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Curs 2013 - 14

Nivells: Cicle Superior de Primria / ESO / Batxillerats / Cicles Forma tius / C. de Formaci dAdults - rees: Llengua anglesa / Religi / Coneixement del medi natural, social i cultural / Educaci per al desenvolupament personal i la ciutadania / Educaci per a la ciutadania i els drets humans / Educaci tica cvica - Temes: Educaci en valors / Adolescncia. Joventut / Mitjans de transport. Educaci vial / Diversitat cultural. Immigraci. Emigraci / Mn animal i animals de companyia / Mort. Dol.


Suggeriments per al professorat

ndex dactivitats


Direcci: Ang Lee. Pas: USA. Any: 2012. Durada: 127 min. Fitxa artstica; sinopsi ................................................. Gnere: Drama. Interpretaci: Suraj Sharma (Pi tcnica Patel), i Irrfan Khan (Pi adult), Tabu (Gita Patel), Rafe Spall (escriptor), Adil El dossier que us fem arribar cont un Hussain (pare de Pi), Grard Depardieu (Cuiner). David English Gui: Activities seguit dactivitats per treballar amb Magee; basat en la novella homnima de plot Yann Martel. - The ............................................................................ lalumnat dins laula abans o desprs de Producci: David Womark, Gil Netter i Ang Lee. Msica: Mychael - Who is who in the film ....................... la projecci. Aquestes Claudio activitats sn Muntatge: Danna. Fotografia: Miranda. Tim Squyres. opcionals, deixant al vostre criteri, a Disseny de producci: David Gropman. - Names of animals ......................................... partir del coneixement real que teniu del - Prepositions of place .......................................................... vostre alumnat, la manera de treballar el - Tiger info graphic ............................ film.SINOPSI - Famous castaways in the movies ......... sentences A La Vida de Pi coneixerem Pi Patel, fill Reorder del propietari deland exercises with there is / there are ... - seva Reading: Survival at sea ..... zoolgic de la ciutat de l'ndia on viuen. La famlia decideix Direcci i concepci grfica: marxar al Canad, per una tempesta fa naufragar el vaixell en Cinema a estudiants qu per viatgen. Pi aconsegueix salvar-se grciesPensament a una barcassa en del protagonista, Pi Patel (en catal) i creences la qual tamb hi ha un altre "passatger", un tigre de Bengala al - Sincretisme religis ...... Activitats i adaptaci de textos: qual el jove intentar domar per poder sobreviure. Pellcula Abelbasada Glvez en i Jos Pica homnima del canadenc - Fe, fora de voluntat i convicci en si mateix .. la novella Yann Martel.

4-5 6 7 8-9 10 11 - 12 13 14 - 15

16 17 - 18


Direcci: Ang Lee. Interpretaci: Suraj Sharma (Pi Patel), Irrfan Khan (Pi adult), Tabu (Gita Patel), Rafe Spall (escriptor), Adil Hussain (pare de Pi), Grard Depardieu (Cuiner). Gui: David Magee; basat en la novella homnima de Yann Martel. Producci: David Womark, Gil Netter i Ang Lee. Msica: Mychael Danna. Fotografia: Claudio Miranda. Muntatge: Tim Squyres. Disseny de producci: David Gropman. Gnere: Drama. Pas: USA. Any: 2012. Durada: 127 min.

A La Vida de Pi coneixerem Pi Patel, fill del propietari del zoolgic de la ciutat de l'ndia on viuen. La seva famlia decideix marxar al Canad, per una tempesta fa naufragar el vaixell en qu viatgen. Pi aconsegueix salvar-se grcies a una barcassa en la qual tamb hi ha un altre "passatger", un tigre de Bengala al qual el jove intentar domar per poder sobreviure. Pellcula basada en la novella homnima del canadenc Yann Martel.

Looking for an idea for his second book, a writer visits a famous Indian storyteller, Pi Patel, in Montreal, Canada. Patel has an amazing tale that will make the writer believe in God. Patel is delighted to tell his story.


