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Government, How Does it Work?

A Little Background It was not until 1979 that there were free elections due to UN sanctions and a guerilla uprising. In 1980 was when Zimbabwe was officially an independent country. After the Independence of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe become Zimbabwes first prime minister. Since Mugabe has been in position he was able to revise the constitution in 1987 to give himself the position of president. Robert Mugabe has been the only president to serve in Zimbabwe and is currently the president as well due to the rigging of elections since Mugabes hold as president. Currently Zimbabwe is sliding back into a time of poverty due to the now worthless Zimbabwean dollar. Factories, businesses, and schools have closed down not only of the hyperinflation but because of the 51% stake that foreign and white business owners have to cede compared to black Zimbabweans. Zimbabwean government, as it seems, does not have any order due to the absolute control that Robert Mugabe has. Democracy? Republican? What? The Zimbabwean government is a Parliamentary Democracy in which a political system in which the legislature (parliament) selects the government - a prime minister, premier, or chancellor along with the

This image is of President Mugabe driving the economy back into poverty.

cabinet ministers. According to which party has the most influence in parliament is usually the party that wins out in elections. Because of the influence that parliament the government has an obligation to both the parliament and people. While Zimbabwe is still a type of democracy it has moved from the formalities of a democracy; democratic elections, separation of the judiciary branch, an independent

media, and violations of other norms of a democracy including the violation of human rights.

The Branches of Control Like any other democracy Zimbabwes government has its power divided into three different branches; the executive branch, legislature branch, and the judicial branch. The three branches of government are meant to operate independently of each other but this is where power has been abused.

The reason this boy is holding so much money is due to the hyperinflation, rendering the Zimbabwean dollar worthless.

The Executive Branch The head of the executive branch is the president and based on the Zimbabwean Constitution, the president serves a 6-year term. The president is elected by majority vote and is the one that appoints the Cabinet, which is responsible for parliament (formerly the House of Assembly).

This image is of President Mugabe

The Legislature Branch The legislature branch consists of the parliament which has 120 members, 10 tribal chiefs, 12 presidential appointees, 8 provincial governors appointed by the president, the Speaker, and the Attorney General.

Government Officials
Executive Branch President: Robert G. Mugabe Vice President: Joice T.R. Mujuru Vice President: J.K. Nkomo Legislative Branch Attorney General: JohannesTomana Judicial Branch Chief Justice: Godfrey Chidyausiku

The Judicial Branch Head of the judicial branch is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe, also appointed by the president. The Supreme Court is the highest court and is the last court of appeal.

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