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Modeling of Short Term Production Scheduling with the Objective Grade Control

Saeid Yavarzadeh, Jafar Abodallheisharif, and Arash Neishabouri

Department of Mining, Faculty and Engineering, Urmia University, Iran

Abstract. Short term production scheduling manages quality and quantity of the processed ore. In short term production scheduling, correct management necessity is qualitative specifications of the ore sending to the plant processing has the least grade variations. This is the most important problem in short term production scheduling. So, it is being formulated to control the extractive grade. Traditional models fail to adjust the ore grade in the terms production scheduling. Thus, the modeling of problem is carried out by using the Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model, a mathematical model. Modeling target is minimization of the total variance of grade deviations in short term production scheduling periods. In order to validate the modeling results, Songun Mine is chosen as a case study. Geological and grades features of Songun copper deposit includes complications which cause the control of ores extractive grade considered as one of the most remarkable stages in mining operations. The offered model has been solved by Premium Solver V 9.5. Scheduling results in each period indicate extractive grade deviations reached to its minimum value and all operational limitations of the problem are satisfied. In addition to the aforementioned characteristics, the proposed model is capable to reduce the number of extractive faces in scheduling periods. Keywords: short term production scheduling, grade control, variance of grade deviations minimization; reduce the number of extractive faces.

1 Introduction
Production scheduling of an open pit mine operations poses a perennial challenge to mining industry. Many problems in production planning such as ultimate pit limit, push backs design, extraction program determination in different time horizons, machinery, and equipment selection are solved by using optimization techniques. One of which is controlling over the extractive grade of the ore sent to the processing plant has to have an appropriate grade in every production scheduling process. This problem is named the grade control problem (GCP).The considered in the lifetime mining, but since in short term production scheduling, there is a close time-relation between planning and performance so that it is highly sensitive. To come over the in mines, especially mines with high grade complications, and the extracted block boarder is separated based on extraction
380 S. Yavarzadeh, J . Abodallheisharif, and A. Neishabouri

drill holes results. This method leads to changes in short-term production scheduling. When these are increasing, it causes a lot of deviations in short-term production scheduling. In order to solve, mathematical model was presented by which the ores grade can be controlled. Next sections go through modelings basics that are evaluated to adjust the grade in production scheduling.

2 Literature Review
In recent decade, the extensive studies done in the field production planning. Researchers various optimization methods have been presented to solve production scheduling problems. Operation Research (O.R) techniques are the most common optimization methods. Linear programming (LP) and Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) [1, 2 and 3], Dynamic Programming (DP) [4], Stochastic Integer Programming (SIP) [5] are some examples. Among these (O.R) techniques, Mixed Integer Linear Programming is recognized as a significant potential for solving of production scheduling problems. Heuristic and MetaHeuristic algorithms are considered as other optimization methods. The most important ones are Parametric Methods [6, 7 and 8], Clustering Methods [9] and the application of artificial intelligence algorithms such as Genetic Algorithm [10]. The implicit methods are formulated with the objective of maximizing total

Net Present Value (NPV) and also for regulating of grade which cannot exactly meet the desired performance. In order to optimize the, Samanta et al. by using genetic algorithm [11], Kumral and Dowd by applying simulated annealing [12] achieved the grade control in production scheduling. Several commercial software packages as Mine Sight are used to set the up in production scheduling [13]. 3 Modeling of Short-Term Production Scheduling For solving the, Mixed Integer Linear Programming model (MILP) has been selected as a preliminary model. Traditional MILP model was applied by different researchers in production scheduling, but, this model is being used with economic targets (as an example, maximize the Net Present Value) for long-term production scheduling. In order to regulate the grade, the problem of short-term production scheduling cannot be considered efficient and applicable. Thus, mathematical model is developed to optimize the by the specified criteria. The described objective function and constraints model are as follows:

3.1 The Objective Function

The objective function is defined depending on modeling targets. In the suggested model, the objective function is minimizing the deviations of average grade out of extracted grade at a certain time period.
Modeling of Short Term Production Scheduling with t he Objective Grade Control 381

1 Where, on is the ore tonnage in block n, gn is the grade of block n, g is the average grade of blocks, Xi t is a binary variable which equals to 1 if a block n mined at period t, otherwise 0.

3.2 The Constraints

Grade Blending Constraints: One of most important problems in production scheduling is the ore grade which has to be kept steady while sending to the processing plant. Due to this, the grade of ore that is being sent to mill should be defined between two bounds. Upper Bound Constraints: The average grade of the material sent to the mill has to be less than or equal to the certain grade value, G max for each period, t:

0 2 Where, gn is the average grade of block n and On is the ore tonnage in block n. Lower Bound Constraints: The average grade of the material sent to the mill has to be greater than or equal to the certain value, Gmax for each period, t:

0 3 Reserve Constraints: Reserve constraints are constructed for each block to state that all considered blocks in the model have to be mined once. 1 1,2, , 4

Processing Capacity Constraints Upper Bound: total tons of processed ore cannot be more than processing

capacity (PCmax) in every period, t:

5 Lower Bound: total tons of processed ore cannot be less than a certain amount (PCmin) in every period (t):

Mining Capacity Constr Upper Bound: total amo more than the total availab

Where, Wn is the tonna Lower Bound: a lower b MILP model to produce b

Geometrical Constraint directly by mining of blo block k is started. There a Using one constr

