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4400 Ashord Dunwoody Road
ALlanLa, CA 80846
Phone. (855) 270-6581
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Mon - SaL. 10.00 AM - 9.00 PM
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Fxpires June 15, 2014
CeL sLore direcLions
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When you upgrade Lo selecL PCs over S599*
visiL your local MicrosoL reLail sLore Lo check ouL Lhe selecLion o PCs available wiLh Lhis oer, including.
HP FNv 1ouchSmarL 15-j052nr 1ouchscreen LapLop
l iL's serious power, enLerLainmenL, and sLyle you wanL in a lapLop, Lhe HP FNv 1ouchSmarL 15 won'L disappoinL. An
lnLel Core i7 processor and 8C8 o memory give you incredibly asL speed and perormance or everyLhing you wanL Lo
do. 8eaLs Audio plays Lhrough our speakers and a subwooer or some o Lhe besL-sounding, richesL audio available on
a PC. And wiLh a lush glass Louchscreen and silky soL-Louch painL in naLural silver, Lhe 1ouchSmarL 15 will deiniLely Lurn
heads wherever you use iL.
Lenovo 1hinkPad S1 oga 1ouchscreen 2 in 1
WheLher you're making a presenLaLion, waLching a movie, showing phoLos Lo riends, or wriLing emails, Lhe Lenovo
1hinkPad oga has a posiLion LhaL's jusL righL. From lapLop mode Lo sLand mode, LenL mode Lo LableL mode, Lhe
1hinkPad oga lips around 860 degrees so Lhe screen is always righL where you need iL.
Don'L orgeL Lo ask a sLore associaLe abouL Lhese ree services available wiLh your new device.
SeLup o your new PC
SoLware insLallaLion
Personal Lraining and Lechnical supporL
PC Lrade-in recycle program
Windows XP device musL be presenLed Lo a sLore associaLe Lo be eligible.
Fxclusions apply.
LimiLed quanLiLies, while supplies lasL.
1erms and condiLions apply.
See sLore associaLe or more deLail and a ull lisL o PCs available wiLh Lhis oer.
*valid March 20, 2014 unLil June 15, 2014, or while supplies lasL. Available in selecL MicrosoL reLail and online sLores in US (including PuerLo Rico) and
Canada. Oer applies Lo cusLomers who make online purchase(s) wiLh a qualiying Windows XP device, or cusLomer who presenL a qualiying Windows XP
device during purchase(s) in-sLore only. Oer valid on selecL PC or Surace devices priced S599 or more. Fxcludes Surace 2 and some PCs. NoL valid on prior
orders or purchases, cannoL be Lranserred or oLherwise redeemed or cash or giL cards. NoL combinable wiLh oLher oers. Price discounL does noL include
Laxes, shipping or oLher ees. void where prohibiLed or resLricLed by law. MicrosoL reserves Lhe righL Lo modiy or disconLinue oers aL any Lime. LimiL 1 per
Send Lhis oer Lo yoursel or a riend.
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