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Climatic Design lor Lnergy Llliciency in Buildings

V K MatLur, /ember
I CLand, Ncn-member
Necesstty and bene/tts c/ destgntng but/dtngs uttb energy e//tctency ccnstderattcns ba.tng been tnccrpcrated rtgbt /rcm
tbe p/anntng stage ba.e been dtscussed. C/tmattc c/asst/tcattcn map c/ Indta bas been tnc/uded /cr tdentt/tcattcn c/ tbe
c/tmate c/ tbe but/dtng stte tn questtcn. Tbe requtrements c/ tberma/ ccm/crt /cr .artcus c/tmattc zcnes ba.e been
de/tned. /etbcd c/ se/ecttcn c/ suttab/e arcbttectura/ /eatures /tke p/an /crm. crtentattcn, /ccattcn and stze c/ /enestra-
ttcn, sbadtng de.tces, treatment c/ but/dtng en.e/cp etc, ubtcb cn tnccrpcrattcn tn destgn c/ but/dtngs ucu/d prc.tde
tberma/ ccm/crt uttb mtntmum ccnsumpttcn c/ energy. Stmp/e gutde/tnes /cr destgn c/ but/dtngs, ubtcb ucu/d
/uncttcn tn ccn/crmtty uttb c/tmate, are a/sc presented tn tbe paper.
Keyuords: JLermal comlort, Lnergy elliciency, Jropical summer index (JSI)
V K Mathur and I Chand are with Central Building Kesearch Institute,
Koorkee 247 667.
JLis paper was presented at tLe 18tL ational Convention ol ArcLitectural
Lngineers Leld at ]aipur on Cctober 1/-18, 2002.
Vc/ 84, Octcber 2003 33
Provision ol tLermal comlort in buildings is an important
consideration in tLe design ol buildings lor elliciency and well
being ol occupants. Jwo well known metLods lor creating
comlortable environment in tLe interior ol buildings include
adoption ol tLe use ol electrically operated mecLanical
devices, sucL as, air conditioners, Leaters, blowers, etc, and
natural systems based on judicious utilization ol solar and
wind energy. JLougL tLe earlier one is more dependable, tLe
estimated electricity consumption on account ol Leating,
ventilating and air conditioning. ligLting and water Leating is
about 30% tLat constitutes a signilicant proportion ol tLe total
electricity consumption in tLe country. In tLe present energy
scenario in India wLere gap between demand and supply ol
electrical energy is continuously increasing, tLe escalation in
cost ol power and associated environmental concerns Lave
created awareness about ellicient use ol energy in every walk
ol lile. Since, building sector is a major consumer ol
electricity, it is imperative to evolve building designs tLat
would utilize solar and wind energy to tLe lullest possible
extent lor ameliorating tLermal environment indoors. JLe
Bureau ol Lnergy Llliciency constituted by tLe Covernment
ol India in MarcL, 2002, Las identilied 'Lnergy Llliciency in
Buildings and LstablisLments` and 'Lnergy Conservation
Building Codes` as tLe tLrust areas ol its action plan. JLe locus
ol tLese areas is directed towards improving energy elliciency
in existing buildings and development ol codes so tLat new
buildings be designed and built witL energy elliciency
considerations Laving been incorporated rigLt lrom tLe
planning stage. JLis is a testimony to tLe lact tLat necessity lor
design ol lunctional and energy ellicient buildings Las been
very well recognized and ellorts are needed to design buildings
tLat would lunction in conlormity witL climate and not
against it. AccomplisLment ol tLe aloresaid objective involves
tLree steps (i) identilication ol tLe climate at tLe building site
in question, (ii) determination ol tLe comlort requirements ol
tLe relevant climate, and (iii) selection ol appropriate
arcLitectural leatures including space planning, orientation,
location and size ol lenestration, sLading devices, treatment ol
building envelope etc. Lxtensive studies covering tLe aloresaid
aspects Lave been carried out at Central Building ResearcL
Institute, Roorkee and else wLere also.
Classilication ol climate in respect ol building design means
zoning tLe country into regions in sucL a way tLat tLe
dillerence ol climate lrom region to region are rellected in tLe
building design, warranting some special provision lor eacL
region. Based on tLis criteria, tLere are live major climatic
zones, (i) Lot-dry, (ii) warm-Lumid, (iii) cold, (iv) temperate,
and (v) composite.
Climatic Zone Mean Monthly Mean Monthly
Maximum Kelative

