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01234125 /25565732 #68597: ;61 !<0' )53212%3%
1he mlsslon of 8MC ls Lo culLlvaLe an lncluslve church and socleLy and Lo care for Lhe MennonlLe and
8reLhren lesblan, gay, blsexual, Lransgender, and allled communlLy.

#61961=5 *27>4?61466@ A1>=57B=3765 =5@ /7@36C5 D=1E21% /=1F23
1he Corcoran nelghborhood CrganlzaLlon (CnC) unlLes nelghbors Lo sLrengLhen our communlLy. We
envlslon Corcoran as a place LhaL fosLers leadershlp, engagemenL, and a sense of belonglng. rograms
lnclude: Corcoran CommunlLy Carden, Land use & Pouslng, Mu[eres en Acclon, ubllc ArL, MldLown
larmers MarkeL, and Pouslng 8esources.

)EE7>1=53 !=C #25321 6; /*
1he lmmlgranL Law CenLer of Mn provldes quallLy lmmlgraLlon legal servlces, law-relaLed educaLlon, and
advocacy Lo meeL Lhe sLeadlly lncreaslng needs of MlnnesoLa's lmmlgranL and refugee communlLles.
rogrammlng exlsLs ln Lhe areas of advocacy, legal servlces, and educaLlon.

G6753 H2:7>768% !2>7%:=37I2 #6=:73765 JGH!#K
Culded by Cod's vlslon of Lhe common good as reflecLed ln !ewlsh, ChrlsLlan, and lslamlc LradlLlons, !8LC
moblllzes rellglous communlLles Lo lnfluence publlc pollcy ln MlnnesoLa. AcLlvlLles lnclude !8LC lssue
papers, advocacy aL Lhe sLaLe caplLol, and organlzlng for soclal [usLlce.

!83421=5 ,697=: ,21I792 6; /* L H2;8>22 ,21I792%
LuLheran Soclal Servlce of MlnnesoLa's (LSS) vlslon ls LhaL all people wlll llve and work ln communlLy wlLh
dlgnlLy, safeLy, and hope. As an afflllaLe of LuLheran lmmlgraLlon and 8efugee Servlce (Ll8S), Lhelr deslre ls
Lo welcome newcomers Lo MlnnesoLa from around Lhe world. LSS 8efugee Servlces sLrlves Lo address Lhe
needs of all refugees and walk beslde Lhem as Lhey sLarL Lhelr new llves ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes. AsslsLlng
federally approved refugees from varlous counLrles, Lhey provlde reseLLlemenL and lmmlgraLlon servlces
Lo refugees and asylees. Servlces lnclude refugee reseLLlemenL servlces, lmmlgraLlon servlces, refugee
cash asslsLance, and famlly reunlflcaLlon.

*27>4?61466@ M68%2
1he nelghborhood Pouse mlsslon ls Lo help people, famllles and organlzaLlons develop Lhe skllls,
knowledge, and confldence Lo Lhrlve ln dlverse communlLles, slnce 1897. Servlces lnclude famlly servlces,
food shelf, refugee reseLLlemenL, adulL educaLlon, college access, early chlldhood educaLlon, healLh
access, gang reducLlon and lnLervenLlon program, ouL-of-school Llme, and Leen programs.

AN25 .1E% 6; /*
Cpen Arms cooks and dellvers free meals speclflcally Lallored Lo meeL Lhe nuLrlLlon needs of lndlvlduals
llvlng wlLh Plv/AluS, MS, ALS, breasL cancer and more Lhan 60 oLher dlseases. 1hey also work wlLh
communlLles ln sub-Saharan Afrlca, provldlng food and Lechnlcal asslsLance for people llvlng wlLh and
affecLed by Plv/AluS. 1hey belleve LhaL eaLlng dellclous, nuLrlLlous meals helps make our cllenLs'
medlclnes and LreaLmenLs more effecLlve, so Lhey are able Lo lead healLhler, more lndependenL llves.

