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Be The Church

Discipleship and Mission Made Simple 10 Drawings 10 Conversations By Caesar Kalinowski and Seth McBee

Be the Church Discipleship and Mission Made Simple 10 Drawings 10 Conversations Copyright 2013 y Caesar Kalinowski and Seth McBee !ll rights reserved" #o part o$ this ook %ay e reprod&ced in any %anner whatsoever witho&t prior written per%ission $ro% the p& lisher' e(cept where noted in the te(t and in the case o$ rie$ )&otations e% odied in critical articles and reviews" *his ook is %an&$act&red in the +nited States" Credits ,ritten By- Caesar Kalinowski . Seth McBee Cover Design . /ayo&t- Seth McBee 0ditor- Seth /a*o&r *o download all the drawings &sed in this eBook go here- Be the Ch&rch

1 love doing things in a tea%' eing a part o$ so%ething igger than %ysel$" ,orking on this ook was 2&st s&ch an opport&nity" ,hen Seth started sharing these si%ple yet power$&l drawings' he capt&red so %any o$ the core iss&es that we think need to e addressed and relearned concerning discipleship and %ission" 1 a% grate$&l that he allowed %e to 3horn in3 on his great idea and give voice to the artwork" *hanks &ddy4 *hanks also to %y rothers and sisters in So%a Co%%&nities that have helped shape these tho&ghts in real ti%e over the years" !nd $inally' 1 want to thank !da%' 5osh and Chris at 6race Covenant Ch&rch $or providing an aweso%e place to rest' listen and write" 7o& g&ys are the est4 Caesar *his has een a whirlwind o$ 8interesting"9 ,hat started with a si%ple drawing one night thinking thro&gh how to ill&strate %issional co%%&nity li$e' has t&rned into so%ething that has really hit a nerve $or %any" 1:% tr&ly thank$&l to Caesar' who has sp&rred on %any o$ these drawings thro&gh o&r %any conversations on theology and %ission" #ot only that' &t his insight $or this pro2ect was e(actly what took it to the ne(t level" /ove yo& rother" 1 also want to thank all %y rothers and sisters within So%a Co%%&nities' who shaped %any o$ these tho&ghts and ideas thro&gh the years" /astly' %y ride' who helped $or% these drawings y giving %e insight to their &sa ility and ease o$ trans$era ility" She helped ens&re they spoke what 1 was thinking and what we:ve een trying to live" *hese drawings represent so %&ch o$ what 1:ve learned y eing a part o$ an act&al $a%ily o$ %issionary servants" 1 tr&ly hope they are an aid towards %aking disciples who %ake disciples" Seth



%issiop& lishing"co%

Table o Contents
!ntroduction "1 #e Don$t %o to Church "& #ho #e Are "' The (urpose o the %ospel ") The Mission o the Church "* +ow #e Make Disciples +ead, +eart and +ands "- Discipleship in All o .i e "/ %CM %ospel Communities on Mission "0 Small %roup or Missional Communit1 "2 (roactive and 3eactive Mission "10 Missional Communit1 %rowth Chart

So%eti%es the si%plest things can get lost in tradition or eco%e over co%plicated d&e to con$&sion or lack o$ practice" So%eti%es we are 2&st too s%art $or o&r own good" *he reality o$ who we are as Christians' the Ch&rch and as disciples' while having historical and eternal i%portance' has eco%e so%ewhat %&ddled in o&r %odern &nderstanding and dialog&e" !s the conversation aro&nd eing 8%issional9 has co%e $ront and center within certain ch&rch circles in recent years' it see%s that %any o$ &s str&ggle to grasp and;or e(plain the asics to others" *his short ook o$ si%ple pict&res and conversations is %eant to o$$er a starting pointa way to get' or keep' the dialog&e going aro&nd so%e o$ the key iss&es s&rro&nding who we are as the Ch&rch and what o&r %ission really is" *his pro2ect started o&t when Seth doodled &p a $ew si%ple drawings on his digital ta let and posted the% online $or others to see and co%%ent on" *he response was i%%ediate and s&rprising" *hose $irst $ew drawings were shared across the interwe s at an a%a<ing rate" =eg&lar $olks' ch&rch planters' pastors and teachers asked $or %ore" *hen the idea o$ creating an e ook with several o$ these si%ple concepts eing e(plained in rie$ ca%e &p" *his is the res&lt o$ that e$$ort" ,e know that conversations like the ones depicted in this short narrative don:t 82&st happen9' or at least not in the si%plistic ways yo& will read here" Clearly' reg&lar conversations that t&rn to topics o$ theology' the ch&rch and discipleship are rooted in relationship and wo&ld occ&r in a %&ch %ore n&anced conte(t" B&t we are not writing this to co%pete against Mo y Dick $or so%e international literary award"""we know that the dialog&es can see% a little 8canned9 or corny in places" >orgive &s" ,e o$$er these drawings and conversations to help give handles to a $ew i%portant topics that we see% to e r&nning into %ore and %ore these days" ,e i%agine that at least one or two o$ these will 2&%p o&t at yo& and answer a $ew )&estions" ,e have kept the% short and sweet and si%ple" ,e hope they:re help$&l" Caesar and Seth

#e Don$t %o to Church
*he ch&rch is not a &ilding? it is the $a%ily o$ 6od on his %ission"

8,e:ll see yo& at ch&rch on S&nday"""are yo& ringing yo&r $riend $ro% work@9 hollered Shari as she walked across the parking lot" 8,hat do yo& %ean@9 Mark play$&lly responded" 87o& are going to ch&rch ne(t week aren:t yo&@9 81:% planning on seeing yo& this weekend' &t 1 a% not going to ch&rch" 1n $act 1 a% never going to ch&rch again49 Shari looked p&<<led" 81$ yo& %ean' a% 1 going to the &ilding where the ch&rch gathers together this S&nday' 1 a% hoping to"9