He was born in India in the territory of Pondicherry. His father was a zoo owner and named his son Piscine Molitor after a swimming pool in France. Piscine is bullied at school with cries of Pissing Patel, and he decides to change his name at Pi, after the mathematical symbol. Religion fascinates Pi, an unusual child, and he decides to add Christianity and Islam to his familys Hindu faith. He is also fascinated by one of the zoos animals, a Bengal tiger which, like him, has a strange name, Richard Parker. Economic and political problems push Pis father into selling the zoo and deciding to emigrate to Canada, with his wife, Pi and Pis elder brother, plus a number of animals. The 16-year-old Pi boards a Japanese cargo ship with his family and most importantly Richard Parker. As the family queue for a meal in the ships kitchen one day, the cook insults Pis mother. Pis father attacks the cook. The ship encounters a fier ce storm while sailing over the deepest part of the worlds ocean, and it starts to sink. Pi is on the deck watching the storm, and he does not realize the terrible danger on the ship. He tries to save his family, but a crew member throws him into a lifeboat, occupied apparently by just the cook. The ship disappears quickly beneath the waves. Pi quickly discovers that he is sharing the lifeboat with a zebra, an orangutan and a hyena and the Bengal tiger. Pis faith is then put to the test.


Life of Pi is a fantastic movie telling the amazing adventures of Pi Patel at sea. Read the plot of the film and then choose the correct option in the comprehension questions.

1) Who visits Patel in Montreal? 2) Patel has got 3) Patel was born 4) He was named after a 5) He is fascinated by 6) How many religions does Pi have? 7) Pi also loves 8) His family decides to emigrate to 9) Who insults Pis mum on the ship? 10) How many people survive the shipwreck? 11) How many animals are there in the lifeboat?

a) his father a) an amazing treasure a) in Vietnam a) swimming pool a) astronomy a) one a) the zoo a) Canada a) the cook a) Pi and Richard Parker a) four

b) Richard Parker b) an amazing story b) in India b) an actor b) ancient gods b) three b) a tiger b) France b) a sailor b) Pi and his brother b) three

c) a writer c) an amazing map c) in Thailand c) a king c) religion c) two c) his mum c) Britain c) Richard Parker c) only Pi c) only the tiger


Here, you have the pictures of the protagonists of the film. Re-read the plot and try to write the correct names below the correct pictures. The Japanese sailor Pis mum Pis brother (Ravi) The author Adult Pi The ships cook Piscine Molitor Patel (Pi) Pis father
1) 2) 3) 4)






Pis family owns a Zoo in Pondicherry, India. When they move to Canada, they board all the animals onto a cargo ship. Animals are very important in this film. Please, try to reorder these letters to form correct animal names. regti abrez . nyeha torangaun .. keatmers leawh sihf lyfing ksahr .

ACTIVITY FOUR PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE Prepositions are words which relate one noun (or pronoun) to another, in time or space, such as "before" (school starts before 9 am), "with" (I went to the cinema with him), "by" (the house was destroyed by the earthquake) and so on. Prepositions are very important in English, and their use is quite different from Spanish or Catalan. Study this chart with prepositions of place and then have a look at the next pictures from the film. Can you fill in the blanks with the correct preposition?

The tiger is . the boat

Pi is standing . the tarpaulin

The flying fish fly . the boat

The shark swims . the raft

The cargo ship sinks . the Mariana trench.

The meerkats climb . the tree

Pi arrives . the shore and lies . the beach.

Pi spends more than 200 days . sea.

The shining jellyfish are . the raft.

ACTIVITY FIVE TIGER INFO GRAPHIC Click on the info graphic* below, read the information it gives you about tigers and complete the following sentences.
* info graphic: information graphic, visual interpretation of data.

1) Tigers are well known for its orange coat and . 2) The noise of cats is called PURR, but tigers can make five different noises. What are they? . , . , . , . , . 3) How many stripes does a tiger have? 4) Tigers can see BETTER / WORSE than humans at night. 5) A tigers roar can be heard a long way away TRUE / FALSE 6) Tigers use their .. to keep balance when turning. 7) The only carnivore species larger than the tiger is the 8) Tigers have four paws with four claws in each one. TRUE / FALSE 9) Tigers are POOR / EXCELLENT swimmers. 10) If you find a group of tigers you must call it a . 11) Tigers mainly hunt at DAY / NIGHT 12) Tigers can jump a total of . feet in one jump. It is an equivalent of . metres. 13) Write the four different habitats where tigers can be found: . , , . ,



A person who is stranded at sea is called a castaway. This is the case of Pi, the protagonist of the film. In the history of films castaways have been protagonists of many stories. Read the next texts on page 12 and then decide which film each sentence describes. Can you write the names of the films beside the sentences?