Hot-Dry above 30 below 55
Warm-Humid above 30 above 55
above 25 above /5
Jemperate between 25-30 below /5
Cold below 25 all values
Composite - -
A given station is categorized under a particular zone il its
climate conlorms to tLat zone lor six or more montLs,
otLerwise it lalls under tLe composite zone. A map ol India
depicting various climatic zones is sLown in Iigure 1. Ior
example, in ]aipur, it is cold in ]anuary, Jemperate during
Iebruary, ovember, December, Lot-dry during MarcL to
]une and Cctober and warm-Lumid in ]uly to September.
3+ IL (I jcurna/-AR
Since, none ol tLe climate persists lor six montLs or more, tLe
stations lall in composite climate zone.
Comlort conditions depend upon air temperature, relative
Lumidity, wind speed, as well as on clotLing, acclimatisation,
age, sex, and type ol activity ol tLe people. Based on exLaustive
studies carried out on tLermal comlort at CBRI Roorkee
, a
tropical summer index (JSI) representing tLe combined ellect
ol temperature, relative Lumidity and wind speed was
evolved. JLe JSI is delined as tLe temperature ol calm air, at
50% relative Lumidity wLicL imparts same tLermal sensation
as tLe given environment. MatLematically, JSI is expressed as
JSI = + + 0 /+5 0 308 2 0 8+1 . . . t t .
a u
wLere t
, dry bulb (globe) temperature,

, t
, wet bulb

C , ., air speed in m/sec.

JLe tLermal comlort usually lies between JSI values ol 25

and 30

C witL maximum per cent ol people being

comlortable at 2/ 5 .

C. Cn lower side, tLe coolness ol
environment is tolerable between 19

C and 25

C (JSI) and
below 19

C (JSI) it is too cold. JLis clearly indicates tLat lor

acLieving comlortable environment indoors, Leating upto

C is necessary in winter, wLereas steps need to be taken to

acLieve indoor conditions conlorming to JSI values around
2/ 5 .

