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Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

2013; 2(3): 106-111 Published online June 30, 2013 (http://www.sciencepublishingg!/"/pbs) doi: 10.116#$/".pbs.20130203.1#

Logic, psyche and biology

Philip Dammen
%he &o wegi'n (t'te )c'de!* o+ ,usic, -slo, &o w'*

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To cite this article:

Philip /'!!en. 0ogic, Ps*che 'nd 1iolog*. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. 2ol. 2, &o. 3, 2013, pp. 106-111. doi: 10.116#$/".pbs.20130203.1#

Abstract: %his ' ticle p esents ' logic'l 'n'l*sis o+ how !ent'll* ooted ps*chologic'l dise'ses ' e const ucted 'nd wh't occu s !ent'll* when ' ps*chologic'l ch'nge t'3es pl'ce 's ' esult o+ t e't!ent. 0ogic'l 'n'l*sis is 'n 'pp o'ch th't c'n be used to de4elop ' scienti+ic unde st'nding o+ !ent'll* ooted p oble!s. %he e5pe ience o+ !ent'l dist ess see!s to be ' esult o+ 'ccess to potenti'll* sep' 'ble 'nd obse 4'ble !ent'l ele!ents th't in4ol4e e!otions. ,ent'l ch'nges th't occu 's ' esult o+ t e't!ent !'* be conside ed to be the esult o+ ch'nges in the 'ccessibilit* o+ these !ent'l ele!ents. %he !'pping o+ these !ent'l ele!ents, 's well 's 'ccess to 'nd the ch'nging o+ these !ent'l ele!ents, c'n be +'cilit'ted th ough t e't!ent. 6!pi ic'l +indings co!bined with logic'l 'n'l*sis !'3e it possible to de4elop scienti+ic 3nowledge eg' ding how !ent'll* e5pe ience ps*chologic'l p'in 'nd !ent'l diso de s ' e const ucted. %his 3nowledge 'lso !'3es it possible to de4elop ' scienti+ic 'nd p edict'ble 'pp o'ch to t e'ting !ent'll* ooted diso de s 'nd to de4elop !ent'l st'tes o+ well-being 'nd s3ill+ulness. %he +indings o+ the thesis !'* the e+o e be o+ inte est in the 'p*, educ'tion, spo ts ps*cholog*, 'nd pe +o !'nce-+ocused cou ses, '!ong othe disciplines. Keywords: ,ent'l 7ooted /iso de s, ,ent'l 6le!ents, ,ent'l 8h'nge, %he 'p*, 0ogic, Ps*che

1. Introduction
%his ' ticle is + o! ' docto 'l thesis 'ccepted in 2013, which w's ' stud* o+ ps*chologic'l dist ess 'nd !ent'l ch'nge 's obse 4ed 4i' indi4idu'l ch'nge th ough t e't!ent. %he thesis sought to 'nswe the +ollowing 9uestions: how ' e the i!!edi'te e5pe ience o+ !ent'l p oble!s const ucted !ent'll*, 'nd wh't occu s ps*chologic'll* within the p'tients when the* 'chie4e !ent'l ch'nges 's ' esult o+ t e't!ent: %he pu pose o+ this p'pe is to illust 'te the 'ssu!ption th't sol4ing so!e o+ the ch'llenges o+ ps*chi't * is possible th ough logic'l 'nd e!pi ic'll* b'sed ' gu!ent'tion. %his ' ticle +ocuses on the i!!edi'te e5pe ience o+ !ent'l p'in. ;n the +ollowing the !ent'll* 'ncho ed ps*chologic'l dist ess 'nd diso de s ' e de+ined 's conditions th't c'n be ch'nged th ough 4e b'l the 'p*, whe e's so!'tic'll* ooted ps*chologic'l diso de s ' e de+ined 's !ent'l conditions th't c'nnot be ch'nged th ough 4e b'l inte 4entions. ) co!bined design w's 'pplied. 6!ph'sis w's pl'ced on the dist ibution o+ di++e ent t*pes o+ st'te!ents in the con4e s'tion between the client 'nd the the 'pist. 6!ph'sis w's 'lso pl'ced on the esults th't could be t 'ced to the t e't!ent in te !s o+ !ent'l ch'nges. %he +ollowing

!ethods we e used. %he +i st !ethod e!plo*ed ' clinic'l 'pp o'ch th't w's inspi ed b* the b ie+ the 'p* t 'ditions <1-11=. )nothe 'pp o'ch, inspi ed b* the > ounded %heo *12, w's used to de4elop the h*pothesis o+ the ps*che 'nd to dete !ine the t*pes o+ st'te!ents th't should be in4estig'ted in the the 'p* sessions. ) 9u'ntit'ti4e 'pp o'ch with 'n e!ph'sis on desc ipti4e st'tistics w's used to e5'!ine the dist ibution o+ the 4' ious t*pes o+ st'te!ents between the the 'pist 'nd client. )pp o5i!'tel* 120 t e't!ents 'nd ?20 consult'tions constitute the e!pi ic'l b'sis +o the logic'l 'n'l*sis desc ibed in this ' ticle. %he esults o+ the 'n'l*sis esulted in ten h*potheses eg' ding !ent'l dist ess 's ' !ent'l e5pe ience 'nd the !ent'l p ocesses th't occu when p'tients e5pe ienced ps*chologic'l ch'nges 's ' esult o+ t e't!ent <13=. %he h*potheses th't +o !ed the +ound'tion o+ the logic'l 'n'l*sis ' e o!itted he e bec'use logic'l e'soning should be ob4ious 'nd intuiti4e 'nd, thus, should not need theo etic'l "usti+ic'tion. %he de4elop!ent o+ the logic'l 'n'l*sis w's inspi ed b* @ittgensteinAs pictu e theo * <1#= Poppe As theo * o+ +'lsi+ic'tion <1B= 'nd /e id'As concept o+ deconst uction <16=.

