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General Conditions.

1. The DataClick Program is a registered brand of AmarillasInternet Corporation. 2. The registration for the DataClicker is free of charge. You must be over the age of 18 and comply with all the legal rules of your country to register. 3. The registration must be carried out via the invitation of an AiYellow Affiliate. 4. By registering for free, the DataClicker will obtain a Virtual Office from where he or she can manage his or her business. 5. Within the Virtual Office youll be given an Ads Viewing system, selected according to your profile. 6. Each Ad will have to be viewed for a specific time that will be specified by the Company. 7. For each Ad visited, the DataClicker will accumulate earnings through YellowClicks, which can be exchanged for three (3) Standard Codes when the minimum value of US $18 is reached, or to be transferred to his or her e-Wallet when US $50 is reached. 8. For each Ad visited, the DataClicker will accumulate YellowClicks. a) A YellowClick equivalent to US $0.002 for Prospects and non-active Affiliates. b) A YellowClick equivalent to US $0.004 for Qualified Affiliates. c) The YellowClicks can be exchanged for three (3) Standard Codes when the minimum value of US $18 is reached, or to be transferred to the e-Wallet when US $50 is reached. d) The YellowClicks received in your e-Wallet can only be paid through the AiYellow Debit Card, AiCard. e) In the case the DataClicker makes a request for his or her commission which has reached a minimum amount of US $50, he or she will receive an AiCard Debit Card. US $30 will be deducted only once from the same account to cover the cost for administration, issuing and delivery. 9. The Commissions obtained from the YellowClicks can be viewed in the detailed Report found in the DataClick section of the Virtual Office. 10. The e-mail address used to register with AiYellow must belong to the person who has carried out the affiliation process and be Active to receive messages. 11. The visits carried out through YellowClicks will be accounted for within each Ad in the website: 12. After 90 days of non-activity, the earnings generated by the YellowClicks will return to zero. 13. Once you exchange the codes, it is not possible to request the cancellation of the Program, as such action generates invoices and movement within the system. 14. AmarillasInternet Corporation reserves the right to modify, declare, or add to the conditions of the activity, as considered necessary, with which it will publish a notice in the following page:

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