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1. The problem which isnt explained in macro economy theory is. a. inflation b.goverment calculation c. national income d.

work opportunity e. company profit 2. The method used to account national income is called. a. production and income methods b. production method c.income method d. income and outcome method e. income,outcome,and production method . The following isnt national income concept. a. groos national product b. groos domestic product c. income which can be expensed d.per capita income d. per capita income e. national income !. "ncome which is taken from home industry sector because of their participation in production of. a. salary b. interest c. house rent d. company profit e. child and wife officer subsidy #. $ational income if it is viewed from income point of view is. Soal ujian akhir tahun 2010 Page 1

a. the number of difference between goods and service produced by society b. the number of society outcome of a country c. the number income minus the outcome of society d. the number of income as recompense of the use of production factor e. the number of goods and services produce by society plus the society income minus the society outcome %. The account of national income by accounting all of the outcome for buying goods and service is called. a. output approach b. input approach c. outcome approach d. income approach e. production approach &. "f the amount of circulated money is smaller than amount of goods and service, it shows that. a. inflation b. deflation c. devalution d. revalution e. appreciation '. The account national income by accounting all of the value of goods and service is the characteristic of. a. production approach b. input approach c. output approach d. direct approach e. indirect approach Soal ujian akhir tahun 2010 Page 2

(. The difference between )*+ and )$+ is. a. the purpose of the product b. accounting purpose c. production approach d. output approach e. accounting approach 1,. The society consumption of a country is shown by e-uation ./ ,0,,' 1."f saving is 2p.2,,,, the consumption is. a. 2p22,,,, b. 2p2 ,,,, c. 2p2#,,,, d.2p 2&,,,, e. 2p2(,,,, 11. "t is know that .3function of consumption 4 /2,,,0,,% 1 . The income is 2p#,,.,,,,,,. 5o the saving is. a. 2p11'.,,,,,, b. 2p1&'.,,,,,, c. 2p1''.,,,,,, d. 2p1('.,,,,,, e. 2p ,2.,,,,,, 12. "f national income of country is getting bigger than the population growth, this shown that. a. the population growth is slow b. the society welfare level decrease c. per capita income increase d. per capita income decrease e. the balance of society welfare is happened 1 ."nflation which is caused by the increasing of production fee is called. Soal ujian akhir tahun 2010 Page

a. spiral inflation b. open inflation c. demand pull inflation d. cost push inflation e. suppressed inflasi 1!. "nflation is happened because the societies want to life out off their economy capability limit. This theory supposed by. a. 6arlk 7ark b. 8uantity theory c. 5tructural theory d. )reshman e. 6eyness 1#. The group which is infracted by inflation is. a. farmer b. seller c. fix salary receiver d. entrepreneur e. fisherman

16. The problem which isnt explained in macro economy theory is. a. inflation b. goverment calculation c. national income d. work opportunity e. company profit

17. The method used to account national income is called. a. production and income methods Soal ujian akhir tahun 2010 Page !

b. production method c. income method d. income and outcome method e. income outcome and production method

1!. The following isnt national income concept. a. groos national product b. groos domestic product c. income which can be expensed d.per capita income e. national income

1". #ncome which is taken from home industry sector because of their participation in production of. a. salary b. interest c. house rent d. company profit e. child and wife officer subsidy

$%. &ational income if it is viewed from income point of view is. a. the number of difference between goods and service produced by society b. the number of society outcome of a country c. the number income minus the outcome of society d. the number of income as recompense of the use of production factor e. the number of goods and services produce by society plus the society income minus the society outcome

$1. The account of national income by accounting all of the outcome for buying goods and service is called. Soal ujian akhir tahun 2010 Page #

a. output approach b. input approach c. outcome approach d. income approach e. production approach

$$. The account national income by accounting all of the value of goods and service is the characteristic of. a. production approach b. input approach c. output approach d. direct approach e. indirect approach

$'. The difference between ()* and (&* is. a. the purpose of the product b. accounting purpose c. production approach d. output approach e. accounting approach

$+. The society consumption of a country is shown by e,uation -. '%/% ! 0.#f saving is 1p.$% %% the consumption is. a. 1p$$% %% b. 1p$'% %% c. 1p$2% %% d.1p $7% %% e. 1p$"% %%

