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Second sentence problem (at A2 ) Learning bullet points for A01 and A02 is, of course, a valuable thing

to do. However, some people have been caught out in the past because they have simply converted these bullet points in prose in their exam answers and then been confused as to why they havent been awarded marks for their essays. I call this the second sentence problem but, in fact, perhaps it should be called the additional sentences problem. The point is, of course, that you need to expand, explain and develop the points that you make for both A01 and A02. If we start at the very beginning, you will remember that at AS level we talked frequently about not just writing that a study has low ecological validity. This alone will not be awarded any A02 marks. See below. Murdock (1962) demonstrated the Primacy Recency effect through the serial position curve study. This experiment lacked ecological validity. POOR. NO MARKS Murdock (1962) demonstrated the Primacy Recency effect through the serial position curve study. This experiment lacked ecological validity because participants were asked to complete a task that they would not normally do in everyday life. BETTER. ONE (A02) MARK Murdock (1962) demonstrated the Primacy Recency effect through the serial position curve study. This experiment lacked ecological validity because participants were asked to complete a task that they would not normally do in everyday life. Learning a list of words in a laboratory and then recalling them after a period of time is artificial. Everyday memory is far more complex than this simple task and also, because the participants knew they were taking part in a psychology experiment, they may have used strategies to help them remember the words. This is known as demand characteristics. BEST. TWO (A02) MARKS Take the following A2 (A01) points and do the same: Vygotsky believed that the role of culture was important in moulding and shaping cognitive development.

Social Learning Theory includes important cognitive features that are not present in any behaviourist theories.

Freud said that repressed material does not lie dormant in the unconscious mind. the same thing for these A02 points: Piaget overlooked the importance of social factors in cognitive development.

One strength of the cognitive approach is that it has a number of real-world applications.

The humanists rejected the role of scientific methods in psychology.

Now, go to your revision notes, find some A01 and A02 bullet points and do the same as above.directly into your revision books.

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