87o& know what 1 %ean"""are yo& %essing with %e@9 Shari shot ack" Mark opened &p his car door and gra ed a napkin o&t o$ the glove o(" /et %e show yo& so%ething Shari" 1t %ay see% o vio&s' and 1:ve only got a %in&te e$ore 1 have to go' &t this is kind o$ a ig deal really" Mark started o&t y drawing a si%ple pict&re o$ a &ilding with a cross on top" 8*his is what %ost o$ &s growing &p have co%e to re$er to as the ch&rch" ! &ilding" *he place where Christians go' &s&ally on S&nday' to worship and listen to the preacher"9 Mark added arrows pointing toward the &ilding as he talked' indicating people heading to the &ilding together on S&nday" 8B&t the Bi le never ever descri es the ch&rch as a &ilding" 1t always re$ers to the ch&rch as a people6od:s people' in Christwho are now sent y the Aoly Spirit o&t into all o$ li$e to e the ody o$ 5es&s" Mark added another si%ple drawing to the right o$ the $irst one that showed a gro&p o$ people with arrows indicating o&tward %ove%ent" 81 think this is a etter pict&re o$ the ch&rch? a people who are sent y 6od"""who are o&tward $oc&sed" Certainly not a &ilding' or contained within $o&r walls $or an ho&r or two each week"9 Shari ran her hand thro&gh her hair and responded' 8,e don:t go to ch&rch"""we are the ch&rch" 1 like it" B&t %ay e that:s 2&st se%antics"9 8May e' &t 1 think it is %ore i%portant than that" 1t %ight 2&st e the eginning o$ straightening o&t o&r thinking a o&t who we really are as Christians" Does going to that &ilding on S&ndayor any other day%ake &s a Christian or a child o$ 6od@ #o' it doesn:t" 1 a% not s&re when in history we started re$erring to a &ilding as 8the ch&rch9' &t it:s pretty ad theology and has only added to the pattern o$ doing o&r religio&s activities and living o&t o&r $aith apart $ro% the c&lt&re" ,e live separate $ro% those in o&r city or neigh orhood who need to hear and see the 6ospel in action so they can elieve" So they can e(perience 5es&s"9

81 can see that"9 Shari said' 8!nd 1 don:t want %y kids growing &p thinking that the ch&rch is 2&st a place we go on weekends or d&ring the week $or !wana %eetings" 1 want the% to see the%selves the way 5es&s does" *hey are the ch&rch" 0veryday' wherever they are"9 8Cool" 1 a% working hard to change %y thinking on this"""1 think it %atters" !nyway' 1 still plan to see yo& on S&nday when the ch&rch gathers together" !nd 1 hope %y $riend will e there to %eet yo&" See yo& then Shari49 ' 4uestions5 1" ,hat is 6od saying to yo& right now in light o$ this@ 2" ,hat will yo& do a o&t it@ ,hen@ 3" ,ho else do yo& need to share this with@ 6otes5

#ho #e Are
!s disciples o$ 5es&s' we have een given a new identity that shapes all o$ li$e"

#ick was e(cited a o&t having *o% as a neigh or" #ot only were *o% and his $a%ily $&n people to hang o&t with' they were Christians and shared %&ch o$ the sa%e $aith and $a%ily val&es that *o% did" 8Sit down $or a second' 1:% taking a reak to gra a c&p o$ co$$eeyo& in@ *o% said' 8S&re &ddy" B&t yo& sho&ld orrow %y lower thing" 1t:ll %ake short work o$ that %o&ntain o$ leaves o&t there"9 8!weso%e"""now yo& tell %e" 1$ 1 had that earlier 1 wo&ld e $inished y now4 7o&:ve pro a ly een watching and la&ghing at %e $or ho&rs" Aeyare yo& gonna e there to%orrow when %y da&ghter Aeather gets apti<ed@9 #ick asked"

8#ot s&re' &t 1:ll e there i$ 1 can" 1 love aptis%s" Mine was a long ti%e ago and 1 wish 1 had &nderstood it etter ack then" Aave yo& een apti<ed #ick@9 87ep' when 1 was in college" +p a ove the choir lo$t in a little t& ehind so%e c&rtains" 1 partic&larly liked that white ro e they gave %e to wear" !t least the whole thing was over )&ickly" 1 was 2&st glad 1 didn:t drown the pastor e$ore it was over49 *o% tho&ght $or a second e$ore saying' 8Baptis% is a s&per signi$icant pict&re o$ so%ething a%a<ing" !nd ea&ti$&l" ,hen 5es&s told his disciples to go and %ake %ore disciples apti<ing the% into the na%e o$ the >ather' and the Son and the Aoly Spirit' that was all a h&ge state%ent o$ their new identity as his $ollowersas Christians" *here' in short order' 5es&s con$ir%ed the ch&rch:s identity and %ission"9 8,hoa' 1 tho&ght it was 2&st so%e ancient tradition and what is called a sacra%ent"9 81t is #ick' &t it:s really i%portant st&$$" *o%orrow when Aeather is apti<ed she will e starting a new li$e with a recreated identity and p&rpose" She will e apti<ed into the na%e o$ the >ather" ,ith 6od as her $ather she and everyone in the Ch&rchare part o$ the sa%e $a%ily' 6od:s $a%ily" She:ll e apti<ed' i%%ersed' into the na%e o$ the Son' 5es&s" ,ith 5es&s as King o$ her li$e' she will now egin to live as one who serves hi%B and others with her entire li$e" *he way 5es&s did" !nd she is eing apti<ed into the na%e o$ the Aoly Spirit" *hat sa%e Spirit' #ick' that sent 5es&s on his %ission' and e%powered everything he did now lives in and sends Aeather o&t on the very sa%e %ission" !ll o$ that is tr&e $or &s too"9 80ven i$ we didn:t always know or &nderstand it@9 81t:s tr&e o$ &s eca&se it is tr&e o$ 6od"9 #ow #ick stopped to think $or a %o%ent" 8!s Christians"""we are all part o$ 6od:s $a%ily o$ %issionary servants sent as disciples who %ake disciples" !%a<ing" 1t so&nds like a great advent&re4 1:ve got so%e catching &p to do" !nd 1 want to %ake s&re Aeather &nderstands how aweso%e to%orrow is going to e"9

#ick pa&sed $or a second then said' 81 wish 1 had &nderstood all o$ this years ago"9 8Me too #ick" Me too"9 ' 4uestions5 1" ,hat is 6od saying to yo& right now in light o$ this@ 2" ,hat will yo& do a o&t it@ ,hen@ 3" ,ho else do yo& need to share this with@ 6otes5

The (urpose o the %ospel

Disciples %ake disciples who $ill the earth with 6od:s glory"

