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2 TRANSCRIPTION Nom du projet : Identification Appel :


Date : Heure dbut: Heure fin: Dure :

No. de conversation : Type : Langue(s) : Identification Personnes : No de tlphones intercepts : No tlphone entrant/ sortant : Contenu de la conversation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
VR: TM: VR: TM: VR: TM: VR: TM: VR: TM: VR: TM: VR: TM: VR: TM: VR: TM: VR: TM: VR: TM: Hello, Yeah. Hello. Hello, yeah.

2003-02-11 15:25:00 15:26:34 01m34s 2003-02-11 15-25_1.wav

Transcription Franais Anglais a) Vito RIZZUTO (VR) b) Tony MAGI (TM)

Traduction Autre(s) :


Hi, how are you? Fine you? Good. You know who's speaking? Han? You know who speaking? I know, Tony. Yeah. How are you? I'm sorry, I have a bad cold that's why maybe you didn't recognize me. No I always recognize you. You got a second? You got a second? A second when? To talk. On the phone? Yeah. Now, I'm busy a little bit, but if I could see you later it would be good. No because I have the money, the guy with, the check. Yeah. I still, I have the check, it's two weeks, the guy is in front of me here. Yeah. Ok, to give me the check, I had Jimmy here. 1

23. VR: 24. TM:

Yeah. Ok. I, I, I, hold on. I don't know, I don't know what to do, I mean you know last week, I don't know what to do, last week, you told me, you told me he didn't want the check Giorgio. I don't know what to do anymore. But, but he told me, he told me this morning that, what's his name wants 45 days due diligence. And that is for, that, that, that's for the other three million dollars. Well he didn't understand that, see. Ah, Ok, remember, remember, when we talked last week. He didn't understand that. Tony he didn't understand that. Oh, he understood he was in the meeting. No but I'm saying, listen if you don't have, if you give him the check there's no problem. He doesn't' wanna to take it, he doesn't want, he doesn't want, Ok. I'm gonna see you. I'll call you back. When can I see you? I'll call you back, I'm, right now I'm busy, a little bit, when I arrive. Ok. Call me back, call me back in an hour please. Alright, sorry. Ciao. Bye. Ok, bye. [FIN] 00:01:30

25. VR: 26. TM: 27. VR: 28. 29. 30. 31.


32. TM: 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

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