Where, k is the index o number of blocks followe Using Y- constra


Fig. 1 Geometrical constrain S. Yavarzadeh, J. Abodallheisharif, and A. Neishabou

6 raints ount of material (waste and ore) to be mined cannot b ble equipment capacity (PCmax) for each period (t):

7 age of waste material within block n. bound may need to be implemented if it is important fo balanced waste production throughout periods is:

8 ts: These constraints insure that all blocks restricte ock k, a target block, must be mined before extraction o are two ways to implement these constraints (fig. 1):

raint for each block per each period: 0 1,2, , 1,2, , 9 of a block considered as extraction at period t, Y is tot ed by block k. aints for each block at each period:
1,2, , 1,2, , 1,2, , (1 nts in 3D shape, (a) y=1 and (b) y=3 uri

be or ed of tal
0) Modeling of Short Term Production Scheduling with t he Objective Grade Control 383

Number of Faces Constraints: At mines by abstruse (or complex) feature geological providing the processing plant with proper blending ore grade needs to use several faces in respect of grade deposit complexities. On the one hand, in the some mines planners must apply much's faces in each monthly schedule because of small faces width. On the other hand, reduction in the number of faces is quite obvious and the most important advantages of it are: increasing operational concentration, decreasing loading and unloading machinery movements, accurate extraction benches management and so on. Consequently, 11 and 12 constraints are defined for the recommended model to control the number of faces in production scheduling.

1,2, . . , (11) 1,2, . . , 12 In the formula ym t is a binary variable. If m face is mined, it equals to 1 otherwise 0 will be considered. FNmax is the maximum number of faces while N m is the number of extraction faces.

4 A Case Study: Sungon Copper Mine

Sungon Copper Mine is located in hillside of a steep mountainous area adjacent 130Km northeast of Tabriz, Eastern Azarbayjan province of Iran. Exploration of Sungon began in 1989, including more than 150 boreholes with average length of 600m and 4Km of exploration tunnels. Totality, the resource model is incorporated with approximately 45000m of diamond drilling and 21000m tunnels. Pre-stripping operation and ore extraction began in 2001, 2006, respectively. The initial mine planning made by classic method upon its annual production that had a production profile of 7 Mt year-1 in the initial years, rising to 14 Mt year-1 during year 7 to 24 [14].

5 The Mathematical Offered Models Performance at Songun Mine

In this part of paper, we state our implemented steps suggested model for Songun Mine as follows:

At first, ore block model is prepared. In block model preparation step, block dimensions have been designed according to operational needs and complications of deposit structure [15]. Blocks grade is corrected by applying the samples resulted from extraction drill holes. Resolving the model is the second step includes obtaining the initial information of modeling such as: quantity and grade

of blocks from the blo scheduling model. In ord Then decision variables environment are exactly d should be deciding. Besid of those. For instance, upp the total quantity of ore an Next the offered mo branching algorithm has two stages. The first attem the model whereas the performance indicating t increased which reveals m faces could be controll advantages of production manifolds, the optimum a (Fig.2). The results includ block extraction time seq shorter time periods (equa
Fig. 2 The offered schedulin

And in the last step scheduling model (daily cells blocking. So, the p depicted in figure no.5. B led to a better grade varia defining precise equation model is applicable depen
S. Yavarzadeh, J. Abodallheisharif, and A. Neishabou

ock model on faces limits which is imported to th der to solve the model, Premium Solver v9.5 is applie s, objective function and all constraints in softwar defined. Before the model is solved, constraints quantitie des, particular basis have been considered to choose eac per bound mining capacity has been obtained by dividin nd waste to time periods. odel is implemented by solver software. Cutting an been applied to solve it. Implementation carried out i mpt has not introduced the number of faces constraints t e second one has. Moreover, the results in secon the numeral value of the objective function has bee more grade deviations in scheduling, but, the number o led by applicable constraints that include mentione n scheduling. After the model is performed in sever answer will be obtained by satisfying all the limitation ding the average extracted grade shown in figure 3. Th quences demonstrated and monthly plan is split into als to six days). (Fig. 4)
ng model output report via Premium Solver software

, previous modeling results are divided to a short period). There are two policies taken in parent and su

problem is solved by both block types. The results ar By looking briefly at them it is simple to realize sub cel ance and it is likely to be more efficient in scheduling. B ns for mathematical modeling, the formulated schedulin nding at short term periods.

he d. re es ch ng nd in to nd en of ed ral ns he 5 ter ub re lls By ng

Modeling of Short Term Pro Fig. 3 Extracted average gra Fig. 4 Blocks extraction time faces 2125
55 42 442 422 421 421 421 11 11 113333333

oduction Scheduling with the Objective Grade Control 38 de of each production scheduling period

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5

e sequences in any terms of production scheduling for differe
51 551 55211 5221 5211 521 11 1 1

Extraction vector in the face 2125


ent 386 Fig. 5 Sub cells and parent b

6 Mathematical
The most distinguishing c Ore supplying guaranteed. It is fundament long term sched It enables mine Short term pro define and perfo

7 Conclusions
In this paper we extende Programming model to model formulated with th model, extraction grade minimum value in sched variable short-term produ even daily purposes. And in production scheduling.
Acknowledgment. We than and project control supervi information and assistance endeavor.

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