Ps*cholog* 'nd 1eh'4io 'l (ciences 2013; 2(3): 106-111


2. Bac !round
2.1. Therapy Results P e4iousl* obse 4ed pe !'nent ch'nge 's ' esult o+ sho t-te ! t e't!ent (one to si5 consult'tions) led to the desi e to unde st'nd how !ent'l to !ent de4elops 's well 's wh't occu s !ent'll* in p'tients when the* 'chie4e ch'nges th ough the 'p*. (o!e e5'!ple c'ses ' e 's +ollows: ) *oung bo* with se4e e postt 'u!'tic st ess diso de 's ' esult o+ 4iolence, who e5pe ienced ' long st'* in hospit'l, eli!in'ted his !ent'l p'in within th ee consult'tions '+te two *e' s o+ const'nt 'n5iet*, soci'l isol'tion, 'nd dete io 'ting school pe +o !'nce. P e4ious t e't!ents h'd not helped. ) *oung wo!'n who w's ' 4icti! o+ incest +o se4e 'l *e' s du ing childhood w's cu ed within +i4e consult'tions. P e4ious t e't!ent h'd not helped. )nothe client e5pe iencing p'nic 'tt'c3s, wo 3- el'ted con+licts, 'nd +'!il* p oble!s etu ned to wo 3 '+te +i4e d'*s o+ t e't!ent. )cto s, d'nce s, !usici'ns, 'nd !'n'ge s h'4e ecei4ed help +o pe +o !'nce 'n5iet* in one to th ee consult'tions. )ll o+ the p'tient t e't!ents we e conducted using the s'!e !ethods, with !ini!'l +ocus on the c'uses o+ the !ent'l to !ent 'nd on the conte5t in which the !ent'l pl'gues occu ed. %he t e't!ent w's conducted using the clientCs wo ds 'nd st'te!ents 's the b'sis +o ch'nge. %he in4estig'tion o+ this t*pe o+ e5pe ience led to the de4elop!ent o+ ten di++e ent theo ies 'bout how the !ent'l diso de w's const ucted 's ' !ent'l pheno!enon 'nd wh't occu ed !ent'll* when the p'tients 'chie4ed ps*chologic'l i!p o4e!ent th ough t e't!ent. 0'te , ; disco4e ed th't !ost o+ these theo ies could be de i4ed th ough ' logic'l ' gu!ent. 2.2. Challenges in Psychiatry %he e is ' l'c3 o+ su++icient scienti+ic 3nowledge in the +ield o+ ps*chi't * eg' ding how the ps*chologic'l diso de s ' e const ucted, 'nd 'bout wh't occu s !ent'll* when the e is ' ch'nge 's ' esult o+ t e't!ent is 'lso l'c3ing. &o !ethods cu entl* e5ist in the +ields o+ ps*cholog* to p ecisel* obse 4e when in the the 'peutic p ocess the !ent'l ch'nges t'3e pl'ce. ;+ in doubt o+ this cl'i!, 's3 'n* ps*chi't ist o ps*chologist wh't occu s !ent'll* when thei p'tients do not e5pe ience the p edicted outco!e + o! the 'p*. ;+ the p 'ctitione s c'nnot 'nswe this 9uestion, the* do not h'4e ' p ecise scienti+ic unde st'nding o+ wh't occu s !ent'll* when thei p'tients 'chie4e !ent'l ch'nges th ough the 'p*. Dntil now, ; h'4e not obt'ined ' su++icient scienti+ic 'nswe to this 9uestion. %he 'tion'le +o these pheno!en' is th't the ob"ects o+ ps*chi't ic +ocus ' e not su++icientl* 4'lid e5p essions o+ !ent'l to !ent 's ' !ent'l e5pe ience. /esc iptions o+ de4i'nt beh'4io <1?= in+o !'tion 'bout the clientAs e'ctions, inte p et'tions o+ the !ent'l diso de <1$= desc iptions o+ soci'l el'tionships <?, 1E= 'nd di'gnoses p esc ibed in /(, ;2 <20= 'nd ;8/-10 <21= ' e not di ect e5p essions o+ how

