are often light colored and pinkish. (Note the blue eye in this picture) The Israelites of old were regarded by the Egyptians as people from the land of Amuru, meaning the land of the Amorites which the Israelites conquered. Another term applied to the general Syrian area was "Retenu". The name "Upper Retenu"(1) corresponded to the geographical space encompassed by the Land of Israel, according to the Bible. People from the area known as "Amuru" or "Retenu" after ca.1400 BCE are presumably Israelites. They are depicted on Egyptian monuments as red, blonde, or black-haired with frequent blue eyes and red beards. Illustrations of individuals with this appearance are automatically assumed by Egyptologists to pertain to the Israelite or "Syrian" area. Another blonde blue-eyed people depicted on Egyptian monuments were the so-called "Libyans" and it has now been shown by Alessandra Nibbi (1989) that these were not dwellers of "Libya" but rather of the Nile Delta and of Hebrew origin. In addition, darker individuals from these same areas are also depicted and sometimes they are the majority. The identification of the "Amuru" people depicted with Israelites may be confirmed from illustrations of an Egyptian monarch and his campaign against the Tribes of Israel: In about 924 BCE the king of Egypt, Shishak, invaded Judah and the (then) separate state

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of North Israel. Pictures of the campaign of Shishak reveal him receiving homage from the King of Judah and from the heads of cities and dignitaries in Judah and throughout northern Israel. The personages depicted are of "Amuru" type and these pictures are sometimes even used as typifying the Egyptian depiction of "Amuru" characteristics. In the said context "Amuru" in effect often meant Israelite. It seems that the ancient Hebrews were a people of mixed kinds. This concept is apparently confirmed by Talmudic sources. One Midrash says that amongst the Tribes of Simeon and Levi very lightcolored types (bohakanim) were common. On the other hand, a Talmudic Mishna (Negaim 2;1) says that Israelites (meaning in this case, the Jews of Judah) are mainly of an intermediate type coloring being neither black like a "Cushi" (Negro) nor light like a "Germani". "Germani" in Talmudic terminology (Aruch HaShalem) meant someone from the far north at that time or who looked like people from that area and the term could be applied to a very light colored person (Maimonides) like part of the people of Scandinavia. Joseph, the son of Israel, was described in a Midrash (Genesis Rabah 86;3), as looking like a GERMANI (i.e. like someone from the North, very white, fair, according to Maimonides) and in another passage (Talmud Sota 36) as having a face that was "pink like a rose". It follows that Joseph was considered as having been of Nordic appearance which was a known familial trait since Joseph is also said to have looked exactly like his father. [On the other hand it is implied that Joseph was exceptional in this regard]. Joseph (Ephraim and Menasseh) was the leading tribal group in the Northern Kingdom. The above sources indicate that the original twelve tribes of Israel were of mixed physical types and that in some tribes or geographical regions one kind was more dominant than others. It has also been stated
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Artists rendering of Atlantis, the continent that sank into the sea

that the Tribes tended to marry only within themselves and thus physical differences between different tribes were emphasized. The claim may also be made that peoples of the same areas of otherwise entirely different physical characteristics often have the same coloring. A mixed genetic stock of similar but different variations will produce over a long period more often the type that is most adaptable to the surrounding environment. This is not evolution. It is adaptation of an already existing physical entity (i.e. a group of people) to empirical circumstance in accordance with its already existing genetic potential.`

Jeshua further stated that, Blue eyes was a mixing of people from Atlantis in this group. It is believed that when Atlantis sank, people dispersed over many parts of the world. Jeshua explains that the discovery of Atlantean remains found in Spain was an outpost from the main part of the island. Scientists claim that the lost city of Atlantis has been found in Spain. id/42072469/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/ lost-city-atlantis-believed-found-spain/ #.TkO9okdczp8 Of Interest: esp_atlantida_12.htm atlantis_01.shtml

Map illustrates (in yellow) the countries where the Mediterranean race settled.

