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Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan


Reported speech Conditional if = unreal present Appositives Wish

Writing activity
Surat lamaran Cerita pengandaian Menulis kembali cerita


Orang kedua menyatakan keadaan orang pertama kepada orang ketiga.

Tiro to Agathe: I am happy. Agathe to Clodia: Tiro said that he was happy. Perhatikan jika kalimat tidak langsungnya mengalami penurunan Tense.

Y/N question
Tiro asks Agathe: Are you happy? Agathe tells Clodia: Tiro asked me whether I was happy.


Wh/H question
Tom asks Daisy: When will Nick come? Daisy tells Mary: Tom asked me when Nick would come.

Imperative +/Teacher says to Jim: Finish your assignment in three days and submit it to the office. Jim says to his friend: teacher asked me to finish my assignments in three days and submit it to the office.

Keterangan waktu berubah:

Today that day Now then Yesterday the day before Tomorrow the day after Etc.


Menyatakan sesuatu yang berupa khayalan, atau keadaan yang tidak ada saat ini.

If + S + V2 + O, S + would + V1 If + S + V2 + O, S + would + be + Adj/adv/noun

If she had much money, she would buy a house I would buy a new car if I got bonus. If I were you, I would propose to her. If she was famous, we would ask her autograph.


Mengandaikan suatu kejadian yang telah terjadi. Bila kejadiannya positif maka if nya negatif, dan sebaliknya.

If + S + had + Past Perfect, S + would have + past participle If + S + had + Past Perfect, S + would have +noun/adj/adv

If I had known earlier, I would have helped him. If she had come earlier, she would not have missed the train.


Sebuah atau beberapa kata yang menerangkan noun

Your daughter Selena is very cute. Barrack Obama, the President of USA, has a wife and two daughters. Born in 1985, Christiano Ronaldo has become the most expensive football player.


Menggunakan koma

Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, is located in Java island.

Menggunakan garis hubung

SBY the President of Indonesia will give a speech tomorrow.

Menggunakan kata-kata berikut:

Namely, in other words, for example, including, especially, particularly, notably, mainly

Tanda koma tidak digunakan ketika kata benda yang dijelaskan sangat umum dan appositive mengandung informasi sangat penting


S + Wish + to V1 / S + Wish + O + to V1 keinginan (desire)

I wish you to buy me a house. She wishes to be a chef.

S + Wish + that + S + V2 menyesali keadaan saat ini, atau menyatakan khayalan

I wish that I chose to be a doctor.

S + Wish + S + past participle menyesali keadaan masa lalu

I wish I had bought a house.

Surat lamaran (lagi) Cerita pengandaian menggunakan wish Melengkapi cerita

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