1. The castaways in this film had a pirate attack. 2. The actress in this film was awarded for her poor acting. 3. The protagonist of this film had to put on weight and then lose it again. 4. This film is an adaptation of a novel. 5. The story of these castaways is not a film but a TV series. 6. These two films are starred by children and teens. 7. Three films involved a plane in the story. 8. The castaways in this film lived on a tree house. 9. The children in this story go wild on the island. 10. The protagonist of this film is addicted to working. 11. The island of this story was full of mysteries.


CASTAWAYS IN THE MOVIES Castaways have always been a very popular subject for movie-makers. Over the years there have been classics and turkeys, some of which you can see here.


This is a Disney adaptation of a 1812 German novel. A family sailing to New Guinea is attacked by pirates and then shipwrecked on a deserted tropical island, where they create a home in a huge tree house. Filmed in Tobago, where there was little local wildlife, the studio imported animals from around the world.


It was a brilliant adaptation of Nobel Prize-winner William Goldings classic novel. A group of English schoolboys are evacuated from the country in the middle of a war by plane; the plane is shot down near a remote island. The children become savages after reaching land. Most of them had not read the book, so the result was highly improvised.


It was a ridiculous romantic adventure, which cost $4.5 million and took an incredible $59 million at the box office. Two young children are marooned on a tropical island paradise. They grow up and fall in love. The actress was only 14 and had to testify in Congress that body doubles were used in her nude scenes.

CAST AWAY (2000)

Tom Hanks gained 23 kilos for this film to make him look like an overweight, middle-aged man. After the fat scenes were filmed, Hanks had a years break to lose the extra kilos before filming began again. A workaholic business executive is marooned on an island after his plane crashes into the ocean.

TV SERIES LOST (2004-2010)

More recently, the latest boom of TV fiction created one of the best series of all time, Lost. This series is about the misfortunes of the survivors of a plane crash who find themselves on a mysterious tropical island. The series was a huge critical and popular success, and the last episode was watched worldwide.



ACTIVITY SEVEN This is a short summary of the film, but the sentences were torn by the tiger at the zoo. Can you match the beginnings and endings?

1. Pi has 2. Pi's classmates 3. Pi's father works 4. A Bengal tiger called

a. at the Zoo of Pondicherry. b. to Canada because his father

Richard Parker
5. Pi's family has to move 6. The ship sinks 7. Pi has to survive

sold the zoo. c. on the voyage to Canada. d. with Richard Parker and other animals in the lifeboat.
e. an older brother called Ravi. f. is the most wonderful animal at

the Zoo. g. call him funny names at school.

ACTIVITY EIGHT Pi's family's zoo has a lot of beautiful animals. Complete these sentences using there's a/an or there are. Think whether the sentence is singular or plural.

.......................... tiger in the zoo. .......................... elephant in the zoo. .......................... giraffe in the zoo. .......................... a lot of flamingoes in the zoo. .......................... rhino in the zoo. .......................... parrots in the zoo. .......................... snake in the zoo. .......................... orangutan in the zoo. .......................... zebras in the zoo. .......................... lion in the zoo. .......................... Komodo Dragon in the zoo.


ACTIVITY NINE SURVIVAL AT SEA After the ship sinks, Pi has a difficult time at sea, but his abilities help him survive the disaster. Read the next text, which has been adapted from the website . Then try to find the correct picture that describes each survival tip.


No one wants to contemplate their peaceful sailing vacation or boat trip turning into a disaster - and most mariners or ship passengers will have safe journeys. However, when faced with the unpredictable nature of the sea, it is best to plan for the worst.

1. Make sure your boat has the required supplies (seaworthy life raft, enough life jackets, dry suits, bottled water, radio transmitters, etc...). 2. Package your emergency items in waterproof containers above decks, preferably strapped into the lifeboat. 3. Create an emergency plan (one or two people should be in charge) and practice this emergency procedure with your shipmates.

4. Move above decks if you are not there already. 5. Collect your survival objects and move toward the nearest lifeboat. If you are not able to board the raft from the deck, swim towards it. Your odds of being rescued are much higher if you are with the group on a large raft. 6. Take seasickness medication, even if you do not usually get seasick. 7. Cover the life raft. There is usually a cover provided. This will help protect you from the weather. 8. Signal a distress call on your radio. You must state the name of your vessel, your situation, your last known location, and the number of people with you.