A81 ,=I761$% #6EE8573O ,21I792% L +5>:7%4 !2=1575> #25321
A learnlng communlLy of refugees, lmmlgranLs, and advocaLes, Lhelr mlsslon ls bulldlng knowledge for
beLLer llves and llvellhoods. Classes focus on Lngllsh language, maLh, clLlzenshlp, and Lechnology.

-16P293 ;61 -17@2 75 !7I75> J--!K
L ls dedlcaLed Lo helplng 1wln ClLles' resldenLs achleve self-sufflclency. rograms offered fall under
areas of houslng, employmenL Lralnlng, supporL servlces, youLh programs, and school.

H2@22E21 #25321 ;61 !7;2
8edeemer's mlsslon ls Lo acL as an agenL of hope and LransformaLlon Lo preserve a vlbranL communlLy ln
Lhe Parrlson nelghborhood of norLh Mlnneapolls. rograms lnclude Pouslng and 1ranslLlon (PA1)
rogram, venLure norLh 8lke Walk and Coffee, 8edeemer AfLer-School rogram, Summer ?ouLh
rograms, 8edeemer Muslc ArLs Academy, norLhslde WresLllng Club, and 8reakfasL Club.

,6P681521 '1834 .9=@2EO
1he mlsslon of Lhe school ls Lo prepare chlldren for Lhe fuLure by bulldlng confldence and a sLrong sense
of self-worLh Lhrough small classrooms and an open, safe, famlly-llke envlronmenL. S1A supporLs famllles
by embraclng change when necessary for Lhe good of Lhe chlldren and servlng as a brldge Lo Lhe
communlLy. SLaff aL S1A ls dedlcaLed Lo and held accounLable for provldlng a learnlng experlence LhaL ls
culLurally relevanL, challenglng and fun. S1A ls a publlc elemenLary charLer school.

'42 .@I69=32% ;61 M8E=5 H7>43%
1he AdvocaLes for Puman 8lghLs ls dedlcaLed Lo promoLlng and proLecLlng human rlghLs. 1hrough cuLLlng-
edge research, educaLlon, and advocacy, 1he AdvocaLes saves llves, flghLs ln[usLlce, resLores peace, and
bullds Lhe human rlghLs movemenL ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes and around Lhe world. rograms lnclude Puman
8lghLs LducaLlon rogram, lnLernaLlonal !usLlce rogram, 8efugee and lmmlgranL rogram, Women's
Puman 8lghLs rogram. ro[ecLs lnclude Cne volce MlnnesoLa (CvM), Puman Sex 1rafflcklng ln
MlnnesoLa, Lnergy of a naLlon, ulscover Puman 8lghLs lnsLlLuLe, 1he nepal School, ueaLh enalLy ro[ecL,
and SLop vlolence AgalnsL Women.

'17573O !83421=5 #65>12>=3765
1rlnlLy LuLheran Church's mlsslon, as an lmporLanL parL of Lhe Cedar-8lverslde nelghborhood, ls Lo do as
!esus dld Lhrough word and deed: help feed Lhe hungry, heal Lhe broken, help bear Lhelr burdens, Lhereby
belng a ChrlsLlan presence and llvlng ouL Lhe Word ln llves. 1hey acknowledge Lhe greaL splrlLual and
culLural dlverslLy of Lhe Cedar-8lverslde nelghborhood and respecL, supporL and afflrm Lhe dlgnlLy of all
people and Lhelr speclflc falLhs and culLural frameworks. rograms lnclude a homework help program for
youLh ln Cedar 8lverslde.

'C75 #7372% M=?73=3 ;61 M8E=573O
1wln ClLles PablLaL for PumanlLy brlngs people LogeLher Lo creaLe and preserve homeownershlp ln our
nelghborhoods, Lo parLner wlLh hard-worklng, low-lncome famllles Lo be successful homeowners, and Lo
lnsplre acLlon LhaL promoLes affordable houslng for everyone ln our communlLy. rograms lnclude Lhe
Pomeownershlp program, A 8rush wlLh klndness program and Lhe MorLgage loreclosure revenLlon

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