ps*chologic'l p'in is !ent'll* e5pe ienced. Ps*chologic'l 'nd ps*chi't ic 3nowledge 'bout how the !ent'l diso de is e5pe ienced is the e+o e still do!in'ted b* non-+'lsi+i'ble but still 9u'li+ied, guesses <22=. @e should +ocus on how the e5pe ience o+ ps*chic p'in 'ppe' s to *ield scienti+ic'll* 4'lid 3nowledge 'bout !ent'l to !ent 's ' !ent'l e5pe ience. 2.3. Challenges Related to Therapeutic Research Findings in ,et'-'n'l*ses on the 'spects o+ success+ul the 'p* <2B= <26= cont'in s*ste!'tic e o s with espect to 4'lidit*. (uch ese' ch is 9u'si-scienti+ic, 's it uses scienti+ic !ethods on insu++icientl* 4'lid ps*chologic'l ob"ects 's indic'to s o+ !ent'l ch'nge when in4estig'ting the 'peutic +'cto s which ' e esponsible +o the p'tientCs outco!e o+ the 'p*. (cientists, the e+o e, do not h'4e p ecise 3nowledge 'bout the +'cto s th't ' e esponsible +o the 'peutic esults. %he esults + o! !et'- ese' ch <2#-26= which ' e 'l!ost co!pletel* 'ccepted in the +ields o+ the 'p* ese' ch 'nd ps*cholog*, e5cept + o! so!e c itic'l e+lections <2B, 2?, 2$= showing th't the speci+ic the 'peutic !ethods onl* count +o 1B G o+ the 'peutic esults <23, 26= !'* be w ong, with the conclusion th't we should obt'in !o e 4'lid scienti+ic 3nowledge 'bout wh't wo 3s in the 'p* 'nd should ede+ine ou unde st'nding o+ the te ! H!ent'l ch'ngeI. %he logic'l 'n'l*sis desc ibed in this ' ticle !'* the e+o e be used both 's ' supple!ent to o 's ' b'sis +o the c iti9ue o+ the we'3nesses in the !et'- ese' ch. %his 'n'l*sis 'lone !'* "usti+* this ' ticle. &e4e theless, esults + o! !et'- ese' ch (ibid) eg' ding +'cto s which ' e esponsible +o the the 'peutic esults do se 4e ' positi4e +unction; n'!el*, the* desc ibe i!po t'nt p e e9uisites +o 'chie4ing ch'nges th ough t e't!ent.

". The lo!ical #ethod

; deconst ucted !ent'l diso de s 'nd 'n'l*Jed the di++e ent ele!ents in the i!!edi'tel* e5pe ienced e!otions. %he !ethod consisted o+ +ou logic'll* b'sed conside 'tions. 3.1. Specific Psychological Material Must Constitute the State of Well-Being or istress ;n the +ield o+ ps*cholog*, this !'te i'l h's di++e ent n'!es, such 's gest'lts, t 'u!'s, 'n5iet*, ob"ect el'tions, inte n'l ep esent'tions, 'nd d*s+unction'l thoughts. Kowe4e , these design'tions do not indic'te how these sens'tions ' e e5pe ienced !ent'll*, 's the* ' e scienti+ic 'bst 'ctions. %hese ele!ents ' e desc ibed he e 's He5te n'l e!pi icis!I. %he +ollowing 9uestion is the e+o e still un'nswe ed: @h't is the ps*chologic'l !'te i'l th't constitutes the !ent'l e5pe iences o+, +o e5'!ple, 'n5iet*, t 'u!', 'nd "o*: %his !'te i'l is te !ed he e 's Hthe inne e!pi icis!I.


Philip /'!!en:

0ogic, Ps*che 'nd 1iolog*

3.2. The Psychic Material !ust Consist of So!ething "nternal and #e $i!ited to Psychological %le!ents %he !'te i'l c'n onl* consist o+ +eelings, inne senso * e5pe iences, thoughts (wo ds 'nd ph 'ses), 'nd biologic'l ele!ents th't 'ncho the othe ele!ents. ,* 'sse tion is th't these ele!ents continuousl* 'ncho !ent'l st'tes 'nd e!otions. %hese ele!ents ' e n'!ed the bio-ps*chologic'l ele!ents bec'use the* ' e both !ent'l ele!ents cont'ining e!otions (ps*che) 'nd biologic'l ele!ents th't 'ncho these e!otions. %he !od'lities o+ !ent'l e5pe ience ' e co!posed o+ 4isu'l, 'udito *, 'nd 3inesthetic i!p essions, 's well 's t'ste 'nd s!ell. ,* +indings, th ough 'n 'n'l*sis o+ 13#2B st'te!ents between the the 'pist (!e) 'nd the p'tients, obt'ined + o! ' tot'l o+ 11 consult'tions, show th't the e5pe ienced !od'lities ' e e!otions 'nd th't these ele!ents cont ol e!otion'l e5pe iences. )ccess to these ite!s c'n be 'd"usted du ing the 'p*, the eb* le'ding to ps*chologic'l ch'nge. (o!e e5'!ple scen' ios ' e 's +ollows: i+ the client !'3es 'n unco!+o t'ble Lbl'c3 !ent'l e5pe ienceL lighte , !'3es 'n unco!+o t'bl* l' ge 4isu'l !ent'l pictu e s!'lle , o !o4es 'n unco!+o t'bl* close senso * e5pe ience +u the 'w'*, !ost p'tients will e5pe ience 'n i!!edi'te shi+t in thei !ent'l st'te. %hese +indings ' e in 'g ee!ent with those o+ 1'ndle 'nd ,c/on'ld <2E=. %he e!otion'l ele!ents: %he e!otion'l ele!ents ' e bodil* sens'tions. 6!otion'l e5pe iences ' e, b'sed on !* +indings, ' esult o+ 'ccess to !od'lities 'nd linguistic ele!ents th't hold e!otions <13=. 6!otions ' e unde stood he e 's sign'ls, not 's +i st c'uses, o+ !ent'l well-being o dist ess. %he e!otion'l ele!ents ' e not '4'il'ble +o obse 4'tion b* the client, but the* c'n be 'ccessed i+ the client c'n t 'nsl'te o t 'ns+o ! these +eelings, th ough l'ngu'ge, into senso * e5pe iences such 's 4isu'l 'nd 3inesthetic ele!ents. %his p ocess !'* occu without educing the intensit* o+ the e!otions. %he clientCs e!otions c'n thus be 'ccessible to the the 'pist 'nd c'n then be ch'nged. P'in+ul !ent'l senso * e5pe iences 'nd p'in+ul linguistic ele!ents, such 's speci+ic wo ds, ph 'ses, 'nd !et'pho s, c'n be ch'nged du ing the the 'p* p ocess into !od'lities 'nd linguistic ele!ents th't in4o3e !o e ple's'nt +eelings, 'nd 'n i!p o4ed !ent'l st'te +o the client. 3.3. The $inguistic %le!ents %he linguistic ele!ents, such 's wo ds, ph 'ses, 'nd !et'pho s, ' e e!otions 'nd ' e e!bedded with e!otion'l 9u'lities. 0inguistic ele!ents ' e the e+o e not onl* in+o !'tion 'bout +eelings o situ'tions; the* ' e ooted in biolog* 't the s'!e ti!e th't the* ' e thought 'nd spo3en. %he clientCs i!!edi'te e5pe ience o+ his o he own e!otions is the e+o e '4'il'ble to the the 'pist in the s'!e !o!ent b* listening to the clientAs wo ds. %h ough ce t'in inte 4entions, the the 'pist c'n then !'3e the p'tients ch'nge the i!!edi'te intensit* 'nd 9u'lit* o+ the !od'l 'nd linguistic ele!ents th't cont'in the e!otions, with the esult th't the p'tients inst'ntl* 'chie4e e!otion'l ch'nges. %hese

i!!edi'te e!otion'l ch'nges c'n then be p olonged b* using !o e inte 4entions th't h'4e the s'!e e++ects 's the +i st inte 4entions. %he 'peutic ph 'ses (wo ds) !'* the e+o e be used 's ' !ethod +o ch'nging the e!otions th't ' e e!bedded in ce t'in wo ds. %he options +o !ent'l ch'nge th ough the use o+ wo ds, in this !'nne o+ unde st'nding, ' e e5tensi4e but !ust be 'd'pted to the clientCs !od'l p e+e ences, !ent'l c'p'cit*, 'nd needs. 3.&. The Biological %le!ents 8oncu ent with this ch'nge in the !od'l 'nd linguistic ele!ents ' ch'nge will occu in the neu o-biologic'l condition. 64e * wo d, e4e * inne senso * e5pe ience, 'nd e4e * +eeling e+lects ' neu o-biologic'l condition in the s'!e !o!ent th't the wo ds ' e e5p essed, the senso * e5pe iences ' e pe cei4ed, 'nd the +eelings ' e e5pe ienced <13= . 64e * !ent'l ch'nge thus e+lects ' ch'nge in the !ent'll* el'ted biologic'l condition, 'nd these biologic'l ch'nges 'ncho the e!otion'l ch'nges. %he +ollowing ' e e5'!ples o+ e!otion'l e5pe iences th't could p o!pt !ent'l 'nd/o biologic'l ch'nges: ) postt 'u!'tic incest e5pe ience + o! childhood w's desc ibed 's ' d' 3, he'4*, b own bl'c3 lu!p o+ le'd with spi3es th't ot'ted in the sto!'ch 't the sol' ple5us. Pe +o !'nce 'n5iet* in ' !usici'n w's e5pe ienced 's ' +eeling o+ being un'ble to see 'nd e'd the notes. %he client st'ted th't, L;t w's li3e the e w's ' !ist between !e 'nd the notes.L ) +eeling o+ esign'tion o4e ' pe sistent p oble! w's desc ibed 's L' !ount'inL th't the client w's ne4e 'ble to cli!b. @h't is co!!on '!ong these e5'!ples: Dnple's'nt unspeci+ied e!otions ' e t 'nsl'ted he e b* l'ngu'ge into 4isu'l 'nd 'udito * !od'lities b* the p'tients, which e+lect ' biologic'l condition. %h ough this p ocess, the connection between the clientAs e!otions, l'ngu'ge, !od'l e5pe iences, 'nd biologic'l st'te is e4e'led. %his p ocess ende s the clientAs e!otions 'ccessible 'nd, the e+o e, ch'nge'ble b* the the 'pist. %he conse9uence o+ the 'bo4e !entioned p ocess is th't 'll e!otion'l st'tes ' e c'used 'nd cont olled b* the conscious o unconscious 'ccess to !od'lities 'nd linguistic ele!ents th't hold the clientCs e!otions. %he ch'nging o+ e!otions the e+o e e9ui es th't we ch'nge the !od'lities 'nd/o the linguistic ele!ents th't sto e 'nd t igge these e!otions. @hen the the 'pist, th ough 4e b'l inte 4entions, ch'nges the ele!ents th't hold these e!otions in ' speci+ic situ'tion, the client will not onl* e5pe ience 'n e!otion'l ch'nge but will 'lso i!!edi'tel* ch'nge the w'* he o she uses l'ngu'ge in the situ'tion th't is being +ocused on in the the 'peutic p ocess. ) ch'nge in the biologic'l condition will 'lso occu , which e+lects 'nd 'ncho s the e!otion'l e5pe iences, inne senso * e5pe iences, 'nd linguistic ch'nges.

