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TIME By Alice Taylor Draft 1

INT. BEDROOM - MORNING Black screen with alarm ringing. With a thud the alarm sound stops and we are shown Katherine smacking her phone in an attempt to make the alarm stop. KATHERINE (groans) Cmon Katherine, you can do it. You can get out of bed. Katherine rolls over and pulls back a black band covering her wrist to show an electronic countdown. KATHERINE (reads aloud) 64 years, 12 days, 2 hours and 4 minutes. In that case, think I can afford to spend another ten minutes in bed. Katherine rolls back over and just after a split second her phone rings. Caller ID shows Ches. KATHERINE (Cranky) Oh for godsKatherine stops and quickly changes the tone of her voice as she answers the phone to Chester. Camera cuts between the two. Chester is at the park with an old book. KATHERINE (Cheery) Hi Ches, whats up? CHESTER Ive told you, dont call me Ches. Its Chester. Youre still in bed arent you? KATHERINE (Hesitates) No CHESTER Yes you are. Youre meant to meet me here in ten minutes so you wanna hurry up... thats if youre still interested. KATHERINE Of course I am; dont be stupid. Ill be there soon.


CHESTER Hurry up. Its not like Ive got 72 years or so to waste. Chester laughs and hangs up. Katherine rolls her eyes and throws herself out of bed. EXT. PARK - MORNING Katherine walks up to Chester who is sitting on a bench and reading an old looking book. She sits next to him and he looks up. KATHERINE What on earth made you think meeting to discuss research at this unearthly hour was a good idea? CHESTER Its 10am, Kat. KATHERINE Well sorry, Ches, thats early for me. Chester gives Katherine an annoyed look after she shortens his name. KATHERINE Hey, if you shorten my name after I asked you not to, Im gonna do it to you as well. What have you found anyway? Katherine grabs the book from Chester and starts to flick through. Chester grabs the book back and closes it. CHESTER (annoyed) Be careful! This book is older than your grandparents. Katherine gently grabs the book back and holds it on her lap. KATHERINE (Slightly exasperated) Sorry, sorry. Its just Ive been following his tracks for months now and Ive got nothing. (Her voice turns slighly lighter) Thats the only reason Im talking to you.

3. Chester gently pushes her shoulder and laughs. CHESTER Thanks a lot, Katherine. You do realize that this book was in the library? You could have found it yourself. Chester smiles at her and lightens his tone. He takes the book and opens it up somewhere in the middle. CHESTER And you call yourself a journalist. KATHERINE Hey, Im still working on that title, Im allowed to make mistakes. Once I break this story though, everybody will know my name. CHESTER "I break this story"? KATHERINE Yeah, yeah. When we break the story. You can have a tiny little name credit under my name. Why do you care anyway? You have no interest in local stories and myths. CHESTER I have an interest in people that do, though. They both look up and smile at each other. CHESTER Anyway, I found this. It says here that the guy youre looking for is known as Amos. It doesnt say much else other than in the early 1900s his friends ripped his band off as a joke and there wasnt a countdown there. As Chester says this he holds on to his band and covers it with his hand. CHESTER He was then on accused of practicing witchcraft and he went into hiding. Some people think he was just faulty, others are believers and truly think he was immortal.


KATHERINE And what do you believe? CHESTER You think Id go through all this effort to find this for you if I wasnt a believer? Im just as curious as you. Katherine nods gratefully and goes to take the book but Chester pulls it back. KATHERINE Oh, sorry. I just assumed I could borrow this. Chester takes a moment to think before handing Katherine the book. CHESTER Sure you can. Its just something close to my heart so I get a bit wary when lending it out. KATHERINE Im only going to use it so I can quote it when Im writing about it. Besides, I thought it was a library book. You got attached to a library book? CHESTER Yeah, whatever. Just be careful, okay? See if you can find anything else and then give me a call. Katherine nods, gets up to walk away and holds the book close to her chest. KATHERINE Ill see you later, Chester. Thank you. EXT. ALLEY WAY - LATE MORNING/EARLY AFTERNOON Katherine is walking home with the book when she gets her phone out and makes a call. It rings three times before a male voice answers. PETER Hey Katherine, everything ok? KATHERINE Peter, hi. I just met up with Chester and he-