C in summer. JLerelore, in Lot-dry climate, empLasis is
laid on adopting design tecLniques tLat contribute towards
reduction in indoor air temperature or globe temperature and
provision ol adequate nigLt ventilation. Cn tLe otLer Land,
provision ol ample air motion is an important requirement ol
building design in warm-Lumid climate.
Lnergy elliciency in buildings broadly implies tLree aspects,
(i) obviating wastage in energy due to unwanted and non-
judicious use ol electrically operated gadgets, (ii) development
ol energy ellicient appliances, and (iii) optimum utilization ol
non-conventional sources ol energy tLrougL judicious
planning and design ol buildings. JLe aspects (i) and (ii)
concern witL tLe design, installation and operation ol
electrical appliances wLereas aspect (iii) is related to
incorporation ol appropriate passive leatures at tLe initial
design stage ol tLe buildings. Several tLeoretical and
experimental studies Lave demonstrated tLe uselulness ol
tLese tecLniques in respect ol ameliorating tLermal
environment indoors. In context witL cooling ol buildings in
Lot-dry and warm-Lumid climates, tLe passive tecLniques
mainly aim towards reduction in Leat penetration tLrougL
building envelope and provision ol lenestration lor inducing
desired natural ventilation indoors.
Keduction in Heat Penetration through Building Envelope
Solar radiation incident on building envelope is tLe main
source ol Leat responsible lor raising tLe temperature ol
exterior surlace ol tLe envelope and also lor creating
temperature gradient across tLe tLickness ol tLe envelope. As a
result, Leat is conducted indoors tLereby causing a rise in tLe
interior surlace temperature. Hence, reduction in tLe
temperature ol exterior surlace is necessary lor keeping tLe
indoor surlace temperature at a low value. Jransparent
window lacing sun also permits direct entry ol sun. JLis also
contributes to tLe rise in tLe temperature ol indoor surlaces.
Hence, control ol direct entry ol sun tLrougL windows is an
essential requirement lor preventing tLe rise in interior surlace
temperature. Based on tLese considerations, various metLods
Lave been evolved lor curtailment ol Leat llow tLrougL
building envelope.
Opttmum Ortentattcn
It is well known
tLat tLe amount ol daily solar radiation
incident per unit area on N and S lacing walls is mucL less as
compared to tLat on tLe walls lacing otLer directions. Hence,
lor minimum solar Leat gain by tLe building envelope, it is
desired tLat tLe longer axis ol building sLould lie along Last-
West direction. IurtLer, tLe ellect ol orientation ol a building
on Leat penetration tLrougL envelope also depends on tLe
aspect ratio, te, lengtL/breadtL ol tLe building. Ior a building
witL square plan, te, aspect ratio 1:1 and glass area equally
distributed on all tLe lour walls, tLe ellect ol orientation is nil,
wLile lor a rectangular building witL aspect ratio 2:1, tLe
labric load is reduced by 30% due to cLange in orientation
lrom worst to best.
Sbadtng c/ Wtndcus
Louvers, overLangs or awnings provided on windows Lelp
Iigure 1 Map ot India depicting ditterent climatic zones
Vc/ 84, Octcber 2003 35
control direct entry ol sun into tLe room especially during
summer montLs. Cptimum dimensions ol tLe louver depend
on tLe duration ol sunsLine on tLe window lacade. Windows
ol tLe same dimensions but oriented dillerently sLould Lave
dillerent dimensions ol louvers to be ellective. A simple box
type louver
may be suitable on an eastern lacade, a sligLtly
more complicated vertical and Lorizontal louver system on
tLe soutLern lacade and an egg crate type on tLe western
lacade. JLe nortLern lacade receives only very early morning
or late alternoon sunsLine and Lence no elaborate systems are
needed and only rain sLade is sullicient. It is reported
overLang witL optimum dimensions can produce cooling load
reduction ol 12./% in summer witLout causing any sullicient
cLange in sunsLine Lours received in winter. It is wortL
mentioning tLat an oversLadowing ol tLe windows must be
avoided as it reduces availability ol dayligLt indoors, wLicL in
turn results in increased consumption ol energy lor artilicial
Lxtertcr Sur/ace Sc/ar Re//ectance
Surlace colour ol tLe external wall allects botL tLe percentage
ol solar radiation absorbed by tLe external surlace and also tLe
long wave radiation emission. Hence, tLe Leat llux transmitted
into tLe building is considerably reduced wLen external
surlace is painted witL a colour witL minimum absorption ol
solar radiation and LigL emission in long wave region. SucL
lor a lew materials are given in Jable 1. Simulation
conducted at Lawrence Berkley Laboratory LSA
indicate tLat by cLanging tLe overall albedo ol a city lrom an
existing value ol about 0.2 to a wLite wasLed ol 0.+ may result
in saving ol electrical energy by +0% to 50%.
Rcc/ and Wa// Insu/attcn
Provision ol insulation on walls and rool ol a building
increases tLeir tLermal resistance and curtails conductive Leat
llow tLrougL tLe building envelope. Recommended tLicknesses
ol some ol tLe insulating materials lor rools ol unconditioned
and conditioned buildings are given in Jable 2. Introduction
ol air cavity in a wall also increases its tLermal resistance.
on estimation ol tLermal properties ol sucL a wall
revealed tLat tLe overall Leat transmission co-ellicient U value
ol a 2/.5 cm brick cavity wall (11.25 cm brick 5.0 cm air gap
11.25 cm brick) is 1.63 W/m
K wLile tLat ol a 22.5 cm
solid brick wall witL 1.25 cm cement plaster on botL tLe side
U value is 2.26 W/m
K. Here, it is wortL empLasizing tLat
tLe tLermal perlormance ol tLe above cavity wall is sligLtly
better tLan tLat ol a 35 cm solid brick wall.
Lnergy L//tctent Wtndcus
Window is a critical component in tLe design ol energy
ellicient buildings. JLe most ellective way ol window design
to conserve energy is by optimising tLe window size and
location. Windows on Last and West lacades sLould be
avoided as tLese are tLe worst orientations lrom tLe Leat gain
point ol view. In air conditioned buildings, windows are
considerably less insulating tLan otLer parts ol tLe envelope ol
tLe structure. It is observed tLat lor a single glazed window
system tLe U value is 5.22 W/m
K wLicL is less tLan tLe
desired value. JLe U value is considerably less (3 W/m
K) lor
a window system consisting ol a double glazing witL an air gap
ol 12 mm-18 mm. Adoption ol sucL a system reduces Leat gain
by at least 10%.
1. Ior acLieving maximum benelit lrom natural wind,
buildings need not necessarily be oriented
perpendicular to tLe prevailing outdoor wind, tLese
may be oriented at any convenient angle between 0