81$ yo&:re gonna stand there and %ake $&n o$ %e yo& %ight as well lend a hand" Aold this tri% to the doorway while 1 nail it &p' wo&ld:ya Bill@9 8#o pro le%" 1t looks like yo&:re 2&st a o&t $inished with the re%odel on this kitchen o$ yo&rs" 1t s&re did need a restoration" 1 re%e% er when yo&r grand$ather p&t those old ca inets &p" Steve' yo& %&st have a real sense o$ acco%plish%ent getting this all restored ack to the way it was originally" 1t looks 2&st like it did all those years ago49 87o& know Bill' the whole ti%e 1:ve een doing this restoration pro2ect 1 2&st can:t help &t think a o&t the end o$ The Story. 8,hich story@9 8*he overarching story $o&nd in the Bi le" 1t starts o$$ with this planet and

the $irst h&%ans created per$ect" 0verything was the way 6od intended it to e" *hen $or tho&sands o$ years we see h&%an sin and sel$Cr&le 2ack everything &p" 1t:s still that way today' $or the %ost part" B&t when 5es&s died as a s& stit&te $or o&r sins' he egan this a%a<ing restoration o$ all things" !nd when 1 read the end o$ the Bi le' so%ewhere in the ook o$ =evelation ' it says that 6od will restore all things ack to the way he originally created the%"9 8*hat lows %y %ind Steve" Serio&sly"9 8!nd here:s what really lows %e awaythat restoration has already eg&n with &s"""!#D 6od is &sing &s to contin&e that restoration in the lives o$ others" *oday" =ight now"9 8B&t that:s not a o&t $i(ing kitchens or even doing %assive park cleanC&ps' or p& lic restoration pro2ects"""or is it@9 89,ell' those types o$ acts o$ service and restoration we get to do is oth a lessing to others and a pict&re o$ the restoration that 6od is doing" B&t &lti%ately $a%ilies' neigh orhoods' &siness' cities or nations are restored as 5es&s saves and restores the people within the%" So as 5es&s: disciples it is o&r %ission to %ake %ore disciples who %ake %ore disciples" 1n so doing' people and things are restored" B&t here is the real pointthe world is increasingly $illed with"""5es&s49 Bill added' 8! neigh orhood doesn:t get restored eca&se all o$ the ho&ses in it got a new coat o$ paint and repaired $ences" 1t is changed and eco%es a ea&ti$&l pict&re o$ who 6od is as the lives o$ those who live there are trans$or%ed %ore and %ore into 5es&s"9 80(actly ro4 Disciples o$ 5es&s %ake %ore disciples o$ 5es&s and little y little this world is changed' restored" 1t is oth the eginning o$ 6od restoring all people' places and things' and a re%inder that 5es&s is co%ing ack to this earth one day to co%plete the re%odeling 2o "9 81 can:t wait Steve" 1 hope it:s soon"9 8,ell' hope$&lly e$ore 1 have to redo this kitchen again49 8*hen this whole discipleship thing' living as disciples and discipling others

to $aith' is a ig deal then"9 8>or s&re" 1$ we elieve the gospel' the good news a o&t 5es&s as o&r tr&e hope' and we elieve that the reason we have een saved is to now e his ody on this planet' then we have to take this pretty serio&sly"9 81t so&nds like it is the pointthe reason we are saved in the $irst place" *o live in s&ch a way that the world wo&ld e $illed %ore and %ore with 5es&s' who is the e(act i%age o$ o&r 6od' o&r >ather " !nd then to help %ore and %ore people co%e to $aith and live a li$e doing the sa%e"9 87ep' 1 think so" 1 got a long way to go with all o$ this" So %&ch o$ %y li$e is $illed with everything &t %aking disciples" ,ow"9 8Steve' don:t $reak o&t" 1t:s a process" 1t:s happening' little y little" 1 can see it in yo&"9 8*hanks Bill' 1 hope so" Dkay' ack to the restoration at hand" Aand %e that nail g&n"9 ' 4uestions5 1" ,hat is 6od saying to yo& right now in light o$ this@ 2" ,hat will yo& do a o&t it@ ,hen@ 3" ,ho else do yo& need to share this with@ 6otes5

The Mission o the Church

0verything we do as the Ch&rch s&pports the only %ission 5es&s gave &s %ake disciples"

0%ail- *o- !ll Depart%ent Aeads 8!ll depart%ent leaders sho&ld e prepared to present yo&r ann&al plan to the rest o$ the sta$$ and oard at this week:s sta$$ %eeting"9 0%ail- *o- Eastor !lan 8!l' let:s do so%e l&nch today" 1 need to r&n so%ething past yo& rother" 7o& in@ Eastor 6eo$$9 8*hanks $or %aking the ti%e on s&ch short notice !l" 1:ve een thinking and praying thro&gh o&r &pco%ing sta$$ %eetingthe one where everyone is s&pposed to give their %aster plan $or the year"9 8Me too 6eo$$" ,hataya thinkin:@9 81 gotta e honest with yo&' 1 love that o&r ch&rch has so %any )&ality

progra%s to o$$er"""S&nday Services' Men:s and ,o%en:s Ministries' MDES' !,!#!' 7o&th 0(plosion""" &t 1 wish we co&ld $ig&re o&t a way to' 1 don:t know' p&ll the rope in the sa%e direction a little %ore" 1:d love to see &s get on the sa%e %ission"9 87eah 6eo$$' &t we already are' right@ 1 %ean every ody wants to see %ore and %ore people getting saved" *hat:s the point' isn:t it@9 8,ell yes' &t as 1:ve een thinking %ore and %ore a o&t 5es&s: 6reat Co%%ission ' 1 can only see one %ission that he ever gave the Ch&rch- 6o and %ake disciples teaching those disciples to o ey everything 5es&s ta&ght &s" *hat:s why the Ch&rch e(ists" *o %ake disciples? %ore and %ore people who walk in 5es&s: ways and live o&t his li$e today in co%%&nity"9 8So how are yo& thinking this a$$ects o&r &pco%ing %eeting@9 !lan asked" 8,hat wo&ld it look like i$ everything we did' in every depart%ent or activity or progra% o$ o&r ch&rch' so%ehow served this idea o$ %aking disciples who %ake disciples@9 6eo$$ gra ed a napkin and )&ickly drew a si%ple ill&stration with several pillars s&pporting a %ain str&ct&re" Dn the top piece he wrote' Discipleship and on each o$ the di$$erent pillars that s&pported it he wrote a di$$erent activity or service the ch&rch engaged in" 0vangelis%' S&nday Services' Bi le St&dies' Social 5&stice""" 8,hat do yo& think o$ this !lan@ Does this %ake sense@9 81 think so' &t why don:t yo& e(plain it anyway" So%eti%es 1:% a little slow on the &ptake"9 8Dkay' let %e give yo& a :$or instance": ,hat i$ o&r S&nday Services' which are now designed to get the %a(i%&% a%o&nt o$ people to attend so they will learn $ro% the Bi le and hear the gospel preached' were instead planned to e)&ip $olks to go o&t and proclai% and live o&t the gospel and %ake disciples" 1nstead o$ the %any co%ing to hear $ro% the $ew' we co&ld e)&ip the %any to go o&t and engage the %asses" *he $oc&s o$ S&nday wo&ld start to e %eas&red not y attendance n&% ers' &t y how a$$ective it was at %aking disciples who co&ld go and %ake %ore disciples"9

