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Yanin Marquez Communication Disorders Capstone Fall 2013 Period 6 Frank

Its Not All Verbal Communication: is it all verbal? Since birth, a child's mind begins to learn and develop different forms of communication. However, many are not aware that they may have speech impairment, also known as communication disorders. Communication disorders should be addressed by the community; awareness will lead to more materials and help, as well as less discrimination. Communication disorders date back more than 100 years ago; they are probably older but have been noticed around the 1800s. Communication disorders branch out to different disabilities, such as autism and cerebral palsy. Although cerebral palsy and autism are not directly correlated they both affect the motor skills. Autism is a brain disorder that often makes it hard to communicate with and relate to others. With autism, the different areas of the brain fail to work together (WebMD). Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects muscle tone, movement, and motor skills. Cerebral palsy can be caused by brain damage during child development in the womb, lack of oxygen to the babys brain or a mutation in the genes (WebMD).The brain damage that leads to cerebral palsy can also lead to other health issues, including vision, hearing, speech problems, and learning disabilities (KidsHealth). Cerebral palsy strikes the muscle

Yanin Marquez Communication Disorders Capstone Fall 2013 Period 6 Frank

movement and with tongue, lips and throat are muscles, concluding speech is affected. One out of 88 children is diagnosed with autism and 500,000 children are diagnosed with cerebral palsy. There is a lack of equipment and professionals for this issue because many people arent aware of these disabilities or take this issue lightly. Stereotypes are the main reason many decide to mistreat or ignore children with these disabilities. What these people have to go through is heart breaking. People with disabilities who were victims report having experienced various types of abuse. 87.2% reported verbalemotional abuse, 50.6% physical abuse, 41.6% sexual abuse, 37.3% neglect, and 31.5% financial abuse. The rate of sexual abuse varied greatly among victims depending on the type of disabilities they had. 47.4% of people with mental health conditions reported they had been victims of sexual abuse, whereas 34.2% of those with intellectual or developmental disabilities, 31.6% of those with a mobility disability, and 24.9% of those with autism reported they had experienced sexual abuse (Stream). If more volunteering opportunities are available and awareness is made then people will come to understand and relate to these children. Communication disorders have a lack of professionals that can treat these children

Yanin Marquez Communication Disorders Capstone Fall 2013 Period 6 Frank

(Easter Seals). With a lack of professionals, children with muscle spasms and low or no motor skills cannot be ensured the possibility of improvement. As the child gets older, the brain may simply adjust to what it has known for years. Later on, malnutrition can occur. Studies show, that cerebral palsy is a muscle contraption that can affect any muscle in the body depending on severity (KidsHealth). There was a case of a nine year old girl named Valerie who had a severe type of cerebral palsy and did not receive any treatment. Due to her disability and lack of treatment, eating was an obstacle for her, which lead to malnutrition (Carries Heart).Valerie was dying from malnutrition due to the severity of her disability and her inability to take in adequate nutrients. Living in poverty and faced with the reality that treatment wasnt an option, Valeries odds of life and her mothers hope were slim (Carries Heart). She had finally received the treatment she desperately needed from the Carries Heart organization and got to do sessions with therapist. Valeries case is not a unique story but unfortunately is proof of the lack of awareness and professionals, such as speech language pathologist, occupational therapist and physical therapist, can make a big impact. In 2006, Carries team met Valerie and her terrible situation; they made a difference in her life with therapy and understanding. Valerie got 2 years of life


Yanin Marquez Communication Disorders Capstone Fall 2013 Period 6 Frank

from Carries visit. Imagine the different outcome of Valeries story if there was help for her since the very start. A lack of materials can make the entire difference in the lives of children with disabilities. Autism is a brain disorder that limits a persons ability to communicate and relate to others (WebMD). Moderate to severe autism may not lead to immediate death, but it can lead to being put off to the side. With autism, a lack of intercommunication can come in between coming across as normal. Materials needed, such as books with pronunciation of words after each word can stimulate the brain. Devices like a magnetic brain stimulator can improve the activity of a child with sever to moderate autism. Children with autism show signs in an age as early as one year old or even younger. Signs are trouble communicating, repetitive motions or actions and slow reactions. However, the same symptoms occur after a serious or traumatic brain injury. This disability can occur during pregnancy while the child is being developed due to abnormal genes. Supplies needed by organizations or clinics that work with these children should receive generous donations that can enhance and stimulate brain function. Children with cerebral palsy and autism may not be the easiest to understand and many