and 30

witLout losing any benelicial aspect ol

breeze. Il tLe prevailing wind is lrom Last or West,
buildings can be oriented at +5

to tLe incident wind

lor diminisLing tLe solar Leat gain witLout
signilicantly allecting tLe air motion indoors.
2. Atleast one window sLould be provided on windward
wall and tLe otLer on leeward wall.
3. Maximum air movement at a particular plane is
acLieved by keeping tLe sill LeigLt at 85% ol tLe
LeigLt ol tLe plane.
+. In rooms ol normal size Laving identical windows on
opposite walls, tLe average indoor air speed increases
rapidly by increasing tLe widtL ol window up to
about 2/3 ol tLe wall widtL, beyond tLat tLe increase
Table 1 Ketlectivity and emissivity ot ditterent coatings
Material Ketlectivity Emissivity
(Solar Kadiation) (Long wave Kadiation)
Aluminum loil brigLt 0.95 0.05
Aluminum paint 0.50 0.50
WLite wasL new 0.88 0.90
Crey colour ligLt 0.60 0.90
Crey colour dark 0.30 0.90
Red brick 0.+0 0.90
Class 0.08 0.90
Table 2 Kecommended thickness ot insulation tor root
Insulating Density Thermal Thickness in cm tor
Material kg/m
Conduc- Lncondi- Condi-
Min Max tivity tioned tioned
W/mK Buildings Buildings
concrete +50 600 0.081 5.0 10.0
concrete 320 +00 0.0/0 5.0 10.0
LigLt weigLt
bricks +00 +50 0.081 5.0 10.0
JLermocole 16 20 0.0+1 2.5 10.0
36 IL (I jcurna/-AR
is in mucL smaller proportion tLan tLe increase ol tLe
window widtL (Iigure 2(a)).
5. JLe average indoor wind speed in tLe working zone is
maximum wLen window LeigLt is 1.1 m. IurtLer
increase in window LeigLt promotes air motion at tLe
top level ol window, but does not contribute
additional benelits as regards air motion in tLe
occupancy zone in buildings.
6. Ior a total lenestration area (inlet plus outlet) ol 20%
to 30% ol lloor area, tLe average indoor wind velocity
is around 2/% ol outdoor velocity. IurtLer increase in
window size increases tLe velocity but not in tLe same
proportion. In lact, even under ideal conditions tLe
maximum average indoor wind velocity does not
exceed +0% ol tLe outdoor velocity (Iigure 2(b)).
/. In regions Laving lairly constant wind direction, tLe
size ol tLe inlet sLould be kept witLin 30% to 50% ol
tLe total area ol lenestration and building sLould be
oriented perpendicular to tLe incident wind. Since,
inlets smaller tLan outlets are more sensitive to
cLange in wind direction, openings ol equal sizes are
prelerred in tLe regions Laving lrequent cLanges in
wind direction.
8. In case ol room witL only one wall exposed to outside,
provision ol two windows is prelerred to tLat ol a
single window.
9. Windows located diagonally opposite to eacL otLer,
witL tLe windward window near tLe upstream
corner, give better perlormance tLan otLer window
arrangements lor most ol tLe building orientations.
10. Horizontal louver, te, a sunsLade, atop a window
dellects tLe incident wind upward and reduces air
motion in tLe zone ol occupancy. A Lorizontal slot
between tLe wall and Lorizontal louver prevents
upward dellection ol air in tLe interior ol rooms.
Provision ol L type louver increases tLe air motion in
tLe room provided tLat tLe vertical projection does
not obstruct tLe incident wind (Iigures 3(a) and 3(L)).
Iigure 2(a) Ettect ot window width on average indoor wind speed
Iigure 2(b) Ettect ot tenestration area on average indoor wind speed
(a) ettect ot horizontal louver, (b) ettect ot a slot between wall and
louver, (c) ettect ot root overhang, (d) partition upto tloor level,
Vc/ 84, Octcber 2003 3/
11. Provision ol Lorizontal sasLes inclined at an angle ol

