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SCRABBLE COMPETITION FOR PRIMARY SCHOOLS RULES AND GUIDELINES 1.0 Aim The Scrabble competition aims to extend vocabulary and develop spelling skills in the English language among pupils. 2.0 Objecti e! 2.1 To enhance pupils vocabulary in the English language. 2.2 To encourage teamwork and promote integration among pupils. 2.3 To provide a plat orm or learning in a un and en!oyable manner. ".0 C#m$etiti#% &'(e! 3.1 E(i)ibi(it* This competition is open to Ye+& , t# Ye+& - pupils rom government" aided schools only. 3.2 Te+m 3.2.1 Each team should comprise 2 main players and 1 reserve o di erent race# ethnicity rom the same state they are representing.

3.2.2 Each team should be accompanied by an English $anguage teacher. 3.3 Time 3.3.1 Each team is given 10 !ec#%.! to come out with a %minimum& correctly spelt "/(ette& 0#&. in English language.

3.3.2 The team will begin their move when the time keeper rings the bell once. The team now has 1' seconds to make their move. 3.3.3 ( ter 1' seconds) the time keeper will ring the bell twice to indicate that the move is now over. %* the team cannot place the tiles o a word on the board within the time allocated) they will lose their turn&. 3.3.+ The game is played until all tiles are used or until both teams cannot orm a word %whichever comes irst&.

3.+ F#&m+t 3.+.1 The game is played by two opposing teams rom di erent states. 3.+.2 Each team will be given a rack o seven tiles to play. 3.+.3 Each team will have to pick a tile rom the bag. The team with the highest ace value will make the irst move. 3.+.+ ,nly words in the ormal English -ictionary are allowed. 3.. Atti&e 3...1 /articipants should be in school uni orms. 3.0 Re!t&icti#%! 3.6.1 -ictionaries c+%%#t be consulted by the players while playing. 3.0.2 1o vulgar or indecent words) proper nouns) acronyms) slangs) plural %s& and in ormal spelling are allowed. 3.0.3 1o movement o the board during the game is allowed. 3.0.+ /layers are not allowed to change tiles that they have taken out rom the bag. 3.2 1'.)e! 3.2.1 The game will be !udged by two !udges3 an accuracy !udge and a point !udge % rom states that are not competing in that particular round&. 3.2.2 The !udge may re er to a dictionary in case o doubt. 3.2.3 The !udge will abide by the scoring criteria and write the points or the participating teams as they are scored. %Scrabble 4omprehensive Scoring 5uides or 6udges and /layers) in (ppendix 1&.

3.2.+ There will be a panel o !ury or the !udges to re er to in case o doubt. 3.7 Deci!i#%! 3.7.1 The team with the highest score will be declared the winner. 3.7.2 The decision o the !udges is inal.

3.8 P&i2e! 3.8.1 4erti icates o achievement will be awarded to the winning teams. 3.8.2 4erti icates o participation will be awarded to all participating teams.

1ote9 This concept paper is valid until urther noti ication or revision rom the :inistry , Education and can be used at all levels or competitions organi;ed by the :inistry. -ivision o 4o"curriculum and (rts :inistry o Education) :alaysia

Sc&+bb(e C#m$&e3e%!i e Sc#&i%) G'i.e 4#& 1'.)e! +%. P(+*e&!

1.(. 1.<. 1.4. 1.-. Scores will be awarded to each team which will be accumulated at the end o the game to determine the winning team. The score or point value o each letter is indicated by a number at the bottom o the tile. The score value o the blank is ;ero. /remium $etter S=uares9 ( light blue s=uare doubles the score o the letter played on it. ( dark blue s=uare triples the score o the letter played on it. /remium >ord S=uares9 The score o the entire word is doubled when one o the letters is placed on a pink s=uare. *t is tripled when a letter is placed on a red s=uare. *nclude premiums or double or triple letter values) i any) be ore doubling or tripling the word score. * a word is ormed that covers two premium word s=uares) the score should be doubled and re"doubled %that is) our times the letter count&) or tripled or re"tripled %nine times the letter count&. 1ote that the centre s=uare o the board is pink) and there ore doubles the score or the irst word played. The score or each turn is the sum o the score values in each word ormed or modi ied in play) plus the premium values resulting rom placing letters on premium s=uares. $etters and word premiums apply only in the turn in which they are irst used. *n subse=uent turns) letters count at ace value only. >hen a blank tile alls on a pink or red s=uare) the sum o the letters in the word is doubled or tripled even though the blank itsel has no score value. >hen two or more words are ormed in the same turn) each is scored. The common letters are counted) with ull premium values i any) in the score or each word. (ny player who plays all seven o his tiles in a single turn scores a premium or bonus o .' points in addition to his regular score or the play. * the total mark is a tie between two states) an extra turn will be given to each team to orm the inal word. /oints are to be subtracted when the players have unplayed tiles le t on their racks at the end o the game.


1.?. 1.5. 1.@.

1.*. 1.6. 1.A.


TE(: 1 State9 CE:(CAS TE(: 2 State9 CE:(CAS


1 2 D 3 D + D . D 0 D 2 D 7 D 8 D 1' D 11 D 12

D 13 D 1+ D 1. D 10 D 12 D 17 D 18 D 2'

Score " Bnplayed tiles Total score

6udges 1ame Signature -ate


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