8,hoa" *hat wo&ld e a pretty ig shi$t %y rother" *alk a o&t &psetting the apple cart49 8/et %e co%e ack to that one" !nd what i$ yo&r yo&th %inistry' or the %en:s and wo%en:s %inistries were all retooled' $oc&sed and %eas&red ased on how a$$ective they were at helping o&r people live as disciples who know how to %ake disciples in all the nor%al st&$$ o$ everyday li$e@ 1 think that wo&ld e aweso%e49 81 can i%agine a lot o$ people getting their $eathers r&$$led at $irst' &t o&r tea% %e% ers all have the sa%e heart to see 5es&s %ade %&ch o$' and $or %ore people to know hi% and walk with hi%"9 8!l' 1:% not necessarily talking a o&t getting rid o$ any o$ the things we:re doing' tho&gh we %ight $ind o&t we sho&ld" 1:% talking a o&t a di$$erence in intention" ,e have a great ti%e at o&r S&nday gatherings' &t what i$ they were designed as a weekly e)&ipping $or everyday li$e in discipleC%aking@ 1nstead o$ %en:s and wo%en:s %inistries happening co%pletely separate $ro% each other' what i$ they were so%ehow integrated to prepare and train $a%iliesor single people $or that %atterto live like a $a%ily o$ %issionaries thro&gho&t the week" ! $a%ily that has one %ission- to %ake disciples@9 81t %akes sense 6eo$$' &t we:ve always done it a certain way" *hat:ll e hard to change"9 8May e" Aow a o&t we start s%all and go $or the 8 ig $ish9 o$ S&nday %ornings a$ter we gain a little %o%ent&%" 7o&:re over o&r yo&th %inistries? 1:% leading o&r ad&lt %inistries" ,hat i$ we started y %aking this year a total li$eConCli$e discipleship $oc&s@ Change o&r %eas&re%ent tools a little and see what we learn@9 81t:ll e hard to arg&e with' and like yo& said' it really is a %atter o$ intention vers&s lowing everything &p"9 8!lright' 1 gotta get ack to the o$$ice and rewrite %y ann&al plan $or the %eeting this *h&rsday" 1:ve got a $ew o% s to drop49 8Care$&l 6eo$$"""care$&l"""Me too49

' 4uestions5 1" ,hat is 6od saying to yo& right now in light o$ this@ 2" ,hat will yo& do a o&t it@ ,hen@ 3" ,ho else do yo& need to share this with@ 6otes5

+ow #e Make Disciples +ead, +eart 7 +ands

1t is not eno&gh to teach $acts and gain knowledge" Disciples %&st e $or%ed in ways that change their %otivation and give the% active gospel e(periences"

8! $ew %ore ho&rs and we:ll e $inished" 7o& know' 1 have a love;hate relationship with these yard sales" 1 love getting rid o$ o&r old 2&nk' &t it see%s like %ore tro& le than it:s worth so%eti%es" *hanks $or co%ing over to help today" !t least we got so%e ti%e together to catch &p' 1 really appreciate it 5ill"9 8#o pro le%" !nd don:t $orgetwhen we were cleaning o&t that ig closet yo& $o&nd yo&r old violin and %&sic ooks $ro% high school4 *hat:s pretty cool"9 81 re%e% er when 1 $irst was $irst learning to play the violin" 1 started y st&dying %&sic theory" 1 learned the history o$ the violin and how they are

%ade" 1 listened to endless ho&rs o$ %&sic that was played y acco%plished %&sicians" 1 listened and st&died $or two years' &t it was all dots on a page to %e" !nd yo& know what@ ,hen 1 picked &p the violin 1 still co&ld not play it" 1t 2&st so&nded like a series o$ s)&awks and s)&eaks that were horri le and $ar $ro% eing %&sic49 5ill asked *erri' 8Didn:t yo&r teacher re)&ire that yo& act&ally practice playing the violin along the way@ 1 %ean' that is how people learn things' right@9 8,ell' we did a $ew %in&tes o$ handsCon st&$$ each week' like where to place %y chin on the violin and certain $inger techni)&es' &t 1 g&ess he 2&st $ig&red 1 was practicing it on %y own at ho%e or playing $or %y parents and $riends" Ae said 1 sho&ld' and assigned that as ho%ework' &t 1 had no con$idence at all so 1 rarely practiced or played in $ront o$ anyone"9 8B&t *erri' when yo& $irst $o&nd yo&r old violin today yo& opened &p the case' t&ned that thing &p and played %e a ea&ti$&l song? a little r&sty' &t clearly yo& are a very good violinist4 ,hat happened@ Aow or when did yo& really learn to play so well@9 81n %y 2&nior year o&r $a%ily %oved across town and 1 had a di$$erent %&sic teacher" She not only ta&ght &s %&sic theory and how to read the charts' &t she gave &s a love $or the %&sic" She wo&ld sit and listen to her $avorite recordings with &s' pointing o&t why certain parts were so a%a<ing to her" 1 $ell in love with the violin $or the $irst ti%e" She wo&ld also listen to &s play and give &s enco&rage%ent and $eed ack along the way" She even ca%e to %y ho&se a $ew ti%es when 1 played recitals in %y living roo% $or $a%ily and $riends" !nd here:s so%e good news"""it act&ally so&nded like %&sic ea&ti$&l %&sic"9 8,hat a gi$t she was *erri" ,hat was her na%e@9 81:ll never $orget it" Ms" Barna as" She was the est" She not only ta&ght %e a o&t the violin' she %ade s&re %y heart was %oved y the %&sic and watched and enco&raged %e at every step &ntil 1 was good at playing it"9 87o& know what 5ill@ 1:% gonna keep this old violin and start playing it again" 1 can:t elieve 1 ever even tho&ght a o&t selling it49 8Dh *erri' look at what ti%e it is" 1:ve got to get over to the ch&rch" 1t:s the

ninth week o$ %y discipleship training classes" Dnly three %ore weeks o$ st&dy and 1 g&ess 1:% o$$icially 8discipled949 ' 4uestions5 1" ,hat is 6od saying to yo& right now in light o$ this@ 2" ,hat will yo& do a o&t it@ ,hen@ 3" ,ho else do yo& need to share this with@ 6otes5

