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khett ower

Co-Iounder & res|dent, W||d Creat|ons

1enac|ous Lntrepreneur, Speaker, 8us|ness
Coach, Author, Idea Guy, LNI, kCV,
Lxp|orer, Dad

8heLL ower co-founded Wlld CreaLlons (WlLu) ln
2007 and qulckly bullL Lhe sLarLup Loy company
lnLo Lhe 2010 Iastest Grow|ng 8us|ness |n South
Caro||na. Wlld CreaLlons was awarded a 8lue
8lbbon 1op 73 uS Company by Lhe uS Chamber of
Commerce and named as one of Inc. Magaz|ne's S00 Iastest Grow|ng US
Compan|es Lwo years ln a row. Pe and hls Leam have won over 40 nat|ona|
awards for Lhelr lnnovaLlve Loys. Pe has been Lwlce named a flnallsL for
Lrnst and oung's Lntrepreneur of the ear award. Pe has been feaLured
and quoLed ln CNN Money,, 8|oomberg, and the Wa|| Street
Iourna| and many oLher naLlonal and reglonal medla. ower and company
recenLly Look Wlld CreaLlons publlc ln lebruary 2013.

ower ls a soughL-afLer speaker on enLrepreneurshlp, the toy industry,
leadership, small business, and startups. Pe ls also a recognlzed experL on
markeLlng and medla sLraLegles, producL developmenL, brandlng, and
markeL Lrends. Pls flrsL book on enLrepreneurshlp ls scheduled for release
ln Aprll 2014.

ower currenLly has an acLlve role ln Lhe 1oy lndusLry AssoclaLlon's ollLlcal
AcLlon CommlLLee. ower served ln Lhe uS eace Corps and ls a graduaLe of
Lhe unlverslLy of SouLh Carollna. He's also preparing to sail his boat around
the world...when his kids get out of college and he can take six months off.

What the Med|a |s Say|ng about khett ower
l would love Lo have you back on Lhe show." - Lx|t 1h|s Way kad|o
l would deflnlLely have you on agaln, 8heLL. ?ou can offer greaL lnslghL
from several dlfferenL perspecLlves." - W|de Cpen Wash|ngton
1hank you for belng a greaL guesL on our show."- 1he no|||s Chapman Show
"l wanL Lo Lhank you agaln for such a wonderful lnLervlew. ?ou were
fanLasLlc and l wlll deflnlLely have you back ln november for more 1oy
1alk!" - Ianuary Iones Shar|ng Success Stor|es
8heLL, Lhanks. l expecL Lhe Cp-Ld wlll sLlr some lnLeresL." - Wa|| Street
Iourna| Ld|tor|a| Staff

khett ower, Successfu| Lntrepreneur, Speaker, 8us|ness
Adv|sor, and Author, Can D|scuss the Io||ow|ng:
Call me crazy: l wanL Lo sLarL a buslness,
Pow Lo creaLe a new lncome sLream ln your buslness,
Pow Lo pursue your passlon and leave a legacy,
Shameless self-promoLlon for enLrepreneurs,
Pow Lo keep lnnovaLlon ln your buslness,
Pow Lo grow a remarkable buslness ln any fleld,
Pow Lo Lough lL ouL durlng Lough Llmes,
1he new markeLlng mlx from SLC Lo lacebook and how lL all works, and
Pow LradlLlonal reLall (brlck and morLar) can survlve.

khett ower's Guest Lxpert Interv|ew Credent|a|s
8ullL a sLarLup lnLo one of Lhe fasLesL growlng companles ln Lhe uS wlLh
1200 growLh-ln Lhe worsL economlc Llmes slnce Lhe greaL depresslon,
lasLesL Crowlng Company ln SouLh Carollna by SouLh Carollna Chamber of
Commerce 2010,
8lue 8lbbon 1op 73 uS Companles by uS Chamber of Commerce,
LnLrepreneur of Lhe ?ear llnallsL by LrnsL and ?oung 2011 & 2012,
lnc. Magazlne's 300 lasLesL Crowlng Companles 2011 & 2012 ,
40 naLlonal awards for producL deslgn,
leaLured and quoLed ln Cnn Money,, Cood Mornlng Amerlca,
Lhe 1oday Show , and Lhe Wall SLreeL !ournal,
AuLhor of Lhe new book Cne Mllllon lrogs"-a gulde for LnLrepreneurs,
Lxperlenced radlo and Lelevlslon guesL, and
CurrenLly launchlng a new crowdsourclng webslLe.

Guest Lxpert Ava||ab|||ty
8y Lelephone, Skype, or ln person, Lo be negoLlaLed

Guest Lxpert Interv|ew 8ook|ng Contact
Lmall: rpower[
hone: (843) 336-0340

Guest Lxpert Web S|te and Soc|a| Med|a Contacts
1wlLLer: [rheLLpower
Llnkedln: rheLLpower

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