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Running/Walking Related Injuries Directions: Research the following information and post in your Basics of Training su!

"page# What is iliotibial band syndrome? ITBS causes lateral knee pain common in runners, bikers, and hikers. The iliotibial band is a band of fascia on the lateral knee, and is crucial to stabalize the knee during running. When the band rubs repeatedly and is flexed and extebded repeatedly, the area becomes inflamed. When this occurs, ITBS gi es you a stinging sensation abo e the knee !oint, "hich is felt on the outside of the knee or along the length of the iliotibial band. #o" can you treat iliotibial band syndrome on your o"n? $est, Ice, %ompress, and &le ate to reduce pain from s"elling, then stretch. Who "ould you see if your ITB syndrome is really bad? Why? 'ou need to see a sports(medicine professional, because you might need a cortisone shot to break up the scar tissue and help your healing. )ast resort is surgery to release and mobilize the IT band. ITB can become chronic if you do not rest after first signs of in!ury. What is plantar fasciitis? *lantar fascia is the flat band of tissue that connects your heel bone to your toes. If you strain your plantar fascia, it gets "eak s"ollen and inflamed, "hich causes your foot and heel to hurt "hen you stand of "alk. If you strain the ligament repeatedly, if can cause tiny tears, adding more pain and s"elling. #o" "ould you treat plantar fasciitis? Take rest, do not "alk or run on hard durfaces. *ut ice on your heel, take o er the counter pain relief. +o toe, calf, and to"el stretches. ,lso, try getting a ne" pair of shoes. Who "ould you go see if your plantar fasciitis is really bad? 'ou should see a podiatrist, h "ill take x( rays, and may gi e you splints to "ear at night, or shots of steroid medicine. If after - to ./ months of other treatment, if pain is still there, you may need surgury, but it is not common. What are shin splints? ,cute pain in the shin and lo"er leg caused by prolonged running on hard surfaces, irritated or s"ollen muscles, stress fractures, or o erpronation. What is another name for shin splints? 0edial Tibial Stress Syndrome 10TSS2 What is the difference bet"een shin splints and shin pain? 3ot all shin pain is correctly categorized as shin splints. *ain on the outside lo"er leg could compartment syndrome 1s"elling of muscles in a closed compartment2 and pain in the lo"er leg can also be a stress fracture 1an incomplete crack in the bone2. *ain of shin splints is more generalized than these t"o examples of other shin pain. If you can locate a point of pain on your leg, it is probably a stress fracture. ,lso, shin splints hurt more in the morning than a stress fracture because soft tissue hardens o ernight. Shin splints also hurt the most "hen you flex your foot up"ards. #o" "ould you treat shin splints and shin pain? Stay off your feet, or decrease milage. Ice, then tape your shin "ith an ,ce bandage or neoprene sle e "hich "ill permit less muscle mo ement. ,lso, use o er the counter pain medication, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. ,lso, try a padded insole inside your shoe.

Who "ould you go see if your shin splints are bad? See an 4rthopeadist, "ho "ill examine your shins to be sure there is no other in!ury to them, such as stress fractures and tendinitis and chrinins exertional compartment syndrome. They "ill tell you to rest, ice, compress, gi e you flexibility ecersizes, supporti e shoes, and5or orthodics. 3ame three other running related in!uries and ho" to treat them 1include ones you ha e had before if any26 .2 $unner7s 8nee6 1*9*S2 the irritation of the cartilage on the underside of the kneecap. 9lares up during or after long runs, after extended periods of sitting, or up and do"n hills and stairs. To treat, rest and ice. To pre ent in the future, shorten your stride length and strengthen your knees support muscles like the :uads and glutes. /2 ,chilles Tendonitis6 "hen the ,chilled tendon is in too much stress, the tendon tightens and becomes irritated. To treat6 if you ha e any pain during or after running, stop. If you stop early enough, it might be fine in a fe" days, but sometimes if you don7t stop, pain could last for months. ,pply ice fi e times a day. Strengthen cal es "ith heel drops. ,fter reco ery, consider compression socks for "orkouts. ;2 #amstring Issues6 "hen hamstrings are too tight or "eak, they can pull, and if the pain is sudden and the area bruises, you "ill need "eeks of rest to treat. If is a mild in!ury, you can run, but carefully and do not o er"ork it or it "ill get "orse. $est, Ice, and pain medicine "ill go a long "ay.

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