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$2 #t is know that - 3function of consumption 4 .$%%%/% 6 0 . The income is 1p2%%.%%% %%. 5o the saving is. a. 1p11!.%%% %% b. 1p17!.%%% %% c. 1p1!!.%%% %% d. 1p1"!.%%% %% e. 1p'%$.%%% %%

1. The amount of resources which support the human needs are. a. only for fulfilling the urgent needs b. abundant because they are potensial things which can be reproduced c. sufficient for fulfilling the daily needs d. free and easy to be exploited based on the needs e. scarce or more limited than the needs 2. The term which says the things are limited, while the needs are unlimited is called. a. lach b. emptiness c. scarcity d. poverty e. fear . "f someone has achieved the e-uilibrium level of needs and things, it means that he or she is. a. rich b. happy c. suffered d. prosperous e. wealthy !. *o you know what the alternative9 it is. a. to fulfill all the needs which arise b. to fulfill various needs c. an effort to fulfill the most satistying needs d. possibility to use a combination of utilities among others e. to fulfill the re-uirements to chose #. "f you have a combination of alternatives, it means that you have to face. a. the law of scarcity b. the problem of choice c. the law of dimishing return Soal ujian akhir tahun 2010 Page &

d. opportunity cost e. the cost of doctrine alternative %. "f you have 2p 1,.,,,.,, you will buy pen and pencils. The price of pen is 2p. !.,,,.,, and pencil is 2.,,,.,,. firstly you decide to buy one pen and three pencils but final you change you mind to buy two pens and one pencil. The opportunity cost of one pen is. a. one pen b. two pens c. one pen and one pencil d. two pencils e. one pencil &. ."s an economist who difines economic as a study dealing, with how human beings make preference with or without money and make use of limited natural resources in such ways to produce goods and services. a. +aul :. 5amulson b. 6arl 7ark c. ;7. 6eynes d. :lfred 7arshall e. :dam 5mith '. The main problems of economic based on modern economic are. a. needs and want b. production, distribution and ansumption c. scarcity and prosperity d. what, how, for whom e. choices (. <conomic activity which is done by consumer is. a. supply production factors b. distribute goods and services c. buy capiled goods d. use production factors e. supply transportation e-uipment 1,. )oods is categori=ed a scarce goods if they . a. disappear because they are not kept will b. are sufficient and not needed c. are limited and not need d. are present needs e. are limited and needed 11. 7arket economic sistem gives benefits to consumers because. a. the -uality of production out comes increases well b. the producers creativity develop well Soal ujian akhir tahun 2010 Page '

c. model of production out comes are resistant d. the production cost can be pressed minimally e. the production cost is cheap be cause of monopolies 12. Tradisional economic sistem has a characteristic such as. a. production is run individually b. it uses modern e-uipment c. it uses technology in production process d. producation tools are owned individually e. the economic activities run traditionally 1 . The following are motives of economic are, except. a. fulfilling the needs b. decreasing the prosperity c. getting the profits d. achieving the power e. doing social activities 1!. The economic system where all of the tools of production are dominated by government is called. a. democratic economy b. mixied economy sistem c. government planned economy d. market sistem e. tradisional economy 1#. <conomy agents who take a role as consumers and as supplier of production factor is called. a. consumer house hold b. company house hold c. government house hold d. foreign society e. producer house hold 1%. 5ociety consumption are influenced by some factors, except. a. income b. price of goods and services c. consumer behaviour d. consumers faster e. price of production factor 1&. The role of foreign society is as economy agents. The following role done by foreign society, except. a. consumers Soal ujian akhir tahun 2010 Page (

b. c. d. e.

producers government investor sources of skill labour

1'. "n his life, human is inseparable from. a. b. c. d. e. parents school T>. +rograms problem friends

1(. "ncluding element of supply is. f. increasing g. decreasing h. ceteris paribus i. price ?. influencing 1&. The curve of supply is drawn from.... .a the down left side to the up right side .b the down to top .c the top to down .d the down left side to the up right side and the up left side to the down right side .e the up left side to the down right side 1'. "f the price of goods and services supply are increase so goods and services will.... a. increasing b. decreasing c. increasing and decreasing d. increasing too e. fixed 1(. @hich one include the factors influence the supply.... a. cost of production b. tehnological level c. income d. price of other goods e. estimation 2,. "f the price of goods and services supply is decrease so the goods and services which is offered will.... Soal ujian akhir tahun 2010 Page 1,

a. b. c. d. e.