Ps*cholog* 'nd 1eh'4io 'l (ciences 2013; 2(3): 106-111


$. A De%inition o% #entally &ooted Psychiatric Distress and #ental 'han!e

%hese obse 4'tions led to the +ollowing de+inition o+ !ent'll* 'ncho ed ps*chologic'l dise'se: e4e * !o!ent' il* e5pe ienced !ent'll* ooted diso de c'n be de+ined 's ' esult o+ the i!!edi'te 'ccess to bio-ps*chologic'l ele!ents th't sto e the clientCs e!otions el'ted to the !ent'l diso de , whe e's ' long-l'sting !ent'l diso de c'n be de+ined 's 'ccess to these ite!s o4e ' long pe iod o+ ti!e. 8onside ing this de+inition, the ch'llenge, when one w'nts to stud* wh't constitutes the e5pe ience o+ i!!edi'te ps*chologic'l p'in, consists o+ !'pping the clientAs !od'l e5pe iences 'nd linguistic ele!ents, which ' e connected to the clientCs e!otions. 1ec'use 'n* i!!edi'te e5pe ience o+ ps*chic p'in is the esult o+ 'ccess to !ent'l ele!ents th't sto e this p'in, ' !ent'l ch'nge !ust +ollow ch'nges in these ite!s. ) pe !'nent ch'nge in the ps*chologic'l diso de !ust the e+o e be ' conse9uence o+ ' pe !'nent ch'nge in the clientCs 'ccess to the bio-ps*chologic'l ele!ents th't hold the ps*chologic'l p'in.

>i4en th't we onl* h'4e 12 !'"o !ent'l conditions, we logic'll* h'4e onl* 12 !'in +o !s o+ !ent'l ch'nge in e4e * !o!ent: 6 th't le'd to well-being 'nd 6 th't le'd to the e5pe ience o+ !ent'l dist ess. %he 6 positi4e p'tte ns o+ ch'nge indic'te th't positi4el* ch' ged ps*chologic'l !'te i'l is connected to the !ent'l st'te, while, 't the s'!e ti!e, neg'ti4el* ch' ged !ent'l !'te i'l is disconnected, th ough the 'peutic inte 4entions, in the s'!e !o!ent. %he 6 neg'ti4e +o !s o+ !ent'l ch'nge, which le'd to ps*chologic'l dist ess, indic'te th't neg'ti4el* ch' ged !ent'l !'te i'l + o! the p'st, p esent, o +utu e beco!es connected to the ps*che 't ' speci+ic !o!ent. )t the s'!e ti!e, positi4e ps*chologic'l !'te i'l 'ssoci'ted with the p'st, p esent, o +utu e is disconnected + o! the !ent'l st'te, 'lso 's ' esult o+ the 4e b'l inte 4entions b* the the 'pist. '.2. So!e %)a!ples ) client told !e th't she pictu ed he sel+ sitting on the +loo with ' doll. %he doll w's big, 'nd she w's s!'ll. %he doll s'id unple's'nt things 'nd co!!'nded the gi l to do things in ' ste n 4oice. 1'sed on the gi lAs wishes 'nd !* inte 4entions, the gi l !'de the doll s!'lle in he !ent'l pictu e, which !e'ns th't ; disconnected the neg'ti4el* ch' ged 4isu'l !'te i'l in such ' w'* th't the doll bec'!e ' egul' doll, 'nd the gi l bec'!e connected to ' !o e positi4e !ent'l st'te. %he dollAs 4oice w's 'lso ch'nged + o! ' ste n 4oice to ' !o e + iendl* 4oice, i.e., positi4el* ch' ged !ent'l !'te i'l. %he gi l i!!edi'tel* +elt !uch bette . %he h'llucin'tion dis'ppe' ed, 'nd we continued the t e't!ent 's be+o e. @e did not t * to unde st'nd the !ent'l p ocesses th't led to the h'llucin'tion; we onl* ch'nged the neg'ti4el* ch' ged senso * e5pe iences th't 'ncho ed the e5pe ience o+ !ent'l dist ess. ) client w's !ent'll* +'tigued + o! e5pe iencing the s'!e !ent'l p oble!s +o ' long pe iod o+ ti!e. %his situ'tion !e'nt th't neg'ti4e ps*chic !'te i'l w's connected to the !ent'l st'te. )s !entioned be+o e, the client e5pe ienced the +eeling o+ desp'i 's ' !ount'in he could ne4e o4e co!e. ; L e9uisitionedL ' helicopte , !ent'll*, which w's consistent with the clientAs linguistic logic 'nd 'llowed the client to H+l* upI o4e the !ount'in. ;n this situ'tion, the client e5pe ienced ' positi4e sens'tion in the +o ! o+ ' positi4el* ch' ged 4isu'l ele!ent. Kigh 'bo4e the !ount'in, the client e5cl'i!ed th't he now could o4e loo3 the p oble! 'nd th't the p oble! see!ed to be s!'lle 'nd the e+o e less se ious th'n be+o e. @h't occu ed !ent'll* in these e5'!ples: %he p'tients e5pe ienced !ent'l p'in in these situ'tions, indic'ting th't so!e neg'ti4el* ch' ged !ent'l !'te i'l w's lin3ed to the !ent'l st'te. @hen 's3ed b* the the 'pist 'bout how the +eeling w's e5pe ienced, the p'tients t 'nsl'ted the unple's'nt +eelings to senso * ele!ents be' ing the s'!e deg ee o+ e!otion'l p'in th ough l'ngu'ge. %hese ite!s ' e now eg' ded 's ' di ect e5p ession o+ the p'tientsC e!otions. %he !od'lities 'nd linguistic ele!ents th't ' e esponsible +o the unple's'nt e!otions ' e then