Discipleship !n All o .i e
*he gospel is not 2&st the eginning o$ o&r Christian li$e and a ticket to heaven" D&r discipleship has i%plications $or all o$ li$e today"

81 a% so sorry >rank" 1 hate eing late4 1 was in line at the store waiting to check o&t and the people in $ront o$ %e were taking $orever to pay $or their groceries" >irst they tried a credit card that was declined' and then they started co&nting o&t a s%all %o&ntain o$ ills and change only to e three dollars short" So they stood there trying to decide what to p&t ack" 1 was already r&nning late to pick the kids &p $ro% and practice so 1 was $reaking o&t"9 8So&nds ro&gh' 1:ve een there honeytoo %any ti%es" So what happened@9 8*he people noticed %e $idgeting' checking %y watch and sighing a lot" 1 think 1 had a pretty $r&strated angry $ace going on there" *he teller noticed too" 1 %ade the% all $eel terri le' like they were r&ining %y day"9

81 know that $ace"9 8!nyway' 1 was pretty e% arrassed y %y actions" ,hat was going on in %y heart that 1 got so $reaked o&t over a $ew %in&tes di$$erence@ Sheesh" 1 gotta rela(49 8*his is like what we were talking a o&t the other night" /ike it or not Sal' we are always in :discipleship %ode": Eeople are either seeing &s live a li$e centered on sel$' like we are god o$ this world"""or they are seeing and e(periencing o&r lives s& %itted to the Spirit and lived $or others" So the $olks ahead o$ yo& in line weren:t discipled toward knowing what 6od is tr&ly like in that %o%ent y watching yo&"""9 8Aey4 !re yo& trying to %ake %e $eel worse >rank@9 8#ot at all" 1n $act' 1:% trying to enco&rage yo&" /ike we talked a o&t' o&r discipleship%oving $ro% &n elie$ to elie$ a o&t what is tr&e o$ 6od in every area o$ li$eis always happening" 7o& e(perienced that today"9 8So 2&st to e s&re 1 don:t %iss it' help %e see what was really going on today that led %e to $reak o&t on those poor people"9 8,ell"""1 wasn:t there and 1 co&ld never know e(actly what was going on inside that head or heart o$ yo&rs' &t 1:ll take a sta at it" Doh' ad choice o$ words" !nyway' when we are i%patient with others' we are not elieving that 6od is sovereign over o&r days and actions" !nd we end &p e(pecting others to play according to o&r ti%eline" ,hen they don:t co%ply' we get $r&strated"9 8So&nds a o&t right"9 8B&t when we elieve that 6od is great and %anaging the world $or his glory' incl&ding %y ti%e in a grocery line' we don:t have to try and control others"9 8Dkay' so d&ring those $ew %in&tes in line' 6od was &sing that to disciple %y heart concerning ti%e and patience with others"""@ *hose are oth discipleship iss&es 1:% o vio&sly still learning" 1:% glad tho&gh" #ot $or those people having to e(perience %y %eltdown' &t that 6od is p&rs&ing all o$ that %&ck in %y li$e" 0ven in line at a grocery store"9

>rank contin&ed' 8Sweetie' this process o$ ongoing discipleship to&ches every single aspect o$ who we are" *he good news o$ 5es&s: li$e' death and res&rrection has h&ge ra%i$ications $or all o$ li$enot 2&st o&r a$terli$e" Aow we spend o&r ti%e' o&r %oney' where we $ind o&r passions and &lti%ately o&r identity' are all i%pacted y the gospel" D&r discipleship is a li$eClong process" *oday the Spirit re%inded yo& o$ what was tr&e concerning 6od:s greatness over yo&r sched&le' and that yo& can tr&st hi% and love others" Ae:s got ya49 8Discipleship then' that to&ches all o$ who we are' wo&ld re)&ire a co%%&nity o$ people aro&nd &s who can see the ti%es we are living o&t o$ &n elie$ and then lovingly re%ind &s or show &s the tr&th" *his really co&ldn:t happen very well in a classroo%" 1t needs to happen"""in the nor%al st&$$ and conversations o$ li$e' right@9 8>or s&re Sal" *he others in o&r %issional co%%&nity need &s and we need the%" *ogether' 6od is $or%ing and reC$or%ing o&r hearts and lives to look and e %ore like 5es&s"9 8Cool" #e(t ti%e 1:% at that grocery store 1:ll e %ore care$&l and %ay e carry %y Bi le"9 85&st kidding49 ' 4uestions5 1" ,hat is 6od saying to yo& right now in light o$ this@ 2" ,hat will yo& do a o&t it@ ,hen@ 3" ,ho else do yo& need to share this with@ 6otes5

%CM %ospel Communities on Mission

1n order to %ake $&lly %at&re disciples o$ 5es&s we %&st live in gospel centered co%%&nities together on %ission"