increase decrease increase and decrease increase too fixed

21. "f the price of goods and services supply is decrease so the goods and services decrease and occurs on the country is the low of .... a. demand b. supply c. diminishing return d. order e. sell and buy 22. "ncluding only one elements of demand is.... a. increasing b. decreasing c. ceteris paribus d. influencing e. -uantity 2 . The curve of demand is drawn from.... a. the down left side to the up right side b. the down to top c. the top to down d. the up left side to the down right side e. the up right side to the down left side 2!. "f the price of the goods and services are demand decreasing so the amount goods and services will.... a. increase b. decrease c. increase and decrease d. increase too e. fixed 2#. "f the price of goods and service demand are increase so the amount goods and services will.... a. increase b. decrease c. increase and decrease d. increase too e. fixed 2%. "ncluding the factors that influence the demand expect.... Soal ujian akhir tahun 2010 Page 11

a. b. c. d. e.

price income the number of population the society taste goods and services

2&. @hich are does not the kinds of demand is.... a. efective demand b. potensial demand c. absoulute demand d. law demand e. individual demand 2'. "f the price of goods and services demand is decrease so the demand for those goods and services increase is called law of.... a. demand b. supply c. diminishing return d. order e. sell and buy 2(. *ata as followings A +rice *emand 1,,, (,, 2, 2# 5o elasticity of demand is. a. b. c. d. e. 2 2,# 2# 1 2,2#

,. The way of achieving the motivities outcome by expending the minimum sacritice is called. a. economic measure b. polities of economy c. motives of economy d. economic system e. activity of economy 1. *ata as following A +rice Soal ujian akhir tahun 2010

5upply Page 12

1,,, (,, 5o elasticity of supply is. a. b. c. d. e. 2 2,# 2# 1 2,2#

#, !#

2. The drawings are as following which including unitary demandBborder line is. a. *
b. *

* , c.
* +

8 8C:$T"T1


8 8C:$T"T1 d.






D 8 81 82 8

8uantity , e.
p p1 p2 p


D 8 8C:$T"T1

. The height of goods values is in influenced by many factors as followings, except. a. goods availability b. goods necessity c. goods utility d. goods capacity e. goods durability Soal ujian akhir tahun 2010 Page 1

!. The value of goods for fulfilling human needs generally is called. a. ob?ective usage value b. sub?ective usage value c. ob?ective exchange value d. sub?ective exchange value e. exchange value #. The value given by someone towards goods because posibily those goods can be exchanged with other suitable goods according the owners interest is called. a. ob?ective usage value b. sub?ective usage value c. ob?ective exchange value d. sub?ective exchange value e. usage value %. "f the fulfillment of needs is fulfilled continually, the pleasure rank will decrease gradually, so it will be =ero pleasure is called. a. the law of )ossen "" b. the law of )ossen " c. the law of dimishing d. the law of economic e. the law of demand &. :dditional satisfaction of consuming other goods and services is called. a. total utility b. marginal utility c. decrease of total utility d. decrease of marginal utility e. utility of goods '. "ncluding factors of production, except. a. nature b. labour c. capital d. skillBentrepreneur e. planning (. )oods will more useful if is moved to another place called is. a. form utility b. ownership utility c. elementary utility d. place utility e. time utility

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!,. The meeting between seller and buyer every day called is. a. weekly market b. monthly market c. annually market d. daily market e. daily and weekly market !1. The market E$gepos 6laten called is. a. local market b. national market c. regional market d. world market e. in tradisional market !2. The following are the characteristic of the perfect competition market, except. a. market condition is organi=ed perfectly b. the goods are heterogeneous c. the seller and buyers came into and leave the market freely d. a seller is a part of the whole sellers e. sellers and buyers are free to make decision ! . Dnly one advantages of perfect competition market,. except a. it is free of the governments interference b. producer get more profit of monopoly c. efficiency can be reached easily d. more effective and efficient for consumers e. producer can do research and development programs !!. : product can be sold in public because it is legali=ed by the government regulation called is. a. natural monopoly b. society monopoly c. regulation monopoly d. talent monopoly e. capital monopoly !#. The market where is authori=ed by a producer or seller called is market. a. oligopoly b. monopolistic c. monopoly d. monopolistic e. monopsony

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