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What is the understanding of Matthew 6:22, If your eye be single, your body shall be full of light.? Question sent by William Answer: There are examples in the Bible where my statements have been garbled, however in this case this quotation is accurate as I did say this. Most of the apostles got the meaning of these words, though I must say even though the words were understood, the sentiment was not practiced. Lets take this statement apart word by word. If you consider the word eye as the third eye and the word single meaning focused to the exclusion of any other picture, or sign, you would understand a large part of the meaning of the sentence. The second section: your body shall be full of light is easier to understand in this context. The word light can have several meanings. It can mean energy, namely that vibration as it comes from Prime Creator in the center of the cosmos, or it could mean a state of being or what one might consider as a path toward spiritual attainment.

Carolyns Research: For some years, [the Association for Research and Enlightenment] A.R.E. members and the organization itself have conducted expeditions in search of ruins or any remains of the lost continent of Atlantis. According to Cayce, Atlantislocated from the Gulf of Mexico to Gibraltarwas destroyed in a final catastrophic event circa 10,000 B.C. The focus of A.R.E. efforts has been in the Bimini area; however other related locations have also been investigated. Research on the so-called Bimini Road has been hampered as researchers are split on the origin of the structure. Some believe it is a manmade road or foundation while others assert it is natural beach rock, which fractured in place. However, a seldom-discussed fact is that a portion of the Bimini Road was removed after a hurricane in 1926.

When energy from Prime Creator is sent towards this dimension, it starts out in a golden color. You might say that this is the purity of the Creators thought in its highest level of vibration. As this energy moves down through the dimensions, the color changes and the distance between the particles becomes more compact. Therefore by the time it gets down to the third dimension this light is more of a white composition. What has happened is that because the particles are compacted it does not allow the movement that this energy or vibration has in the higher dimensions. For the most part, to meditate one uses the third eye to begin that meditation or else they will work in the heart center, and if they understand how to use the triangular spacing
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of the heart center which is comprised of the beating heart, the heart chakra, and the heart mind, a soul can become even more efficient in converting this white light to the golden light energy/vibration of the Creator.

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What amuses Jeshua, and what makes him laugh out loud? Question sent by Mary Answer: Time and time again you will see that most of the traditions that have come down to you show me as someone very serious. There were times when I was serious and times when I was silent, however there were many times when laughter was not only appropriate, but it was definitely part of my life. Those who knew me understood my quirky personality where it came to laughter, playing innocent jokes on people, and joining in with their humor. How could someone not laugh and be joyful

Location of the Third Eye in the pineal gland

when the world shared with you its beauty, and I am speaking of so many aspects of beauty. Yes it is a beautiful nature, such as the magnificence of a flower, the boldness of waterfalls, and the serenity of the setting sun at the end of a peaceful day. What made me laugh? Why there was a long list of things that made me laugh: the industriousness of tiny creatures such as birds building nests, or animals taking care of their young. They were all part of what made me smile and be at peace. Yes, I was known for my playfulness, and as a child I sometimes would hide peoples sandals and also bring things to them that they enjoyed and wanted. I would say it was easy to laugh out loud when you saw the antics of a playful child. Children held my heart and that is the children of all ages from the infant to the childlike qualities of any individual even if they were very old. As you might suspect, I love people, I love watching women prepare food; I love plants breaking the ground, bringing food to people. I loved the rain and quiet moments that I spent with friends who understood me.
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So you see, this statement was very important in my teachings, but like so many words and utterances that were made 2000 years ago, there was not the understanding among the masses to incorporate and utilize such directions. Some in my inner circle even did not understand the delicate shadings in meanings of my words. My beloved partner Mary Magdalene understood my words as we were of like mind. It is one of the reasons that some of the apostles had great difficulty in understanding and accepting her position in the group as they not only did not understand the words completely, but they did not always put into practice the meanings of those words. At a later date we will give directions that will explain in deeper detail how to work with this kind of meditation. This is what I would consider true meditation. I would say that when one meditates they listen, they question, and then they incorporate the methods that they receive into their daily practices.


