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Stages Causes

Reason The British kept on taxing the colonists, which made the colonists really angry. Also, because they had no one from the colony in the parliament, they did not know about a lot of problems that the colonist had, and were just trying to make more money with the taxes. These taxes were the Stamp Acts, Tea Acts, and Sugar Acts. The Stamp Act taxes all paper, newspaper, documents that are bought by Britain. The Tea Act taxed all tea that is bought from Britain People did not like that the British kept on adding more and more taxes, so they responded by protesting, and boycotting. Also, to get back at the british for taxing tea, few colonists sneaked onto the ship and threw the tea cartons into the sea. Repealing the Tea Act and Stamp Act to make it look like the government cares about the colonists. The main trigger for the revolution was the Coercive Acts, also called the Intolerable Acts by the Colonists. The acts consisted of: Impartial Administration of Justice Act, Massachusetts Bay Regulating Act, Boston Port Act, Quartering Act. The Impartial Administration of Justice Act states that trials could be moved to take place in Britain if the royal governor decided that the juries of the colony would not fairly judge the case. The Massachusetts Bay Regulating Act states that there cannot be any town meetings without royal consent, and that all law ofcers are appointed by the royal governor. These acts made the colonists really angry because they lost their freedom, so they decided that it was time to rebel. When the Revolution started, the Declaration of Independence was made by Thomas Jefferson and signed by the Continental Congress. During the war, most of the battles were led by George Washington. One of the most important battle was the battle in Trenton, Princeton, New Jersey in December 26, 1776. This battle is important because it was one of the rst victories in a while, and most of the troops at that time had low morales. This battle improved the morals of the soldiers and inspired more people to enlist to help. Also, the French were asked to help ght for the Americans, and they accepted. This helped a lot because the British had to worry about France and Americans attacking the British.

Criticism of existing regime

Token reform Triggers




Emergence of leaders After the war, George Washington was appointed the President of America, as he was one of the founding fathers. The Founding Fathers of the United States of America were: Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, James Madison, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. New Regime After the war, there were 13 Colonies were separated into 20 different states. These were: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Vermont, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi. From May to September, 1787, the Constitutional Convention took place to address problems with the country, resulting in the creation of the United States Constitution, which is the supreme law of the United States.

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