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1. nemli ; significant, remarkable, notable, considerable, vital, crucial, dramat ical, ourstanding, prominent, eminent, 2.

Yaklak olarak ; roughly around, about, some, by, approximately, virtually, almo st, nearly, 3. stekli, merakl ; willing, eager, keen, steksiz ; unwilling, reluctant, 4. Eer ; suppose, supposing that, so/as long as, provided/providing that, should, on condition that, 5. nk ; because, since, as, for, now that, on ground that, Yznden ; because of, due t o, owing to, on account of, on grounds of, 6. -e ramen/ fakat ; although, though, even though/if, even so, but, however, nev ertheless, nonetheless, whereas, while, 7. Hassas ; delicate, sensitive, fragile, susceptible, vulnerable. 8. Ardndan ; successive, respective, consecutive ve subsequent. 9. Sonunda ; finally, at last, eventually, Balangta ; initially, at first, original ly, 10. Bir eye bal olmak ; depend on, rely on, lean on, based on, trust in, 11. Bir eyin taraftar olmak ; advocate, proponent, adherent, supporter, 12. stemek, gerektirmek ; demand, require, involve, call for, entail. 13. Yalnzca ; only, merely, excusively, solely, 14. Yeterli derecede ; sufficient , adequate, enough, ample, 15. X lde, miktarda ; on a X scale, at a X rate, to a X extent, 16. Anlamazlk; conflict, debate, dispute, quarrel, disagreement, 17. Avantaj / dezavantaj ; pros and cons, Dezavantaj ; setback, drawback, shortc oming.

BU 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. u. 9.

DERECELENDRME ZARFLARI absolutely ===>>> At the end of the day, we were absolutely exhausted. entirely ===>>> Our foundation entirely depends on voluntary contributions. completely ===>>> After having a bath, I felt completely relaxed. quite ===>>> You re quite right! wholly ===>>> The secretary we ve hired does not seem wholly reliable. fully ===>>> I can fully understand what you mean. thoroughly ===>>> I thoroughly approve of your decision to get married. utterly ===>>> It would be utterly impossible to arrange the party without yo totally ===>>> They totally agree with us.

olduka, son derece, ok 10. highly ===>>> We need highly educated workers. 11. deeply ===>>> I m deeply grateful for everything you ve done for me. 12. greatly ===>>> They have all greatly benefited from their teacher s knowledge.

13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

awfully ===>>> It s awfully cold in here. Will you turn the heater up? badly ===>>> I badly want to help you, but there is nothing that I can do. terribly ===>>> We missed you terribly, son! seriously ===>>> He was seriously injured after the accident. far ===>>> The new car is far faster than the old one.

bir hayli, olduka 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. fairly ===>>> I m fairly certain that I ve been here before. quite ===>>> This hotel is quite expensive. Let s go another one! rather ===>>> It s rather cold. Can you close the window, please? pretty ===>>> I was nervous before the exam, but the exam was pretty easy. bitterly ===>>> They were bitterly disappointed with the decision.

ksmen, biraz 23. 24. 25. 26. partially ===>>> Doing well in exams is partially a matter of luck. partly ===>>> Your figures were partly correct, not totally! slightly ===>>> Jane is slightly taller than her sister Barbara. somewhat ===>>> I was somewhat surprised by your words.

muazzam, son derece, byk lde 27. immensely ===>>> I enjoyed the film immensely. 28. enormously ===>>> The project has proven to be enormously successful. 29. tremendously ===>>> He s tremendously wealthy. ar biimde, son derece 30. extremely ===>>> The kids were extremely filthy when coming in from the gard en. 31. exceedingly ===>>> The room is exceedingly hot. I m sweating profusely. 32. excessively ===>>> The new law makes us pay excessively high taxes. kesin olarak, muhakkak, tabiiki, elbette 33. certainly ===>>> The time I spend with you is certainly the happiest in my l ife. 34. positively ===>>> Your performance was positively marvellous. You were great . 35. decidedly ===>>> The new manager is decidedly better than the previous one. kuvvetle, iddetle, youn biimde 36. intensely ===>>> I dislike Jill intensely. 37. strongly ===>>> I strongly believe that he s innocent. 38. firmly ===>>> I closed the doors and the windows firmly before leaving home. inanlmaz ekilde 39. incredibly ===>>> It s incredibly difficult to rent a cheap apartment in Londo n. 40. unbelievably ===>>> Nicotine is unbelievably harmful to your body. nispeten 41. comparatively ===>>> The crime rate is comparatively rare in this part of th e city. 42. relatively ===>>> Land prices in here are relatively cheap.

dikkate deer derecede, ok 43. considerably ===>>> Our financial condition has improved considerably as of late. 44. remarkably ===>>> The amount they offered for the house was remarkably high. gerekten, doruca, samimi 45. really ===>>> Hurry up! You walk really slowly. 46. truly ===>>> I don t think you re truly sorry. olaanst biimde, 47. extraordinarily ===>>> In your evening gown you look extraordinarily beautif ul. mstesna olarak, fevkalade 48. exceptionally ===>>> He plays the violin exceptionally well. makul, anlalr biimde 49. reasonably ===>>> The car is reasonably priced. nadiren, olaand 50. unusually ===>>> For a child of his age, his performance was unusually good. gln derecede, ok 51. ridiculously ===>>> Oh! The dress is ridiculously expensive. dile dm olarak 52. notoriously ===>>> The new system is notoriously difficult to learn.

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