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Item Production Before they can begin constructing items, workers must be trained in the skill associated with the item. Training one worker is a DC 15 skill check and takes 1d8- !T days, e"en if unsuccessful #wea$onsmithing for wea$ons, or a general craft skill for item ty$es without a s$ecific, associated craft skill%. &orkers may be trained by $layers, followers or other !'C(s. ) trained worker re*uires an artisan(s tool to construct items. )rtisan(s tool may be created by any worker trained in any craft skill, and does not re*uire an artican(s tool, only the material cost. 'roduction begins by dedicating a set amount of workers to the "arious +obs they may attem$t to succeed o"er a week, their $rogress is then tracked on a week by week basis. The amount of workers dedicated to one ty$e of item affects how many items of that ty$e are $roduced each week. ) minimum of one worker is re*uired to $roduce any item. The amount of $rogress made by workers is re$resented by $oints. To determine the amount of $oints workers generate $er week, roll 1d100 and add 1d50 to the result for each skilled worker equipped with an artisan's tool. Com$are the result to the ,$oint cost $er unit- to determine how many $roducts of that ty$e are $roduced. 'oints left o"er after $re"ious attem$ts may be added to the ne.t roll for the same ty$e of item. f the first attem$t at creating a tool yielded /0 $oints, you may continue $roduction and add /0 $oints to the ne.t roll for that ty$e of item. Item type )rtisan(s tool 6im$le &ea$on 8ight41edium )rmor )lchemy 6iege wea$on 6ailing shi$ 8ongshi$ 9owboat &agon 6tructure, 6, /00 s*. ft. 6tructure, 1, 2700 s*. ft. 'oint cost $er item 20 150 300 300 1100 1500 3000 /00 :00 /00 :00 1aterial cost $er item 3 lb. ron4bron5e4sil"er4adamantine4cold iron... 7 lb. ron4bron5e4sil"er4adamantine4cold iron... 30 lb. ron4bron5e4sil"er4adamantine4cold iron... 1 lb. 'oisons4remedies4acid4alchemist fire... 1k lb. &ood, 8 lb. metal. 30k lb. &ood, 30 lb. metal. /0k lb. &ood, /0 lb. metal. 100 lb. &ood, 1 lb. metal. 700 lb. &ood, 5 lb. metal. /k lb. &ood4hard stone 8k lb. &ood4hard stone, / lb. metal. 1:k lb. &ood4hard stone, 8 lb. metal. 3 lb. <old, 1 lb. nickel. 2 lb. 6oft stone

6tructure, 8, 13-/0k s*. ft. 1800 ;ewelry 'ottery and utility items aterials 1/00 300

=our settlement can obtain new materials by trading, or by mining and har"esting from surrounding areas, by trained workers e*ui$$ed with tools. >ar"esting materials is similar to constructing items, but it also reduces the amount of natural resources in reach of the settlement. 1arket cost refers to the standard $rice for trading or a*uiring the materials outside of har"esting or mining them. To determine the ma.imum amount of a"ailable materials of a gi"en ty$e within reach of the settlement, use the die formula on the table below. aterials 'latinum <old 6il"er Bron5e Co$$er ron Tin !ickel ?inc &ood >ard stone 6oft stone 'oint cost $er lb. #mining4har"esting% 1200 300 300 300 100 50 50 100 100 / lb. wood $er $oint 10 5 1arket cost $er lb. 500 g$. 50 g$. 5 g$. 5 s$. 5 s$. 3 s$. 13 s$. 1 s$. 1 s$. 1 s$. / s$. 3 s$. 1aterial amount 1d30 lb. 1d100 lb. 10d100 lb. 10d100 lb. 3d100 lb. 5d100 lb. 1d100 lb. 1d100 lb. 10d100 lb. 1d10 million lb. 1d10 million lb. 1d10 million lb.

!o"ernment structure <o"ernment structures ser"e a s$ecific function or enhance the $roduction and gathering of materials. <o"ernment structures ha"e uni*ue material and $oint costs, similar to regular items and structures. #tructure Blacksmith 70.70 ft. 6awmill /0./0 ft. 1ine 50.35 ft. Barracks /0.@0 ft. 'oint cost 1100 700 :00 1200 1aterial cost 2k lb. wood4hard stone, 10 lb. iron. 3k lb. wood, 10 lb. iron 2k lb. wood, 5 lb. iron /k lb. wood, 35 lb. iron 6tructure bonus )rmor $oint cost 50, wea$on $oint cost /0 8 lb. wood $er $oint >alf $oint cost to two chosen metals &orkers stationed at the barracks le"el u$ once $er week in the !'C warrior class, u$ to le"el 7. ) ma.imum of fi"e citi5ens may be trained at the barracks simultaneously. ) worker reaching le"el 1 is considered a warrior and may no longer work. 1ay initiate trade with any known faction. Aach aristocrat grants a 1B bonus to di$lomatic checks with other factions. &orkers stationed at the academy le"el u$ once $er week in the !'C aristocrat class, u$ to le"el 7. ) ma.imum of fi"e citi5ens may be trained at the academy simultaneously. ) worker reaching le"el 1 is considered an aristocrat and may no longer work. 9oll a 1d10 once to determine the total $ercentage of workers in the settlement with magic abilities. These workers may be trained in the !'C ade$t class, u$ to le"el 7. ) worker reaching le"el 1 is considered an ade$t and may no longer work. Total concealment and co"er bonus, barrier 10C decrease in $rices on im$orts, increases city growth by 5 workers $er week as long as there are a"ailable houses #structures%.

)cademy 70.@0 ft.


5k lb. wood, 15 lb. iron

1agic )cademy 50.50 ft.


7k lb. wood, 7 lb. iron. ) le"el 7B s$ellcaster dedicating 1 month of work, or 8k gold worth of books on magic from a magic guild 50 lb. wood @k lb. wood, @ lb. metal

5-foot wooden wall Trade $ort4hub

10 $er 5 feet 1/00

$iplomacy Begin by writing down the "arious factions surrounding the $layer city. They(ll begin with a di$lomacy score of 100 to -100, where 100 is a close ally, 0 is an indifferent neighbor, and -100 is a sworn enemy. 8et the $layer meet the "arious factions or their emissairies and let them do di$lomacy checks. The DC for the di$lomacy check is 30Bmodifiers as shown on the table below. ) failure leads to a minus 1d100 di$lomacy score, a success leads to a $lus 1d100, this is rolled by the $layer. $iplomacy modifiers 1odifier Common Anemy DC modifier 1inus 3

Common ally 1inus 3

)lly 1inus /

Conflicting interests 'lus /

're"ious war 'lus 3

)llied to foe 'lus /

9acial tension 'lus /

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