(. )o!ical 'onsiderations
'.1. The (rgu!ents ) stud* on bu nout led to e5tensi4e '!ounts o+ in+o !'tion 'bout this ps*chologic'l condition. %he conclusion w's th't bu nout o 'n* othe !ent'l st'te is ' esult o+ so!e ps*chic !'te i'l th't is coupled with o decoupled + o! the ps*che in ' gi4en !o!ent o o4e ti!e. %he !'te i'l th't is connected to o disconnected + o! the ps*che is eithe positi4el* o neg'ti4el* ps*chologic'll* ch' ged. ;n 'ddition, this !ent'l !'te i'l !ust be el'ted to the p'st, p esent, o +utu e. %his st uctu e esults in ' tot'l o+ 12 possible !'in !ent'l st'tes in e'ch !o!ent, n'!el* 6 positi4el* 'nd 6 neg'ti4el* ch' ged ps*chologic'l !ent'l st'tes. %he 6 positi4e conditions !ust be the esult o+ positi4e ps*chic !'te i'l being connected to the !ent'l st'te. %his !'te i'l could ste! + o! the p'st (' ple's'nt e5pe ience), + o! the p esent ('n i!!edi'te "o*), o it !'* be connected to the +utu e (' +eeling o+ hope). )t the s'!e ti!e, so!e neg'ti4el* ch' ged !'te i'l, 'lso + o! the p'st, the p esent, o the +utu e, will be disconnected + o! the consciousness. %he 6 neg'ti4el* ch' ged !ent'l st'tes indic'te th't neg'ti4el* ch' ged ps*chic !'te i'l is connected to the !ent'l st'te. %his !'te i'l could 'lso ste! + o! the p'st (' t 'u!') o the p esent (d*s+unction'l thoughts), o it could be connected to the +utu e (c't'st ophic 'n5iet*). )t the s'!e ti!e, so!e positi4el* ch' ged ps*chic !'te i'ls ' e disconnected. ,* conclusion is th't 'll !ent'l st'tes c'n be c'tego iJed into 1 o+ these 12 possible !ent'l st'tes in e4e * !o!ent, 'lthough the !ent'l st'tes !'* ch'nge + o! !o!ent to !o!ent.


Philip /'!!en:

0ogic, Ps*che 'nd 1iolog*

disconnected th ough !* inte 4entions, whe e's positi4el* ch' ged !od'lities 'nd positi4e linguistic ele!ents ' e 'dded to the !ent'l st'te. %he the 'peutic l'ngu'ge is b'sed on the wo ds 'nd !et'pho s used b* the p'tients to desc ibe thei !ent'l p'in. Dncoupling 'nd decoupling ps*chic !'te i'l 'lw'*s occu s in the p esent. ;n 'pp o5i!'tel* E0 !inutes, 'pp o5i!'tel* 100 ch'nge p ocesses o+ this t*pe c'n occu . %he su!s o+ the s!'ll ch'nges le'd to the o4e 'll ps*chologic'l ch'nge in e'ch consult'tion.

