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1) Word association tasks In this task students are divided into groups or pairs and key words or phrases

of the listening expert is given. The students are then given ten minutes to write down as many words or phrases that they can think of related to the topic in hand. For example, the teacher would write on the board the key words 'improving your English' then students, in their groups, will write ideas, phrases or words related to the topic. The students are asked to focus on the content rather than the form as the purpose of this activity is to tap into the students prior knowledge of the sub ect and not to improve their writing abilities. Each group is then asked to present their ideas on the topic. The teacher can act as guide in linking various words and phrases produced by the student through semantic mapping on the board. This will enable the students to discover connections between ideas, phrases and words which they were previously unaware of. This activity is not designed to create new knowledge, rather to see relationship between what they are going to learn with what they already know. Questioning In this activity, instead of asking !uestions after listening to the recording the students giving a set of !uestions prior to the listening task. For example, students are asked to think about the answers to a set of !uestions related to topic. The teacher may ask "ow does #e$a use new technology to improve his English% &r "ow does 'remi's work help her to improve her language skills% This pre( listening task will induce selective attention strategy. )y reading the !uestions, the students can predict the content of the upcoming task, and also giving time to the students to think about the answers to the !uestions well trigger their prior knowledge of the topic. The teacher can, instead of providing the !uestions to the students, give the students topic title then ask the students to form a set !uestions which they would like to be answered in the recording. This will enable them to think deeply about the topic at hand and actively contribute the discourse. 2) fill in the blanks *+ .+ /+ 0+ ,bdullah is from --------------. "e studies English in --------------. In his free time he -------------- and -------------- and -----------------. "e visits ------------ and ------------- in England.

Circle the right answer *+ 'remi 1irchandane come from% 'ersia 2pain France .+ 3ho attends weekend English course% 'remi 1irchandane &smantan 4elebi ,bdullah /+ "ow many friends does #e$a have who speak his language 5 * . 0+ 3ho has an interest in electronics% #e$a ,bdullah &smantan 4elebi

Match the synonyms 3atch 6ocabulary 7ifficult 2tudy Film Friend Tick the correct definitions of the following words *+ opportunity an occasion or situation which makes it possible to do something when something gets better a time when people vote in order to choose someone for a political or official ob .+ Interest facts about a situation, person, event curiosity or concern about or attention to something an area designed for children to play in outside /+ Import to buy or bring in products from another country a number of people or things that are put together or considered as a unit a large shop where you can buy many different types of goods /+ The students are divided into four groups. , group chooses a !uestion to be answered and presents the !uestion to an opposing group. Then the group answering the !uestion puts another !uestion to another group. This will make sure each group answers as well asks a !uestion. In the vocabulary tasks each group must ustify their chosen answers either by producing a sentence with the word or produce a definition 9for task *+ for the word. :ou can leave this decision, whether producing a sentence or providing a definition to the group asking the !uestion. These steps will engross the students in the feedback of the activities, rather than the teacher spelling out the answers for the students. 0+ ,fter they have completed and received feedback on their tasks, they students are, again, divided into groups. Each group is then asked to produce their own expert using the some of the vocabulary from tasks / and 0 on a given sub ect, for example, what are interests and hobbies. ,long with this the speaking presentation students are also asked to produce a set if comprehension tasks which the other students answer whilst listening. For variety, the teacher can assign a different topic to each group. "owever, the sub ect must be such the each of the students can contribute from their own experiences. "ard 2ee 1ate 1ovie 3ords 8earn

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