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Change the verb into the correct form, then press "Check" to check your answers.

1. I usually__________ (go) to school.

2. They __________ (visit) us often.
3. You __________ (play) basketball once a week.
4. Tom __________ (work) every day.
5. He__________ always (tell) us funny stories.
6. She never __________ (help) me with that!
7. Martha and Kevin __________ (swim) twice a week.
8. In this club people usually __________ (dance) a lot.
9. Linda __________ (take care) of her sister.
10. John rarely __________ (leave) the country.
11. We __________ (live) in the city most of the year.
12. Lorie __________ (travel) to Paris every Sunday.
13. I __________ (bake) cookies twice a month.
14. You__________ always (teach) me new things.
15. She __________ (help) the kids of the neighborhood.
16. London __________ (be) in England.
17. The summer __________ (be) hot.
18. She __________ (drive) very well.
19. They__________

(open) the store at 8:00.

20. Linda __________ (be) a very pretty girl.

21. I __________ (have) several jobs.

22. Water__________ (boil) at 100 degrees.

23. Water __________ (freeze) at 0 degrees.
24. My sister __________ (speak) English.
25. He __________ (have) a big apartment.
26. A triangle __________ (have) three corners.
27. My birthday __________ (be) in June.
28. Books __________ (have) pages.
29. Dogs __________ (be) good friends.
30. I __________ (work) hard.
31. I __________

(love) you.

32. This __________

(weigh) 20 kilograms.

33. Ron __________

(seem) serious.

34. We__________

(like) tomatoes.

35. The boy __________

36. You__________

(want) to play.

(need) to sleep.

37. They __________

38. She__________

(agree) with me.

(hear) something strange.

39. The box __________

(contain) food.

40. Emma __________ (appear) sad.

41. David __________

(know) how to fix a car.

42. Daniel and Liz__________

43. This__________
44. I __________
45. We __________

(seem) happy.

(smell) bad.

(believe) you.
(be) number one!

46. I __________

(go) to the city once a week.

47. You __________

(play) the guitar very well.

48. She never __________

(visit) me.

49. Tom always __________

50. Ann __________

(want) to speak.

51. Toronto__________
52. Cars__________

(be) in Canada.
(have) wheels.

53. My mother __________

54. We __________

(find) new ways to do things.

(have) a big house.

(play) a lot.

55. They __________

(sell) fruit and eggs.

56. The building__________

57. Marta __________

(be) on fire.

(seem) sad.

58. I usually __________

(help) my neighbors.

59g. His brother rarely__________

60. Daniel__________

(fly) to Paris once a year.

61. She never __________

62. Lisa __________

(leave) town.

(do) her homework.

(try) to help her sister.

63. Mark __________

(go) home at seven.

64. The baby __________

(cry) every night.

65. He __________

(miss) her a lot.

66. Joe __________

(study) really hard.

67. A boy__________

(kiss) a girl.

68. Joana __________

(buy) new stuff all the time.

69. Tim __________

(watch) this show every night.

71. Sara __________

(say) this all the time.

72. The teacher__________

73. He __________

(teach) us new things.

(pay) me well.

74. Barbara __________

75. Nick __________

(wash) the dishes, and Leo washes the floor.

(play) tennis twice a week.

76. This girl always__________

77. Isabella__________

(enjoy) listening to music.

78. David never __________

79. The bee__________
80. Taylor__________

(mix) milk and eggs.


(fix) cars.

81. Christopher__________
82. We__________

(push) somebody.

(drive) a bus.

(have) some money.

83. (you watch) __________

84. They __________


(not work) for us.

85. I (love) to dance.

86. She __________

(have) many friends.

87. Alexis and her husband always__________

88. __________

(he draw) well?

89. James __________

(not remember) me.

90. Laura __________

(be) a beautiful girl.

(come) for the summer.


Read the texts then change to 3rd person. Then answer the questions.

Theresa Glass
I dont have time to work, but I need a job because college is very expensive. I study art. I
have class all day on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and on Tuesday and Thursday
mornings. I usually study on weekends. I dont have experience, but I can learn quickly.
She is Theresa Glass
Whats her name?
Does she have time to work ?
Does She work?
Does She study ?
Does she have experience?
Does she study Medicine?

Lamar Andrews
Im 16 now, and I dont get an allowance from my parents anymore. I need to earn some
money because I like to go out on weekend with my friends. I go to school every day from
9:00 am to 3:30 pm. My father owns a restaurant, so I know a little about restaurant work.
Whats his name ?
How old is he ?
Does he work ?

Does he like to go out ?

Does he get money from his father ?
Kerin Thomas
My husband and I have a new baby, he makes a good salary, but we dont save very much
money. We want to save some money to buy a house. I take care of the baby so I need a
job I can do at home, I know how to type and I have a computer.
She is Kerin Thomas
Whats her name ?
Is She married ?
Does she work ?
Does she have a house ?
Does she have a baby?


Check the reason why those people needs a job.

1. To save
2. To earn
money for
3. To go out on
the weekend
4. To buy a




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