*. +ome Answers to a 'rucial ,uestion

Kow is it possible to continuousl* educe !ent'l diso de s th't h'4e l'sted +o *e' s "ust in so!e +ew hou s b* ch'nging the clientCs 'ccess to the neg'ti4el* ch' ged !ent'l ele!ents 'nd b* pl'cing the clients in ' situ'tion whe e the* p oduce !ent'l ele!ents be' ing ps*chologic'll* wellbeing th ough the the 'p*: %he +i st 'nswe is th't the new !ent'l ele!ents do h'4e the s'!e p ope ties 's the neg'ti4el* ch' ged ones. -ne o+ these p ope ties is st'bilit*. -ne e'son +o the st'bilit* o+ the !ent'l diso de s is the st'bilit* in the !ent'l ele!ents be' ing the !ent'l p'in. 1ut this st'bilit* 'lso 'pplies to the new positi4e !ent'l ele!ents being de4eloped th ough the 'p*, 'nd which ' e gi4ing the clients 'ccess to ps*chologic'l wellbeing. %he !ent'l e5pe iences 'nd the +eeling o+ !'ste ing o wellbeing c'n the e+o e be 's st'ble 's the +o !e !ent'l diso de . )nothe e'son ste!s + o! so!e peculi' e5pe iences, which h'4e been tested th ough thous'nds o+ inte 4entions. ;t loo3s li3e th't i+ we dest o* the !ent'l ele!ents holding the !ent'l p'in, the clients educe the tendenc* to p oduce, ein+o ce o to get 'ccess to !ent'l neg'ti4el* ch' ged !'te i'l. )nd it +ollows th't the !o e the clients ' e getting 'ccess to positi4e !ent'l !'te i'l; the clients will p oduce !ent'l !'te i'l with the s'!e 9u'lities in his o din' * li+e. %hese e5pe iences 'lso e5pl'in wh* it !'* be di++icult +o so!e clients to ch'nge o educe the !ent'l diso de th ough the 'p*. %he one e'son is th't th't the new !ent'l ele!ents ' e we'3e o less intense th'n the e5isting ones. %he second is th't the client c'n p oduce o get 'ccess to !o e neg'ti4el* ch' ged !ent'l !'te i'l in his d'il* li+e th'n the the 'pist c'n educe in the s!'ll hou s o+ the 'p*. )nd the thi d e'son !'* be th't the '!ount o+ neg'ti4el* !ent'l !'te i'l th't !ust be ch'nged educed o dest o*ed !'* be to !uch. 1ut this !o!ents ' e onl* telling th't the the 'pist h'4e !o e wo 3 to do. ,* e5pe ience is th't 'l!ost 'll ps*chologic'l diso de s !'* be ch'nged th ough the 'p*.

both p o+ound 'nd inspi ing, but ou con"ectu e is th't he will not succeed in +inding the obse 4'ble lin3 between b 'in p ocesses 'nd e!otions until he p ecisel* unde st'nds the ps*che 'nd !ent'l p ocesses; th't is, he will not unde st'nd !ent'l p ocesses without 'lte ing his +ocus + o! the d'!'ged b 'in 'nd the esults + o! b 'in sc'nning to e'l-li+e !ent'l p ocesses. @e belie4e th't this p oble! e5ists 'c oss 'll neu oscienti+ic studies o+ this n'tu e. @ithout ' scienti+ic'll* 4'lid unde st'nding o+ how e!otion'l st'tes ' e !ent'll* const ucted 'nd without unde st'nding when du ing the 'p* the client e5pe iences ' !ent'l ch'nge, the scientists will not be 'ble to inte p et the esults + o! di++e ent !ethods o+ b 'in sc'nning. @e c'nnot d 'w scienti+ic in+e ences + o! the esults o+ the neu ologic'l ese' ch on e!otion'l st'tes without ' scienti+ic'll* +'lsi+i'ble 'nd cont oll'ble 3nowledge o+ !ent'l 'nd e!otion'l st'tes.

/. 'onclusions
64e * !ent'l st'te is co!posed o+ !od'lities 'nd linguistic 'nd e!otion'l ele!ents th't ' e ooted in !ent'll* el'ted biologic'l ele!ents. ,ent'l p'in c'n the e+o e be obse 4ed b* +ocusing on the !od'lities 'nd linguistic ele!ents th't 'ncho this p'in. ,ent'll* ooted diso de s ' e, in p inciple, de i4ed + o! the s'!e !ent'l ele!ents, such 's "o*, !oti4'tion, s3ill+ulness, 'gg ession, lo4e, 'nd h'te, 'nd these st ongl* di++e ent e!otions o 'bilities c'n be 'lte ed 'nd de4eloped th ough the s'!e t*pes o+ inte 4entions, b* 'lte ing the !od'lities 'nd the linguistic ele!ents th't ' e connected to the ps*chologic'l dist ess. %hese p ocesses o+ !ent'l ch'nge ' e si!il' in n'tu e eg' dless o+ whethe p'tients ' e su++e ing + o! !ent'l p'in 'nd dist ess o ' e +unctioning well but w'nt to i!p o4e ce t'in s3ills o thei pe son'lit*. %his situ'tion !'3es it possible to t e't !ent'll* 'ncho ed diso de s in ' p edict'ble !'nne 'nd to do so with li!ited in+o !'tion 'bout the clientCs situ'tion 'nd the conte5t in which the !ent'l diso de s ' e un+olding. 1ut we h'4e to be 'w' e o+ the possibilit* th't the the 'pist !'* conse 4e, ein+o ce o p oduce !ent'l ele!ents be' ing !ent'l p'in 's ' conse9uence o+ the w'* he o she is using l'ngu'ge, which will p olong the !ent'l diso de . %he b 'in p ocesses ' e e5t e!el* co!ple5, but the ps*che 'nd the !ent'l ooted diso de ' e !uch si!ple in its co!position, 'nd ' e !uch e'sie to 'lte th ough 4e b'l inte 4entions th'n ps*chologists 'nd the 'pists belie4e, 'nd th't is p esented th ough ps*cholog* 'nd ps*chi't *. % e't!ent !'* still be ' co!ple5 t's3.