*e(t Message- Ben' see yo& at Marli:s Ca$F at G as planned' Eeter =eply- Cool Eete' 1 have so%ething 1 want to show yo&' Ben" 8Dver there Ben' that corner ta le' 1 p&t %y green ag on the chair" 7o& want yo&r &s&al@9 8*hanks ro' no crea% tho&gh" 1:ll gra the ta le"9 8Aow ya een %an@ Aow:s the co&rsework co%ing along@9 8Cra<y Eete' one %ore se%ester to go and 1a%done4 1 can:t wait"9 81:ll e pretty stoked when yo&:re $inished too" ,e all %iss the heck o&t o$ yo& lately in co%%&nity" ,e need yo& &ddy49 Eete said with a s%ile and a

slap on Ben:s sho&lder" 8Don:t worry' 1 have not $orsaken the $aith" 1:ve 2&st een s&per &sy" B&t anyway' that:s part o$ what 1 wanted to show yo&" Check o&t these discipleship %aterials 1 downloaded" #ine weeks' pretty sharp looking st&$$"9 8Dkay" ,hat are yo& thinking@9 8,ell yo& know how 1 sort o$ pre$er to e y %ysel$ or in %ore o$ a oneCtoC one environ%ent"""so when 1:% done with %y last classes 1 a% thinking a o&t $inding a :disciple": So%eone 1 can po&r %y wisdo% and"""1 don:t know' %y li$e into $or 5es&s"9 81 like yo&r enth&sias% Ben" B&t we:ve talked so%e e$ore a o&t what it really looks like to %ake a disciple o$ 5es&s vers&s a disciple o$ o&rselves" 1t:s not that yo& don:t have a ton to o$$er so%e yo&ng d&de' &t to e honest' yo&:re not eno&gh"9 8Co%e on Eete" ! <illion years in ch&rch and now 1:ll have grad&ated $ro% Bi le college" 1 think 1 can help so%e yo&ng g&y &nderstand the Bi le etter and live like a Christian"9 8*hat:s not what 1:% talking a o&t pal" 7o&:re aweso%e" !nd yo& have a lot to o$$er' &t yo& are only a part o$ the Body" 7o& have een lessed with parts o$ what 5es&s is like' so have 1' so have the others in o&r co%%&nity" 1t takes all o$ the di$$erent parts o$ 5es&s: ody' gi$tings' perspectives' li$e e(periences"""all co%ing to ear on each other:s lives to con$or% &s to Christ" !nd all o$ it is the work o$ the Spirit"9 Eete contin&ed' 8Ben' i$ yo& spent the ne(t three years :disciplingH so%e yo&ng g&y he wo&ld %ost certainly grow and %at&re in his $aith" B&t he wo&ld look %ost like yo& spirit&ally" ,hich is not entirely a ad thing' e(cept the goal is to %ake %at&re disciples o$ 5es&s' not disciples o$ &s" *hat takes the whole co%%&nity with the gospel at the center o$ everything" *he gospel eco%es o&r Htr&e north': g&iding and shaping it all"9 8*hat %akes sense" B&t 1 still like eing alone or with $ewer people" 1 g&ess 1 like to stay in the ,ord and work o&t %y $aith that way" *he co%%&nity thing is to&gh $or %e"9

8,ell ro' that:s part o$ yo&r growth toward eing like 5es&s" Ae loved people and he loved eing in the %ess o$ things" Ae also spent ti%es alone and in prayer" 1 love yo& and want to see yo& shaped y all o$ the $reaky' $aithC$illed $riends that 6od has %ade o&r $a%ily" 7o& need it" ,e need it" ,e need yo&"9 8So i$ 1 $o&nd a person or two that 1 co&ld po&r into' wo&ld that e a good thing or a ad thing@9 8*hat wo&ld e a%a<ing4 1:% not saying that we sho&ldn:t have a $ew people that we sort o$ spirit&ally 8parent9 along the way" B&t we need to help %ake s&re that they are actively involved in a gospel co%%&nity where their $aith and lives can e shaped o&t on %ission" *hat:s where the real growth happens" =& er to road st&$$"9 87o& know how it is Ben" ,hen we get o&tside o$ o&r co%$ort <ones and %ove eyond li$e shaped aro&nd o&r pre$erences and ti%eline' o&r real gospel needs e%erge" !ll those places where we are not elieving the tr&th a o&t 6od or what he has done $or &s thro&gh Christ eco%e evident" 1t is also how we see the ti%es where we are not elieving and living o&t o$ o&r new identity as a $a%ily o$ %issionary servants"""with o&r lives radically reoriented aro&nd eing disciples and %aking disciples" *hat kind o$ growth and %at&ring doesn:t happen in a classroo% type o$ environ%ent"9 8,ow Eete" 1t so&nds like yo&:ve given this a lot o$ tho&ght"9 8Sorry $or the %ini ser%on ro" 1:ll sh&t &p now" /et %e tell yo& what was originally on %y %ind this %orning"""9 ' 4uestions5 1" ,hat is 6od saying to yo& right now in light o$ this@ 2" ,hat will yo& do a o&t it@ ,hen@ 3" ,ho else do yo& need to share this with@ 6otes5

Small %roup or Missional Communit18

,ho is the $oc&s o$ o&r co%%&nity@ 1$ it pri%arily e(ists $or o&r own ene$it we are not living as 6od intended"

8/ook at this photo' can yo& elieve it@ D&r hair4 1 wo&ld have never i%agined that the sa%e original co&ples wo&ld still e in the sa%e s%all gro&p all these years later"9 81 know Mary' 1 $eel so close to yo& and #ick and the others" 7o&:re o&r $a%ily"9 8,e:ve een thro&gh a lot over the years"9 81 know" *en kids and now $o&r grandchildren etween &s" 7o&:re right' we:ve eco%e like one ig $a%ily over ti%e" 1:% so glad that it has stayed 2&st &s $o&r co&ples and never changed"9 8,e:ll see yo& g&ys this *h&rsday evening' like &s&al right@ 1 think we:re

