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Emily Waters Cramers Rule When doing system of equations there is many different steps of taking it and finding

the answer. When solving for systems of equations you can either find the answer by doing It normally and solving it by substituting and eliminating the equation. This is one of the ways of finding the answer and the other option is to find the answer by using Cramers rule. The equation I will use for an example is negative eight x plus four y equals two. The second equation is negative two x plus three y equals negative four. When using the substitution and elimination way you start off by solving for x and y by deriving an expression for y from the second equation, and substituting it back into the first equation. Then you will begin by moving the x-term in the second equation to the right side of the equation. It will then be three y equals two x minus four. In my opinion I think that when doing systems of equations I would rather use Cramers rule to find the answer to systems of equations. I begin doing this by finding the coefficient of matrix (D). I would put the numbers from the first equation in a row starting with the top row, negative eight and four. The next row would be negative two next to three. Next, I will find the X matrix (Dx). This will look like from the top row, two and four over negative four and three. The last one will be the Y matrix (Dy). This looks like negative eight and two over negative two and negative four. In step two I would have to find the determinants for D, Dx and Dy. This turns out to be negative eight times three minus four times negative two which will then equal to negative sixteen. That will be the answer for the coefficient matrix. The next will be two times three minus four times negative which will then be equal to twenty two. Twenty two will be the answer for the X matrix. The next will be to find the last Y matrix. It will start off by being negative eight times negative four minus two times negative two and then will equal to thirty six. In the last step for step three I will need to solve for x and y by simplifying down the answers. For x I would write out the x matrix over the coefficient matrix and divide them. This will be written out as twenty two over negative sixteen. This will then simplify to negative eleven over eight. That is the final answer for x. Next, I would need to find the y which will be the Y matrix over the coefficient matrix. This will turn out to be thirty six over negative sixteen. This will then simplify down to negative nine over four. That is the answer for y. So the final answer for this systems of equations problem is x= and y= .

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