-. A )o!ic.Based Alle!ation on Damasios Errors

/'!'sio, the Po tuguese-)!e ic'n neu ologist, h's w itten so!e inte esting boo3s on the connection between neu ologic'l p ocesses 'nd e!otions, !ostl* b'sed on in4estig'tions o+ the d'!'ged b 'in <30, 31=. Kis 'n'l*ses ' e

Ac nowled!ements
,* th'n3s is to )nne-> ethe %useth who int oduced !e to the +ield o+ +'!il* the 'p* 'nd to the soci'l const uctionist the 'p* t 'ditions, 'nd to 1' * /unc'n +o inspi ing t'l3s 'bout wh't wo 3s in the 'p*, in 'n i!po t'nt pe iod o+ !* wo 3. ,* th'n3s 'lso go to 6d4' d 1e+ ing, who encou 'ged !* wo 3 in ' pe iod still ch' 'cte iJed b*

Ps*cholog* 'nd 1eh'4io 'l (ciences 2013; 2(3): 106-111


unce t'int*.

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<1= <2= <3= <#= <B= <6= @'tJl'wic3 P, 1e4in J M J'c3son /. P 'g!'tics o+ hu!'n co!!unic'tion. &o ton: &N, D(, 1E6?. @'tJl'wic3 P, @e'3l'nd JK, M Fisch 7. Fo 'nd ing: p insippe + ' ps*3ote 'pien. -slo: >*ldend'l 1E$0. (h'Je , (. 8lues: ;n4estig'ting (olutions in 1 ie+ %he 'p*. @. @. &o ton M 8o!p'n*: &N, D(, 1E$$. (h'Je (. Oe*s to (olution in 1 ie+ %he 'p*. @. @. &o ton M 8o!p'n*: &N, D(, 1E$B. @hite ,. M 6pston /. &' 'ti4e ,e'ns to %he 'peutic 6nds. @. @. &o ton M 8o!p'n*: &N, D( 1EE0. @hite ,. M 6pston /. 7e-)uthe ing 0i4es. ;nte 4iews M 6ss'*s. /ulwich 8ent e Public'tions: )del'ide, )ust 'li', 1EEB. )nde sen %. %he 7e+lecting %e'!. /i'logue 'nd !et'-di'logue in clinic'l wo 3. F'!il* P ocess 1E$?; 26, #1B-#2$. )nde son K. 8on4e s'tion, 0'ngu'ge, )nd Possibilities: ) Post!ode n )pp o'ch %o %he 'p*. 1'sic 1oo3s: &N, D(, 1EE?. 1'ndle 7. Dsing Nou 1 'in +o ' 8h'nge. 7e'l People P ess: Dt'h, D(, 1E$$.




<10= 1'ndle 7 M > inde J. F ogs into P inces: &eu o 0inguistic P og '!!ing. 7e'l People P ess: Dt'h, D(, 1E?E. <11= 1'ndle 7 M > inde J. 7e+ '!ing: &eu o-0inguistic P og '!!ing 'nd the % 'ns+o !'tion o+ ,e'ning. 7e'l People P ess: Dt'h, D(, 1E$2. <12= >l'se 1 M (t 'uss ). %he /isco4e * o+ > ounded %heo *: (t 'tegies +o Pu'lit'ti4e 7ese' ch. )ldine % 'ns'ction: 8hic'go, D(, 1E6?. <13= /'!!en Ph. 6n unde sQ3else '4 ps*3is3 pl'ge og ps*3is3 end ing !ed utg'ngspun3t i en3elte end ingsp osesse . 6t bid 'g i ut4i3ling '4 en 4itens3'pelig tilnR !ing til end ing '4 ps*3is3 +o 'n3 ede pl'ge . 6n studie g"enno!+Q t !ed et 3o!bine t design. () stud* o+ ps*chologic'l dist ess 'nd !ent'l ch'nge 's ' esult o+ t e't!ent. %he wo 3 is ' cont ibution to the de4elop!ent o+ ' scienti+ic 'pp o'ch to ch'nge !ent'l ooted p oble!s. ;t is ' stud* conducted with ' !i5ed design.) )3'de!i3' +o l'g: -slo, &o w'*, 2013. <1#= @ittgenstein 0. % 'ct'tus 0ogico-Philosophicus. 7outledge: 0ondon, DO, 2001. <1B= Poppe O. %he 0ogic o+ (cienti+ic /isco4e *. 7outledge 8l'ssics, DO 2002. <16= /e id' J. /econst uction 6ng'ged: %he (*dne* (e!in' s. Powe Public'tions: (*dne*, )ust 'li', 2001.

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