Yanin Marquez Communication Disorders Capstone Fall 2013 Period 6 Frank

decide to take their actions as a threat or a strange behavior. Children with autism have a hard time taking in account that the sensitivity level of other person can be different from theirs. They may as well, have difficulty trying to relate to other peoples emotion. Children with cerebral palsy look different and may drool because of the inability to control their muscles. Some children can have loosened muscles creating the appearance of being droopy and others have tightened muscles creating an abnormal appearance. However, a simple difference in appearance or the inability to communicate and relate does not make these children any different from the general public. Children with disabilities have their brain working faster than your average child and will try to relate to whoever they meet. Communication Disorders should be an important issue because children with these disabilities dont get the proper medical attention. This is due to the lack of materials that can detect early signs of abnormal formation in the womb- usually seen in the placenta- and essentially material that can stabilize the condition (King5 Health Link). Lack of proper attention is also due to lack of money. The children, who dont get treatment, cant afford it. Even some that can afford it find it difficult to find professionals in that specific field. Children with cerebral palsy and autism need therapy to enhance


Yanin Marquez Communication Disorders Capstone Fall 2013 Period 6 Frank

their motor skills. Sessions with a speech pathologist enhances the childs general speaking and pronunciation of words, as well as muscles in the mouth and throat to function properly. Sessions with occupational therapist and physical therapist helps the child development improve, provide activities to stimulate the childs brain, muscles in motion and creates proper posture. These sessions prevent a number of consequences such as malnutrition and mistreatment. Lack of muscle contraction in the throat, makes it almost impossible to swallow, stated Caitlind Davis, S.P. These disabilities make the tongue difficult to control, making it yet another obstacle for getting the proper nutrients (Davis, S.P). The appearance of these children and their inability to generally or just properly speak causes an awkward situation between them and whoever they meet. This is simply because what is seen isnt understood. It is human nature to fear what is not understood, leading to discomfort of the topic or just avoiding the topic. Autism and cerebral palsy are disabilities that are inevitable. It is caused by a deletion in the chromosomes or improper care during pregnancy, however if awareness is raised and opportunities are made available then the gap between the misunderstood and the misunderstanding will significantly change. All it takes is

Yanin Marquez Communication Disorders Capstone Fall 2013 Period 6 Frank

moment to realize that there isnt much of a difference. Communication disorders are a large spectrum of speech impairments that can be caused by multiple disabilities. This issue should be addressed by the local community because the children with these disabilities lose so much because they cant get proper treatment. With this capstone, a simple form of help will cause a major impact in a different world. The main goal is to make people aware the real disability is a bad attitude and the inability to be understanding. Communication is the first thing taught in life, but once different perspectives are taken into consideration the lesson of communication not being verbal is learned. A disability doesnt mean a label should be placed on a person. Labels should be placed on jars not people; especially when their actions are only misunderstood. Communication Disorders is an umbrella of disabilities. This is an issue that should be addressed by the community to create awareness and to gain supplies. Dont be ignorant, be aware.


Yanin Marquez Communication Disorders Capstone Fall 2013 Period 6 Frank


EASTER SEALS. "The Story of Easter Seals." Easter Seals. BBB Accredited Charity, 2013. Web. 26 Sept. 2013.Easter Seals has been helping individuals with disabilities and special needs, and their families, live better lives for nearly 100 years. From child development centers to physical rehabilitation and job training for people with disabilities, Easter Seals offers a variety of services to help people with disabilities address life's challenges and achieve personal goals. - Brief Overview of Easter Seal History

Bhargava, Hansa D., MD. "Autism and Aspergers Slideshow: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments." WebMD. WebMD, 04 Jan. 2012. Web. 26 Sept. 2013.

Kidshealth. "KidsHealth." Cerebral Palsy. KidsHealth, 2013. Web. 26 Sept. 2013.

Stream, Jim. "Nora J. Baladerian, Ph.D." Nora J. Baladerian, Ph.D. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2013.


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