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Wolf Cry Flames of War Player Pack 2014 Venue: Onehunga RSA, Auckland.

Events room is upstairs, stairs to right of main entrance. Dates & Times: Saturday 28th June, 1 day event, 3 games of 1500pts Mid War. Sunday 29th June, 1 day event, 3 games of 1500pts Mid War. Events: Wolf Cry Alpha 3 games of 1500pts, Mid War Russian Front 1942 Theme, Tactical Lists Wolf Cry Omega 3 games of 1500pts, Mid War Russian Front 1942 Theme, Tactical Lists Rounds will be at 9am, 12pm, 3pm. Cleanup then Prizegiving. Cost: Single 1-day event $20, both days $35

Other Events: 40K, X-Wing, WMH. To be confirmed closer to the event. System Rules: FoW V3 Rulebook is the primary source of rules, updated with the latest LFTF and the Mid War updates available from the BF website (eg. BT Gun for 100mm+, Med Mortars get direct fire), TO will make best effort to be up to date. Missions: 1 ea day of Fair Fight, Mobile Battle, Defensive Battle. Missions will not be repeated across both days of the Wolf Cry convention. Victory Points: Standard V3 Victory Point assignment for missions. Wins receive +1 VP. Prizes: Tie Breakers are Best Opponents [Total Opponents VPs, highest wins], Best Wins [Most 6s, Most 5s, descending ], Top Dog [you beat other ties in a game that day], Sports Votes. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place are based on Total VP, including +1 for Wins Best Painted decided by Player Vote Best Player Table decided by Player Vote Best Allied Player decided by VP amongst Allied players Best Axis Player decided by VP amongst Axis players Overall Wolf Cry 2014 Winner will be decided by highest VP and the tie breakers, across both days events. Players will qualify for the prize category that receives the greatest prize value. 1st, 2nd, 3rd winners are not eligible for Best Allied or Best Axis Player. Lists Due: Lists Due by the End of 18th June and are to be from the Battlefront Eastern Front publication, if you wish to use a Mid War PDF list please check with the TO. Queries & Lists to be submitted to: Please read the Special Rules sections below before submitting your Wolf Cry list. Lists in on time & 100% legal with no need for TO revision or translation required receive a Reroll Token to be used on the day the list is valid for. This may be used by the receiving player to reroll any of their own rolls from the start of Turn 1.

Please register with me quickly to pencil in your place & prompt payment will secure play. Wolf Cry 2014 Alpha & Omega Special Rules: Modified Pincer - If the mission Pincer is used it will be modified in the following way: Once Attacker & Defender are chosen and immediately prior to Objective placement, the Defender must choose 1 long table edge which their Reserves are allowed to deploy from. The opposite long

table edge is not considered to be touching the Defenders deployment zone and is not eligible for Reserves to arrive from. Mid War Russian Front 1942 Theme: This theme is designed to reward players and challenge them to run equipment that defined the harsh 1942 battles of the Eastern Front. The list of 1942 themed gear is shorter than real historic deployment as the emphasis is to curb Late 43 Mid War equipment effect in the Game, rather than simulate historical reality and reduce the ability of players to field the forces they own. - Those players whose lists are composed solely of items that are not on the Wolf Cry Russian Front 1943 Lists will receive an Additional VP added during Final result tabulation for their efforts in following the theme of this event. Wolf Cry Russian Front 1943 Lists German Soviet 1943 Schwere Panzerkompanie, Panzerkompanie, SU-76i & M, SU-85, SU-122, SU-152 Pantherkompanie Hummel, Wespe, Panzerwerfer 42, Veilfachwerfer KV-85 StuH, Panther D, Brummbar, Panzer IVG (late) & H, 152mm obr 1943 Howitzer Panzer IIL, Ferdinand, SS T-34s Assault Rifles Schurzen Note: This list may be adjusted prior to the comp at TO discretion and with player notification via forum (at least). Italian lists that use the Immobile Divisions rule gain no benefit from it.

Tactical Lists Players may build their lists to adjust to the mission declared for each round. When submitting your list you may submit one of the following: 1 x 1500 point Army List to use for the whole day. One list to beat you all. 1 x 1250 point Army List which is your Core list and 2 x 250 point lists which are your Reinforcements, named Force A and Force B. When the TO declares the mission each player using this option must choose which Reinforcement list they add to their Core list to field for the round. Points in a Reinforcement list are spent to upgrade platoons in the Core list or provide additional Platoons. No platoons in the Core list can be removed. Clearly label these in your as Force A and Force B in your list submission. Tactical choices for the expected battlefield environment.

What You Need to Bring: Any gaming material that you require to play, including: - Your Army - At least two copies of your Army List - Rulebook - Any FAQ or Errata you need - Tape measure, Dice and templates - At least 2 Objective markers

Your list Deodorant

See you there! Gavin van Rossum, Wolf Cry 2014 Flames TO :

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