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"Can I have a bouquet of white rose please?" "Certainly Ma'am.

" I started working on it, cleaned the thorn and decorated with white ribbon. I just needed ten minutes to work on it. "Finished." "Oh my, so pretty. Thank you." She smiles gratefully. "Ten dollars, right?" I accepted her money, smiled softly. "Yes, Ma'am thank you and please, come again." I bowed a little to respect her. "I will." Then she was gone. My name is Emily and my Mom owned this florist. She raised me with flowers around me, taught me their languages which were so plentiful yet beautiful. She passed away when I was fourteen because of cancer. At that moment, I have promised to myself to continue this florist because this was what she left for me. And my Dad looked no problem with it. My Dad is a businessman. He is rarely at home. I can see he's so stressful since Mom left him forever. We stopped talking and spent weekend together. Let's say I always feel invisible in our big home. But I just can't blame him, I can see he loves Mom so much it hurt him so deep. if he wants, he can make a new relationship with other girls, he's a success and handsome man after all. But in fact he doesn't. Today was same with others. There was no special order, just some clients that came just for an ordinary bouquet. I had expected to be like this, lucky me, I brought a book. I read it and tried to drown myself in it. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee was a good book. Dad gave it when I was twelve years old and I had read it for three times and maybe four times, after this. Hey Emily. Emily. Emily! Urrgghh Jane what is it? Cant you see Im reading? She was staring at something outside the store. I followed her stare. Aaahh I see. That car again? Yes again and again, after three weeks. Arent you curious? Unfortunately not. Its just an usual car, Jane. Dont be scared. I calmed her. Perhaps, the owner has a business around here. Just forget it. Oh come on, Em. Thats not what I mean. Thats such an expensive car. The owner must be a man and sexy. Ooh yes Jane, a flirter. I just laughed with her outburst. A sexy car doesnt mean a sexy man, Jane. And stop acting like you dont have a boyfriend. Peter is a good man.

All right Mom, I know that and I love him. And you know what? I can seek a good man for ya if you dont mind. Ugh this discussion again? Jane stop being a love cupid for me. Love will come when the time is right. I just shrugged and continued my reading. Stop being poetic and face reality. There are about a million men out there who want to be yours and you just pushed them away. All you need is just to open you heart, although a little. I sighed but didnt stop my reading. Youre so over dramatic, Jane. I didnt close my heart, in fact I opened it widely for them. It just felt no right so I passed. Thats all. She still didnt give up even I could hear frustration in her breath. She took my book from my hand and threw it on to counter. Emily Humbert, my darling. Stop it please. Confused with her, I looked her in the eye. Stop what? Stop being likethis. She opened her hands for me. Then held my hands. Emily..I know you still try to close your deep injury in your chest after your Mom left you then your Dad stopped caring for you, but still you have to let someone enter your life and pleaselet me help you to find him. Yes she never gave up. Jane, I know I should listen to you. Youre my best mate and you will never stop worrying me till Im happy and I love you for that. But my love story will be mine and of course you will have some parts of it, but all I want is chemistry not just two people that are united. And Im so sorry, for this one, I want to be selfish. I can see she was deep in her thought. So all I could do is hugging her tightly and kissing her cheek. Thank you Jane, you are all I have. I promise, when I find him, youll be the first to know. She just looked my face and shook her head, smiled. Dont promise me. Swear to me Em. I just laughed, Jane was so hilarious. Swear. After this discussion was over, I took my book and started reading again. Instead of reading, I was actually busy with my mind. What Jane said can be true, that I still felt hurt with the death of Mom. But Dad was the one who hurt him the most. He stopped caring me when I needed him the most. He was busy with his mourning that I knew would be endless. It was 4 pm but the cars still there. Actually I was so curious. The car stopped there about nine in the morning but the owner never came out and the cars gone when the florist was closed. But the strangest thing was the feeling being seen, being stalked. That feeling explored myself since that car was seen in front of the store. But it never scared me in fact it makes me safe. The safest feeling I ever felt.

Im sure today will be the last time I see that car. I said in unison. That what I did when I tried to make sure and actually it always works. I always think that I have a good intuition. I remembered when Mom ever said it once. Everything I thought always happens so often. Yeah the car will be gone tomorrow. Emily, look! Theres no that car out there. It was 10.30 am and the car was nowhere to be seen. It really worked huh? Yeah Jane, I can see that. I was making a bouquet of White Carnation and making it beautiful with small light pink ribbon. Excuse me Sir, your bouquet is ready. A man Ah yes, thank you. Here, I took his ten dollars from his hand and bowed a little. Please come again. Canyou please stop doing that? The man said suddenly. I..I beg your pardon. Stop doing bow thing and calling me Sir. Those make me old. He smiled playfully. Please call me Tyson. Im just 23 you know. He offered a hand. And you? She saw his hand for a while then smiled a little. Im Emily. And sorry for making you felt old. Greeting routine. I shake his hand. His hand is so warm and big. And urrgh I should stop it. Emily, cute name. Ahh a flirter. Janes species. Thank you Sir, but excuse me, I have to take order my client behind you. So please, step away from counter. I smiled and tried to be polite. He chuckled and shook his head. And hard to get. All right, see ya beautiful. He winked, took his bouquet and went away. At least he didnt try to kill his self for being rejected like the last one. Jane whispered. I laughed. Shut up, you Moron. Just take the next order. Aye aye captain. Jane is moron. At 4 pm, weather changed dramatically. There was a big cloudy in the sky. I didnt really care about cloudy as long as I was reading something. Cling..clong. The bell rang. I stopped reading and stood from where I sat. Welcome Sir.

I saw those grey eyes for the first time. I never knew eyes could be that grey. Like smoke. So strange yet so beautiful it scared me. Then I saw his face, perfect feature but so cold. Hes tall and those muscles. God, Im so silly. Like a silly teenager, Im 20 years old for Gods sake. I shook his head a little and tried to concentrate. I never felt this way before. How could I checked him out in front of his eyes. So shame. Can..can I help you Sir? Shit, my voice trembled. He thought for a while then smiled. God, that smile. I want a bouquet but I dont know anything about flower. I tried to be professional here. If you dont mind, who would you give a bouquet Sir? A woman, the most beautiful woman in my life. Aahh he had a girlfriend. Then Aster will be great. It means you are beautiful. I took one Aster for him. How is it? Thats good. One bouquet please. He smiled politely. I just nodded and started my work. You can wait and sit there Sir. I pointed a big and comfy sofa in the corner. If you dont mind, I want to watch you make a bouquet, is that all right? He saw my face and waited for my reaction. All right then. Please dont be nervous. He folded his hands on the counter. I laughed a little and shook my head. I wont Sir. I cut the stems and arranged those beautifully. Because he didnt know anything about flowers, so I just picked white Aster and combined those with light purple ribbon. And this was it, my masterpiece. Finished. Here we go. He took his bouquet and stared at it for a while. I didnt know why that scared me to death if I would be disappointed him. But he looked me in the eye and smiled widely. This is beautiful. Thank you. I just couldnt hold myself, I gave him a big smile. Thank you Sir. I could feel myself blushing because it was hot all over me. Andthats ten dollars. He was surprised. Oh sorry, your work makes me raptured. This. I took his money, smiled then bowed a little. Please come again Sir. He stared at me for a while then took an Aster from his bouquet. He gave it to me. Please call me Jack, Emily. Then he was gone. Did he thinkIm beautiful?

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