Katherine is cut off as Peter interjects. PETER Chester? Crazy Chester? How stupid are you? The boy is insane. KATHERINE He seemed alright to me. Hes only helping me with this report Im doing. Thats why Im calling. PETER The one about the no countdown immortal guy thing? KATHERINE (laughs) Youre so attentive. But yeah, that one. Chester said his name is Amos and it happened in the early 1800s. Apparently the guy didnt have a death countdown at all. PETER (laughs) Death countdown? So cheerful. KATHERINE Well its something that counts down to the exact moment we die, so it only makes sense to call it that. PETER Whatever. How did it come around that, Amos, was it? KATHERINE Yeah, Amos. PETER Well how did it become public that Amos didnt have a countdown? Its the law that we have to have it covered when were around others. KATHERINE Apparently his friends ripped it off or something. Im gonna get home and read this book Chester gave me and Ill call you later, okay?

6. PETER Yeah sure. INT. FRONT OF HOUSE - DAY Katherine opens the door with the book still clutched close to her chest. She walks into the house, puts the book on the side and makes herself a cup of tea. She sits down on the sofa with the book and her tea and opens to the first page. There is a time lapse of her reading the book. The mugs of tea gradually get bigger and she gets further and further into the book. She starts sitting up straight and by the end of it is practically laying down. The camera stays in the same shot for the entire thing. Her head falls down as she dozes off and then her phone rings. The caller ID shows Chester. She looks around startled before diverting her attention to the phone, rubbing her eyes, setting the book on the side and answering the phone. The camera cuts between the two. Chester is in a dark room and his face is dimly lit. KATHERINE Thats the second time today that youve woken me up with your phone calls. What do you want? CHESTER Alright, misses grumpy. I just wondered how you were getting on with the book. Anything interesting? KATHERINE Yes actually, I found out According to this book he lives in the area. I know a local legend but I just he would have moved away. a lot. still it was assumed

CHESTER No, just because he went into hiding it didnt mean he wanted to leave his home. KATHERINE I think Im going to try and track him down. Talk to him, find out everything. Itd be great for my story! I spoke to Peter, you know Peter? Peter Pearson?


CHESTER (slightly annoyed) Yeah, Im familiar. KATHERINE Well I told him and he thinks were both crazy. CHESTER I know I didnt specifically ask you not to tell anyone but I kind of hoped youd keep it quiet. Look, just go to bed and Ill talk to you in the morning. Chester hangs up. Katherine looks over and the tea and sighs. She grabs the book and heads toward the stairs. INT. BEDROOM - MORNING The screen is black and the only sound is the phone ringing. We hear a groan before the camera shows Katherine in bed and reaching for the phone. Camera cuts between the two. Chester is in a plain, well lit room. KATHERINE (Sleepily) Third time. This is the third time youve woken me up with your god damn phone calls. CHESTER Sorry. I did tell you that Id call in the morning. KATHERINE Well its definitely the morning. Whats up? CHESTER I just wondered if I could come to yours in an hour or two? I wanted to talk to you about Amos. KATHERINE Yeah sure, whatever. Ill text you my address. Katherine hangs up, sends the text and gets out of bed.

8. INT. BATHROOM - MORNING Katherine rolls her sleeves up and looks at her black band that covers her countdown. She turns the tap on and brings the soap forward. She pulls at the band and it comes off. Her countdown shows 30 minutes. She begins to wash her hands, oblivious to what has changed. As she turns her hands over to wash the other side she notices the countdown. She pauses. KATHERINE (Whispers) Oh my god. She quickly washes the soap off her hands, dries them, puts her band back on and runs back into her room and picks up her phone. KATHERINE (Overwhelmed and emotional) Peter? Peter, oh my god, its me. Its my countdown, it changed. I dont know when. Ive got 30 minutes. Get here quickly. INT. FRONT ROOM - LATE MORNING. She hangs up and throws the phone on the bed. The doorbell rings. Katherine runs down the stairs quickly. Shes breathing heavily and she looks panicked. KATHERINE Peter? Is that you? Peter! She opens the door to see Chester standing there. CHESTER Hey. So, lets talk about Amos. KATHERINE Not now, Chester! Katherine grabs him by the collar, pulls him into the house and leaves the door open. She starts walking into the front room and sits down. Chester follows. KATHERINE (Panicked) I have 30 minutes. I dont know what Ive done wrong or who Ive upset but Ive got 30 minutes to live. Chester, what do I do?

