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Gabrielle Tanson John Greens The Fault in Our Stars COLLECTIONS 1.

Hazel Reader As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once (Green 124-125) Chapter 8 ANALYSIS 1. After her doctors came to the conclusion that she shouldnt go to Amsterdam with Augustus, Hazel was thrown in a swirl of depression. The littlest things would make her break into tears, from the monochromic sky to her old swing set that held some of her happiest memories. The only person who could possibly make her feel any better was Augustus Waters. After spending a day finding a new home for her old sing set, the cancerous couple resigned to Hazels bedroom to relax. He spent the entire day with her just because she wasnt having a good day. He would shower her in compliments and let her express herself in any way she wanted. This is when Hazel realized she was in love with Augustus She started noticing the little things about him that would make her smile. From his metaphors to his little deep quotes, Hazel appreciated all of it. Thats when she realized she was for once truly happy, and never wanted to live in a world without Augustus. Hazel has never experienced anything like this. And she never expected this to happen. But she liked it. 2. Even the strongest people feel weak at times. This is a reoccurring theme in The Fault in Our Stars. Augustus and Hazel, first start out as the main heroes in the novel. Theyre witty and brave, ready to take on anything that comes their way. However, as time goes on, the hardships of their cancer and surroundings start to take a toll on them. Augustus osteosarcoma makes a reappearance and starts spreading even faster. He starts deteriorating a remarkable pace. Knowing that her true love was dying before her eyes, Hazel mind starts spiraling out of control. Shes distressed, terrified, and confused. Augustus tries to lighten the mood by throwing himself his own prefuneral. Isaac and Hazel both read their prewritten eulogies to Augustus, so he can hear them and react to them before he dies. At

2. Augustus Hazel That's the thing about pain, Augustus said, and then glanced back at me. It demands to be felt. (Green 63) Chapter 4

that point, everyone is remembering their happy days with Augustus. Hazel, especially. Ignorance is bliss. However, this bliss was sadly sliced away eight days later, when Augustus cancerous cells stopped his heart completely. This shows us no matter how happy you can be; theres always some pain in everything. Its inevitable. You just have to learn to cope with it. 3. Hazel Readers I tried to tell myself that it could be worse, that the world was not a wish-granting factory, that I was living with cancer not dying of it, that I mustn't let it kill me before it kills me (Green 121) Chapter 8 3. Hazel didnt want to give up. Just because she was diagnosed with cancer didnt mean she had to let it run her life. She is a teenage girl with a future ahead of her. You can see the aspects of a normal young adult come out in her. She goes to the mall; out with friends, and even pulls a major prank down the road. She doesnt want her teenage years to be lived in fear. Fear of dying. She knows any day could be her last, so she decides to live life to the fullest. Meeting Augustus set her on the right path o do so. She travels, meets new people, takes risks, and finds true love. She could have a more fatal cancer, like leukemia. Therefore, she decides she is lucky and deserves to be happy. Just because she doesnt have the best lungs, doesnt mean she cant do what she wants. And she does do what she wants. And no one can stop her, not even her parents. Hazel doesnt want to become her disease. She doesnt want it to define her. Her cancer makes her stronger and pushes her harder, which you can see throughout the book. 4. The fear of oblivion is one of the biggest themes in The Fault in Our Stars. With the two main characters, Augustus Waters and Hazel Grace Lancaster, both suffering from cancer, they do not know when their last days will be. Since this quote is stated in the beginning of the novel, you have to read in suspense because either of the two can die at any given moment. When you first meet Augustus you think hes strong and worry-free, but you can tell right here that hes not. He doesnt want to just pass through life like everybody else. He wants to make an impact on someones life,

4. Augustus Waters Hazel Grace Lancaster I fear oblivion. I fear it like a proverbial blind man whos afraid of the dark. (Green 12) Chapter 1