going to start planning o&r $all get away and holiday gi$t e(change" !nd Mike said he was hoping to get ack to o&r Bi le st&dy soon"""it kind o$ got ackC &rnered over the s&%%er" Dh' and Mary' do yo&r think 1 sho&ld invite Karen who %oved in across the street to 2oin &s@ She see%s nice"9 81 don:t know Shelly"""1 2&st like o&r gro&p when it:s"""us"9 C9M(A3: and C96T3AST 8=andy' 1 was 2&st praying and asking 6od' :,hat ne(t /ord@: concerning that yo&ng single %o%' Carrie' and her three kids down the lock" 1 think Cindi and 1 are going to o$$er to pick her kids &p a$ter school d&ring the week' give the% a snack and help the% $inish their ho%ework &ntil she can get ho%e $ro% work" *hey:ve een ho%e alone so %any a$ternoons and 1 know that Carrie is worried a o&t the%" 8She is so $&n to e aro&nd" 1 a% really hoping she:ll keep hanging o&t with &s and the rest o$ o&r %issional co%%&nity" 1 think when we went over and helped her with the $lood in her ase%ent last %onth she really egan to tr&st &s"9 8More i%portantly' 1 think she:s starting to tr&st 5es&s" ,ell' at least she:s asking a lot o$ )&estions a o&t who we are and why we live the way we do in the neigh orhood"9 81 was shocked the other day when she asked i$ she co&ld ring her Hworld $a%o&s chili: to o&r $a%ily dinner night" 1t was great too4 She said she wo&ld %ake a h&ge atch o$ it this Sat&rday when we all go to $inish that porch repair at the retire%ent ho%e" Aer kids were a ig hit with all the grand%as last week"9 8S&per $&n" She asked i$ 1 wo&ld pray $or her rother who is %oving into town ne(t %onth" Ae doesn:t have a 2o and has recently gotten into a little tro& le" She said he:s %oving here to kind o$ start over" She says he has a lot o$ $ears and pro le%s to sort o&t"9 8*ony' do yo& think Carrie:s rother co&ld %ove in with yo& and /iddy $or a while@ 1t so&nds like it wo&ld really e good $or hi% to get to hang aro&nd a 8%anly %an9 like yo& who loves 5es&s" Ae never had a $ather aro&nd growing &p" Ae needs to see and e(perience that kind o$ love and

environ%ent"9 81:ll ask /iddy and we:ll pray a o&t it" 1 wo&ld love to less Carrie that way and help her $eel like she:s helping her rother" 1 think he gets to town ne(t week"9 87o& know *ony' it:s a%a<ing how 6od 2&st keeps growing o&r $a%ily here"9 81 like it that it:s not 2&st"""us"9 ' 4uestions5 1" ,hat is 6od saying to yo& right now in light o$ this@ 2" ,hat will yo& do a o&t it@ ,hen@ 3" ,ho else do yo& need to share this with@ 6otes5

(roactive and 3eactive Mission

! %issional co%%&nity sho&ld have a proactive %ission directed toward a speci$ic people in a partic&lar conte(t" 1t will also respond to reactive %ission opport&nities that co%e &p along the way" 1n each case' %issionI%ake disciples"

8,hat a day" 1 2&st have to get o$$ %y $eet $or a $ew %in&tes e$ore the kids get ho%e $ro% school and this ho&se e(plodes"9 8Did yo& say that yo& and Dave were having yo&r neigh ors over $or dinner tonight too@9 8Kelly yo&:re right4 1 al%ost $orgot"9 8#o iggie' 1:ll help yo& whip so%ething &p in no ti%e"""%any hands %ake light work" 7o& g&ys see% to always have so%eone over" 7o&:re eco%ing )&ite the socialites"9

8,hat:s even etter is that a &nch o$ the people in o&r neigh orhood are starting to have us over to their ho%es $or %eals and parties" 6od is really lessing o&r %issional co%%&nity:s e$$orts to try and love and disciple $olks aro&nd &s" 1t:s taken a while' and we:ve all had to reorient o&r sched&les and st&$$ to $it theirs' &t it:s starting to pay o$$ in real and %eaning$&l relationships"9 81 don:t know how yo& do it Ki%' yo& and Dave are 2&st as &sy with work and kids as we are" !nd that:s another thing' how do yo&r kids $eel a o&t yo&r &sy missional life@9 8Aeck' the kids %ake it easier really" 6oing to all their school and sports activities is how we started to get to know everyone aro&nd here" *hey love that we are intentionally spending %ore and %ore ti%e with their $riends: parents" El&s' 1 want o&r children to grow &p $oc&sed on loving and serving others %ore than on &ilding their own little kingdo%s" 7o& know what 1 %ean@9 8>or %e 1 2&st $ind it:s easier to try and e a good Christian to those people at work and a $ew other $riends that 1:ve known $or years"9 8,ell that:s aweso%e too Kelly" !s long as yo& are a le to act&ally disciple those $riendswhich needs to happen in a co%%&nity o$ people" 1 $o&nd over the years that i$ 1 was 2&st sort o$ trying to Hget people savedH along the way as opport&nities ca%e &p' 1 wasn:t eing very a$$ective at %aking disciples" B&t when o&r HMC:' o&r %issional co%%&nity' started to $oc&s on a speci$ic gro&p o$ people' in o&r case those in o&r neigh orhood' we co&ld proactively engage the% over ti%e and egin to disciple the% toward $aith and tr&st in 5es&s"9 8So what happens when 6od rings so%eone into yo&r li$e that doesn:t live in yo&r neigh orhood' do yo& 2&st ignore the%@9 8#ope' &t this is what:s cool" #ow that we have a %ore proactive discipleship thing going on in o&r MC with %y neigh ors' 1 act&ally have a co%%&nity to ring those %ore reactive discipleship opport&nities into" 7o&:ve %et Kenny' Dave:s new $riend@9 87eah' 1:ve seen hi% over here a lot lately"9

8Ae:s a g&y that Dave %et at work" 6od %ade it clear that Kenny was leaning in to relationship with Dave and he was pretty open to spirit&al things and the gospel" B&t Dave co&ldn:t disciple hi% very e$$ectively on his own' or at the o$$ice in etween work d&ties' so he intentionally helped Kenny get to know and do li$e with o&r %issional co%%&nity too" #ow he:s part o$ the $a%ily" !nd 1 think he is really close to laying his li$e down co%pletely $or 5es&s49 Ki% was getting e(cited" 8*hat is really help$&l" 1 have a whole &nch o$ $riends that are not all that connected to each other and the est 1 co&ld ever do e$ore was drop a :witness o% : on the% once and a while' or invite the% to go to ch&rch" 1 need to loop these $riends into %y %issional co%%&nity li$e"9 81t does take a little it o$ intentionality Kelly' &t we:re living proo$ that it can happen" 1:d pray and ask 6od to show yo& Hwhat:s ne(t: with each o$ the% and then do whatever he tells yo& to do" Ae:ll lead yo& there' $or s&re"9 81 gotta do that" B&t right now we etter get a$ter %aking this dinner or you won:t have a prayer tonight49 8>or s&re49 ' 4uestions5 1" ,hat is 6od saying to yo& right now in light o$ this@ 2" ,hat will yo& do a o&t it@ ,hen@ 3" ,ho else do yo& need to share this with@ 6otes5

Missional Communit1 %rowth Chart

>ro% the o&tside looking in' %issional co%J%&nities can look very attractive and appear to e a straight line o$ growth toward %&ltiplication" 1t is not always so"