9. CHESTER Yeah, Katherine, calm down. Lets talk about Amos. Katherine stands up. KATHERINE (Slightly hysterical) Are you not listening? Im going to die in 30 minutes and you want to talk about a god damn legend? CHESTER Please, Katherine. It will explain all. Chester picks up the book and places it on his lap. KATHERINE I cant believe yKatherine doesnt finish her sentence before Chester has grabbed the book and smacked her around the head with it. She falls unconscious onto the sofa. He puts the book down and pulls her so shes sitting up right. He straightens his shirt and sits opposite her and waits for her to wake up. Camera goes to her point of view. Camera is out of focus and wobbly. Gradually brings Chester into focus. KATHERINE You... you knocked me out? That could have eaten into my time! I probably only haveKatherine goes to pull back her band but Chester interrupts her. CHESTER You have 17 minutes left. You werent out for long. You know you cant take your band off. I howKATHERINE No. No. You cant talk! Katherine stands up. KATHERINE Im about to die in 17 minutes and I have no idea how or why, for that matter, and you wanna chat. Unbelievable. Peter said you were a psycho.


CHESTER Im not a psycho. I just want to show you something. Chester also stands and goes to take of his band. KATHERINE Brilliant. Im about to die and youre going to brag that youre not. CHESTER Kind of, yes. Although Amos isnt around anymore, if doesnt mean that his grandson isnt. Chester takes his band off and his wrist is blank. He holds it out for Katherine to see. CHESTER Thats the thing about the Amos blood line, me and my brothers; technically we arent immortal. We have to kill. If we dont kill, we die. And those we killKATHERINE You get their remaining years. CHESTER Exactly. Thats why I chose you, Katherine. Chester steps forward and puts his hands either side of Katherines face. CHESTER You seemed so interested in Amos, I thought I could tell you and you would help me. Youd let me live a little longer. KATHERINE So I only have 15 minutes left because youre going to kill me? CHESTER Yes, and youre going to let me. Katherine sadly smiles and nods ever so slighly before headbutting Chester and he falls to the floor. KATHERINE No, I dont think I am. She rubs her head slightly as she walks to the kitchen and grabs some rope from the cupboard. She grabs the rope and ties Chesters hands together.


She walks back out into the kitchen and gets a spray bottle filled with water and walks back in. Katherine sits opposite Chester and sprays him a few times before he wakes up. CHESTER I cant believe you did that! You little brat! KATHERINE Im not being killed. Not today. Not now. CHESTER So youre gonna kill me? Do you know who I am? KATHERINE Yes. Youre Chester. You tried to kill me and Im not okay with that, funnily enough. Chester snaps the rope behind him and gets up. Katherine also gets up and backs away slightly. CHESTER Thats the thing about being alive for so long, you tend to get quite strong. Did you really think youd be able to beat me? Youre in your pyjamas for goPeter walks up behind Chester and stabs him in the back. He falls to the floor. Peter is stood there with a bloody knife. PETER Um, your front door was left open. And I happen to like the pyjamas. EXT. PARK - AFTERNOON. Peter and Katherine are standing looking at the floor where they have burried Chester. There is a piece of plastic sticking out of the grass. PETER Why did you put a piece of plastic there? Is that your way of telling people Hey, look over here! Someones burried here!

12. KATHERINE Keep your voice down! You just killed someone, literally 20 minutes ago. How are you so calm? PETER (Joking) Maybe Im a mass murder and you just havent noticed. Katherine hits Peter on the arm. KATHERINE Seriously, Peter. Nows not the time for joking. PETER Okay. Yeah, I know. Im sorry. It was either him or you dying so I chose to save my best friend. How did that kill him anyway? I thought he was immortal. KATHERINE He only lived as long as he killed people. He basically took whatever life they had left. I guess he was just as human as the rest of us, you know, minus that. PETER How old was he? KATHERINE I dont know. He said his grandfather was alive in the early 1900s, so hes probably been around for 70 years. PETER Uh, Katherine. I know it may not be the time but didnt your Dad die 20 odd years ago? KATHERINE Yeah. Why? Whats that got to do with anything? PETER Its just, he was murdered. They never did find the killer, did they? KATHERINE No, but whats that gotIt finally dawns on Katherine what Peter means.


KATHERINE You dont think? I mean it couldnt have been him that killed my father. No way. PETER Theres a chance. How do you fancy starting a new research project? Katherine nods confidently. KATHERINE Lets do it. CUT TO BLACK. END.

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