There is so much in life to find joyful. And even moments when life was not present in joy, which was seldom, I could still appreciate the workings of Earth: from the first rays of the sun as it readies itself in the morning until the moments at dusk when the sun was setting. Joy, laughter, fun of all types and appreciation for all that was around me was an intricate part of my life, and is how I lived and it was the central core of my belief system. I believed that fun and laughter were the gifts given to all of us by our Creator, though sometimes it was not appreciated. I always felt that people took life too seriously, and I understood that because many wore a heavy cloak around their shoulders as poverty was rampant in my country. For many they had difficulty placing food on the table for their families and there was much strife in the country, so there were in fact many reasons for being sad. But I do believe that the difficult times of life could be carried gracefully if humor were present, and one loved everything around them and appreciated everything that they had. I believed it then and I believe that now that one needs to tread upon the Earth lightly. We cannot take ourselves too seriously as it dampens joy. Joy and satisfaction allow laughter and it actually brings it forth. Joy and appreciation is a very valid way in which to experience life. Singing and music helps one to overcome sadness and it intensifies joy. Dancing is a way to experience joy in motion and I highly recommend this to people who are too seriously minded. So in a sense you might say I was an exception to the rule, for many of my people were very silent, being alone, and carrying great burdens. Joy and

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laughter lighten every burden that you might carry and everything, my friends, revolves around perception. It is what we think of ourselves that truly matters and not what others think of us. And what would make me laugh out loud? Why it would be sharing laughter with others. There is nothing more sacred than when someone opens themselves up to you through sharing their laughter and sharing their joy. It is how one really comes to understand those around them. Laughter and joy is a means to deepen the love bonds.


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Free Issues of this Newsletter The first three issues of this newsletter from Jeshua are free. To receive these free issues, click on this link , fill in your details and submit your order. Remember, this is a free order and enables you to receive these free issues.

To learn how you can submit your questions to Jeshua for future newsletters, see Page 9

Cover painting of Jeshua copyright 1986 Nanette Crist with graphic enhancement at the request of Jeshua Prints of the original available from

Mary Magdalene

FURTHER MATERIAL FROM JESHU A Jeshua asked us to create a specific website for him which is He specified all of the sites content and you may find value in familiarizing yourself with it. We have also been given other material from Jeshua and about Jeshuas soul journey. The first is a series of lessons for this time that Jeshua has begun to give to us, known as Jeshuas Messages , and the second being The Soul Journey of Jeshua . These series will fill in many gaps for you. They bring forth information and insights you will not find elsewhere.


There has been a great deal written and spoken about the events that await us at the end of 2012.

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financial dislocation, Earth changes and so on, this is a picture, an understanding that all of humanity needs to grasp because without it, so many of humanity will be in fear.

Is it the end of the world? Will we all be killed? Will there be great cataclysms? What message were the Maya actually leaving for us? Is this a time of great spiritual advancement? If so, where is the evidence? In the past, the precessional alignments with Galactic Centre have brought great devastation. Will it be the same this time? Why are there crop circles that seem to connect to 2012? and many others...

Further details of this eBook can be found at ~ Dr. Richard Presser

There have been movies created that engender fear, portraying the end of the world, as some seek to foster this fear factor. Yet, this is not what Carolyn Evers and I have been given to understand through our work, much of which we have shared at and through our YouTube videos at: Many beings from the other side of the veil of consciousness that surrounds our planet have come forth and shared their perspective with us, and yet still many questions have persisted. And so it was that Carolyn was prompted to record a perspective from a high aspect of her soul, along with segments from All-There-Is or Source or Prime Creator, the one who has created this cosmos and all that resides within it, to bring forth a perspective on what is unfolding at the end of 2012 and beyond that has not been shared before. As Carolyn put this together, Mother Mary also came forth to add her perspective to the picture that was being painted, and these have been added as a series of recordings throughout this eBook. As the changes begin to come forth on the planet in preparation for the events that await us at the December 2012 solstice and beyond; economic and

Do you have questions about the life and times of Jeshua and the people who shared that space with him that you would like answered in future newsletters? Email your questions to:

Cosmic Connections (International) Ltd. Room 801, 8/F., Tower 1, Enterprise Square, 9 Sheung Yuet Rd, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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