5. Augustus Peter Van Houten My thoughts are stars I cant fathom into constellations. (Green 311) Chapter 25

6. Augustus Peter Van Houten You dont get to choose if you get hurt in the world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. (Green 313) Chapter 25

and as you read through the book he does, but is also impacted by the people around him. 5. This quote explains the title of the book: The Fault in Our Stars. Based on this quote stated by Augustus, you can translate the title to The Fault in Our Thoughts. And that describes the book perfectly. Upon reading this book, you expect to have your normal cancer love novel. You expect someone to die, someones heart to be broken, and a big resolution. But I think its safe to say, we got more than that. It wasnt your traditional love story. You could feel the love radiating out of this book. And it wasnt a cutesy kind of love. It was a passionate love; a love you wouldnt expect from a young adults novel. There was more to it than you really expected. There was humor, grief, and a pinch of morality. It made you think so much that your mind was swirling. Your thoughts were stars you couldnt fathom into constellations. It was like nothing that Ive ever read before. The fault in our thoughts is that we went into this book with a preempt idea of what would happen, and we came out with more. Its exactly like that with life. Sometimes you dont get what you asked for, but its up to you to take what you received and put it to good use. 6. In The Fault in Our Stars, there is one thing all the characters have in common: pain. Theyve either experienced it, or caused it. Either way theyve been a part of the endless cycle of pain in this novel. Thats the thing about pain. It demands to be felt. Its unavoidable. However, you have the power to say who causes you this pain. In The Fault in Our Stars, the cycle of pain is between Hazel, Augustus, and cancer. Cancer brings physical and emotional pain to the couple, as it destroys their bodies and minds. However, Augustus and Hazel choose to fight cancer, as much as they can. Theyre having some say in cancer hurting them, and theyre saying no. However, even though they voiced their opinion to cancer, with drugs and radiation sessions, it wasnt enough. Cancer took

7. AugustusMrs. Lancaster Some tourists think Amsterdam is a city of sin, but in truth it is a city of freedom. And in freedom, most people find sin (Green 157) Chapter 11

Augustus from Hazel. The cancer dint hurt their relationship though. It made it better, and stronger, that it continued. The author of The Fault in Our Star, John Green, actually revealed that Augustus and Hazel get married afterwards. Not physically, but emotionally and spiritually. Even though cancer brought a pain to the couple, eventually, the pain left, leaving them with an evangelical zeal. 7. Freedom and sin can always go hand in hand. It dates back to ancient times. In the bible, when God first made Adam and Eve, He gave them anything they wanted, under one condition: they dont eat from the tree planted in the Garden of Eden. However Adam and Eve push their newly given freedom and eat from the tree. God figures out and banishes them. And what do they plea? Please forgive Lord, for we have sinned. In The Fault in Our Stars, I feel as though the characters all have a sense of the Seven Deadly Sins within them. Augustus is most definitely pride; hes attractive and he knows it. But he also has a sense of wrath. Hes angry that the cancer is killing him. Thats why he keeps cigarettes between his teeth, but doesnt light them. Its a metaphor to show cancer that even though itd infiltrated his body, he wont give it the power to kill him. Hazel is lust and greed. I think these two go together. Hazel has a lust for Augustus, not sexually, but emotionally. He keeps her calm and happy, and makes her feel like she isnt diseased. But shes also very greedy around him. When she discovers his deceased ex-girlfriends Facebook page, she cant help but to feel unsettled. She doesnt like the way Augustus loved someone before her and gave this someone all his attention. In her mind that attention is reserved for her. Peter Van Houten demonstrates gluttony, envy, and sloth. Hes an old drunk! The only thing he knows is alcohol. And thats all he wants all the time. With all this liquor in his system, he becomes lazy and sluggish. Hes a good for nothing author, who does nothing with his life. However, he uses alcohol to

mask the pain he feels due to the death of his daughter. How did his daughter die? Cancer. Hes envious of Hazels life. He wonders why his daughter couldnt have stayed alive like her. These three characters all have the freedom to do whatever they please. Theres nothing stopping them, especially not cancer.

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