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How to Write a Research Question

Posted on March 8, 2012 by admin What is a research question? A research question is a clear, focused, concise, complex and arguable question around which you center your research. You should ask a question about an issue that you are genuinely curious about. Why is a research question essential to the research process? esearch questions hel! writers "ocus their research by !ro#iding a !ath through the research and writing !rocess. $he s!eci"icity o" a well%de#elo!ed research question hel!s writers a#oid the &all%about' !a!er and work toward su!!orting a s!eci"ic, arguable thesis. Steps to developing a research question

!hoose an interesting general topic" (#en directed academic research should "ocus on a to!ic in which the writer is at least somewhat !ersonally in#ested. )riters should choose a broad to!ic about which they genuinely would like to know more. An e*am!le o" a general to!ic might be &+la#ery in the American +outh' or &,ilms o" the 1-.0s.' #o some preliminary research on your general topic" /o a "ew quick searches in current !eriodicals and 0ournals on your to!ic to see what1s already been done and to hel! you narrow your "ocus. )hat questions does this early research raise2 !onsider your audience" ,or most college !a!ers, your audience will be academic, but always kee! your audience in mind when narrowing your to!ic and de#elo!ing your question. Would that particular audience be interested in this question? Start as$ing questions" $aking into consideration all o" the abo#e, start asking yoursel" o!en%ended &how' and &why' questions about your general to!ic. ,or e*am!le, &3ow did the sla#e trade e#ol#e in the 1840s in the American +outh2' or &)hy were sla#e narrati#es e""ecti#e tools in working toward the abolishment o" sla#ery2'

%valuate your question" Is your research question clear? )ith so much research a#ailable on any gi#en to!ic, research questions must be as clear as !ossible in order to be e""ecti#e in hel!ing the writer direct his or her research.

Is your research question focused? esearch questions must be s!eci"ic enough to be well co#ered in the s!ace a#ailable. 5+ee "li! side "or e*am!les o" "ocused #s. un"ocused research questions.6 Is your research question complex? esearch questions should not be answerable with a sim!le &yes' or &no' or by easily%"ound "acts. $hey should, instead, require both research and analysis on the !art o" the writer.

Hypothesi&e" A"ter you1#e come u! with a question, think about what the !ath you think the answer will take. )here do you think your research will take you2 )hat kind o" argument are you ho!ing to make7su!!ort2 )hat will it mean i" your research dis!utes your !lanned argument2

Sample Research Questions

'nclear Why are social networking sites harmful? !lear How are online users experiencing or addressing privacy issues on such social networking sites as MySpace and acebook? $he unclear #ersion o" this question doesn1t s!eci"y which social networking sites or suggest what kind o" harm the sites are causing. 8t also assumes that this &harm' is !ro#en and7or acce!ted. $he clearer #ersion s!eci"ies sites 5My+!ace and ,acebook6, the ty!e o" harm 5!ri#acy issues6, and who the issue is harming 5users6. A strong research question should ne#er lea#e room "or ambiguity or inter!retation. 'nfocused What is the effect on the environment from global warming? (ocused How is glacial melting affecting penguins in !ntarctica? $he un"ocused research question is so broad that it couldn1t be adequately answered in a book%length !iece, let alone a standard college%le#el !a!er. $he "ocused #ersion narrows down to a s!eci"ic cause 5glacial melting6, a s!eci"ic !lace 5Antarctica6, and a s!eci"ic grou! that is a""ected 5!enguins6. )hen in doubt, make a research question as narrow and "ocused as !ossible. )oo simple How are doctors addressing diabetes in the "#S#? *ppropriately !omplex What are common traits of those suffering from diabetes in !merica$ and how can these commonalities be used to aid the medical community in prevention of the disease? $he sim!le #ersion o" this question can be looked u! online and answered in a "ew "actual sentences9 it lea#es no room "or analysis. $he more com!le* #ersion is written in two !arts9 it is thought !ro#oking and requires both signi"icant in#estigation and e#aluation "rom the writer. As a general rule o" thumb, i" a quick :oogle search can answer a research question, it1s likely not #ery e""ecti#e. ;ast u!dated 107-7200Related +osts

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