in tLe appropriate direction Lelps to promote tLe

air motion inside rooms. SasLes projecting outward
are more ellective tLan tLose projecting inwards.
12. Air movement at working plane 0.+ m above tLe lloor
can be enLanced by 30% using a pelmet type wind
dellector (Iigure +).
13. Rool overLangs Lelp air motion in tLe working zone
inside buildings.
1+. VerandaL open on tLree sides is prelerable since it
causes an increase in tLe room air motion lor most ol
tLe orientations ol building witL respect to tLe
incident wind.
15. A partition placed parallel to tLe incident wind, Las
little inlluence on tLe pattern ol air llow but wLen
located perpendicular to tLe main llow, tLe same
partition creates a wind sLadow. Provision ol a
partition witL spacing ol 0.3 m underneatL, Lelps
augmenting air motion near lloor level in tLe leeward
compartment ol wide span buildings.
16. Air motion in a building unit Laving windows
tangential to tLe incident wind is accelerated wLen
anotLer unit is located at end-on position on
downstream side (Iigures 5(a) and 5(b)).
1/. Air motion in two wings oriented parallel to tLe
prevailing breeze is promoted by connecting tLem
witL a block on tLe downstream side (Iigures 6(a) and
Iigure 4 Pelmet type wind detlector
Iigure 3 Design considerations tor energy etticiency in buildings
(e) partition with a spacing underneath, (t) no partition, (g) partition
parallel to the main tlow, and (h) partition perpendicular to the main tlow
(a) isolated building unit, and (b) two units located at end-on position
Iigure 5 Air motion in a building unit
18. Air motion in a building is not allected by
constructing anotLer building ol equal or smaller
LeigLt on tLe leeward side, but it is sligLtly reduced il
tLe leeward building is taller tLan tLe windward block
(Iigures /(a), /(b) and /(c)).
19. Air motion in a sLielded building is less tLan tLat in
an unobstructed building. Jo minimise tLe sLielding
ellect, tLe distance between tLe two rows sLould be
about 8 H lor semidetacLed Louses and 10 H lor a
long rows ol Louses. However, tLe sLielding ellect is
diminisLed by raising tLe LeigLt ol tLe sLielded
20. Hedges and sLrubs dellect tLe air away lrom tLe inlet
openings and cause a reduction in air motion indoors.
JLese elements sLould not be planted at a distance less
tLan 8 m lrom tLe building because tLe induced air
motion is reduced to minimum in tLat case. However,
(a) (b)
38 IL (I jcurna/-AR
air motion on tLe leeward part ol tLe building can be
enLanced by planting a low Ledge at distance ol 2 m
lrom tLe building (Iigure 8).
21. Jrees witL large loliage mass Laving trunk bare ol
brancLes up to tLe top level ol window, dellect tLe
outdoor wind downward and promote air motion in
tLe occupancy zone inside tLe buildings.
22. Ventilation conditions indoors can be ameliorated by
constructing buildings on eartL mound Laving a slant
surlace witL a slope ol 10

