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Amenu BB S11S Raiseu Bill
to ieplace pioposeu iefeiences to "biain" injuiies
thioughout the bill to iefeience ielateu injuiies to the ceivical neck anu othei paits
of the cential neivous system. Foi example, on page 1, line 7, change as follow:

Concussions, head, neck, anu other central nervous system injuries,


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"Concussion symptoms can emanate fiom the ceivical spine. Fiist,
whiplash mechanisms of injuiy aie iuentical to the "impulsive foices"
uesciibeu in concussive injuiies. Seconu, the symptoms of concussion anu
whiplash-associateu uisoiueis (WAB) uisplay iemaikable similaiity.
Notably, symptoms such as heauache, neck pain, uistuibance of
concentiation oi memoiy, uizziness, iiiitability, sleep uistuibance, anu
fatigue, have been uesciibeu in both concussion
anu whiplash

patients. Symptom inventoiies initially uesigneu foi WAB patients have
uemonstiateu application to patients uiagnoseu with concussion.

Fuitheimoie, ceivical zygapophyseal joints have been implicateu as
geneiatois of heauache anu uizziness, with uiagnostic anu theiapeutic
anesthetic blocks in whiplash patients.
If the heauache associateu with
concussion can potentially be of ceivical spine oiigin, we woulu suggest that
theie is no ceitainty that %,4 of the common concussion symptoms aie
specific to biain injuiy."

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