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The night hides a world, but reveals a universe. Necessity can change a lion into a fox. Every man is the king of his own beard. You can close the city gates, but you cant close the peoples mouths. timely tear is better than a misplaced smile. sword in the hands of a drunken slave is less dangerous than science in the hands of the immoral. stone thrown at the right time is better than gold given at the wrong time . The elephant dreams of one thing, and the elephant driver dreams of another. The person who wants a rose must respect the thorn. You cant pick up two watermelons with one hand. camel that wants fodder stretches out its neck. !o and wake up your luck. " used to complain because " had no shoes until " met a man who was dead. You cant please everyone. fools excuse is bigger than his mistake. greedy man is always poor. Excessive praise is like an insult. drowning man is not bothered by rain. #arriage is an uncut watermelon. Thinking is the essence of wisdom. The $oy of finding something is often worth more than what is found. bad wound heals but a bad word doesn%t thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf. &e a lion at home and a fox abroad. &y a sweet tongue and kindness, you can drag an elephant with a hair. Every man goes down to his death bearing in his hands only that which he has given away. !o as far as you can see, and when you get there you%ll see further. 'e gives him roast meat and beats him with the spit. "f a man would live in peace, he should be blind, deaf, and dumb. (uck is infatuated with the efficient. No lamp burns till morning. Taking the first step with the good thought, the second with the good word, and the third with the good deed, " enter paradise. )rite kindness in marble and write in$uries in the dust. The best of men are but men at best. The blind man is laughing at the bald head The wise man sits on the hole in his carpet. *se your enemy%s hand to catch a snake. )alls have mice and mice have ears. )hat is brought by the wind will be carried away by the wind. )hen the cat and mouse agree, the grocer is ruined. You can%t polish a turd. You can%t put new wine in old bottles. + & ,+-.E+&/ A chameleon does not leave one tree until he is sure of another.

A foolish man may be known by six things: Anger without cause, speech without profit, change without progress, inquiry without object, putting trust in a stranger, and mistaking foes for friends. A horse of good breed is not dishonored by his saddle. A house divided cannot stand. A sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to our steps as we walk the tightrope of life. A wise man associating with the vicious becomes an idiot; a dog traveling with good men becomes a rational being. Arrogance diminishes wisdom. Ask the experienced rather than the learned. Ask thy purse what thou should st buy. !elieve what you see and lay aside what you hear. "all someone your lord and he ll sell you in the slave market. #at whatever you like, but dress as others do. #very ambitious man is a captive and every covetous one a pauper. #very sun has to set. $e fasted for a whole year and then broke his fast with an onion. $e who peeps at the neighbor s window may chance to lose his eyes. %easure your guilt, then stretch your legs. &o crowd ever waited at the gates of patience. 'lder than you by a day, wiser than you by a year. 'nly the tent pitched by your own hands will stand. 'nly three things in life are certain birth, death and change. (eek counsel of him who makes you weep, and not of him who makes you laugh. )he fruit of silence is tranquility. )he mind is for seeing, the heart is for hearing.

)he sinning is the best part of repentance. )he wound of words is worse than the wound of swords. )he wound that bleedeth inwardly is the most dangerous. )hink of the going out before you enter. *isit rarely, and you will be more loved. +hat is learnt in the cradle lasts to the grave. +ishing does not make a poor man rich. +it is folly unless a wise man hath the keeping of it. +rite the bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble.

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