9. Collect seawater in a large container. Place a smaller container within this one, and cover both with plastic wrap. Place a small weight in the centre of the plastic wrap. Evaporation will cause the water to collect on the plastic, and drain inward, leaving the salt behind. 10. Catch fish using a curved piece of metal or plastic on a string. The shadow of the raft will attract fish, even further out at sea. If you have a net, you may try using this instead. Prepare the fish by removing all the guts (where parasites are most likely to be). Adapted from: 13














"Vaig a explicar-te una histria que et far creure en Du"

(Pi Patel a l'escriptor) Una de les caracterstiques de la societat actual s la barreja i la combinaci d'elements de diferents cultures, fruit de la mtua relaci que avui dia hi ha entre totes elles. Aquest procs de transculturitzaci i mestissatge entre diferents cultures es reflecteix a la pellcula en el "sincretisme religis" que professa el protagonista, en les reflexions filosfiques i espirituals del qual val la pena fixar-se. D'entrada, el protagonista s originari de l'ndia i ha estat educat en el sistema de creences hind. En aquesta religi, composta de diverses detats, els animals sn tractats amb respecte. Alguns dus hinds sn animals, com Hanuman, el du mico, o Ganesh, el du amb cap d'elefant.

Llegeix aquests textos i comentals a classe

* El Yajur Veda s un dels quatre Vedes (les escriptures sagrades ms antigues de l'ndia).

"No has dutilitzar el teu cos donat per Du per matar altres criatures de Du, ja siguin humanes, animals o el que sigui."
(Yajur Veda*, 12.32)

"Abstenint-se de matar qualsevol sser viu, s'obt l'aptitud per a la salvaci."

(Manusmriti, 6.60)

Per a ms, Pi viu la seva infncia a Pondicherry, al sud-est de l'ndia, una zona ocupada per Frana des de 1769 fins a 1954 i que va rebre la influncia de la cultura francesa. A la pellcula, el protagonista explica que alguns barris de Pondicherry semblen pobles francesos. Grcies al coneixement que Pi t de la religi cristiana portada all pels francesos (Pi visita una esglsia cristiana i demana als seus pares ser batejat) i de la religi musulmana (hi ha un barri musulm a Pondicherry), el protagonista fa seves algunes idees de cada religi i acaba creant el seu propi pensament religis, una mena de "sincretisme religis" barreja de creences hinds, cristianes, musulmans i jueves.

"La fe s una casa amb moltes habitacions"

Imatge de Ganesh, el du amb cap d'elefant Situaci de Pondicherry a lndia

(Pi Patel a lescriptor )


2. FE, FORA DE VOLUNTAT I CONVICCI EN SI MATEIX La vida de Pi s una pellcula d'aventures on es barregen una histria fantstica i una histria dramtica, ambdues travessades per un profund missatge sobre la importncia que tenen en la lluita contra les adversitats la fe, la fora de voluntat i la convicci en nosaltres mateixos. Al llarg del film, el protagonista s'ha d'enfrontar a molts reptes, el ms gran dels quals s les seves prpies pors personals que poden acabar ocasionant-li la mort. Durant 32) el seu solitari viatge per mar en companyia d'un tigre, Pi aprn a aplicar els ensenyaments rebuts i grcies a ells aconsegueix tirar endavant. A ms, Pi descobreix noves coses sobre si mateix que tamb l'ajudaran: com no perdre mai l'esperana i la convicci en qu no s'ha claudicar, per molt dolentes que siguin les circumstncies que ens envoltin. Aquestes idees, i la por a morir, sn els motors que mantenen viu el protagonista. Fent una lectura ms general sobre els ensenyaments i el missatge que transmeten aquest film, podem concloure que a tots nosaltres, com li passa al protagonista, se'ns poden presentar a la vida circumstncies que soscavin la nostra capacitat de resistncia a diferents nivells (tant fsic, com psicolgic, emocional, etc.) i sn en aquests moments quan es posa a prova el grau de convicci en nosaltres mateixos, la fora de les nostres conviccions i ideals. Alguns de nosaltres es recolzaran en les seves creences i valors religiosos, altres en les seves creences i valors humans, alguns cercaran el consell i les paraules de tercers... per tots, com Pi, haurem d'aprendre a ser forts i a no deixar-nos vncer per les adversitats, per molt grans que aquestes siguin.

Ang Lee (director del film) i Suraj Sharma (Pi Patel) amb Richard Parker, el tigre de la pellcula


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