on upstream side.
23. A non-conventional system ol ventilation, commonly
called as wind tower, Lelps to induce air motion in
rooms devoid ol windows on two exposed walls. JLe
wind tower consists ol a vertical wind carrying sLalt
witL a wind scooping attacLment atop tLereol. Cn its
vertical sides, tLe sLalt is provided witL several
openings, wLicL connect tLe tower to tLe dillerent
rooms intended to be ventilated. Cpenings in rooms
are also provided on walls otLer tLan tLe one lacing
tLe tower. SucL an arrangement ol openings lacilitates
cross ventilation in tLe rooms. JLe impingement ol
wind on tLe lace ol tLe tower causes development ol
positive pressure tLereon. As tLe wind llows around
tLe building, separation ol llow takes place at tLe
windward edges and negative pressure is created over
all tLe leeward laces ol tLe building. JLus, a pressure
dillerence exists between tLe tower inlet and openings
(a) better arrangement, and (b) parallel wings
Iigure 6 Air motion in two parallel wings
(a) (b)
(a) air tlow in isolated building, (b) air tlow in a shielded building, and
(c) air tlow in a taller shielded building
Iigure 7 Ettect ot air motion in buildings
Iigure 8 Ettect ot hedges and struts on air motion
Iigure 9 Model ot a typical wind tower
Vc/ 84, Octcber 2003 39
located on tLe leeward side ol tLe rooms.
Consequently, llow ol wind occurs lrom tower inlet
to tLe room openings. In tLe process, tLe wind
entering tLrougL tLe wind tower sweeps tLe room
area and linally exits tLrougL tLe room opening
tLereby ventilating tLe room (Iigure 9).
Design tecLniques lor cooling ol buildings Lave been
described. It Las been establisLed tLat adoption ol some simple
passive leatures like optimum orientation, adequate sLading ol
windows, rellective coatings on exterior surlaces, greenery
cover over tLe building, rool and wall insulation, energy
ellicient window system, judicious provision ol windows lor
ample natural ventilation etc results in signilicant saving in tLe
energy consumed wLile creating comlortable environment
1. I CLand and P K BLargava. 'JLe Climatic Data Hand Book.` Tata /cCrau
Ht//, ew DelLi, 1999.
2. 'Crientation ol Buildings.` 8ut/dtng Dtgest, C8RI, no /+, Roorkee, 1963.
3. 'SLading Devices lor Class Cpenings in Air Conditioned Buildings.` 8ut/dtng
Dtgest, C8RI, no 119, Roorkee, 19/6.
+. S Raeissi and M JaLeri. 'Cptimum CverLang Dimensions lor Lnergy
Saving.` 8ut/dtng and Ln.trcnment, vol 33, no 5, 1998, pp 293-302.
5. M S SodLa, et a/. 'Solar Passive Buildings.` Pergamcn Press, 1986, p 126.
6. H Akabari, S Bretz, D M Kurn and ] Hanlord. 'Peak Power and Cooling
Lnergy Savings ol HigL Albedo Rools.` Lnergy and 8ut/dtngs, vol 25, 199/,
pp 11/-126.
/. 'JLermal Data ol Building Iabrics and its Application in Building Design.`
8ut/dtng Dtgest, C8RI, no 52, Roorkee.
8. I CLand and P K BLargava. 'Cuidelines lor Designing Airy Buildings.`
8ut/dtng Dtgest, C8RI, no 121, 19/6.

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