8Aow yo& doing 5osh' what:s shakin:@9 8Dh %an' 1:% pretty $r&strated to e honest with yo&" Dr %ay e 1:% 2&st disappointed or needing to realign %y e(pectations on so%e st&$$"9 8/et it o&t &ddy"""take a deep reath and $ill %e in a little"9 8!s yo& know o&r %issional co%%&nity has een a total lessing" ,e:ve never really e(perienced o&r $aith in s&ch real and tangi le ways e$ore" !nd last $all we were a le to send a &nch o$ o&r H$a%ilyH o&t and they %&ltiplied into another MC"9 87eah 1 can see where yo&:re co%ing $ro%' that so&nds horri le" ,hat@4

,here:s the r& @9 81t see%s like we are always taking two steps $orward and one step ack" *hen a hard le$t' a &Ct&rn"""2a% on the reaks""" Man' 1 don:t know what we:re doing so%eti%es" 1 g&ess 1 2&st $ig&red y now we:d have a little s%oother path and 2&st keep %aking disciples and it wo&ld get a little easier"9 5osh was passionate when he spoke a o&t this" 8,hat are yo&r iggest challenges as yo& see the%@9 Drew asked hi%" 8*here always see%s to e a $ew people in o&r MC that are not really on oard" *hey say they want to e a part o$ %aking disciples with &s on %ission' &t their priorities and how they choose to spend their ti%e don:t really line &p with that" 1 g&ess it:s an iss&e o$ %otivation"9 8Aave yo& tried sha%ing the%@ """1:% 2&st kidding49 81 pro a ly have witho&t %eaning too" B&t serio&sly' 1 know it is a gospel iss&e" 5&st like 1 need to e consistently re%inded o$ what 5es&s has done $or %e so 1:ll live o&t o$ a heart o$ grate$&lness and 2oy' so it is with everyone in o&r MC" 1t:s like we know this st&$$' &t we don:t always live like we believe it"9 8!nd that:s the point o$ discipleship 5osh" ,e:re on this 2o&rney together' %oving $ro% &n elie$ to elie$ in every area o$ li$e" *hat is never a straight line" So%e things need to e learned and relearned &ntil they sink elow the neck line into o&r hearts so they can tr&ly eco%e part o$ how we live"9 8/ast %onth Drew' we had a co&ple who 1 tho&ght was totally sold o&t leave o&r %issional co%%&nity" *hey said that they were 2&st too &sy $or all o$ this right now" /ike this li$e on %ission was an addCon to their lives and it 2&st wasn:t going to $it into their &sy sched&le" Aow co&ld 1 have helped the% &nderstand that all o$ li$e is a discipleship opport&nity waiting to happen@9 81 think yo& are y living and %odeling it" 1 know it:s to&gh when everyone is not on the sa%e page" *his whole li$e as a %issional co%%&nity is %essy" 1t:s a glorio&s %ess""" &t it:s %essy" 1 wo&ld keep loving that co&ple and inviting the% to the advent&re' &t don:t let it derail the rest o$ the gro&p" Keep doing what the Spirit leads yo& to do in $aith" 1$ it:s 6od:s will' they:ll

e ack" !nd we never know what ro&te or path 6od %ay have the% on in the long r&n" 1 know he will &se their ti%e in co%%&nity to shape their lives $or his glory" 7o& 2&st %ay not get to see that season with the%"9 8*hat helps" *hanks %an" Dnce again 1 a% learning that this is not so%ething 1 get to control" 1n $act' 1 don:t really want to"9 85&st keep loving people %y rother" ,hen yo& look ack over that twisted path in a $ew %ore years it will e covered with $r&it and changed lives" !nd yo&:ll e having this sa%e type o$ conversation with another yo&ng leader while yo& try and talk hi% ack o$$ the ledge49 ' 4uestions5 1" ,hat is 6od saying to yo& right now in light o$ this@ 2" ,hat will yo& do a o&t it@ ,hen@ 3" ,ho else do yo& need to share this with@ 6otes5

About the Authors

Caesar ;alinowski Caesar is a ch&rch planter' %issional strategist and one o$ $o&nding leaders o$ So%a Co%%&nities" Ae c&rrently serves as the Director o$ the 6CM Collective' an organi<ation that helps cataly<e %issional co%%&nity %&ltiplication across #orth !%erica" Ae is a spirit&al entreprene&r and an avid storyteller" Ais ackgro&nd incl&des co%%&nications $or >ort&ne K00 co%panies' %edia prod&ction' working with yo&th' and e(tensive travel in international %issions" Ae has worked in over 1L co&ntries aro&nd the world incl&ding Sierra /eone' S&dan' #igeria' B&r%a' 1ndia' /atvia' =o%ania and the C<ech =ep& lic" Ae owned and operated several &sinesses in and aro&nd the Chicagoland area' then pastored at a %egaCch&rch e$ore %oving to *aco%a' ,ashington in 200M to help la&nch So%a" !t any given %o%ent Caesar is starting a new Missional Co%%&nity and handing over another to a new leader" Ae is c&rrently working esta lishing new ch&rches thro&gho&t several cities in #orth !%erica and 0astern 0&rope" Caesar has a Master:s Degree in Ministry in the area o$ 6lo al /eadership" Ais is a certi$ied coach and Coach *rainer via Coach#et" Ae has een %arried to *ina' his high school sweetheart' $or 2G years? they have three children' Caesar' Christin and 5&stine" Seth McBee Seth is the adopted son o$ 6od' h&s and o$ one wi$e and $ather o$ three" Ae:s a grad&ate o$ Seattle Eaci$ic +niversity with a $inance degree" By trade Seth is an 1nvest%ent Eort$olio Manager' serving as president o$ McBee !dvisors' 1nc" *oday' he:s a preaching elder with So%a Co%%&nities in =enton' ,! and part o$ the 0(ec&tive *ea% with the 6CM Collective" 1n his down ti%e he likes to Cross>it' cook BBN' host pancake e elskiver reak$asts at his ho%e and %any other neigh orhood events in his ho%etown o$ Maple Oalley' ,ashington" Ae has een %arried to Stacy' his high school sweetheart' $or 13 years? they have three childrenCale ' Cole%an and Madelynn" *o download all the drawings &sed in this eBook go here- Be the Ch&rch Drawings

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